Horan's Runaway (Niall Horan)...

By ElizabethStylesxoxo

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Niall is in big trouble! A good boy with a bad image. He escapes and runs as fast as he can. FIRST STORY!!! More

Horans Runaway


172 32 16
By ElizabethStylesxoxo

Liam and Sarina were crawling under the floorboards. Everyone was waiting for them to pop up and give Harry and Elizabeth the key. Liam and Sarina were under the floor boards right where the key is. They picked it up and was on their way to the head boss door. There was a lot of stomping and music above them.

They came out of the floor behind the treasure chest with Harry and a Elizabeth. They handed Harry the key. He unlocked the door and closed it really fast. The head boss was sitting at his desk drunk, blabbing away in Russian. Harry walked over and tied his hands behind his chair. Elizabeth pulled out a sword and smirked.

"Time for the threatening." Elizabeth said.

Harry slammed the captains door open and everyone looked back. The music stopped and the girls ran into a corner.

"Tell us where our artifacts are or the captain gets it!" Elizabeth said with the sword at the captains neck.

All the Russians were confused at what she just said so they walked closer with swords.

"What do we do?" Elizabeth asked. "They don't speak English!"

"We're dead!" Liam cried.

"I knew I should've never left louis!" Sarina cried.

Olivia flew down on her rope. She started talking to the Russians in a language they could understand.

"You can speak Russian?" Harry asked.

"Yes!" Olivia answered.

She looked back at the Russians and asked them where the artifact was. One guy pointed to a room across from her. She told them to stay exactly where they were while she walks over there. She tip toed over to the room and opened the door. She saw the artifact inside a glass dome. She walked closer to it and admired it. A Russian ran behind her and closed the door. She ran over and started beating on it! The Russians ran over to Sarina, Liam, Elizabeth, and Harry. Louis and Salina came down and knocked some Russians out. They landed and Louis ran to the door with the artifact. He punched the guy holding the door shut and he feel to the ground. He opened the door and told Olivia to grab the artifact and get out of here. She ran back and broke the glass. She grabbed the artifact and ran out with Louis. They were all running out the door as the Russians were following. They got out. Olivia saw Niall.

"Cmon Niall!" She shouted.

Niall jumped out of the tree and runs with the rest of the group. Zayn followed.

"What exactly happened!?" Niall shouted at Olivia.

"Well, I didn't really plan for the end.....!" Olivia shouted over the yelling Russians.

"Well, you should've, even I would've." Niall said.

"What's your problem?" Olivia shouted.

"Well, it was kinda dumb for you not to have an ending plan." Niall said.

"Geesh. Niall get away. You don't even care about me." Olivia said.

"Who said that!?" Niall shouted throwing his hands up.

"We'll it seems like it!" Olivia said.

"Olivia, I care about you." Niall said grabbing her arm.

Olivia tripped over a log and fell. Niall came down with her. Niall pulled Olivia away from the Russians so they wouldn't run over them. They rolled down a hill. Niall and Olivia got up fast and saw there were some Russians running after them.

"I've got an idea." Niall said.

Niall picked up a pebble still running down the hill with Olivia. He threw the pebble at another rock. The rock moved and rolled down the hill.

"How is throwing rocks over there gonna help us!?"

"Just a sec, jump behind this hill, quickly. Crouch down." Niall said.

"Ugh..... I'm gonna trust you Niall." Olivia said.

They jumped behind the little hill and crouched down. All the Russians were behind them running toward them. The ground was rumbling and Olivia didn't have a clue what was going on. All of a sudden, there were no more sounds from the Russians.

"What just happened?" Olivia said about to stand up.

"NO!" Niall shouts and pulls her down.

"What.....?" She asked.

A few seconds later a giant boulder flew over them and into the air. Olivia and Niall watched it fly up and fall down. It crashed into the ground and broke into a million prices.

"Woah." Olivia said.

They could hear more Russians looking for them.

"How did they know were were all the way down here?" Olivia whispered.

"Sh." Niall said holding her mouth.

"Olivia I love you and I want you to know that whatever happens....." Niall said. "I I'll love you. I loved you since the beginning after we got to know each other! I've got these feelings for you."

Olivia looked at Niall's eyes. Niall looked into Olivia's eyes.

"And that kiss....." Niall whispered. "I enjoyed it!"

"Niall!" Olivia said. " I've got feeling for you too! Feelings I've never felt before!"

Niall leaned in closer to Olivia. Olivia leaned in closer to Niall.

Their lips smashed together. Niall put his hand to Olivia cheek and rubbed her face. She rubbed her hands up his thigh. Niall smiled, he also feared something was gonna happen to her. He pushed her closer to him and squeezed her. He took his lips off her and continued hugging in silence. They sat there and listened to the Russians walk around them.

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