following his footsteps a ari...

By curly3392

187K 3.3K 503

this is a story about Ariana Grande a girl who moved from America to England and her brother convinced her to... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Authors note

Chapter 34

2.3K 67 9
By curly3392

-Harry's POV!!-

Can all of the judges and contestants please take their spaces backstage ready for the opening of the show.

The loud voice boomed all around. I had been sat there in the dressing room for like twenty minutes trying to work out what had just happened. Ariana had ran into the toilets crying about something, I don't know what then she ran out away and wouldn't tell me anything. She completely rejected me. I wanted to help her but she refused. And that hurt.

The boys had no clue and when I asked the girls none of them knew either. The girls included all of Little Mix, Eleanor and Sophia.

I walked out of the dressing room and I was immediately ambushed by people pulling me to the stage and someone else doing my hair, another with some powder stuff which was put on my face and it was all rushed and everything. Ugh.

When I got there I saw Liam waiting for me and all the other contestants with their mentors, and Louis. We all stood waiting to go on the stage. I looked over at Ariana and she looked completely calm. Obviously nervous but you couldn't tell she had just been crying. She was holding onto Tulisa's hand.

Dermot was introducing us from the stage and the audience was massive tonight, and very loud. The backdrop lifted to reveal all of us stood there. There was dramatic music and the audience was going crazy, flashing lights every where and it was just breath taking. This was my job. Wow.

We all walked onto the stage as Dermot said our names we all waved individually. The mentors all walked down to our seats and the contestants stayed on to sing the opening song. Katy had hold of my hand and I helped her down the stairs in her god knows how many inches heels.

The music started and the crowd erupted in cheers and clapping. The energy was magnetic. Ariana was first to sing. I looked over and as soon as I did I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

'Today this could be, the greatest day of our lives' She looked over to Liam and Jane and all three of them shared a genuine smile. They were all such good friends and I knew they would all be happy to see any of the others win. They had become like a family in that house.

'Before it all ends, before we run out of time' Liam sang into his microphone.

'Can you see it? Can you see it in my eyes? Can you feel it now? Can you hold it in your arms, tonight?' Jane sang while Ariana was in the background singing the 'hold on, hold on' s. Then Liam sang the next 'tonight' but all I could listen to was Ariana in the background and that's how it was for the rest of the song.

If that was any indication for me as to how this show would go then trust me, it would be a long one.

-Ariana's POV!!-

The song finished and I felt Liam grab my waist then all three of us were stood on stage hugging and laughing and crying. The crowd were all up on their feet, as were the judges. We looked out into the audience and it was just insane, the reaction we were getting was incredible.

Dermot came onto the stage and asked us some questions then we were sent off and immediately we were getting changed and getting our hair and make up redone and it was all such a blur but I didn't care because I was on such a high. The energy was incredible and I honestly felt on top of the world.

Before I knew it I was stood behind the screen ready to go back on stage and sing my first song. The music to 'Baby I' started and the screens shot up and I ran out and so did all of the dancers.

I immediately looked at Harry, force of habit I guess but he was already staring at me. What if he realised this song was about him?

He had already heard it and I don't think he knew so far, so I think I'm ok.

'Baby I got love for thee, so deep inside of me

I don't know where to start, yeah yeah,

I love you more than anything but the words can't even touch what's in my heart'

I was dancing and everything was going great, the crowd loved it, I think.

'All I'm trying to say is you're my everything baby,

but every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it

Baby, baby, baby, baby I'

Before I knew it this song was over too and I was given a standing ovation. I looked to Harry and he was stood on his feet, clapping but he was also smiling at me. Oh god, he knew. Dermot spoke to me for a bit but the same as before I don't really remember it. I was off stage again getting all fussed about but I wasn't on for another while yet. Jane and Liam had to go on before I did.

I was getting congratulated by every body and I kept thanking them all and once I had got out of the crowd I was dragged into the hair room so they could redo my hair.

'That was a really good performance, you nailed it' A unfamiliar voice said from beside me. I turned around to look at the person and thank them when I realised it was Jade from Little Mix. Like the Jade.

'Oh my god. Thank you so much' I said, she was sat down next to me also getting her hair done.

'No problem, it was an original song right?'

'Um, yeah I wrote all the songs I'm singing tonight by myself'

'That's really amazing, you're talented'

'Thank you so much' I said. I couldn't believe I was actually talking to her and she was complimenting my singing. I thought she would hate me because Perrie is engaged to Zayn and everything that happened between me and Harry but I guess she might not know?

'If you don't mind me asking, why were you upset earlier?' She turned to look at me. Oh my god.

'Oh my god, you saw that?' how many people had seen me? How embarrassing.

'No, Harry asked if we had seen you and we said all said no and why so he told us everything. Well everything that he knew of course' She smiled slightly.

'Oh, was he mad at me?'

'No, not at all. Just worried and confused I think' She smiled at me.

'Don't you hate me?'

'Of course not,' She laughed 'why would you think that?'

'You know just after everyth-' I started and I was almost immediately cut off by her coughing loudly. I looked at her to see her signalling about the hair people. I had forgotten they didn't know.

'Oh no pet, I'm your biggest fan' She smiled then turned away to face the mirror again, ending our conversation.


hey so I hope you are enjoying the last few chapters of this fanfic:) how do you want me to end it?:)

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