Melanie Granger?

By Lexa_Skywalker

18K 364 167

Everyone knows about Hermione Granger, but what about her fraternal twin sister Melanie? What happens when H... More

Chapter 1: Mornings
Chapter 2: A Little More About Me
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Flying Lessons
Chapter 5: Fluffy
Chapter 6: We Have a Problem
Chapter 7: Hallowe'en
Chapter 8: Quidditch
Chapter 9: A Ghostly Encounter
Chapter 10: Harry Potter Talking With Me?
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Superising Potions Master
Chapter 13: Tests and Theories
Chapter 14: Hermione's Help or Hinderance?
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: More Clues?
Chapter 17
Chapter 19: Going Home for Christmas
Chapter 20: Home at Last
Chapter 21: Christmas Shopping
Chapter 22: Christmas

Chapter 18: All Together

403 3 2
By Lexa_Skywalker

So it turns out that I didn't really have to do anything that bad..  Ok actually it was terrifying.  I had to do a nude run out of the girls dorm down into the common room where I had to do one lap of the room then come back up into the dormitory.  What made it worse was they made me do it when Harry, Hermione and Ron were still in the common room.

It was so embarrassing!  I'd never let anyone see me like that before!  Well aside from my sister and my parents obviously, but still!  None of my friends had ever seen me naked!  That's why when I was running I did my best to try and cover my private areas so the others couldn't see them.  I swear I've never run so fast in all my life, just to get away from the embarrassing scene.

But with that over and done with things between Jane, Paisley and I were back to normal.  We all had a good laugh about the dare they'd forced me into and we talked for awhile about what they'd been up to while I was busy with the others.  Turned out they hadn't really done much except keep up with their homework and play card games together when they had the chance.  When I mentioned what I'd been up to with Hermione and the boys they became really interested in the mysteries we'd uncovered and were eager to help us uncover the truth about them.

'So you really want to help?'  I asked once more, making them give an exasperated sigh before they both nodded.

'Yes!'  Paisley agreed for what was probably the tenth time.

'Ok, ok!  Sorry I just want to make sure, I mean what you're getting yourselves into isn't going to be easy.'  I warned them.

'We know.'  Jane rolled her eyes.  'We're your friends, Mel, of course we want to help you, no matter how hard it's going to be.'

'Thanks guys.'  I smiled and hugged the two of them.  'Well, I guess we'd better go and tell the others that you're in.'

I got up and headed over to the door where I paused, waiting for them to follow. Once they stood behind me I headed out and went down the stairs with a small skip in my step. I had my best friends back and now we were coming together with my sister and her friends to solve a mystery and save the school! This was exciting!

'Hey guys!' I beamed at them, though when they saw me they all burst out laughing. 'Yes ha ha.' I replied sarcastically, but I found that I couldn't stay mad with them for long and soon all six of us were laughing as we thought about the stunt I had pulled before.

'I haven't seen you run that fast in a long time.' Hermione giggled.

'I haven't had the need to!' I grinned.

'Who's idea was it for you do to it?' Harry asked, wiping tears from his eyes.

'Mine!'  Jane beamed and stuck her hand in the air proudly as she laughed.

I snorted in between bouts of laughter and shook my head.  'I should have known.'

'Yeah you should have.' She nodded, smirking.

'That's the first time I've ever seen a girl naked...'  Ron muttered making the rest of us suddenly fall silent as we stared at him, quickly starting to feel awkward.  It didn't last, however, as Paisley began to giggle and soon we all started laughing again.

That was how we spent the afternoon, talking and laughing in between discussing how things were going with our little investigations and deciding on what we should do next.  So by the time we had to go to the great hall for dinner we had a plan of actions.  Not to mention the hiccups.

We had decided that Paisley, Hermione and Ron would go to the library and search through the books for anything on Nicholas Flamel, while Jane, Harry and I tried to get DNA samples from some of the other students to compare with the samples we got from the victims of the vampire.

Ron didn't want to go through the books, since he hated reading through lots of information, but we all knew that he'd be useless at trying to stealthily get saliva or blood from other people for the samples.  So we sorta forced him into going with Hermione or told him that he wouldn't get to be involved at all.  Heh I told him that last part to shut him up when he tried to convince us that he could help Harry and I, once I said that we wouldn't include him he gave up on trying to change his job and agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help Hermione.

'Oh fine, if I have to...'  Ron grumbled.

'That's the spirit!'  I grinned, cheekily.

So everything went well for us, the food was great, as always, and so was the company.  For the first time in ages it felt like we were all enjoying ourselves and to my surprise we all got along splendidly, in fact it turned out that Jane, Paisley and Hermione actually had a lot in common!  They all liked reading, though Hermione was definitely the most bookish out of the three of them, they liked similar colours, foods, and hey!  The three of them even liked the same kinds of muggle music.  I did too, to be honest, and Paisley pointed that out, pulling me back into the conversation.

All in all it was a great night and I was very happy that I'd gotten back together with my older friends and even connected them up with my new ones.


Hey guys!  Here's the next chapter, I'm sorry that it's not very long but I wanted to write up something fluffy before things start to get more serious as we go along!  Thank you for the comments and support in my previous chapters by the way, I really do appreciate all of them so please keep them coming!

I would also like to say a special thank you to Teamhermionerocks for your suggestions for my upcoming chapters! I will do my best to use some of them, I promise, and I'm just sorry that I wasn't able to do that in this chapter. I hope you're not too disappointed by that, and if you are then I will try to make it up to you because some of them will be featured in future chapters! So I hope you're happy with that.

To everyone though I hope that you're all doing well and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~ Lexa

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