Don't Judge a Book By It's co...

By Cocoa_bunny_girl

7.5K 119 22

Survival their second year of high school was hard. But now it's even worst. Their Cousins the Perfect Perky... More

The Performance
Classes together + Glares = PPGZ RRBZ
Music Class
Dinner With A Side Of Secrets
Secrets unfold
Taken away
Something happening
Finding Out
Getting A Plan And Ground Rules The Power Puff Way
Part 1 Of The Date: The Photoshoot
Part 2 of the Date: What do we do
Part 3 of the date: You sure?
Part 4 of the Date (Final):
Houses and Ages
Back to school
The Music Class
Music Battle
They Have Chemistry or something
Boomer Shouldn't Name Things
Tagged But Super Late
Blossom's Problem
Tags, Price Tags, Name Tags, All tags
Brick's Problem
Date/Hangout Plan
The Date
A couple months later
Our Past
The New Guys
The Two Weeks
The 16th Birthday Party Part 1: Changing
The 16th Birthday Party Part 2: Red Zone

What a Beautiful Morning

603 7 0
By Cocoa_bunny_girl

The Next Day

Miyako POV

7:00 a.m.

I wake up as my alarm clock wakes me up. I turn it off and get out of bed. I take a cold shower, brush my teeth, and all that stuff. Then I go to my closet and pull out the outfit I had plan on wearing today. It was a white shirt, a blue tie, a blue plaid skirt, and a Blue framed glasses, white Converse and my hair in pigtails. Then I go out my room and into to the kitchen and sit at the barstool to see Kao cooking pancakes. She was wearing a green shirt and shorts, with her hair in a ponytail and green high-tops and green glasses. Are special glasses make sure nobody sees are eyes too well.

"Good morning" She smiles as she gives my pancake that say happy on them in whip cream.

" Mom and Dad are out of town but mom will be tomorrow afternoon" She says while plating the other Pancake a writing something on it with Strawberry and Chocolate syrup.

" I wish their were here for a first day back to school" I frown.

" I do to" she says sitting next to me hugging me.

"DON'T WAKE ME UP, IT'S TO EARLY" someone yells/whines.

I bet it's Kanna she loves sleeping in.

" WELL I HAVE TO OR WE'LL BE LATE" I hear what I guessing is Momo yell back.

Kaoru POV

7:30 a.m

After a ton of yelling I hear Momoko come down the stairs. She was wearing a white shirt and a pink skirt that went to her knees, with her hair in a perfect bun, pink glasses and pink high-tops.

" how did you sleep" I ask handing her pancake to her.

" Fin-" Momoko she says stop as she looked at her pancakes. "Really?" she says looking at me.

" Well your a red head so why not write red on you pancakes" I say. she just sighs and eats her pancakes.

Then Kanna comes down wear a orange fading to yellow sweatshirt with shorts like mind, orange glasses, and yellow keds.

"here you go" I say giving her pancakes that say sleepy on them but she didn't care.

Then we all finish breakfast and grab are bags for are walk to school. Then we saw moving van in the drive way of the house next to ours.

"How do you think lives here" Momoko says pointing to the house.

"Don't know, but I hope they are nice" Miyako say.

"And don't have loud parties late at night" Kanna says as we walk past the house.

I have a feel that some one watching us as think stop and look around then I look at the ground trying to think what happening.

" Hey you okay?" I hear Momoko say and Kanna and Miyako look at me.

" I'm fine, just thinkin" I say.

" Ok then" Momoko says as we start walking to school.

Kanna POV

7:50 a.m. (school starts a 8:15 and ends at 3:00 p.m.)

*At school in homeroom*

We like to get to class early so we don't get shoved in the halls as much. We sit at our desks near the back of class. Momoko starts reading, Miyako listening to music, and Kaoru has her head down. I kind of worried for her. So I pull out my phone and open my news app to find pictures to make memes from. Soon enough I checked the time.


and students are coming into class.

" Put you stuff away" Momoko say quietly.

We all put are stuff away, beause if we don't it will get takin' or destroyed by other students. The students starting to come into class. Soon it was full, but the four seats behind us. Soon enough the Perky girls(Bloom, Breeze, Bailey, and Bee) came into the classroom. Those guys are a big fan of the PPG, but not us. They are so popular for donating to school that they think that they rule the school.

" You nerds better behave for the new kids" Bloom warned.

" Why should we" Momoko says.

" Because if you don't we will make school torture for the rest of the year for you nerds" Breeze says.

" More than you already do" Miyako says.

" 100 times worst" Bailey says.

" Is that possible" Kaoru says.

" Oh its possible" Bee says.

I look at my sisters then back at them.


The teacher came in and said.

"Alright class we have four new students" the teacher said.

Then the rowdyruff boys came in. We saw them looked at each other, then we put are heads down they walked by making sure they don't see are face. Then they sit down behind us.

"Uranium sisters and jojo brother see me after class"

the teacher says. I feel the death glares. We turn around to see the brothers, then quickly turn back and sigh.


Brick POV

After class we went to the teachers desk with the so called Uranium sisters.

"The reason I asked you stay was to take the boy here on, a tour around during study hall, but for guys since it's the end of the day just follow them around school since you schedules are the same" the teacher says.

The girl looked like they were in mental shock.

"Ok" I say.

We walked to the door then the redhead said," w-what c-class-s-s d-do y-you h-have n-n-next". Such a bad stutter. Her sisters looked down at the floor too. I wonder if they are nervous.

"I have history" I say.

" I have art" Boomer says.

" I have gym" Butch says.

"and I have computer class" Bass says.

" Shouldn't we get your names" Boomer says.

The girl heads went up, then they looked at each other.

The red head nodded. " I-I'm Momoko" the red head said.

"I--I'm M-Miyako the blonde girl said.

"I'm Kaoru" the black haired girl said.

"and I'm Kanna" the brown haired girl said.

At least they all don't stutter.

"you'll follow me to the history room" Momoko said.

"You'll follow me to the art room" Miyako said.

"You'll follow me to the gym" Kaoru said.

"And you'll follow me to the computer lab" Kanna said.

Then we left.


(1026 words)

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