Forever Mine(Sanvers AU)

By ShaysHarmony

5.6K 163 32

"I never stopped loving you, Alex, All these years not a day passed by where I didn't think about you, worry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- Epilogue

Chapter 5

490 16 0
By ShaysHarmony

"...And I win! Again" I said laughing while walking over to Maggie who rolled her eyes in defeat.

"Aww do I not get a chance to win my money back?" she laughs as she walks over next to me.

"At this rate we'll be here all night" I said as Lena walked over to us.

"Hey guys, want some drinks?" nodding I grabbed a shot from her as we all sat down.

Just as I was about to say something Maggie's phone rang, she picked it up and answered quickly.

"Okay okay I'm coming" she says nervously, hanging up she gives me an apologetic look.

Getting up, she kisses my cheek and says goodbye, leaving me and Lena confused.


"Hey Sawyer!" I call out to Maggie as I see her walking through the hall, running up next to her , I give her a confused look.

"Hey whats wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Uh nothing" the bell rings indicating we both have to go to class.

"Listen I can't talk, I'll see you later" she says quickly running off to class.

When lunch break came along I looked for Maggie everywhere but I couldn't find her, settling down next to Winn, I told him what happened.

"Don't worry about it" he says as he finishes up his burger. "She's probably stressed about something and needs some time. Just give her space, she'll come around" nodding , I sigh. "Yeah I guess you're right. But I can't help to feel worried about it" laughing, Winn nudges me. "It's normal to worry about the person you're in love with" I was about to deny it but he cut me off " come on Alex, I know you. The only people you get that worked up about are Maggie and Kara. And we both know how much they mean to you"

Maybe he's right. What if I do love her?

Once I got home from school I layed in my bed, thinking about what Winn told me.

"Knock knock" Kara says outside my bedroom door, sitting up she walks in.

"Hey Alex" she sat down next to me "you alright? You never come home straight to your bed" Sighing, I tell her everything.

"Alex this is HUGE!" She says excitedly " you should tell her" shaking my head , I think better of it.

"No way, she doesn't even like me back. Remember what happened last time?" rolling her eyes, she says "of course I do, but its been months and you two really hit it off, plus you graduate in 3 months I think you should tell her"

Looking at my hands, I take a deep breath.

"I don't think I should Kara, I feel like id be risking a friendship I really care about"

Kara sighed. "Look, I know its hard and I know its scary, but if you care about someone that much you shouldn't hide it from them. Plus, I see the way she looks at you. How her eyes light up when you enter a room, how her smile grows when you make her laugh, its the simple things. So I can promise you, she cares too"

I smiled at the thought of Maggie. Man I really do love her, I can't imagine my life without her honestly.

"Im just worried I'll loose her again, last time it didnt really end well"

"Yeah but you guys found each other again, remember? You guys will always find each other because thats what soulmates do. And trust me, I've never met two people who are so perfect for each other before I saw you and Maggie"

I laughed slightly. Shes right.

"Alright, but you better help me. And if it ends badly its your fault" I say teasing her. Kara just laughs and gives me a hug.



"Alex you made it" Maggie said walking over to me "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up" giving her a hug, we walked inside.

"Yeah, Kara kinda convinced me to come" Maggie nodded disappointingly.

Sitting down in a booth, I looked around.

"Weird being back in here right?" Maggie said as she order drinks for us.

"Seems like forever ago now" I looked back at her as she smiled.

I couldn't take the awkward silence between us anymore and I remembered Winn telling me to talk to Maggie and clear the air.

"Maggie what happened?" I asked her as she stiffened up a bit, understanding what I ment.

"Im sorry I don't mean to be rude I just had to ask" sighing, she leaned over the table, gathering her thoughts, she looked back at me.

"Its fine. You have a right to know" just as she was about to explain my phone rang.

Taking it out of my pocket, I sighed in frustration.

"Its Winn" I quickly told Maggie as I answered the phone "Whats u-" Winn cut me off, seeming distressed.
"Alex, you have to come quick, Eliza's been taken" Looking at Maggie, I could feel tears forming in my eyes as she noticed and quickly got up to sit next to me.

Hanging up, I look at Maggie barely holding on.

"They took my mother"


"Tell me what happened" Maggie and I rush in as Kara turns to me worriedly

"Whoever called you-" Winn starts as he looks at Maggie, giving me a confused look. Raising my eyebrow for him to continue without questions he turns around "-right, as I was saying, whoever called you sent us another message, this time saying that they're "through with waiting" and that to meet them in 10 minutes or Eliza's dead" I started to feel dizzy, so I leaned next to the table, Kara stood next to me."hey its going to be okay, we'll save her. And get Lena back" I nodded and Kara smiled reassuringly, she seemed more calm about this than I am, considering its her fiancé that was taken.

"Well? Lets go" Maggie says grabbing her gun and handing me one, giving her a questioning look, she says "I don't care what the plan was you're taking a gun, I won't let this - this psycho hurt you too" I nodded as Kara, Maggie and I left as quickly as possibly.

I hope we're not too late.....


"Hey Lena" I say as I sit next to her, looking around.

"Hey Alex, how are you?" she says as she finishes up whatever she was writing.

"Im good, thanks, I was actually wondering if you've seen Maggie? Ive been looking everywhere for her" nodding she starts placing her books into her bag.

"I saw her walking outside not too long ago, she looked upset though maybe you should talk to her" thanking Lena, I got up and left the cafeteria.

Making my way to the courtyard, I spot Maggie sitting under a tree, her head in her knees as she was crouched down.

"Hey" I say as I sit down next to her.

Looking up, she smiles at me slightly "Hey Danvers" I give her a quick hug as I take a deep breath.

"So I've been meaning to talk to you..." I said and I noticed Maggie had a sad expression on her face and she didn't look up at me.

I wanted to tell her so badly, but I decided to leave it for now.

"Hey are you alright?" I ask her and she turns to look at me. "Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine, sorry just a little distracted with my thoughts. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Hey if somethings bothering you, you can tell me" I said as I looked into her eyes searching for an answer.

"Im fine, really Alex. Now tell me what is it you wanted to talk about?"

I sighed in defeat. Hopefully telling her this will encourage her to open up. Or scare her off. Damn it Alex just.. Tell her.

"I just have to tell you something"

She gives me a puzzled look "tell me what?" looking at her, I just couldn't get the words out.

" that I um-"

"You what?" she tilted her head a bit and looked at me seriously.

"I-" Okay Alex just say it.

just as I was about to talk a middle aged man walked up to us, looking angry.

"Maggie! Come we're leaving now!" he says in a stern voice, getting a better look at him, I recognize that its her father.

"Coming!" Maggie says as she stands up and looks at me, she seemed scared of something. But what?

"Im really sorry Alex... My dad is just upset about somethings thats been going on.. We'll talk later?" I nodded and she gave me a soft smile.

Cursing under my breath, I watched her follow her father quickly before I got up and walked back inside.


Getting out of the car, Kara wishes me good luck as she drives away to our meeting place, where Maggie will escort my mom and Lena to once we free them.

Maggie follows me inside as I look around, its weird being back here. So many memories...

"Alex over here" Maggie snaps me out of my thoughts as I follow her towards the backside of the school.

"Stay here" I told her as I was about to go upstairs and meet our mystery kidnapper.

"I'm not leaving you" she says as she walks up next to me.

"Maggie, im serious. You can't come, it could ruin our plan and someone could end up seriously hurt, or worse, dead." sighing in frustration, she walks back down and waits at the bottom of the stairs.

Carefully walking through the hallways, I make my way into my old maths classroom.

Opening the door, I find Lena and Eliza tied to chairs. Quickly running up to them I untie them.

"Oh thank God you're okay" I sigh in relief as I give them both big hugs, letting go I look around quickly.

"Go down quickly, Maggie is waiting for you, she'll take you guys out to Kara where you'll be safe" both of them nod as they rush out, pulling out my gun, I look around to clear the building making sure nobody is here.

As I was about to walk out I here someone behind me, quickly turning around, Im faced with someone wearing a mask.

"Who are you?" I ask pointing my gun at them.

"Why Alex, thats no way to greet your father. Now put that gun down" He says as he removes his mask revealing that he is indeed my father.

I dropped my gun on the floor and tears streamed down my face.



Sorry for the long wait! Im back to school so its been busy for me, but I promise ill update more often!

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