Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:...

By Brownrangerkev

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With his closest allies gone post power transfer, Robbie adjusts to not only his new role on the team, but to... More

Season 3 - Episode 1: The Wedding
Season 3 - Episode 2: The Wedding Part 2
Season 3 - Episode 3: The Wedding Part 3
Season 3 - Episode 5: The Ninja Quest Part 2
Season 3: Episode 6 - The Ninja Quest Part 3
Season 3 - Episode 7: The Ninja Quest Part 4
Season 3 - Episode 8: The Rocky Road
Season 3 - Episode 9 - Toying With Trust
Season 3 - Episode 10: Family Matters
Season 3 - Episode 11: Driving Ms. Crazy
Season 3 - Episode 12: Return of an Old "Friend"
Season 3 - Episode 13: Smells Like Team Spirit
Season 3 - Episode 14 - Adam's Apple
Season 3 - Episode 15: Not Another SAT Episode
Season 3 - Episode 16: "United" we Stand
Season 3 - Episode 17: "Divided" we Fall
Season 3 - Episode 18 - For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls
Chapter 50: Save the Last Dance
Season 3 - Episode 20: A Different Shade of Pink
Season 3 - Episode 21: A Different Shade of Pink Part 2
Season 3 - Episode 22: A different Shade of Pink Part 3

Season 3 - Episode 4: The Ninja Quest

145 1 0
By Brownrangerkev

Goldar: Where are these idiots coming?

Squatt: Yeah, I'm missing Golden Girls.

(On the moon, Goldar, Finster, Squatt and Baboo stand by the back exit, waiting for someone.)

Finster: Quiet, the both of you. Rita called, and said they both should be back in a few minutes.

Goldar: You said this an hour ago. And besides, nobodies interested in seeing those two coming back from their honeymoon making kissy faces at each other.

Baboo: Ew, that's gross.

Finster: (smirks) Oh, don't worry. I rather doubt that'll be an issue.

(Finster's ears perk up as he hears a noise from down the hall.)

Finster: Oh my! Here they come!

(From up the hall they spot Rita. She appears to be carrying most of the luggage, and is sporting a scowl on her face.)

Finster: She's here, she's here! Welcome home my empress--

(Rita shoves the luggage in Finster's face and continues marching toward the main quarters.)

Baboo: So? How was the honeymoon?

Rita: Great. Time of my life.

(She puts her hands on her hips and looks both ways.)

Rita: Where's the shower?

Goldar: Where's the lord?

Rita: "The lord" is pushing his noble steed, Serepentera back into the garage.

Goldar: What? Why?

Rita: The idiot forgot to put gas in it before we left, and it broke down in front of the projects. We're lucky it didn't wind up on four cinderblocks.

(Rita storms away to her left. A distressed looking Finster hands over the luggage to Squatt and Baboo, and runs after her.)

Finster: My queen, what happened? W-we had a plan! We agreed to feed him poison.

Rita: He doesn't have a mouth, nitwit. You have any other bright ideas?

Finster: Oh my. That was quite an oversight. I'm afraid not. Well, how was Nigeria at least?

Rita: It was lovely. We met the prince.

Finster: Oh yeah?

Rita: Yeah, he robbed us blind.

Finster: Oh.

(Rita starts to walk away when something else pops into Finster's mind.)

Finster: Oh! There is something else you should know.

Rita: Make it quick. I have to wash the Zedd off of me. Who woulda thought marriage meant you have to spend all your time around somebody?

Finster: Well, I sort of... got ahead of myself. I wasn't expecting Zedd to make it back from this trip. I sort of got excited and I... well...

Rita: Spit it out!

Finster: I uh... I invited some people over to celebrate his passing?

Rita: Who?

Lord Zedd: FINSTER.

Finster: (Sighs) ...I suppose you're about to find out.

Lord Zedd: Finster, come out here this instant!!

Finster: Yes... I'm on my way my lord.

(Finster bows his head and starts walking out with his tail between his legs.)

Rita: This outta be fun.

(As Rita follows him out, we head to earth where on a bright and sunny morning, the kids start their days in class. Things for them have settled down with the shock of recent changes cooling off. The team is doing their best to fight off the newlywed, Rita and Zedd. Their also continuing to adapt to their new roles as rangers; many of which occupying roles left vacant.)

Kimberly: Ugh. I cannot wait for this day to be over! Tommy and I are gonna go downtown after class and start looking at engagement rings.

Aisha: Oh my god, that's so exciting!

Kimberly: I know!

Aisha: Girl, make sure you think of me when you're looking for a maid of honor.

Kimberly: Of course Aisha, you're like, my best friend!

Aisha: I know!!

(Rocky, who is sitting behind them, turns to Tommy.)

Rocky: Boy, you sure lucked out with Kim. She's a real keeper.

Tommy: (Smiles) Yeah she is.

Rocky: I just hope someday I find Mrs. Right.

Tommy: There's no rush Rocky, she'll come. You're still young.

(Tommy then turns forward and gestures toward Aisha.)

Tommy: Besides, "Mrs. Right," could be right under your nose.

Rocky: (laughs) I don't know. I doubt she'd be into me. Besides, dating Aisha would be like dating my sister. Fine to think about, not fine to do.

Tommy: ...oh.

(Before Tommy can respond, Ms. Appleby takes the floor.)

Ms. Appleby: Good morning class. May I have your attention please? Before we begin I have some wonderful news I'd like to share with you all.

(She excitedly reaches for a cut out of a newspaper article.)

Robbie: ...

(Ms. Apply turns to the front door, as a disheveled looking Robbie walks in after the bell. She eyes him judgingly.)

Ms. Appleby: You're late, Mr. Clemente.

Robbie: Yeah.

(Robbie looks okay with his lateness and strolls into class casually. He reaches for the article in her hand, mistaking it for class work. He looks to sit next to Kimberly, but finds all seats around her already taken by the others. Without so much at a glance from her, he decides to just take the first empty seat in front of him.)

Appleby: Do you mind not snatching things from my hand young man? And do you mind telling me why you've been showing up late to class so often?

(Robbie blows a raspberry, and tries to come up with a quick excuse.)

Robbie: Uh... my cat.

Appleby: Your cat?

Robbie: Yeah. He's sick.

Appleby: With what?|

Robbie: A car.

Appleby: A car?

Robbie: He got struck by a car.

(The two go silent for a few seconds during this standoff. The only noise is a few disbelieving chuckles.)

Appleby: Every morning for the past three weeks? Either you're lying to me mister, or your cat is an idiot.

Kimberly: I didn't even know you owned a cat?

Robbie: Thanks. Good morning Kim.

Kimberly: Good morning!

Ms. Appleby: You're slipping Roberto. I don't know what's going on, but you need to get motivated again and get it together. This semesters just begun.

Robbie: Sure. Great talk.

(Robbie sinks into his seat dejectedly and just tries to stay out of the radar.)

Ms. Appleby: Now, as I was saying. I have a special announcement from Switzerland! It appears as if our very own Jason, Zack and Trini have done what many said is impossible and brokered a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine.

(Anyone even remotely following the news is immediately amazed, and the whole class bursts into applause.)

Ms. Appleby: I know, it's amazing. Trini is even receiving a commendation for taking the lead in negotiations.

(Robbie eyes open wide with shock.)

Billy: That's incredible! I knew she could do it. I'm so proud of her!

Rocky: (Confused) Wait, who brokered a ceasefire?

Billy: Jason, Zack and Trini.

Rocky: Are they new here?

Ms. Appleby: It's an incredible accomplishment; one that our world's greatest diplomats have tried to accomplish for decades and failed to do. This is only the first step though, but they certainly deserve our gratitude.

Bulk: Pfft. Big deal!

Skull: Yeah. Big deal!

Bulk: So little miss tree hugger told two losers to "gung-ho."

Skull: Like we haven't seen that before.

Billy: That's an incredibly ignorant statement, Bulk. It obviously wasn't that simple.

Kimberly: Yeah. You wish you could ever do anything half as impressive as they've done.

Bulk: Please. I've found more impressive things between my toes than anything those dweebs could ever do.

Aisha: I'd be impressed just to see you reach your toes.

(The classroom bursts into laughter. Humiliated, Bulk retreats into silence.)

Ms. Appleby: Simmer down class. This is a time for celebration. That is why in lieu of homework today I want all of you to write the three of them letters. Congratulate them for what they've done, and thank them for making us all very proud.

(The class again applauds, partially because they are excused from homework. Robbie himself as he silently studies the article in his hands which reads, "Angel Grove Teens teach Middle East to 'Gung-Ho.'" Meanwhile, in the command center, Alpha and Zordon are seen running routine maintenance checks.)

Zordon: Alpha, run a scan of our internal software. I want to be certain there is no spyware in our system.

Alpha: Right away Zordon.

Zordon: Afterwards, I want to double check the stability of the morphing grid. Then we locate the coordinates for possible hardware upgrades for the rangers.

Alpha: I'll put it all on my to-do list.

Zordon: Excellent Alpha. If all goes to plan, then there should be a seamless transition within the next few weeks.

(Alpha starts the scan, then turns around and enjoys the view of Angel Grove from the viewing globe.)

Alpha: Sure is peaceful right now, isn't it?

Zordon: Yes Alpha. That is in large part to our new recruits, and our work in recruiting them.

Alpha: They have fit in perfectly with the new team. Everybody has embraced them so well. It's like they were always here.

Zordon: Yes, and everybody has a new role to fulfil. Everyone advances and has a new challenge to overcome so as to not become complacent. We got the best case scenario out of a potentially disastrous situation. Although I will say that I do at times miss Jason, Zack and Trini.

Alpha: Who?

(Back on the moon, a nervous Finster approaches Lord Zedd in front of his chair in the main quarters.)

Finster: Yes, my lord?

Lord Zedd: Don't "lord" me you little mutt.

(Zedd's response takes Finster aback. It worries him that he's angry about something more.)

Lord Zedd: Of all the peons in this castle, I figured you would be the most obedient. Well, I guess I thought wrong.

Finster: W-what did I do my l-

Lord Zedd: Don't get coy with me! The others told me about your little plan!

(Now Finster's heart is racing.)

Lord Zedd: You have about ten seconds to explain yourself, before I throw you into dark space like the rubbish you are.

Finster: Uh... uhhh...

Lord Zedd: Nine seconds.

Finster: I-I can explain. Surely, you'll understand. Whatever the others think they know, I assure you it is a simple misunderstanding.

Lord Zedd: A misunderstanding? You call this a misunderstanding?!

(Zedd reaches over and pulls his chair around, revealing a bony corpse rested on it.)

Lord Zedd: Is this some kind of a joke?!

Rita: Little brother!!

Lord Zedd: Huh?

(Rita runs in from the back and walks up the mantle to the chair.)

Rita: Wake up you bum!

(Rita smacks the corpse over the head, and it shakes itself awake.)

Lord Zedd: Ahhh!!

Corpse: H-huh?!

Rita: Rito?

Rito: Big sis! You're home! It's so nice to see you!

(The talking skeleton shoots up and hugs Rita.)

Lord Zedd: Rita. You know this person?

Rita: Know him? He's my brother!

Rito: Yeah, don't you see the resemblance?

Rita: How could he? You've gotten so tan. (Gasps) And muscular.

Rito: Yeah, I've been hitting the gym.

(Lord Zedd approaches Rito with his hand extended.)

Lord Zedd: Well it is nice to finally meet you. I am Lord Zedd; emperor of all that is evil.

Rito: Oh. You're Rita's husband?

Lord Zedd: That's right.

Rito: Well, this is awkward.

Lord Zedd: Why's that?

(Rito reaches behind him and hands Zedd a card.)

Rito: Here; I guess this is for you.

Lord Zedd: "I'm sorry for your loss?" What is the meaning of this?

(Finster quickly snatches up the card and puts it in his pocket.)

Finster: Uh... you know, Rito's a real joker.

Rito: Uh yeah. I guess. Hey, I didn't know this was gonna be a small shindig, so I sort of invited someone on the way here.

Lord Zedd: Did you?

Rito: Yeah, he seems pretty chill. He picked me up and brought me here. Once I told him where I was going, he practically pulled my arm off to come with. Well, he did actually.

Rita: You let in a complete stranger into our base of operation?! What is wrong with you?

Rito: Relax. He says he's a pretty big fan of yours.

Rita: Who is this person?

"Rita Repulsa."

(A calm, low pitch voice approaches from behind them.)

"If it isn't my pleasure to meet you again."

Rita: (Gasps) ...Ivan Ooze.

(Later on in the day after school ends, most of the teens split off into groups. Robbie takes a late shift at Charbucks after somebody called in, Kimberly and Tommy are downtown looking at engagement rings, and the rest are at the Juice Bar, which seems to have gotten a makeover.)

Billy: This place looks awesome.

(Ernie's business has been flourishing recently. So much so that he's decided to expand with tropical themed outdoor seating along the side entrance with table service.)

Aisha: Yeah. It's really bringing more people here too.

(Adam walks in with a drink for himself, and a blueberry muffin for Aisha.)

Aisha: Come on, why would you bring me this? You know I'm trying to lose weight.

Adam Just being nice. Why, you don't want it?

(She looks at it momentarily.)

Aisha: No. I'll eat it.

Ernie: How you doing guys?

(A visibly hustling and sweaty Ernie runs over to clean off their table.)

Billy: Oh hey Ernie. Shrewd plan expanding the Juice Bar. I love the island theme too.

Ernie: I'm glad. I just wish I had a moment to take it all in. It's been a mad house. I basically had to hire the new dame on the spot.

(He turns to Sammy, who is dressed in a sweaty, oversized Hawaiian shirt, and is clearly having her own trouble keeping up.)

Aisha: Is that shirt yours?

Ernie: I wish I was that thin. It was supposed to be that Ritchie kids. That is until he decided to quit with no notice. If that rat thinks I'm giving him a good reference he's got another thing coming.

Billy: Well... you probably don't ever have to worry about that Ernie.

Adam: And you don't have to worry about us. We can clean our own tables.

Ernie: You guys are awesome. Where would I be without you?

Billy: Out of business, I believe.

Ernie: Oh yeah.

(Ernie briefly stares reminiscently into the distance. Then notices somebody impatiently waving him over. He rushes off.)

Rocky: The new girl's kinda cute. Have I seen her before?

Aisha: She's a freshman at our school, Rocky. She's the one who's like, obsessed with Jason.

Adam: She's the one who was dared to tattoo his name on her chest, but can't remember who dared her.

Rocky: I still don't know who Jason is. Should I feel bad?

Aisha: Were you dropped on your head? You replaced him as red ranger. We worked together for like two months before he left!!

(He stops for a moment to think back.)

Rocky: He was black, right?

Aisha: (Sighs) Come on Rocky. Buy me another muffin and I'll refresh your memory.

Rocky: Oh, okay... sounds good.

(She pulls him by the arm into the side entrance; passing by a frazzled Sammy along the way.)

Rocky: Hey, do you need help with th--

Sammy: Buzz off!!

Rocky: Okay! I'm sorry.

(She blows the bangs from her face as Rocky walks off in shock.)

Billy: (Chuckles) Rocky's a real character.

Adam; Yeah man, I'm sorry about him. He can be a little off sometimes.

Billy: Don't be. He'll come around. Once he stops worrying so much about fitting in and getting girls.

Adam: (laughs) Yeah.

(Then proceeds an awkward silence; as if Adam is looking to segue into something.)

Adam: So, speaking girls... What's your story with Trini?

Billy: Huh?

Adam: A little forward?

Billy: No. Well, I don't understand the question.

Adam: Just that... you kind of light up whenever she's mentioned. Did something ever go on there?

Billy: Oh. Well no. I mean, there is not much of a story. She was like a big sister to me. We were never anything more than friends.

Adam: Not for a lack of trying though?

Billy: Well, I guess I wanted to be a bit more. But she didn't.

Adam: She didn't want to date someone who referred to her as big sister?

Billy: Yeah I guess that was a mistake. Robbie beat me to it anyway.

Adam: That's a shame.

Billy: I suppose.

Adam: It's strange. Robbie just doesn't seem like he'd be a good fit for her at all. No offense to him, but he just doesn't seem like that much of a pleasant person to be around. He's kind of a bummer.

Billy: Yeah we've been through that. At least I have. It's okay, I've gotten over it.

(Then there is another awkward pause...)

Billy: So... is Aisha single?

Adam: What?

Billy: A little forward?

Adam: No. I mean, well... Yes, she's single.

Billy: That's good. She's cute. Spunky too. I might make a move.

Adam: Uh, I wouldn't. I'm not sure you're her type.

Billy: You clearly haven't been paying attention the past year. I'm everyone's type.

Adam: Except Trini's.

Billy: I guess not.

(The two of them share a laugh, but they quickly clam up.)

Robbie: What about Trini?

Billy: Oh! Hey...

Adam: Uh... nothing.

Robbie: Oh. Is Kim here? I need to talk to her.

Billy: Uh, no. She's not. She's downtown with Tommy. They're looking for engagement rings.

Robbie: Oh.

Billy: How long were you standing here if you don't mind my asking? We didn't hear you coming.

Robbie: I just got here.

(The two share a sigh of relief.)

Robbie: I didn't know Ernie renovated. Probably why the café has been so dead lately.

Billy: Did you just come from work?

Robbie: Yeah, it was slow, so they let me go early.

Billy: I see.

(Robbie takes a seat next to Billy and Adam, who suddenly tense up. A third, more awkward silence ensues. Fortunately though luckily this one doesn't last as long.)

Rocky: I can't believe it! So this whole time I was lied to!

(Rocky and Aisha return, with the former seeming furious.)

Adam: What's wrong Rocky?

Rocky: I'm so angry! You guys don't know what I just learned.

Robbie: That men aren't supposed to shave their legs.

Rocky: No. I learned... wait, what?

Aisha: I told Rocky that Jason was the red ranger before him. I also told him that Jason used to be leader. Even though he should already know this, seeing as he was there when he transferred powers.

(Still, no one seems to understand why Rocky would be upset.)

Billy: So... what's the problem?

Rocky: What's the problem? I was robbed!! Tommy stole leadership from me and has the nerve to smile in my face and act like a friend. I should be leader, I should be the one the kids love and I should be the one with the hot girlfriend. That spot belongs to me! The red ranger!

Adam: Oh.

Rocky: I'd make a good leader! Right?

(The word "no" pops into everyone's head simultaneously. However no one had the heart to say anything. Back on the moon, Rita confronts this familiar intruder.)

Lord Zedd: You certainly have a lot of friends, Rita.

Rita: This is no friend. This is Ivan Ooze.

(Ivan calmly stands before her clan, as if he isn't expecting conflict nor is concerned by it. He is draped in a dark purple robe and cape. His face looks unassumingly human as well; if only for the horn protruding from his chin. The warts on his face and the fact that his skin is also a slimy purple color.)

Lord Zedd: Ooze? Is that why he's staining my carpets?

Rita: Yes. It also explains why he looks like a giant purple booger.

Ivan Ooze: And they say pretty girls can't be funny.

Rita: He's with Zordon's clan. He is not to be trusted.

(Ivan's calm expression suddenly evaporates.)

Lord Zedd: Well don't just stand there you imbeciles, get him!!

Ivan Ooze: ...Zordon? Did you say Zordon?!?!

(His voice echoes throughout the hallways, startling Squatt and Baboo.)

Ivan Ooze: I take it he's still alive?

Lord Zedd: Yes.

(Goldar draws his sword and approaches Ivan, but Zedd has a sudden change of heart and waves him off.)

Lord Zedd: I am hoping that it won't be the case for long.

Ivan Ooze: Good. Then you and I aren't so different after all.

Rita: Good?

Lord Zedd: Good.

(Ivan calmly walks past the couple and leans on the guard rail as he stares out to earth.)

Ivan Ooze: Zordon is the one who stole my freedom with that wretched tin can. Words do not describe the torture I went through. Sensory deprivation kicks in after fifteen minutes. I was there for ten thousand years! I only knew darkness. My only company were the voices in my head. I do not only wish to destroy Zordon. I wish, no, I must make him suffer.

Rita: So... you want to work with us then?

(Seeing a valuable opportunity, Rita scurries over and puts her arm around Ivan's shoulder. He never breaks eye contact with earth.)

Ivan Ooze: I object to your goals, however you offer valuable resources to meet mine.

(He turns to her.)

Ivan Ooze: Yes. I will cooperate only as far as ending that turncoat's shameful existence.

Rita: Good enough for me!

Lord Zedd: Wonderful.

(Zedd excitedly runs to the top of the stairs to join them.)

Lord Zedd: We will give you Zordon's coordinates. We will give you our warriors as support, and allow you do to the rest.

Goldar: But my lord, the command center is protected by a heavy shield. Only a person with a power coin can gain access inside.

Ivan Ooze: You leave that to me.

Rita: Aha! I love a man that takes charge.

Lord Zedd: Haha! That's why you married me, right sweet pea?

Ivan Ooze: I cannot wait to get my hands on that Zordon. That miserable tyrant. I will strangle him with his own long locks and smash his legs into a million pieces until he begs for mercy!

Squatt: How long was he was trapped for?

Lord Zedd: ...right Rita?

(Meanwhile back at the Juice Bar, Rocky remains ready to boil over.)

Rocky: I'm gonna give that Tommy a piece of my mind. Where is he?

Billy: He's downtown with Kim.

Rocky: Then that's where I'm heading.

(He aggressively grabs his jacket and storms out dramatically.)

Billy: Rocky wait.

Adam: Should we stop him?

Aisha: No. It's alright.

Adam: What if he hurts himself or Tommy?

Aisha: He won't.

Adam: How do you know?

Aisha: He's walking uptown.

Adam: Oh.

Aisha: I should be heading home anyway. It's getting late.

(Billy rushes up from his seat.)

Billy: Yeah me too. Come on, I'll walk you home.

Aisha: Oh, okay. Don't... you live on the other side of town?

Billy: It's okay. We haven't really had much time to talk. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other.

Aisha: Oh. Cool.

(Billy quickly grabs his jacket and the two walk away together. Billy strategically places his hand gently on her back as they go.)

Billy: So Aisha. What ethnicity are you?

Aisha: I'm black.

Billy: Oh. Are all the girls from there as pretty as you are?

Aisha: Huh?

(All that's left are Adam and Robbie. Neither of whom seem to recall the last time they've ever had a personal conversation. Or even the first.)

Robbie: So...

Adam: Yeah...

Robbie: Yeah.

Adam: How's school going for you?

Robbie: Not great.

Adam: Yeah. I heard. Miss... uh, Appleby. She really let you have it today.

Robbie: Yeah.

Adam: Yeah.

Robbie: ...

Adam: Yeah.

(Searching for something to do, Adam reaches for his drink. He takes an extended sip before continuing.)

Adam: So. Kim and Tommy getting married. That's crazy! Ha-ha.

Robbie: Yeah. I'm not sure they really... yeah.

Adam: Yeah.

(Adam smiles, and stares blankly into the air. He cups his drink again and glances briefly at the exit.)

Adam: Uhm... how's Trini?

Robbie: None of your business.

Adam: Oh. Okay.

Robbie: And for your information: Billy never stood a chance.

Adam: Okay... yeah.

Robbie: Stop saying yeah.

Adam: Okay... ye- well... Excuse me, I'm gonna go run to the bathroom.

(Adam quickly grabs his belongings and heads off to the side. Robbie says nothing, but raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement.)

Robbie: Yeah.

(Seconds then pass after Adam leaves, and Robbie seems almost relieved to be alone. As if he can finally drop the act for a bit. He almost wishes Adam didn't come back.)

"Hey Ernie, another please."

(Robbie turns his head toward the familiar voice and finds Adam seated across the court yard.)

Robbie: I thought we were really bonding.

(As much as he hated talking to Adam, it actually really hurts Robbie to know that Adam finds it less agonizing to blow him off and hide than it is to continue talking to him. The thought always existed in the back of his mind, however this was the first time he truly feels alone and unwanted. Nothing he thinks, can make this day any worse.)

Sammy: Hi!!

Robbie: Crap.

(A worn out, yet still cheery Sammy plops down in the empty chair next to him.)

Sammy: This job bites. (Sighs) ...I could really use a friend to talk to right now.

Robbie: Adam's on the other side.

Sammy: One week here and I hate this place. If they're not creeping on me, they're complaining. They complain that I'm too slow, and that I don't fill up their precious free waters all day. I get chewed out for the food as if I'm the one cooking it!

(She presumptuously takes a fry from one of the discarded plates and puts it in her mouth.)

Sammy: Ew, it's cold.

(She spits it back out.)

Robbie: That's too bad Sammy.

Sammy: It is! I mean we're short staffed. I'm busting my hump, but no one seems to see that. I've been getting stiffed with tips all day. I've had to crop dust my fair share of customers.

Robbie: Crop dust?

Sammy: You know, crop dust. When you pass gas and walk past a table?

Robbie: That's nice. Very lady like.

Sammy: (Sighs) I don't know if I can cut it here.

Robbie: You know Sammy, you're fifteen; you don't have to be working.

Sammy: I know. But... to be honest I sort of need something to do. Especially since Jason left.

Robbie: Jason? You two were never even together.

Sammy: I know that. But I guess... just being his friend, doing stuff for him, getting him to slowly open up to me... it sort of gave me something to do ya know? It gave me that purpose or something to look forward to every day.

(Robbie doesn't respond.)

Sammy: I mean, I'm not like cousin Trini. I wish I was though. But I'm not that great in school. I practically live in Kaplan's office. And I'm not exactly a girl's girl. I don't have that many friends I can relate to. Jason gave me... a reason to get up in the morning, ya know? I bet that sounds cheesy.

Robbie: Yep.

Sammy: I guess I do this to not get too down on myself. It's not really working. But I need something to lean on. Or someone.

(Sammy's suggestive language flies right over Robbie's head, however it does get him thinking. When Trini left, Kimberly told him she'd step up and stick by him. She was supposed to be the buffer between him and his strained relationships with everyone else. So far, she hasn't done jack. This really angers Robbie, who right now feels at his lowest point. He wants to confront her about this, but lord know when she's available these days. He wishes he had some excuse to be around her.)

Robbie: (Communicator rings) Oh thank god.

Sammy: Huh?

Robbie: Sorry Sammy. I just realized I need to be somewhere. We'll talk later.

(He gets up and walks out of the Juice Bar with a purpose, leaving Sammy bemused.)

Sammy: Oh. Okay, yeah cool. I'll be here.

(Robbie heads outside of the Juice Bar and finds somewhere secluded before taking the call.)

Robbie: Zordon.

Zordon: Robbie, I am detecting a spike in energy inside Redwood Cemetery. I cannot pinpoint the exact location, but it is alarming and too sudden a change to ignore.

Robbie: Okay.

Zordon: I have already contacted Tommy and Kimberly and they will meet you there. I will alert the others as well.

Robbie: Got it.

(Robbie disconnects, then look around to see if anyone is around. Once he's in the clear he teleports to the coordinates entered into his communicator. Already there are Kimberly and Tommy.)

Kimberly: I hate cemeteries! This place gives me the creeps.

Tommy: I know.

(A stray leaf smacks Tommy in the face as they have been since they arrived in the windy graveyard. For whatever reason it is oddly chilly, and the sky appears two shades darker than it was when they left.)

Kimberly: Where is everyone?

Tommy: I don't know. Zordon said to meet exactly here. I think we better stay put.

(Kim tries, but is unnerved when upon looking at the gravestones around her. Many of which are surprisingly recent; most appearing to be within the past two years. Kimberly gets a deep feeling in the pit of her stomach when she starts putting the pieces together. Some of the names she even recognizes.)

Kimberly: "Ritchie Rodriguez?"

(Unnerved, she turns to Tommy.)

Kimberly: I want to get out of here. This place is really freaking me out. People come here to die, I want to lea--



(Someone behind her aggressively grabs her arm.)

Robbie: Relax, it's just me.

Kimberly: You idiot! You almost gave me a heart attack!

Tommy: Good one.

Robbie: Thanks. Anyone else here yet?

Tommy: No, just us.

Robbie: Cool. Kim, think we can talk for a minute while we wait?

Kimberly: No!

Robbie: Come on, it'll be really quick. I just have something on my min—

(Rocky shows up before Robbie can finish his thought.)

Rocky: There you are! Tommy, we need to talk. Now.

Tommy: Is this important? Zordon said this could be serious.

Rocky: Very. Look I feel you've bee--

(Billy and Aisha cut him off with their arrival.)

Aisha: Billy, for the last time I'm not interested.

Billy: I-I think you've misunderstood. I just meant that I know a good spot to get tossed salads. Like buy them. I promise you'll find the experience very enjoyable.

Aisha: I doubt that.

Rocky: Look Tommy, I...

Adam: Hey guys! I got here as fast as I could.

(Rocky groans.)

Tommy: No problem man.

Rocky: Tommy are you listening?

Tommy: Not now Rocky. We're all here. We should probably start looking.

"Aha. Look no further."

(The rangers are startled as a voice calls out behind them. A menacing figure stands before them.)

"Prepare to meet your makers."

Tommy: Goldar?

Goldar: Yes?

(The rangers groan collectively.)

Goldar: What? What's wrong?

Robbie: I don't believe this.

Adam: What a ripoff.

Goldar: What?

Aisha: I'm going home. You guys got this.

Kimberly: Like no offense Goldar, but you're kind of a tired act.

Goldar: Tired?

Tommy: It's been three years. You're hardly the boogey man anymore.

Billy: Suffice to say, we were expecting something bigger.

Goldar: Bigger you say? Well I think I've got just the thing.

(A bony hand bursts through the soil and grabs Kimberly's foot.)

Kimberly: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Billy: Look out!

(Tommy kicks the hand and pulls his fiancé to safety. The teens back up a safe distance. The hand rises from the earth like a plant in bloom. Another arm emerges and pulls itself to surface.)

Rito: I love that trick!

Goldar: Hahaha. That was fun.

Tommy: Who are you?

Goldar: This is that something you were looking for.

Adam: This guy looks like a total clown. You think he's really causing the spike in energy?

Tommy: I'd rather not wait to find out. It's morphin time!






"Saber-Toothed Tiger!"


(The rangers are now fully morphed and ready to deal with the new threat.)

Rito: Neat trick. Now let me show you one of mine.

(Back on the moon...)

Lord Zedd and Rita: By the power and force of lightning, make our monsters grow!!

(They combine their wands, emitting a dark energy that streams directly to earth. It strikes Goldar and Rito, who both grow to the size of skyscrapers. The rangers now grow far more concerned than they were a minute ago.)

Adam: This isn't good.

Tommy: Not a sweat. Just follow my lead. We need the power of thunder!

(A clap of thunder strikes on cue, as the rangers summon their Zords.)

Adam: Mastodon-Lion Thunderzord power!

(The Mastodon appears and fuses with the power of thunder and becomes the Lion Thunderzord.)

Kimberly: Pterodactyl-firebird Thunderzord power!

(The Pterodactyl soars in and becomes the Firebird Thunderzord.)

Billy: Triceratops-unicorn Thunderzord power!

(The Triceratops harnesses its new power to become the Unicorn.)

Aisha: Saber-toothed Tiger-Griffin Thunderzord power!

(The Saber-toothed Tiger growls, before it fuses with a bolt of lightning, turning it into the Griffin.)

Rocky: Tyrannosaurus-red dragon Thunderzord power!

(With a mighty roar, the Tyrannosaurus morphs into the red dragon and takes the lead in transformation while the others march down the road behind it. Robbie summons his Zord as well.)

Robbie: StegaBird Thunderzord power!

(Ripping through the air, the StegaBird arrives and joins the cavalry. The Red Dragon's head straightens upwards while its tail straightens out. Its front legs attach and its hind legs follow before the Dragons head folds in, revealing the face of a humanoid. The rest of the Thunderzords shortly follow suit, bending and twisting in different ways to form different parts of the body. The StegaBird swoops in at the end; attaching to the shoulders, creating the Stega-Thunderzord.)


Tommy: Let's not waste any time. Give them everything you've got!

(Tommy turns around and reaches for an elemental orb. He enters it into the socket in front of him and sends out a charged blast of fire toward Goldar.)

Goldar: Wha- huh?

(The ball of fire aims right for his chest. However before contact, Rito steps in front of it and smacks it like a baseball with his blade.)

Aisha: Did I just see that?

(The beam flies right into the side of a building; blowing it up instantly.)

Tommy: No!

Robbie: Something tells me this won't be your typical Goldar fight.

(Before the StegaThunderzord can so much as react to that, Goldar appears behind them. He applies a chokehold and swings them around like a rag doll. He lets them fly into the base of another building. The rangers collide with full force, causing the building to crumble and topple on top of them.)

Rocky: AHHH!!!
Robbie: AHHH!!!
Billy: AHHHH!!!

(Before long, the StegaThunderzord is buried under a mountain of rubble. The weight alone crushes some critical circuitry, and sends internal alarms blaring.)

Billy: Our shields are taking a hit. It is imperative that we reassess.

Tommy: This isn't going like I'd planned.

(The Tigerzord rushes over to try and bury its partner out.)

Aisha: So do we follow your lead now or after you reassess?

Tommy: I know things aren't looking too great, but they can't get much worse.

Rocky: Tommy, I think I should be leader.

Tommy: (Sighs) ...

(Meanwhile, back in the command center...)

Alpha: Zordon, the rangers are taking serious damage! Aye ya yai!

(He pulls up an image on the viewing globe and becomes concerned with what he sees.)

Alpha: It's Rito! Rita's younger brother. He's back! Oh, this is not good.

Zordon: Have faith, Alpha. They've overcome adversity before. I have no doubt they will overcome again.

Alpha: I uh... I suppose.

Zordon: Besides, if Rito is the cause of this power shift than the threat is far less urgent that initially thought. He is powerful, but nothing the rangers cannot handle.

Alpha: You're right Zordon!

(Reassured, Alpha returns to his work and tries to back up the ranger's energy from the control panel. Something alarms him again however.)

Alpha: Uh-oh.

Zordon: What is it Alpha?

Alpha: I... well, it's probably nothing. I mean I hope it's nothing. I mean it could be something, but I really, really hope that it's...

Zordon: What is it Alpha?

Alpha: It doesn't seem like Rito is responsible for the spike in power. Whatever caused it has moved to a different location.

Zordon: Do you mean to say...?

Alpha: It... was a trap.

Zordon: Locate the current location and see if we can contain it before it reaches its destination.

(Alpha continues pushing seemingly random buttons, trying to dig deeper.)

Alpha: I think it's too late for that.

(Zordon does not reply. However he looks up and forward to the front. Alpha does the same. Both of them finds a strange purple ooze trickling from the front. It makes its way toward the viewing globe, then begins to clump together and take shape.)

Alpha: Sh-should I alert the rangers?

Zordon: Not yet.

(The puddle of ooze bubbles up and rises. In mere seconds it begins to take the shape of the humanoid, and eventually, Ivan Ooze.)

Ivan Ooze: (mutters) Zordon...

(Back downtown, the StegaTigerzord returns to its feet and back in fighting position. The real battle however, seems to be going on between the Thunder and Tigerzord cockpits.)

Rocky: Why can't I be leader?

Tommy: Because Jason made me the leader when he left.

Rocky: Who the hell is Jason?

Tommy: Enough Rocky, we're not discussing this right now. That's final.

(Before Rocky has the chance to retort, Goldar charges the Zord with his saber.)

Robbie: (urgently) Thundersaber power up!!!

(The Thundersaber is drawn and quickly blocks two swings to the chest. Goldar is stomped in the gut and pushed away just in time for Rito to lunge through the air from the right. The rangers swing upward at him and he hits the ground amid a sea of his own sparks. Goldar recovers as the Zord's back is turned and wails at them from behind. The force nearly pushes the rangers out of their seat, toward the windshield. However they recover in time and hit Goldar with an eye beam before he can capitalize.)

Rocky: If this is about the best fighter, I have my qualifications. I will fight you right now and show you who's boss.

Robbie: Can we focus? I have survived way too many fights to die now to the two stooges.

Kimberly: (mutters) Who put you in charge?

Robbie: What?

Kimberly: Nothing.

Robbie: Didn't sound like nothing. If your boyfriend was more focused on his team and less on petty arguments and his stupid wedding I wouldn't have to dole out pep talks.

Kimberly: Stupid?! Is that what you think of my wedding that it's stupid?! Who do you think you are?!? You think it's easy to manage this team? You can barely manage your love life.

Rocky: Oh snap!

Robbie: Shut up Rocky. I'm trying to keep us from dying he-- DUCK!!

(The StegaThunderzord barely dodges a swing from Goldar's saber.)

Robbie: If you'd rather he take the lead over me, then just say so.

Kimberly: I'm pretty sure we would all prefer Tommy take the lead over you.

Aisha: Do we get a third choice?

Rocky: Me!!

Aisha: Anyone else?

Robbie: If that's what you want Kim, fine. I'll keep my mouth shut.

Aisha: That'll be the day.

Robbie: Take a hike Aisha. Lord knows you could use the exercise.

Aisha: Oh I will hurt you for that.

(Billy leans into Aisha's ear.)

Billy: Don't worry, I'll protect you.

Aisha: Get lost, Billy! Don't make me hurt you.

Billy: Why are you people so violent?

Aisha: WHAT?!

Billy: I-I mean the new people! The new people!!

Tommy: You're one to talk Robbie. Your midsection looks like a melted candle.

(The entire ranger team suddenly becomes so busy arguing amongst themselves, that they forget that they are actually supposed to be fighting Goldar and Rito. That is until Rocky gets up.)

Rocky: That's it! If no one wants to take me seriously, than I quit!!

(He furiously walks away from the console and looks for the exit.)

Tommy: NOOOOOOO!!!
Robbie: NOOOOOOO!!!
Kimberly: NOOOOOO!!!
Billy: NOOOOOOO!!!
Aisha: NOOOOOO!!!
Adam: You fool!!!

(The StegaThunderzord goes completely limp, leaving it wide open for their enemies. Goldar and Rito take advantage and feast on it like vultures with swords; taking merciless swings from each side. They rock the ranger's front to back. They are helpless to get away. Without Rocky at the helm they're like a parked car who's only able to move its tires. Finally, the Zord's knees buckle and it collapses weakly to the ground.)

Rocky: My bad.

(Back in the command center, a stunned Zordon goes face to face with his friend turned foe.)

Zordon: Ivan. I see you've returned.

Ivan Ooze: Zordon. I see you've gone bald.

Zordon: Forgive me for not making preparations. This homecoming was unexpected.

Ivan Ooze: Bah, don't sweat it. I mean it's not like you've completely stabbed me in the back, blindsided me and imprisoned me for like in that godforsaken tin can!!

Zordon: I did no such thing Ooze. You were out of control.

Ivan Ooze: You were out of control! You ruined my life.

Zordon: I did it for the good of all humankind. The power coins were created for good; for protecting the world, not taking over it. You had plans for world domination, I could not have allowed you to act it out.

Ivan Ooze: I had plans to save the world; to liberate it. I had plans to wipe out tyranny with a single ruler.

Zordon: Absolute power corrupts absolutely, Ivan. And you are no stranger to greed. You weren't satisfied being just a member of my team and you'd never have been satisfied only using that kind of limitless power for good.

Ivan Ooze: Bah! I've had enough of your lectures to last me about 10,000 years. I can see you won't apologize for stealing my past. You leave me no choice but to steal your future.

Zordon: What are you saying Ivan?

Ivan: I'm saying... it's time to play the piper.

(Ivan Ooze reaches behind his back and pulls out a long purple flute; the significance of which is apparent to Zordon who panics.)

Zordon: Alpha!!

(Ooze lifts the flute to his lips, plays a poor, nonsensical tune, and then points it near Zordon's head. The energy tube just to left of him shatters instantly. The lights flutter. Zordon's voice begins to cut in and out.)

Zordon: Alpha, stop him!! Al- (inaudible) the others at once.

Ivan Ooze: You will do no such thing.

(He points the flute at the control panel in front of Zordon. It quickly bursts into flames as if a bomb had been set off.)

Ivan Ooze: I believe their hands are full at the moment.

Alpha: Get away you big brute!!

(Alpha appears out of nowhere and tries to tackle Ooze and wrestle the wand from him. Before he gets close though, Ivan points the wand at him. Alpha says nothing more; his body rocks as if he's been shot. His limbs extend outward and sparks fly out of his chest. The lights on Alpha's head go dim and he falls limp to the ground.)

Alpha: Alpha!!!

Ivan Ooze: Hahaha! You really thought that flashlight could have stopped me?

Zordon: You will ne-(inaudible) away with this, Ivan.

Ivan Ooze: What was that? You're breaking up? Haha!

Zordon: I will take great pride in watching you get destroyed.

Ivan Ooze: You will watch nothing. As far as I'm concerned, you are finished!!

(Ivan points the wand through the black smoke engulfing the command center, directly at Zordon's energy tube. The next thing the rangers know, their Zords, begin to power down.)

Kimberly: (crying) Take it back! Take it back right now!

Robbie: No, it needs to be said. Your "engagement" to Tommy is a huge farce and a bigger mistake than when your parents got married. You're doing the exact same thing your mom did, and you're just a clueless.

Kimberly: You're horrible!!

Tommy: Don't listen to him hon. He's just jealous because nobody loves him.

Kimberly: Get out! Get out of here! Don't you ever come back!

Robbie: Gladly.

Kimberly: And I hope you die a slow and painful death.

Robbie: So you want me to stay then?

Rocky: Guys can you loosen the rope a little? I can't feel my arms.

Robbie: No!

(Rocky is now seen piloting the Red Dragon Thunderzord, while the other Zords have formed together. He is being tied down to avoid another incident.)

Tommy: You're not the boss of him. You're the boss of no one here.

Robbie: Do you want to untie him then?

Tommy: No!

Kimberly: And for your information my mom is wonderful! She's beautiful she's smart. She still fits in her wedding dress!!

Robbie: She was pregnant!

Rocky: Uhm you guys!

Tommy: What?!
Robbie: What?!
Kimberly: What?!

Rocky: Something's wrong with my shields. They're leaking fast!

(Billy investigates the StegaTigerzord's shields, which is doing the same.)

Billy: What is going on?! I-I don't understand. We aren't even being hit right now. Rito and Goldar even stepped out for coffee.

(Tommy reaches for his communicator.)

Tommy: Zordon. Come in Zordon.


Robbie: That's not good.

Kimberly: Tommy I'm worried. What if something happened to them?

Aisha: We should probably head back to the command center.

Tommy: Not yet. First we take care of these two clowns.

Robbie: What clowns? Do you see us fighting anyone? We're too busy fighting each other.

Tommy: They'll be back. This is what they want, for us to leave.

Kimberly: He could be right. Zedd could be blocking communications somehow.

Robbie: Does anyone else, not stupid enough to marry Tommy agree?

(No one answers.)

Robbie: I didn't think so.

Tommy: Well I don't care what any of you think. I just gave you an order.

Aisha: Is that right?

Tommy: Yeah, that's right. Half the team may be new but I've been around long enough to remember why we're here. That's to protect the citizens of Angel Grove.

Robbie: We need to evacuate now.

Adam: I-I think he's right, Tommy. We won't save anyone if the command center is compromised.

(From the Zords peripherals, Goldar and Rito calmly return to the scene. They spot the StegaTigerzord and the Red Dragon Thunderzord just standing there, and ready their weapons.)

Tommy: You see? What did I say? Let's finish them off, fast. Firebird, disengage!

(But there is no response. Tommy waits a second before speaking up again, more forcefully.)

Tommy: Firebird, disengag--

(The lights inside the cockpit shut off.)

Kimberly: What just happened?

Rocky: It wasn't me.

(An emergency light flashes over their heads. A prerecorded message plays.)

"Warning: Fatal error has occurred. Connection to the morphin grid has been severed. Please evacuate immediately. Emergency self-destruct sequence has been initiated. This is not a test."

Kimberly: Tommy, I think we should go.

Tommy: Just a little bit longer...

Robbie: Now!!

(Robbie gets up from his seat and evacuates from the cockpit, some of the other naturally follow.)

Rocky: Can someone untie me please?

Kimberly: Let's go Tommy we have to go.

Tommy: Man... this can't be happening. This is all my fault.

Kimberly: It's no one's fault, Tommy. This could have happened to anyone.

Tommy: But it didn't. It happened to me.

Kimberly: It happened to all of us. We're all taking blame for this, okay? And we need to get out of here so we can start making things right.

(Tommy doesn't respond. He looks down at him control panel where Saba has been station and notices he's nowhere to be found. He looks back up at Kimberly to see her bare face; scratches and all.)

Tommy: Huh?

(Goldar and Rito charge up two energy blasts that the Zord has no chance of surviving, Kim reaches for Tommy's arm and they leave to quickly get Rocky and exit.)

Kimberly: Let's go.

(Just as they leave Rito and Goldar unleash two furious beams that hits dead on. The Zord quivers like Alpha did earlier, but doesn't fall right away. Fire breaks out everywhere and the green windshield shatters. Kimberly, Tommy and Rocky reach the ground unharmed. They join the others who can only stop and stare in horror as their Zords are completely destroyed.)

Billy: I can't believe it...

(The StegaTigerzord and the Red Dragon Thunderzord look almost human as it flails about like a man on fire. Eventually limbs start falling off and it's clear that there's no turning back. Circuits are exposed and more fires spontaneously break out as the self-destruct sequence begins. A distraught Tommy can't bear the thought of it and tries foolishly to run back inside. The others grab him before he gets very far. Robbie looks up with an utterly blank expression. He watches everything he once stood for, everything that was good in his life and brought him happiness crumble before his eyes. The final blast finally hits, blinding the team and forcing the former power rangers to fall backwards. The Thunderzords have been completely destroyed, and take about half the town around it.)

To be continued.

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