The Tale of the Demon and the...

By bella_soccer_47

17.6K 336 98

After their fight against trigon and Blood the Titans grew up. Four years later Dick and Kori have a family... More

Chapter 1: My Secret
Chapter 2: Off with the gem
Chapter 3: Titus
Chapter 4: Crash Corse
Chapter 5; Bloodlines
Chapter 6; Confrontations
A/N #newco-writer
Chapter 7, Trouble in Paradise
A/N (specificaly if your angry about chapter 7)
Chapter 8; Cotton Candy, fireworks
Chapter 9; Running Round Leaving Scars
Chapter 10; The Weakest of Them All
Chapter 11: The Assembly of the Dark (K)nights
Chapter 13; Not So Blue Sky
Chapter 14: Feminine Whiles
Authors Note

Chapter 12; Assembly of The Dark (K)nights 2

763 23 16
By bella_soccer_47

Chapter 12; Assembly of The Dark (K)nights 2


I got off the phone with Jason and went back to my contacts to click the next name. Timothy Drake//Wayne. At first I hesitated to call him. I mean he was in school, no doubt in the middle of a class. That and I don't believe that Tim likes me very much. I mean I will never admit this to him, but he is by far the most intellectual Robin. Not only did he work with the Teen Titans as their leader, but he also spent a couple of years on the Justice Leagues covert team, Young Justice. I stole the position of of Wayne Industries away from him, not to mention the mantle of Robin.  He must hate me, and i wouldn't blame him; i mean when i first came to Gotham I beat the living shit out of him.
I decided to call him anyway.


"Who can tell me Newton's second law?" Professor Howard asked the room full of uninterested students. The kid next to me raised his hand. He was called on and as he began to answer, my phone started to ring. The professor looked around the room for the source of the noise. I looked down at my phone to see the caller I.D. It was Damian. I quickly ignored the call and went back to my studies. The professor continued, but now had moved on from the previous question. As he was about to go over the Big Bang Theory my phone rang again, and this time everyone in the class turned to me. As they stared I quickly checked my phone, and once again it was Damian. This time I stood up and left class. I walked outside and picked up my phone.
D- Hey Drake. Long time no see.
T- Damian what do you want. I was in the middle of science, so this better be important.
D- It's about the Titans.
I did a double take. The mention of the Titans immediately got my attention. Being a former member and all when it comes to them I'm all ears. Even after me era as a titan was over I still like checking up on them and ensuring their safety.
T- Okay so,what happened exactly?
D- So you know Raven? You know the witch girl who is half human, half demon?
T- Yeah the girl with fair skin, jet-black hair, and beautiful purple eyes. Yeah I know he had quite a crush on her when I was in the Titans.
D- Wow there, don't be getting any ideas about making a move on her.
T- Why? What does it matter to you?
D- Listen up Drake! If you even look at her the wrong way I will personally attempt to end your life. She is MY girlfriend you hear; mine!!
T- Okay how long has she been gone, who took her, and where is she?
D- How do you know she's missing?
T- Well the fact that you called me already let me know that something really bad happened. Then you mentioned Raven so that meant that it had something to do with her. Then since you talked about her in the present tense that means she's not dead, so that implies that she was taken.
D- Wow you really do rival the detective skills of the Batman, don't you?
T- That's been the word on the street.
D- Anyway will you help me Tim?
T- Why should I help you?
D- Because I'm your brother.
T- Just because Bruce took me in after my parents were killed by Penguin doesn't make his, ass hole of a, son my brother.
D- Why do you hate me so much Tim?
T- Well let's see where do I start. Hmm how about when you first arrived you beat me half to death. Then you walk in and take over as Robin leaving me all alone to try and make it in the hero business. Oh and let's not forget to mention that you took Wayne enterprises away from me as well.
D- I know and I am truly sorry for it. But haven't i always been there for you when you needed me. When Stephanie was taken by the Riddler. When...
T- I get it you've helped me. So I will help you.
D- Thank you Tim.
T- And Dame, remember what Bruce always told us.
D- What?
T- Blood makes us related, but loyalty makes us a family.
D- Alright. Thanks Tim I needed that.
T- You're welcome. Bye Dame.
D- Bye Tim.
I hung up with Damian and looked back at the school building. That's when I realized he gave me no information at all! When I was supposed to leave, where I was supposed to go, or how was supposed to get there.
That's when Stephanie came out of the Hall and walked up to me.
"Hey Tim; Dick just texted me we have to get to Gotham in the next hour. Damian has an emergency. Him, Dick, Kori, Missy, Jason, and Cassie will pick us up in the Bat Jet."
"Oh thank goodness you knew. Damian just called me and told me everything, except the important stuff." I said to her in a relieved tone.
"Come on let's go pack." Steph said, pecking me on the cheek.

After the call with Damian I turned over and shook Kori.
"Dick it's your turn to get up and help the kids." She said half asleep.
"Kori it's not the kids we need to pack." I said giggling slightly.
"Pack; why we just got here Dick?" She asked sitting up in the bed as I pack what we had out.
"Damian just called. Raven was taken and he wants us to take him to Gotham."
"Alright how much time do we have?"
"Forty-five minutes."
"What Dick? Are you serious?"
"Yep now lets go."
The rest of the time was filled with yelling, packing and clothes being thrown around. We finished and headed to the Justice Leagues hideout in Florida. When we got there Damian was waiting there with Victor, Gar, Terra, Ires, Jaime, Bart, Wally and Artemis.
"How did you get here so quickly?" I asked looking at Damian intently.
"When I called you I was already done, so while I was calling Todd and Drake I woke up the rest of the Titans and headed here." Damian said in a duh kind of tone.
Wow when Damian was determined he could do the impossible, like getting Gar, Bart and Wally out of bed.
"Now we should be going. Grayson follow me to the cockpit." Damian said nodding towards the jet that was in the facility.
We got on the jet and started the engine, doing a head count. That's when I noticed Raven wasn't the only one missing.
"Hey guys where's Jay?" I said looking at Ires.
She looked down. "He's missing just like Raven."
"Which gives us even more of a reason to get to Gotham." Wally said staring at me.
I turned around and took the plane into the air.
I turned my head to look at Damian and see him looking down at his sketch pad. In it he had tons of sketches of the Titans, The Batcave, The Young Justice Team, Titus, Batcow, Alfred the Cat, and most of all Raven.
Raven doing everything. Especially drawings of her and Titus. I just sat back and looked to the sky's deciding not to bother him.

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