Charisk Adventure through Det...

By RyanLaMotte

18.7K 234 68

as Chara and Frisk get along some things happen that may change the ways they feel for each other More

Undertale Charisk Nightmares
Charisk Frisk Self Harm
Charisk Kidknapped
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part one
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2
Chara's Past
A Day at the Mall
Chara Hospitalized
Chara's Possession
Chara's Old home
From Red to Monster
Blue Magic and Sans' Power
Green Magic
Fire Magic
A New Magic
Frisk's Magic Problem
Saving the Others?
A Night Like No Other
A Day to Remember
Breaking Surface
new book update
Before Everything

Charisk Lemon

2.6K 18 13
By RyanLaMotte

After Frisk told Chara about her past she gasped at the sudden embrace of Chara but she just hugged them back. Frisk then pulled Chara ontop of the bed and sat ontop of her, Frisk and Chara were blushing hard as Frisk went to go kiss Chara, their eyes met Frisk's eyes when their lips touched, Chara then slowly licked her tongue on the bottom lip of Frisk's lips wanting access into Frisk's mouth. Frisk opens her mouth, as their tongues fight for control, Frisk let Chara have control and let them explore around inside her mouth with her tongue. Chara then went to Frisk's neck and slowly sucked on it and nibbled on her sweet spot on her neck, this causes Frisk to moan softly, as Chara was doing this, Chara accidentally put to much pressure on Frisk's arms, she whimpered at the pain that returned and blood started to soak the bandages that are on her arms as Chara released Frisk and went to go get the first aid kit to replace the old bandages, that were on Frisk after their little perdicement that happened a few days ago, trying to forget what happened, the memories returned, they stopped at nothing until Frisk was either paranoid or went insane. As Chara went back upstairs she could hear Frisk cry out "stop stop stop it no please stop stop it hurts please st..." She then fell unconscious and fell off of the bed, Chara ran to her side to help her get back to bed, Chara held her close by, she stroked her hair as Frisk rested on Chara after being picked up and placed back in bed by Chara. Chara then thinks to herself "well my past was screwed up but hers seamed much worse than mine I left cus my parent never cared for me and my friends didn't care for me, nobody cared for me, but she cares for me, she is the only one who cared for me, she left because she was being attacked daily from bullies, her father and random townsfolk around her, those ba.....s are going to pay dearly for what they have done to my Frisk. Them F.....s are going to pay with their lives."

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