DURABLE (completed)

By SaugiaNSmiles

31.8K 1.5K 76

"Keith and I watched in awe and joy as the inexplicable happened. Nikki was alive! My mate was back! Then sud... More

Cover Page
A Devastating Blow
Where to Hide?
Free At Last, Right?!
A Little Bit of Karma
A New Life
Five Years Of Change
Is Change Good?
I Have To Go Back
Walked Into Hell
Willingly Stepped Into The Fire
The Trap Closes
The Spy Doctor
Eva Delfino
Isabella's Plan
This Is The End
Death Comes For Us All
Almost There
Next Book

FBI Laboratory

1K 63 0
By SaugiaNSmiles

***NO Editing****

An annoying discomfort snaked its way into her unconscious mind pulling her awake immediately. This type of pain could only be done be her being in sunlight something she would never do.

Keeping her eyes closed Eva assessed her body for damages but couldn't pinpoint one place. What she did notice was that she was tied down and hooked up to some type of machine. If the beeping sounds were any indication it was more than one. She an 800-hundred-year-old vampire had been captured and by the smell of them they were human.

It was despicable and disgraceful for her as royal to be found in such a situation. Keeping herself quiet she expanded her senses to the max so that she could detect every heartbeat and breathe in a one-mile radius.

To her surprise and disgust what she smelled was her worst nightmare. This was a laboratory and from what she could smell it was littered with wolves and humans. There was also the smell of that creature that attacked her. She had never encountered a scent quiet like it before. Something about the scent remind her of a werewolf but it was riddled with so much chemical she knew that there was no way it could be a werewolf.

But it had moved like one, a thought crossed her mind that almost made her drop her composure and open her eyes. It was impossible, there was no way that these humans had done such a despicable thing but there was no other explanation.

It was...impossible no it was an abomination they were trying to create a half breed. They were actually trying to mix werewolf genes with human genes and if she was here that means that they were trying to add vampire to the mix.

This could not happen, nothing like that should exist in this world. Their species did not mix it had been like that since the beginning of time and she would not allow it change not now not ever. Cross breeds were an abomination and hint of such a thing coming into existence must be destroyed. Enduring the pain of what she had come to realize was ultraviolet lights.

She almost laughed at the human's audacity. They really didn't understand her kind at all. After all she was 800 years old a low wattage of ultraviolet rays like this was nothing more than an annoying tickle. There was pain of course and her skin was begging to blister but that was about it. She could break out of these restraints easily if she wanted to.

The problem with that was that she needed to be able to get out and destroy everything. Humans having a sample of werewolf or vampire DNA was not allowed in her world. As soon as she escaped this place she would burn it to the floor.

As Eva planned her escape there was another who was in dire need of escape.

It was mold, there was a strong smell of mold and copper. He had heard about this hallway, hallway 19 where no one ever came back from. It was how the people who took care of him and his brothers kept them inline. They would threatening them with the hallway of no return. They were all scared of this hallway and knew nothing of what really happened in just that they should do everything they could not to end up there.

98762 must have failed, it was the only explanation he could come up with why he was being lead down this hallway. Fear grew the longer he walked through the hall and more pungent the smell became. He was almost to the door marked 19 when he identified the scent it was blood. Blood, and that man. What he thought was mold was actually the odor of the man they called cleaner.

He had heard it once a long time ago when he was still a kid and had managed to sneak away during training. He ended up in another training room with more of brothers but this one was different. His brothers that were in this room were at the ones that had been failing for the past month.

I was hiding behind the desk when one of my teachers came in and tsked. "I am very disappointed in you boys you have failed all your test this month and I have no choice but to call in the cleaner. Just as he was talking a repugnant smell wafted through the room and a man in white lab coat with dried blood looking hair stepped into the room. Everything about him screamed danger and so like the scared little boy he was he ran out of there as quickly and quietly as he could.

It had been long time since he had thought about that memory. With that memory at the forefront of his mind he took one look at the door he was approaching and decided that there was no way he was going in there. Every part of his body screamed danger and in a moment the wolf genes in him did something none of the doctors had ever thought would happen.

He began to transform into a werewolf. With crack that scared the caretakers around him. 98762 dropped to the floor in excruciating pain. His spine broke first followed but every bone in his body. It was gruesome to watch even so every caretaker watched frozen in fear and fascination as what they had been aiming for was finally coming true. They had created an actually werewolf and not just a human with extra abilities.

Unfortunately, what they didn't count on was the werewolf going berserk and attacking them. In a flash a two hundred pound golden red wolf was running through the halls smashing through everything in desperate attempt to get out. All rational thought had been long since deserted leaving one instinct behind to get out.


Just as she was getting ready to make her move alarms started to go off. Not thinking much about it Eva dislodge herself from the restraints and bursed through the door. She had just made it in the hallway when a screams and sounds of footsteps came rushing towards her. Preparing to defend herself Eva became one with the shadows but none of white coat guys even glanced at her. They were too busy running with what looked like terror in their eyes.

One of them even screamed run as he ran pass her. Unsure as to what was going on she decided to follow his advice and follow after them. Something told her that they were on their way out of the building. She was hardly a few steps down the hall when a vicious growl sounded behind her. She knew that sound it was a werewolf that had lost his human side.

Tapping into her vampire speed she ran past everyone and hoped that she would be able to find her way out. A berserk werewolf could kill her even as old as she was a bite from them was deadly and filled with painful venom.

She had barely made it out when an explosion sounded behind her. She could only grin in mirth, a place like this need not exist in fact as soon as she got back she would call an emergency meeting and track down the people who created this monstrosity. She would also rain down hell on the people who dared to kidnap a woman like herself. 

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