
Oleh oochiwa

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Sasuke, driven by his motivation to kill and desire for power, and Hinata, pressured by the expectations she... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh oochiwa

HINATA came face to face with him again not too long later. Give or take a couple months since their collision in the dead of night when he was making an escape from banshees to squealed his name and begged for his approval – he didn't understand why - and when she had cried in front of him, embarrassingly so.

He hadn't thought of her since, and her mind had been filled with Naruto, Naruto, Naruto when she realised that the very image of him in her mind was enough to send her heart into a frenzy. It seized and it squeezed and it made a lump form in her throat – she couldn't fathom it. Her body was acting all on its own. So she hadn't had the time to wander to the mystery of Uchiha Sasuke, the sole survivor of his clan.

Hinata couldn't comprehend how he must have felt, how he must feel. The mere thought of attempting to understand overwhelmed her, and she knew it was an all-consuming feeling – guilt and hatred were. She supposed she was just as guilty as Sakura and Ino who claimed to love him but didn't want to try to truly think about Sasuke.

He stepped towards her, fists in his pockets. The breeze in the air brushed her bangs off of her forehead ever so slightly and in the corner of her eye, she saw Sakura had been partnered with Inuzuka Kiba and Naruto with Ino.

They were outside for the day's lesson, despite it still being winter. The snow had started to melt so that only mean the icy season was about to slip away with the rolling days as they came tumbling by, but the air was still nippy and cruel to bare skin.

Hinata wondered if Naruto was warm in his t-shirt and zip-up jacket. He hadn't complained about the cold once but his lips looked blue to her. Ino and Sakura cast glares at one another from their distance between the class and often flitted glances over at Sasuke who so easily dismissed their stares with nothing but emptiness.

Iruka-sensei went over the rules of the spar once, and once only. Taijutsu that was taught in class only. His eyes flickered with purpose to Hinata, to Sasuke and to Inuzuka Kiba who was told to put Akamaru away. ("Away?! Sensei, put him away where? Akamaru is an extension of who I am! My kaa-san already told you and this stupid academy! Didn'tcha hear her? If I'm here, Akamaru is too! That's the way of the Inuzuka!")

The practice would last ten minutes and ten minutes only before swapping partners. The aim was to pin your partner as many times as possible within the time limit. Hinata felt her stomach churn uncomfortably. She didn't quite like these types of lessons.

She preferred the shuriken lessons, practicing chakra control, practicing her henge. Despite being raised in a dojo that was built solely on taijutsu, she loathed engaging in physical battle.

Hinata wasn't listening now. Her mind had drifted off to other things, her ears unfocusing from Iruka-sensei's words. Sasuke watched her face intently and he was staring so hard but she hadn't been bothered by his intensity.

He found himself asking himself why such a tiny girl wished to become a shinobi. Did she even want to be a shinobi? Because Sasuke knew he did. More so for a reason opposite to everyone else's whose purpose was to live and serve and protect the village – Sasuke wanted a strength powerful enough to slaughter the likes of his aniki. Because Sasuke might have only been eleven now but he had lived all his life up until this moment with one thing on his mind.

Sasuke was thirsty was vengeance, and rightfully so.

His aniki – his beloved, disgusting, treacherous aniki – gennin by age eight and climbing the ranks at incredible paces to become an ANBU captain at thirteen, Uchiha Itachi was the one Sasuke was aiming for and he was the person Sasuke was going to kill.

Sasuke supposed he might find himself spiralling into insanity but he was fine with that because his only purpose in this world was to avenge the fallen members of his clan, to avenge his mother and his father whose bodies had been lying together, facing each other, hands intertwined with one another's. Sasuke shook at the thought of it. His eyes burned and his heart began to pound hard.

He hated Itachi. He hated Itachi. He hated his aniki.

And that was his ambition, his drive and motivation for becoming a shinobi. So what was hers? Besides being born into the expectation of being the successor to a clan such as the Hyuga. Was she here to grasp an understanding of at least a quarter of her power? Or is this a last minute plan to maybe unlock a prodigal potential she might just have hidden deep within?

They finally made eye contact when she shuffled on the spot anxiously. Her face was passive but there was something swimming within her pupils that made Sasuke frown.

"Yosh! Get into stances," Iruka called.

Sasuke quickly withdrew his hands from his pockets, assuming a battle position, but Hinata just stood there looking dumb with her arms at her sides.


Sasuke pinned her arm behind her back all too easy. She hadn't even resisted, it was like moving a lifeless doll. He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly and then took a couple steps back, huffing. It would defeat the purpose of this exercise if she didn't try to fight back.

And then Sasuke wondered if she really was just as his father had said all those years ago – an uptight pompous ass – however he quickly came to the realisation that no. No. She was just unresponsive. Too far in her own mind to peek out in reality. She lacked severely in self confidence, a strong knot of anxiety clogging her throat to disable her ability to speak out and a firm dislike of being given too much attention.

Or at least that was his understanding of it.

Except she confused him because no matter what was said to her, she remained passive and unresponsive. Like it hadn't even dawned on her the reality of what had just been insulted. Did she have no pride? Or did she just not care? He leaned towards believing the latter.

His brow furrowed. She was the definition of what not to be, if about to inherit the role of clan leader and Sasuke decided he did not like the Hyuga heir. She was everything he did not want to be.

"Fight back, Hyuga," he told her.

She blinked at him and then a slow smile crept across her lips. "A-aa. S-sorry."

She took the fighting stance they were taught and Sasuke hated the look on her face. Like she was scared. Was she scared of hitting him or was she scared of him? Either way, it pissed him off. Did she really want to be a shinobi? He didn't know why she irked him so much.

Irritation fuelling his actions, he stepped in to her and threw a punch. He hadn't expected it to hit. Even with her timidity, he assumed she'd had enough training in her own estate to learn to dodge hits – especially under the tutelage of Gentle Fist.

But his fist landed, and he jerked up in surprise. She had twisted her body sideways so that he caught her shoulder and then she stepped into the inside of his body. Foot between his legs, her two hands snatched his elbow and armpit, her body leaning into his. She was going to throw him.

His eyes widened a fraction for he hadn't anticipated the Hyuga was going to take a hit to deal her own blow. His lips curled at the edges ever so slightly.

In an instant, he was flipping over her shoulder with a strength she didn't look like she had but at the last second, she slipped up.

"Ah!" she momentarily cried out, realising her mistake.

Sasuke kicked out and flipped out of her grip with ease, landing back on two feet, hand out in front of his to steady himself.

"Hyuga, you surprised me there," he pointed out. He rose to his full height. "Why are you holding back?"

She didn't respond, and he arched an eyebrow. For a moment there, she had seemed strong but was it only in a moment of weakness? Was that just a fluke?

He sighed.


He won with one point and refused to gain anymore.


The term began and ended with screeching in his ears and a stupid declaration from a yellow-haired kid who wanted to become Hokage. Sasuke couldn't stand loud but that seemed to be the epitome of his class.

There were two girls who shallowly threw themselves into his path, seeking an approval only he seemed to be able to give them, a deep-seeded rivalry based on receiving his affections. They would not be receiving any of his affections. He saved that only for his ambition to become a shinobi.

And then there was the boy, Naruto; who was driven to overcome his challenge – the challenge being Sasuke, himself. Sasuke didn't pay much attention, giving little to no reaction to anything Naruto shouted – preferring to ponder on his own thoughts freely.

And yet the Uchiha couldn't fathom why the Hyuga was oh-so enticed by him. She thought no one saw her staring but Kami, she couldn't be any more obvious than she already was.

Perhaps it was his perseverance, his strength and his never-give-up attitude. Perhaps, it's because he was the opposite of herself, he was the person she desired to be.

They make eye contact eye, and her cheek heated up from the embarrassment of being caught staring. Sasuke didn't mean to but he looked right at her, purposely right over his shoulder, and then held his gaze as if saying; I'm the opposite of you too.

But she casted her eyes away, panicking, before she could understand what he was trying to tell her.

Christmas was just a week away and this was their last day of the year, next year becoming their last in the academy before they graduated into their gennin teams. Fighting the humiliation, Hinata glanced up again in Sasuke's direction and he wasn't looking – so she let herself wonder; would she have a chance to be in Naruto's team?

Sakura and Ino were loud and on purpose. They stood up, harping on about how they were going to spend their Christmas. Sakura was going to make sweet strawberry mochi and Ino was going to knit warm scarves, their eyes both sliding over to the Uchiha who was looking out the window bored.

Naruto rubbed his nose, giggling to himself. "Ne, Sakura-chan, can I come over and try your mochi on Christmas?" he asked.

The Haruno's forehead pulsated and she made her hand into the shape of a fist but she didn't yell at Naruto like she usually did. Instead, she glowered and ground her teeth.

"Christmas is to be spent with the person you love!" she instead said, hoping Naruto would get the hint. But he didn't.

Hinata fiddled with her hands atop her desk. She wondered if he'd try a sweet that she was going to make but the thought of it just made her squirm uncomfortably. Her face was hot – there was no way she could do such a thing! Oh if only she had the confidence like Ino or Sakura.

She pressed her lips together and when her eyes lifted, Iruka-sensei was at the front of the room. In his mitten-clad hands was a hot drink and he was quick to dismiss the class on their last day of the winter term.

Hinata stood. She was eleven, about to be twelve on the twenty-seventh of this month and she suddenly felt like she was sweating despite the snow sifting over Konoha like icing sugar. As she trudged out of the Academy gates, she saw Naruto trailing behind Sakura who was stomping across the snowy ground in the direction of her house.

Hinata opened her mouth, wanting so badly to tell the Uzumaki "Merry Christmas!" but she couldn't bring herself to do it. He was gone around the corner before she could work up the courage – if she was ever going to – and released a sigh.

Another unsuccessful attempt at trying to talk to the boy who had protected her all those months ago when no one else would.

Hinata's shoulders slouched and she went on her way home. Perhaps when the New Year came around she would find the strength to say everything she had ever wanted to say. It was his birthday in October, too, so she still had time! (Didn't she?)

Hinata bumped into someone's back and jumped in fright, looking up immediately. "Niisan!" she said in surprise.

Neji, who was a whole lot taller than she, turned and looked down at her. His eyes were glazed over and the frown settled on his lips was handsome.

"Hinata-sama," he replied, eyeing her. "Are you cold? Have my scarf."

Taking off his own green cotton, he wound it around her head and pulled it up to her pink nose. It smelt strongly of his scent and she didn't have enough time to refuse because already he had spun back on his heel, hand outstretched to her.

"I'll walk you home, Hinata-sama," he insisted.

"Niisan..." She took his hand and let him lead her back to the compound in total silence.

The whole time, he walked ahead of her with those long legs of his and didn't stop to let her catch up which resulted in her stumbling over her own feet every now and then. He was quick to yank her back up and she didn't complain because she knew her niisan hated her.

When she entered the warmth of the estate, she was welcomed by the beautiful smell of onigiri and a heat from the heater. She sighed, delighted, and was greeted with Hanabi leaping on her from across the room.


Hinata's face melted into a loving smile as she caught her younger sister and nuzzled the top of her head. "Hanabi-chan."

Even though there was a five year age gap, Hanabi's prowess was creeping up and quickly. She was strong, stronger than Hinata had been at that age, and she trained frantically out of enjoyment rather than desperation.

"Is this a new kimono?" asked Hinata, observing the hues of pink and purple that enveloped little Hanabi.

"Yes! Do you like it nee-sama? Natsu-san said I look just like you!"

Hinata laughed in delight. "I love it! Give me a twirl, won't you?"

Hanabi bounced on the balls of her feet, gleefully, and spun around and around and around. Her kimono picked up at her ankles and she looked beautiful like a princess. Her long shoulder-blade length hair touched fluttered majestically and it was at times like these that Hinata truly forgot about the impending weight on her shoulders.

"Hanabi-chan, you look amazing!" she gasped, clasping her hands together and eyes shining. She truly loved her sister with all her heart.

And she wished she could have more time with her, however her father was imminently approaching. Just because she didn't have the academy to deal with anymore, didn't mean she could neglect her training.

The sliding door opened and there her father stood, looming over her. She swallowed hard and then turned to Hanabi with a closed-eyed smile. She patted the top of Hanabi's head.

"Nee-sama..." Hanabi sadly said, quiet in tone.

Hinata smiled wider. "It's okay, Hanabi-chan, I'll visit you when I'm done."

Hanabi's bottom lip stuck out in a pout but she nodded either way. She couldn't argue with her father, nor with Hinata's routine. This was just the way things were, and if her nee-sama could accept it then so could she.

< ~ >

The Hyuga, Sasuke found, had an awful habit of bumping into him when he was on the run. More so, this time – he had bumped into her. Metaphorically speaking.

It was Christmas Day, and Sasuke had intended to spend it very much alone. He wasn't like the other children in his class who all had warm meals already prepared for them inside their happy homes of family. Sasuke liked to be alone anyway.

He had woken up early that morning to Sakura and Ino at his doorstep along with the rest of a female population hiding around every corner of his apartment building. They shoved homemade food and sweets and gifts in his face. He didn't want them. He didn't need them.

He liked to be alone on Christmas. It had been this way since forever.

"Oh c'mon, Sasuke-kun!" whined Sakura, hanging off of his sleeve. The buttons on his jacket threatened to pop off and hit her right between the eyes and Kami, did he wish it just would. "Nobody should be alone on Christmas!"

"Yeah!" Ino chimed in, clutching at his other arm, "No one should be alone! Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun, have dinner with me!"

Sasuke's face had paled when they started throwing all sorts of invites at him. It was only when Sakura had slammed her forehead at Ino's and started a fight that he could finally slip away from them without their detection. But they weren't the only ones he had to avoid.

Every which way he looked, girls shyly glanced at him with fidgeting fingers and blushes on their cheeks. He recognised the gifts in their hands and hoped to every God that was listening that they weren't for him.

They were.

Somehow, he'd miraculously found a way around them all and ended up discovering Hinata sitting on a bench all by herself. On her lap was a small bento of lunch and it caused Sasuke to quirk an eyebrow at her. According to Sakura and Ino, nobody should be alone on Christmas. So why was she?

She had an entire clan at her back, her entire family waiting for her in one compound.

As he neared her, he realised she was in training gear. Her hair was slightly frazzled and she smelt a bit like sweat. There was a bit of dirt on her cheek and staining the hems of her sleeves but she didn't care. There was snow all over the village however her cheeks were flushed from physical exertion.

"Hyuga," said Sasuke. "What're you doing here?"

She blinked, a little surprised at his presence, and lowered her chopsticks from her mouth. "Ano...I just finished training," she smiled. "And you, Sasuke-san?"

He pressed his lips together. Better not talk about the horrors he was facing. "Walking around," he said.

She looked at him with nothing really coming to mind to say and nodded. "I-I see. Well...Merry Christmas, Sasuke-san."

"Hn," he nodded. And that should've been the end of their conversation however he was still standing there. Hinata couldn't bring herself to eat with him watching her so intently like that.

"I-is there something you need, Sasuke-san?" she inquired, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"No," he replied and then his treacherous gut grumbled loudly.

Her brows shot up in surprise and her lips began to curl in amusement. Oh. So it was like that. He was hungry. All morning, Sasuke had been on the run so he supposed he hadn't had time to eat in peace.

Hinata laughed behind her hand. "A-ano, Sasuke-san, would you like some of m-my food then? I-I made it myself s-so it might not taste that great...b-but you're welcome to try some."

She lifted her bento towards him and he blinked at her blankly. Feeling like she got ahead of herself or perhaps offended him, she quickly withdrew her arms apologetically.

He took a seat next to her, peering into her bento. He pointed to a specific onigiri. "Is that tomato?" he asked.

"A-ah...yes," she responded with a nod of her head.

"Hm." And then he turned his face towards hers.

Eyes widening, she leaned back a little to give him some space. His eyes stared through her head as he waited expectantly and she couldn't understand just what he wanted her to do. Then he looked back at the tomato onigiri and then at her.


She picked up the onigiri with her chopsticks and lifted it to his face. In one smooth swoop, he took the food in his mouth, lips touching her chopsticks and all. Hinata felt her stomach squeeze. She had never fed somebody with her own chopsticks before. Just what was going on here?

"It's good," Sasuke said after he had chewed and swallowed. "But I'm still hungry."

"A-aa," she shakily replied.

"I eat a lot. You don't have enough to fill me up," he insisted.

"S-sorry," she apologised.

He stood up and stared across the horizon. Her mind was working fast to figure out just what was going on here. Sasuke had eaten from her chopsticks. She had fed Sasuke. That was something she had only dreamt of doing with Nar –

Sasuke started to walk and Hinata glanced up at him quickly, watching his retreating back. And then he stopped, half-turning to her with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He arched an eyebrow.

"Well?" he said, "Are you coming or what?"

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