Estelle's Adventures in Swan...

By PerkyGoth14

3.8K 41 7

Akito, Estelle, Vincent, Felicity, and Kelly are on their way to sleepaway camp for the first time. However... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 9

177 2 0
By PerkyGoth14

"We looked all day and all night and zippo... Nothing..." Lila said as they came back into the forest as the elves had been turned back into animals.

"We couldn't even find it using Psychic." The female Ralts said.

"How pathetic..." the male Ralts groaned in dismay.

Estelle and Odette got into the water and decided to catch up on some sleep.

"They deserve some rest." The female Ralts said.

"Let them." Carlita agreed quietly.

Teddy was already and instantly asleep and even seemed to be sucking his claw like a baby sucking its thumb.

"Awww!" The female Ralts smiled. "He's so cute."

The male Ralts smiled and nodded in agreement. A familiar bird was i nthe sky and swooped by the duckling and swan and laughed as he flew overhead of them. Odette and Estelle instantly woke up, disturbed and alarmed. Lila bucked up in alarm and the woodland animals scattered out of fear. All, but the two Ralts as they began to try to scare him away with their Psy Beams. Rothbart did his best to dodge the Pokemons' attacks, trying not to let them slow him down.

"What is he doing here?" The male Ralts asked.

"I'm outta here!" Odette cried out as she started to flap her wings to fly away from Rothbart.

Estelle started flapping her wings as well and began to fly away with her. Rothbart laughed menacingly as he stalked after the girls.

"This guy is so annoying." Estelle groaned.

Rothbart ended up in front of the girls.

"Back, back!" Estelle cried, then flew the other way with Odette as Rothbart was now chasing them the other way in the air now before complaining. "What is with this guy?! It's like he's distracting us long enough for something or someone to come."

"Oh, how intelligent you seem." Rothbart mocked Estelle.

'He's up to something.' Estelle thought to herself.

There was a young man in the forest, he didn't seem to like the crow chasing after Odette and Estelle and tried to shoot it down with his bow and arrow.

'A hunter?' Estelle thought to herself.

The man however spotted the graceful swan and smiled. "What a prize!"

"Well, go on, go on," Rothbart urged as he flew in the sky. "Take the shot, take the shot!"

The man was about to shoot his arrow at Odette, but he found himself unable to for some reason.

"No, please don't shoot." Estelle begged as she flew in the sky.

The man lowered his bow and arrow and felt entranced by the swan who was actually a very beautiful girl. Eventually, Odette and Estelle landed on solid ground and they were transformed back into their human forms.

"That was weird." Estelle said.

"I think we're safe for now." Odette said as she was unable to spot Rothbart anywhere.

The man spotted the girls and looked curious and confused, then walked over to go meet them, having seen their transformation.

'What was that all about anyway?' Estelle thought to herself.

The man came up to the girls. Odette gasped in surprise.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"My name is Estelle and this is my friend, Odette." Estelle introduced.

"How did you get here?" Odette added in asking about the mysterious man before bowing. "Uh, Your Highness?"

"You know me?" the man asked in slight surprise.

"I live in the village," Odette said, then looked down. "Estelle, this is Prince Daniel."

"Oh, pleased to meet you, Your Highness." Estelle said with a curtsy.

"Oh, good day." Prince Daniel smiled to them then.

"What are you doing here, Your Highness?" Estelle asked.

"I was just doing one of my favorite hobbies, I was about to shoot down this swan who looked like a true prize, but,... It appears that Odette is that swan..." Prince Daniel explained.

"Oh, you saw that?" Odette replied. "It's a very long story."

"Yeah," Estelle nodded. "A long story."

"I've got time." Prince Daniel promised, very curious, especially when he saw them transform back into humans from a swan and a duckling.

"Well, you see..." Estelle said before starting to explain everything.

Prince Daniel listened as Odette and Estelle told him their story about how they turned into birds and how Rothbart put them under a hideous spell. Estelle even included that she was from a different time.

"And now we have to break Rothbart's spell," Odette concluded. "Somehow..."

"Well, well, well..." Rothbart came behind them all which made Daniel flinch slightly. "I see the Fairy Queen still has some powers left. One arrow from a human, that's all it would've taken."

"You wanted me to kill them!" Prince Daniel replied in shock and dismay toward the villain.

"You're a hunter, aren't you?" Rothbart scoffed. "Why else would I lure you here? Now, of course, you're useless, as useless, as, say, a pig..." he said before was about to blast the prince and turn him into an animal as well.

Odette stood in front of the prince to protect him from the blast. Rothbart's blast came, but surprisingly enough, Odette seemed to shield the impact and didn't even affect her.

"Surprised, right?" Estelle smiled at Prince Daniel.

"You have no idea." Prince Daniel replied.

Rothbart kept trying to use his magic, but the crystal was protecting Odette from his evil powers.

"Give it up, Rothbart." Estelle smirked.

Rothbart saw what was happening, then came closer, withdrawing his magic. "Tell you what, you give me your crown and necklace, and I'll leave him alone," he bribed the girls.

Prince Daniel took out his bow and arrow and shot his arrow straight for Rothbart. Rothbart held up his hand and made his magic make the arrow stop in thin air and he destroyed it instantly.

"They'll never give up the crown or necklace." Teddy told him after arriving.

"Where did you come from?" Rothbart glared down at him.

"DADDY!!!" a voice shrieked.

"I think you got bigger problems." Teddy smirked to that.

"Sounds like your daughter needs you." Estelle also smirked at Rothbart.

Rothbart grumbled to himself and rushed off to find Odile.

"What's going on?" Estelle asked.

"Don't worry, we had a plan." Teddy smiled to her.

"Let me guess, you and the animals, right?" Estelle smirked.

"You know it." Teddy giggled.

"So judging her screams, Odile must be getting attacked by skunks." Estelle giggled.

"That one was Carlita's idea." Teddy replied.

"Cool." Estelle smiled.

"Wanna see?" Teddy invited.

"Yes, please." Estelle said.

Teddy gently took Estelle's hand and led her into the forest.

Odile screamed as three skunks were going around her in a circle and taking turns spraying her with their unpleasant stench.

"That's it!" Carlita encouraged the skunks. "Get her real good!"

"Oh, you are all roadkill!" Odile glared at the skunks.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, Estelle cupped his mouth as she giggled.

"DADDY!!!" Odile screamed as the skunks continued to have fun.

"Oh, this is very entertaining." Estelle smiled.

Unfortunately, it would not last as Rothbart had arrived after becoming his bird form to travel to his daughter. Ivan, Carlita, and the skunks ran off as Rothbart appeared and the man recoiled in disgust of the smell.

"This is the worst day of my entire life!" Odile whined. "And I wanna go home NOW!"

"That's a relief for all of us." Estelle whispered.

Teddy nodded quietly in agreement.

"Don't worry, you just need a bath with some..." Rothbart told his daughter before coughing from the disgusting skunk spray fumes and wheezed. "Vinegar! And tomato juice..." he then turned into a bird to fly away from the smelliness.

"What am I, a salad?!" Odile hissed as she held out her hand.

Rothbart caught her with his talons and flew off with her to get out of the forest and get back home.

"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" Teddy waved.

"This ain't over!" Odile scowled at the Teddiursa as she flew off with her father.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever!" Teddy called out.

Estelle giggled to Teddy and came back to Odette and Prince Daniel with him.

"I wonder what they were doing while we were gone." Teddy said.

"Maybe falling in love." Estelle smirked playfully.

"Yeah." Teddy giggled.

"You saved me." Prince Daniel smiled to the older girl.

"As long as I wear the crystal or Estelle wears the jewel, we're protected," Odette explained sheepishly. "I wasn't really in danger."

"That's not how it looked to me." Prince Daniel chuckled lightly.

"I'm glad you're alright." Odette smiled back.

Estelle and Teddy stopped where they were and decided to hide to give these two their time together.

"What is this place?" Prince Daniel asked.

"I haven't seen much, but I can show you Swan Lake." Odette invited with a smile.

Prince Daniel smiled and the two walked off together.

"Shouldn't we follow them?" Teddy whispered.

"Just don't get out too far," Estelle suggested. "I have a feeling about those two."

Teddy nodded to his mother and stayed close to her, but still in a far away distance from Odette and Prince Daniel.

"This is so romantic." Teddy smiled.

"Oh, this is like the ballet..." Estelle smiled to herself as she heard graceful music in her mind which made her want to dance.

"I feel like wanting to dance." The female and male Ralts smiled.

"You guys dance?" Estelle smiled to the Pokemon.

"A little." The Ralts twins said.

Estelle smiled back to them.

"Do you dance?" the female Ralts asked.

"Oh, it's one of my favorite things in the whole wide world." Estelle replied with glee.

"Then you should dance with us." The male Ralts smiled.

"Oh, that sounds like a nice honor." Estelle smiled back.

"So, what do you say?" The female Ralts smiled.

Estelle smiled back. "Let's dance."

"Yay!" Teddy cheered.

Odette and Prince Daniel walked together as Estelle and the Ralts were dancing like professional and graceful ballerinas on Broadway.

'This is so much fun.' The female Ralts smiled.

The elves had picnic baskets and were wandering off together in the dark of the night.

"So enchanting." Teddy smiled.

"This is the most beautiful forest I've ever explored..." Estelle said once she saw the flowers and fireflies shot out in a perfect beam of light.

"This is the first forest I've ever explored." Teddy said.

"Embrace it," Estelle smiled to him. "Explore... Just be what you wanna be."

"Okay." Teddy smiled.

Estelle smiled back as they looked all around them in this very beautiful forest of the night. Odette and Prince Daniel were enjoying each other's company very much, and where nothing seemed like it was going to ruin this moment. The fireflies seemed to make a candlelight dinner while the elves were putting their food on a table for Odette and Prince Daniel since they seemed to had been falling in love with each other.

'A romantic dinner date.' Estelle thought to herself.

One female elf even did a twirl and gave a bouquet of flowers for Odette. Odette took them with a smile and gave them a sniff. This made more fireflies spark up and they flew all around her and glowed the girl into a beautiful pink long-sleeved dress to match her crystallized crown.

"Pretty." Teddy smiled.

"Yes, yes." Estelle agreed happily.

Odette and Prince Daniel sat down together. Lila smiled to them, but decided to back up to give them some privacy.

"Excellence." The male Ralts smiled.

Odette and Prince Daniel started to walk and dance together, really falling in love with each other.

"I think they're in love..." Estelle batted her eyelashes.

"Same here." Teddy smiled.

Estelle hummed the Swan Lake ballet music as she danced in the background like the ballerina she aspired to be when she grew up. Teddy smiled happy that his mother was having such a wonderful time. The Ralts really loved dancing with Estelle and were surprised of how much she knew about ballet and dancing. Estelle told them that she loved ballet so much that she really wanted to become a ballerina when she would grow up and maybe even become a ballet teacher at some point. The Ralts even began to use their psychic powers making them and Estelle float in the air. Estelle kept dancing, then looked down and her eyes widened slightyl, but she smiled to see that the Ralts Pokemon were the ones making her float.

"So cool." Teddy smiled.

Estelle giggled as she floated. "This must be how Fluttershy felt with that butterfly patch when she discovered her cutie mark."

"Friend of yours?" The Ralts asked

"Friend of Dad's mostly," Estelle said. "She lives in the land of Equestria, she's a Pegasus."

"Oh, yeah, we've heard of that place." The female Ralts smiled.

The two girls waded into the water and decided to get some sleep as Prince Daniel left back into the village to tell Odette's family all about whrre she had been for the past couple of days.

'I hope night time comes soon.' Teddy thought to himself.

So far, it was a very peaceful night and everyone was able to rest easy. Teddy continued to wait for the troll. The troll had finally found the book and rushed to find the others.

When he came, everybody was out of their animal forms and they heard the troll coming and gathered around him as he finally found the book they had been looking endlessly for. Even the Fairy Queen was there.

"Well done, Erasmus." the Fairy Queen congratulated him for finding the book.

"Where was it?" Odette asked.

"Uh," the troll scratched his head. "Out in the open... Here you go." he then handed the book to Odette and Estelle.

"How do we open it?" Estelle asked.

Suddenly, Odette's crystal and Estelle's jewel both glowed and it cast over the book. The lock on the book seemed to unlock and it allowed the book to be opened.

"Cool." Estelle smiled.

Teddy climbed onto Odette's back to take a closer look at the book.

"'The ones who free the crystal and jewel share a love so true, it will overcome all evil magic, even if one doesn't find a true love, but the other one does'." Odette read aloud.

"The prince!" Lila smiled. "I knew it!"

"Lila..." Odette muttered sheepishly.

"You know it's true," Estelle smirked playfully until reading what the jewel actually was. "Wait, it says here that the jewel is actually a heart shard."

Teddy looked over to Estelle's necklace and took a closer look at the jewel hanging from it. It seemed to glow a bit.

"Please return me home." A boy voice said from the heart shard.

"Wait, that voice, it couldn't be." Estelle said, recognizing that voice from camp.

"What is it, Mama?" Teddy asked.

"Um, nothing, sweetie, but I think I know whose heart shard this is." Estelle said.

"Who?" Teddy asked.

"A boy at the camp who I thought was a bully, but just seems to have lost one of his emotions." Estelle said.

"Lost one of his emotions...?" Teddy asked.

"His joy..." Estelle said.

"But... How can you lose an emotion?" Teddy tilted his head.

"It's actually pretty easy when you've lost something that used to give you joy." Estelle said.

"It is?" Teddy asked.

"Yeah, most of us have lost certain emotions." Estelle said.

Teddy frowned, that sounded incredibly sad.

"I'll make sure you get back to your body." Estelle said to the heart shard.

There seemed to be a golden yellow glow after Estelle had said that, and where the heart shard came off the necklace and became an image of the bully boy from camp. We are shown the bully boy crying.

"That looks like Edwin..." Estelle said.

"Edwin?" Teddy asked.

"Mr. Salamone's nephew back from the Plaza Hotel." Estelle explained.

"Is he at your camp?" Teddy asked.

"I could've sworn I heard him at camp during orientation..." Estelle replied.

"So then he is at the camp." Teddy smiled.

"Yes..." Estelle nodded as the jewel was glowing a yellow glow.

"What's that yellow glow?" Teddy asked.

"That's his joy..." Estelle replied. "His sadness and anger must be taking over his well-being."

"That's terrible!" Teddy gasped.

"It can be..." Estelle replied.

"Will you really take me back to Edwin?" The heart shard asked.

"I will try..." Estelle whispered to the heart shard.

"Thank you." The heart shard said before going back on the necklace changing back into a heart shard.

"Well, at least the worst is behind us." The male Ralts smiled.

Odette and Prince Daniel walked together.

"Odette, tomorrow night, my mother is throwing a royal ball," Prince Daniel told the girl. "Will you come with me?"

Odette smiled at the offer, but then looked the sky with a frown. "Oh, it's nearly dawn..."

"She'd love to come." Estelle answered for Odette.

Odette looked to her in surprise. Lila and the elves gave a long look to this as did the Ralts twins and Teddy.

"Daniel, I... I can't..." Odette told the prince. "I don't know why, but somehow, Estelle and I are connected to the Magic Crystal and Jewel; we need to stay here to help them. We'll break the spell somehow."

"But Odette, his royal ball might still be active as the moon rises." Estelle said.

"Do you think so?" Odette asked.

"Why not?" Estelle replied. "I say we should go, we're not letting Rothbart get away with this."

"I'll bring an army." Prince Daniel suggested.

"I doubt your army will stand a chance against his magic." Estelle said.

"She's right, he's too powerful," Odette added. "He'll do to you what he's done to us."

"I'll take that risk!" Prince Daniel replied.

"Hmm... Well, still wait for me and Odette at your ball." Estelle told him.

"And leave you here?" Prince Daniel replied.

"If you really want to help us, go home and find Odette's family," Estelle told him maturely. "Tell them that she's okay."

"They must be worried." Odette frowned about her family.

"Can you please do that?" Estelle asked Prince Daniel.

The sun soon slowly rose which turned everyone back into their animal forms.

"No... NO!" Prince Daniel frowned as Odette turned into a swan and Estelle turned into a duckling.

"You must go," Estelle told the prince. "We'll meet you at your ball, I promise!"

Teddy nodded as he knew Estelle never lied. The girls then went back into the water as they were a swan and duckling now. Prince Daniel looked to them and soon went back into his kingdom.

'I hope tomorrow night won't have trouble.' Estelle thought to herself.

"Did you two have fun with Estelle and Odette?" The Fairy Queen asked the Ralts twins.

"Yeah, we really did." The male Ralts replied.

"Especially with Estelle," The female Ralts added. "She seems like a wonderful person be around with since her Teddiursa likes her so much."

"Well, I've been with her ever since I hatched from my egg." Teddy smiled.

"Estelle does seem like such a lovely girl..." The Fairy Queen agreed.

The Ralts twins smiled back to her and Teddy.

"So, what now?" Teddy asked.

"We just have to wait for the troll to find a way to break the curse." The Fairy Queen sighed.

"Oh, right." Teddy sighed back.

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