Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.

Bởi xxfall3nros3sxx

314K 3.8K 1.5K

A story about a lonely seventeen year old girl, who looses her mother and lives alone taking care of herself... Xem Thêm

-One- * -Alone-
-Two- * -Kidnapped?-
-Three- * -Torn to Shreds-
-Four- * -Saved, By a Thin Line-
-Five- * -Better Think Again-
-Six- * -Fallen-
-Seven- * -These Walls Crumble-
-Eight- * -Your Arms Feel Like Home-
-Nine- * -I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow-
-Ten- * -Unleashed, Untrustworthy-
-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-
-Twelve- * -Allow me to see, Because my heart is broken-
-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-
-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-
-Fifteen- * -You Deny Me-
-Sixteen- * -Would it make you, feel better To watch me while I bleed?-
-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-
-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-
-Nineteen- * -Breaking your promise is easy as breaking your neck.-
-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-
-Twenty One- * -Show Me The Way,-
-Twenty Two- * -Adventuring Eyes, Alluring Spies.-
-Twenty Three- * -Captive, Again?-
-Twenty Four- * -Full To The Brim, Secrets Within.-
-Twenty Five- * -Life and Death-
-Twenty Six- * -Immortal Love, Immortal Fear-
-Twenty Seven- * -The battle will carry on-
-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-
-Twenty Nine- * -The First Night-
-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-
-Thirty One- * -Eighteen Days-
-Thirty Two- * -Seventeen Days-
-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-
-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-
-Thirty Six- * -Four Days-
-Thirty Seven- * -Three Days-
-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-
-Thirty Nine- * -One Day Left-
-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

-Thirty Three- * -Sixteen Days-

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Bởi xxfall3nros3sxx

This morning Savannah was already awake. The rain seemed to get worse, it poured all night into the morning, it was almost noon and she still hadn’t left her room. A knock was heard from the door and Savannah stayed in her spot still watching the rain drops slide down the window. “Hey” a familiar voice said.

Savannah whipped her head around surprised to see Kayla. “Hey” she smiled back, gesturing for her to come and sit. “So what happened last night? Some thing must have happened because my brother has been happy all day. Kayla grinned as Savannah blushed, the previous nights events running through her head.

“We kissed, well actually we made out.” Savannah blushed and Kayla smiled wide. “Good! Does that mean you guys are official?” Savannah shook her head. “No, neither one of us defined the kiss, it just happened then he had to head back.. But it was amazing” She grinned and Kayla just rolled her eyes mockingly.

“I’m sure, anyways we only have sixteen days left to prepare you. The days are probably going to start going by faster, which means you will need to befriend Vincent for the time being. We need to know their intentions and their exact plans for the night you turn eighteen. Part of me feels like something bad is going to happen, but I don’t want to worry you” Kayla smiled sheepishly when Savannah look startled.

“I know that, don’t worry I will get all the information that I can on them” Kayla just nodded she was about to speak until there was an obnoxious knock on the door. “What?” Savannah asked oddly, not so sure of the urgency. “Savannah?” Vincent asked softly. The sight of him caught her and Kayla off guard, Kayla hurriedly fled the scene in hope of him not asking questions.

“What do you need?” Savannah asked once they were alone. He looked at her briefly, then to the door. “Payne needs to see you, he has come to a decision” Savannah looked at Vincent, concern clear on her face. “I think you will be happy with his idea” 

Not responding she quickly got to her feet and together they left the room walking down to Payne’s office. 

“After you” Vincent smiled as he held the door open for Savannah, she stepped in not thanking him and took a seat watching as Payne tapped a tall man on the shoulder. When the man turned Savannah could already tell that he was a vampire, he as pale and looked perfect, just like the rest of them.

“What is it? Your decision, I mean” Savannah met eyes with this new vampire and he held his gaze with her until Payne spoke then she turned to him. “Well Savannah, I decided that I would actually listen to something you said”

“So you’re not going to give her a different master?” She asked nervously.

“No, even better” He smirked.

“What is it then?” She asked hesitantly. The vampire that stood next to Payne grinned at her. “Savannah, this is Kelvin, he is a very special vampire you see. Kelvin here, has the ability to erase memories. In this case I’m going to allow him to erase Denise’s memory and she will be sent safely back home to her parents.”

“Her life will go back to being normal, no thanks to anyone other than you” He finished. Savannah was caught off guard, never had she thought that this would be possible. She was thankful that the little girl was finally going to go home. But she wouldn’t even remember Savannah anymore, I guess that’s the price to pay to make the girl happy.

“Can I say goodbye?” She asked softly. “Of course, she is already on her way down here” As soon as Payne finished his sentence, Denise walked through the door and gave Savannah a hug. She had already known of Payne’s plans.

“Thank you for everything, I will always know who you are” Savannah was caught off guard as Denise pulled away facing the new vampire in the room. “I’m ready” She stated happily. “Bye” Savannah whispered barely audible to the human ears.

“Look into my eyes, you will forget everything you’ve learned about us, you will forget that we even existed and Savannah. Go back to your happy life with your friends and family and never speak of this to anyone” After Kelvin’s words, Denise was bound and her eyes were covered a vampire came into the room suddenly and took her away.

“She will never know anything, I hope you’re happy” Payne finished dismissing Savannah and the others.

“Savannah, come here” Vincent called after her as she was almost to her room. She really didn’t want to be bothered by anyone or anything. She was happy for Denise but a part of her was starting to grow fond of the little girl, she had a friend. Now she was back to being lonely.

“I want to talk, you know. Earn your trust a little more” She was hesitant but followed him into a nearby library anyways, he closed the doors softly so that they weren’t heard. “Vincent, what is your true plan with the werewolves?” She couldn’t help but to pop the question it was eating at her this entire time.

“Wow just jump right in, although I can understand why you are curious” Vincent sat on a desk while Savannah stood against a nearby bookcase. “Were going to kill them, that’s the plan anyways. They haven’t been around and there is no way that they can find out about our weaknesses, all of the slaves are heavily watched”

Savannah looked down, she had been the one they need to worry about. She was the one that was telling the werewolves of all their secrets and she hoped he wouldn’t find out. If there was one thing Savannah knew, it was that she didn’t wish to die.

“We have wolfs bane that we are going to use against them. Payne had theses special guns made almost like tranquilizers but instead of tranquilizing they will be injecting wolfs bane into the werewolves, this way it will weaken them and slow them down” Vincent grinned at the thought and Savannah rolled her eyes without his knowledge.

“Is there a cure for wolfs bane?” She asked, suddenly curious if there really was a way to help Ben. “Well technically yes, it’s not exactly a cure. But if a werewolf injects themselves with it regularly, then they can become immune to it, and it will render all of it’s effects” 

“Luckily though they don’t know of this as we are the only ones who have tested it a while back on a werewolf” He finished. Savannah nodded allowing him to know that she was listening.

“Stupid wolves I can’t wait to kill them, especially Benjamin.. I’ve hated him for a life time. He was friends with your mother, actually his mom was but that made him and her friends as well. He was always so annoying.. Getting in the way of our plans all the time, too bad he didn’t save your mother. I guess that’s one plan he didn’t get to ruin” Vincent grinned and Savannah was horrified.

“How can you even say that?!” Tears burned her eyes before slightly falling over. “She was my mother, she did nothing wrong and didn’t deserve to die you sick bastard. You will never earn my trust so get over yourself and give up now. I hate you!” 

Savannah stormed from the room. Not long before Vincent caught up to her, this time Kelvin was with him. “Savannah stop” He asked of her, but she refused storming down another hallway. 

“Savannah!” He yelled this time, stopping her in her tracks.

“What is it?” She asked him softly. “I want to talk is all, come on” She watched him and the other vampire oddly. She had already talked to him and it proved to be impossible.  “No..“ She said beginning to back away. Kelvin grabbed Savannah and pulled her into Vincent’s room, along with Vincent. Once inside she was thrown on the bed and pinned down.

“What Is this?” Savannah began to panic, expecting the worse possible. “Let me go, Help!” Her screams were cut short when Vincent covered her mouth. “Shh, Relax” He whispered while Kelvin focused on her eyes. 

“I want you to forget all about the fight you had with Vincent, remember that he saved you from every vampire evil in this place, he will continue to protect you-” Kelvin was caught off guard as he studied Savannah and realized her eyes not to be focusing on his.

“She is immune” He stuttered out at Vincent. “The fuck?!” Vincent asked. Savannah was glaring at the both of them at this point. She didn’t know why she was immune to the compelling but she was more furious with Vincent now than she was before. He was going to try and trick her into liking him again.

He wasn’t going to own up to his mistakes or try to earn her trust back he was just going to rip her free will away and not even allow her to decided if she wanted to trust him again or not.

“He blood, when she turns eighteen she becomes immortal, another side effect to it, is that she can’t be compelled by a vampire, or any other vampire special power.. Incredible” Kelvin mused leaving the room finally.

“You piece of shit!” Savannah screamed at Vincent. He began to climb on top of her pinning her down. “You weren’t even going to give me a chance, you were just going to have someone compel me, how do you think you will have a chance of earning my trust now?!”

She was screaming in annoyance and anger. “you just keep proving to me that you can’t be trusted, all these mistakes you keep making, You think you’re some big and bad vampire well I have news for you Vincent, you’re a big pathetic liar!”

She spat in his face, which allowed her to get free and sprint from the room. She figured everything was fine until Vincent was calling after her and running after her. “Shit” She muttered running down all the flights of stairs to the grand hall where the exit to the forest was. Once outside she ran as fast as she could away form him.

It was silent one she had been running for a while. She was alone in the forest now. Since it was pouring still, she was now soaked and the darkness of the clouds made it somewhat hard to see into the forest.

“I always manage to do this to myself” She groaned while looking around for somewhere to sit. “Savvy” a soft voice whispered in her ear. She spun around so fast the she was slightly dizzy. “Ben?” She asked dazed.

“Yeah, be quiet” He sad before grabbing her hand and pulling her with him deeper into the forest. By the time they found a place to sit together it was dark out. “Ben he will find you, he is already looking for me”

“Don’t worry Kayla pulled him off your trail, she is good at distracting and lying to vampires” Ben laughed quietly before wrapping his arms around Savannah and pulling her beside two trees. “How is your day going, I couldn’t help but to see you.. Ever since last night I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you”

He kissed Savannah’s lips passionately and a rosy blush appeared on her cheeks. “Same, but as you can tell my day isn’t going so well. I’m glad to see you though”

“Well talk to me Savvy, what’s going on?” Ben’s dark eyes met hers and for a moment she felt lost in them. “Well first I found out about this new vampire that is staying here, he has the power to compel people, he tried to use it on me. But it won’t work due to my blood, and me turning immortal”

Ben looked caught off guard. “that’s strange, but good for you. At least I don’t have to worry about them making you forget why you hate that blood sucker”

Savannah laughed slightly. “Yeah, anyways I also found out some useful information. They plan on killing you, but they want to use wolfs bane to slow you guys down..”

“Damn it, that will work. We will have to figure out something. Damn for stupid blood suckers they can be quite smart”

“Well Ben, here’s the thing. You see Vincent told me of a werewolf that once injected himself everyday with wolfs bane, he ended up growing an immunity to it. If you can do that, it just might work in your favor” She watched as he pondered the thought.

“I will have to let my mother go into further examining. I’m sure what he said was true but you may never know with them leeches”

Ben kissed Savannah’s forehead and held her close. “Stay safe until midnight Savvy, I will meet you back here,  hurry back and stay away from him. From the sounds of Kayla, it seems he may try to hurt you.. I don’t want that..”

Ben looked overly worried, and Savannah kissed his lips quickly. “Don’t worry, I will stay safe. Go before they find you, or become suspicious”

Ben nodded and quickly fled away leaving Savannah to her thoughts. She wasn’t ready to head back instead she slumped down to the ground and pulled her knees to her chest.

The tears fell fiercely as she thought about her mother. 

“I wish you were here” she whispered softly.

[ Author's Note: Hey guys, this one is shorter than the past couple have been, and it's kind of a filler, not too much happens. I'm working my way up to the plot, which is going to get very exciting, but until then just bare with me on this. I hope you guys still like it regardless. (: ]

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