
By MADcreations

3.9M 156K 28.7K

“Fuck,” I whisper, shutting my eyes and clunking my head to the door. “Where were you going, Scar?” Ace breat... More

Straight to the Heart
Kill Me With Kisses
Vampire Hunting
Drink Yourself to Death
Mix My Blood
Throwing Knives
Ink Imprinted
In The Flesh
Protecting a Heart
Screaming Blood
Speeding Bullet
Attractive Blood
Fast Talk
Empty Promises
Expected Surprise
The Biting Escape
An Arm For An Arm
The Element of Surprise
Normal Date
Big Brother
Connecting With You
Pack and Go
Ride Along
We Fight
He Was My Friend
Drinking in Europe
Ace's POV - Straight To The Heart
Ace's POV - In The Flesh

What They're Feeding On

161K 6.2K 1.7K
By MADcreations

Chapter 3

Ace isn’t a normal vampire.

I’ve figured that out. He isn’t normal for a lot of reasons. The first is that he’s faster than all of them. He caught my sword and he can move quicker than I can blink. Vampires shouldn’t have that fast of reflexes. For some reason, he’s an exception.

Another is that I’m not tracking him. He’s tracking me. When I track vampires, they don’t know I’m going after them. He knows and he keeps coming to me on purpose. But I don’t know why yet. To be honest, it’s intimidating. I don’t understand why he’s after me of all people. Maybe I killed one of his family members or friends. Or maybe he just wants me dead so I stop killing off their race.

He also willingly seduced me. It didn’t work. I mean, I really wasn’t paying any attention to him. I was too busy trying to shove a knife through his head. Literally. I don’t think any vampire would have done what he did. If I tried that on any other vampire, I’m pretty sure they would have their fangs sunken into my neck.

I’m currently crawling around in some random alleyway. It’s around midnight, I think, and I’m looking for Ace. He really just pops up when he wants to, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find him. Usually he finds me. The alleyway is empty - er, it looks empty. Ace could be stalking in the shadows somewhere.

“Ace?” I call out unsurely. I have my weapons on me just in case I run into a different vampire. I stop walking and shake my head. Ace can hurt me just as much as any other vampires can, if not more. He’s dangerous and lethal. He can kill me. He’s had the chance to.

I realize that’s another thing about him. He’s had a handful of chances to kill me and he hasn’t. He literally had a sword in his hands and he could have killed me. He didn’t though. Usually I’m more careful around vampires….why am I so reckless all of a sudden? He had so many chances…

I’m suddenly shoved against a brick wall. My arm throbs, but I ignore it, automatically reaching for my gun. Before I can, my hands are yanked away from my waist, pressed up against the wall near my head. I look at the attacker and a wave of relief hits me. It’s only Ace.

It’s only Ace?

No! He can kill me! I shouldn’t feel relieved, I should feel scared! He’s a fucking vampire! I need to pull myself together!

“Get off,” I hiss at him, swinging my leg up to knee him in the crotch. He smirks, dodging it. He presses tighter against me, legs against mine so I can’t move. He’s stronger; yet he knows not to crush me. He’s just got me so tight so that I can’t move at all.

“You rang, Scar. I’m not going anywhere.”

And then I feel his hand working away at my holster on my waist. He put both my wrists together in his other hand. I still try to escape, but it’s no use, he’s too strong. The holster is taken off me and chucked to the side. “Stay,” He says, like I’m a dog. I growl at him, but it only makes him chuckle.

Somehow, he manages to stick his hand through both of my boots and take out the extra two knifes I have in there, chucking them to the side too. I growl out helplessly as he takes away all of my possessions. His hands slide up my legs and he purposely flashes me a smirk. I glare at him and try to kick him off me but it doesn’t work. I can see the gash is now healing from where I sliced the sword on his arm; it’s almost completely healed.

He heals faster than normal.

He finds another sword and an extra gun underneath my shirt. “Damn, girl, how much shit do you carry around?” He mutters, taking the last of my weapons and tossing it to the far away pile. “There.”

 And I’m released.

I make a mad dash for my weapons, but I’m flung back. Ace pushes me farther than I expect. I go flying down onto the hard, rocky pavement. I don’t have a long sleeve on today, it’s a black tank top. So my arm scrapes against it. His eyes widen at my landing. “Shit, I’m sorry, Scar, are you okay?”

He’s next to me in a flash, eyeing my scrape. It’s not bleeding. My eyes widen at his apology and I’m on my feet, slowly backing away from him. He cares about me. He cares that I fell. He feels bad. He’s acting human.

“Get the hell away from me,” I snarl at him steadily. “We will both go our separate ways and never cross again, okay?”

His face drops. It’s like he’s human. Vampires can’t feel…can they? Each one I’ve seen all they do is try to attack, not care… “Scar, just wait, please?”

“Why do you move faster than the rest of them?” I blurt out of nowhere. 

He stares at me. He then decides to answer my question, knowing it will keep me here longer. “I don’t know. I’m…different, I guess,” He says indifferently.

Different. If he breeds with another vampire, his traits will be passed down. Faster vampires. Vampires than can heal quicker. Hell, he’s probably stronger than them all. We can’t have a stronger race of vampires running around. We won’t be able to stop them.

“You’re not a normal vampire,” I breathe out slowly, stepping closer to him. He missed a spot on me. He doesn’t know I have a small knife on the lower part of my back, inside my jeans. “Are there more like you?”

“Dunno,” He replies. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“What did you want to talk about?” I ask casually as I take another step towards him. A foot away now. Just got to get close enough so I can stab him.

“Well, first,” He smirks, and then I’m not a foot away from him anymore. I’m closer than I want to be. I’m up against the wall again, hands above my head. The knife is in my left hand. He plucks it away from me, tsk-tsking but smirking at the same time, and tossing it into the pile. “Do I have to search underneath your bra too? Because I will happily do so.”

“Asshole,” I snarl at him. I’m weaponless against a stronger-than-average vampire. I’m a goner.

He releases my hands, but he doesn’t step away. “What I wanted to talk to you about is why you keep trying to kill me.”

“Why?” I echo, anger coursing through my veins. “You kill people. You don’t think, you don’t care that you drain their blood. You drain innocent people’s lives away. That you drained my father’s life away.” I’m shaking now. And on the verge of tears, but I’m not going to cry. I’ve cried enough over it.

“We don’t like killing people,” He glares back at me. “It’s how we survive. If you put a tiger in a cage with  a human, they’ll kill them in two seconds flat. Will you go after that tiger because of it? No. So why go after vampires?”

“Because they do it repeatedly,” I shoot back at him. “They have no remorse.”

“How do you know? You don’t know that, Scar! It’s how we survive! You kill thousands of pigs and other animals and you don’t bat an eyelash! You don’t think about that cute little cow you’re eating on a bun!”

I stay silent. It’s different. Vampires kill because its fun. They get food, but they get a thrill out of it too. “They shouldn’t take all of their blood.”

“It’s not easy to stop, Scar, you know that. The blood keeps flowing. Once it’s all gone, it’s easy.”

I struggle against his weight. “Get the hell off of me!”

He pushes me to the wall harder. “No. I don’t trust you.”

“And you think I trust you?” I snap back. “You’re a fucking vampire and you’re about two inches away from my neck!”

A smirk. “Scared, Scar?”

“No,” I defy.

The smirk doesn’t leave. His lips carry down to my neck. Shit, why did I decide to wear a tank top? “And now?”

“No,” My voice is still strong.

He puts his lips against my neck. They’re warm with life. His breath breaks out against my skin. “What about now, Scar?” He whispers, planting a kiss.

I stiffen. He knows I can feel his fangs scraping against my skin. “Get off.” I try jerking away from him but it doesn’t work. His lips stay where they are and I grow uneasy. He continues placing kisses along the tips of my neck and onto my shoulder.

And then I’m released and he’s standing near the pile, arms crossed, and a smirk still on his face. “I hope you now know that I don’t want to hurt you. At all.” He steps behind the pile, waving at it. “But we’re obviously not on the same page. So when you’re ready to talk to me, like a normal person does, call me.”

“I don’t - ”

And then he’s gone. 

And I realize he only answered one of my questions.


My brother will do absoulutely anything to get the last hit or word in. Including running down a street, barefoot, in his pajamas, chasing after a golf cart just to hit my dad with a piece of candy. My family = Not as crazy as yours.

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