The Shadow, The Light and The...

By frozencat3030

187K 5.1K 4.5K

(Y/N) finally came back to the Fiore, after spending 17 years in the Dragon Realm. She comes home just in tim... More

Coming Home
Flirting With A Sabertooth Guy
Telling My Secret
Meeting Up With The Duo
Arriving At The Inn
Day 1 of the GMG
Day 1 of the GMG Continued
Rogue's Rose
Truth or Dare
Sting and Rogue vs. Natsu and (Y/N)
A Date and a Deal
Bacchus vs Minerva
Extreme Dragon Force Take Over
The Water Sphere
Dinner with Fairytail
Exceed Shopping
(Y/N) vs. Rogue
The Aftermath
The Magical Ball
The Drunks
Ai Ai Maid Cafe
I-I'm a Child
Waterpark Adventures Part 1
Waterpark Adventures Part 2: Kappuru Ai Tabi
Waterpark Adventures Part 3: The Stalker
Girl's Night (with Intruders)
Girl's Night (With Intruders) Continued: Natsu's Punishment
Babysitting Askua
The Romeo Brothers and (Y/N) Juliet
Diary Stealer
Water Fight and Markings
Natsu the Idiot!
S Class Trials Pt.1
S Class Trials Pt. 2
Getting Caught
Pranks Wars| Pt.1
Prank Wars| Pt. 2| SAVEEE (Y/N)!
'Dragons Are Coming'
During the Year.... (Part 1)
During the Year's Time Skip...(Part 2) Guild Master Games!
During the Year...(Part 3)| JASON?
Infiltrating Alvarez
In The Year's Time Part 4| Sabertooth Dolls
Ch. 55| Brandish
Brandish and Lucy's Past
Sting and Rogue Crucified
..I Wish I Could Have Spent More Time With Her
Shocking Surprise
His Plans...
During the Year....(Part 5)| Having to do what the Winner Says
What Happened During the Night of the Eating Contest? (Continuation of Part 5)
Yukino vs. (Y/N)| The Final Battle
The Power of Friends
Lucy's Award Ceremony
During the Year....| Your Birthday!
Telling Fairytail About Your Secret
Yukino's Curse
Movie Night
Mira's Party
Evil Natsu Takes What's His
Sting and Rogue's Love
Who's The Father?|Quiz
If you had Sting...
If you had Rogue...
If you had....BOTH!!!
Sabertooth's New Members
Preliminary Round| GMG 2
A/N: Skip If You Don't Want To Laugh
GMG 2| Knock Out (Murder) Mystery
Jackal's Bet
|Quick Oneshot: Yandere!Sting x Reader|
(D/N)'s Magic
Fairytail Hero's Journey?
The Duo Breaks Up
Hey You!
(D/N)'s Disaster
What Happened Between (Y/N) and Jackal
Lector and Frosch: The Wingmen
We Need an Answer (Y/N)!

Sting Finds Out

984 30 26
By frozencat3030

2nd Person POV


You woke up to the sun and rubbed your eyes.

You realized you were in your bed and not at the boy's house.

"They must have put me in here last night."

Getting up, you saw that your room was a mess.

"What happened here?!"

You looked around and found a paper.


It was a drawing that Reedus had done.

"Why is this here?"

This one was of you and Mavis. She was looking super cute...oh how you missed that girl.

How had this paper made it through the curse?
Maybe through the same way Laxus and Makarov know about the curse.

You shrugged it off and got ready for school.


You were stopped in the hallway after your first class.

"What do you want Sting?"

"Well I wanted to say that..."

He pushed you against the lockers.

"Since I'm now apart of the VP program (Vice Principal Program), I can tell whoever I want to do what I want for a day!"


He smirked and put his hands through your hair.

"And you're my first target."


Sting had been making you follow him around all day.

He would constantly flirt with you and call you names.

Putting his arm on your head and pushing you down so he could feel more powerful.


"That's Master Sting to you."

You almost cried at him saying that. In the other world, he hated being called Master Sting.

"Ugh...~Master Sting~ where is Rogue?"

"Oh. I made him stay home today because he would have never let me do any of this."

You gave him an evil look and pouted.


You heard an all too familiar voice say.



Gray came up behind him and got his fists ready.




What were you supposed to do in a situation like this?!

Gray grabbed you and pulled you over to him and Natsu.


"Like we believe that you're the VP! I know you're a liar Sting Eucliffe! Makarov would never choose you as the VP!"

Natsu shouted back.

"Isn't that a little harsh Natsu?"

You asked him and Gray shushed you.

"Wait don't tell me you've been actually listening to him?!"

Natsu yelled at you, getting really close to your face.

"I-I "

"She totally did Flamebrain!"

Sting looked ashamed.

Rogue came out from the janitor's closet.


He shouted hitting the blonde dragon slayer.

Sting lied to you?

"Let's go (Y/N). You don't deserve to be with those scum. You'll never be with them for as long as I live."

Natsu said, grabbing your arm and taking you with him.

This wasn't going to be as easy as you thought.

I guess people thought you and Laxus broke up. Someone -cough- Mira -cough- had sent a picture to everyone in the school of you sleeping on the couch in the duo's dorm.

How did she get the picture?

You don't wanna know.

Anyways, all day you were escorted by The Fairytail boys. They made sure no Saber talked to you.


You laughed because you finally got away from the Fairy tail protection.

Deciding to use your free time wisely, you sat outside in the cold breeze.

The cold always felt nice.

As you watched the grounds, you could see the younger kids side.

Wendy and Chelia were in the middle school part of it.

You saw a little (e/c) eyed girl run past the playground, playing with some other kids.

(D/N) would be like that soon and you didn't want to miss it. You didn't want her uncle and father to miss it either....

Even if it will be awkward.

Maybe this curse will help you to finally get all that sorted out?

Without realizing it, you were crying.

You were caught off guard when you were pulled into a strong embrace.


"Why are you out here crying?"

You didn't answer him.

"I guess it's something you don't want to talk about. That's fine. I'm always here for you when you want to."

So you chose to cry into his shoulder.

Hoping that with the end result of this curse; you would still be good friends with both dragon slayers.

Rogue rubbed your back and sat with you for about ten minutes.

"You should -sniffle- really go Rogue. If -sniffle- Natsu or Gajeel catches you -sniffle- you're dead."

"I can take them."

You face palmed and let him help you up.

"T-thanks Rogue."

"No problem."

With that you left and went into the building for your last class of the day.

Rogue's POV


If you chose Rogue last time

I keep getting this weird feeling like I should hate (Y/N). I wonder why that is.

→ Normal story

She's really something. I feel...complete with her around. Like this whole time I've been missing something.

Those pictures though....we will have to ask her about them.

2nd Person POV


Today was finally Friday.

Mira was going to have a back to school party at her place tonight and you were super excited!
"So what are we going to be doing at the party tonight, Mira?"
You asked the white haired girl, as you sat down for lunch.

"You'll just have to wait and see...."
She muttered two other things, that you couldn't hear.

After lunch, you said bye to your Fairytail friends and had to walk all the way to the other side of school for your next class.

You walked through the beautiful garden the school had. There were lots of flowers and fountains.

It was pretty peaceful.


Instantly, you were pinned to the ground.

Your eyes met sapphire ones. His blonde, spiky hair was inches away from your face.

However, his face was a matter of centimeters away.

"(Y/N)...I've missed much!"

He said, in a voice you only heard when he was....a little crazy.

"S-sting, I have a class to get to and if the Fairytail guys-"
"Don't talk about other guys when you have me right here."

The blonde smirked.

You noticed that he had canine teeth still. He was still the light dragon slayer you know, just without magic.

Trying to push away, you pushed on his chest. He laughed in your face.

"Little (kitty or wolf) needs a big, strong dragon- like guy to protect her."

Without even noticing, you had your ears and tail out.

I guess Sting is too dense and thought they were fake.

He finally got up and helped you up.

"Let me show you what I mean."
He picked you up by your waist and threw you up into the air, barely holding on.

Out of instinct you put your legs around him, so you wouldn't fall and die.

" always need a strong guy like me to protect you."

He smirked. Now he was really getting on your nerves.

You tried to let yourself go of him, but that resulted in him putting his arms around you and pulling you to him. Also, you're still holding on to his torso with your legs.

This was pretty awkward.

You were praying that Natsu or Gray didn't come out and see this.

Sting whispered in your ear,

"So why are you pretending to date that Pikachu?"

'How did he know?'

You stayed silent, shocked that he was smart enough to figure it out.

"What? Shocked I figured it out? It's not that hard to see that you don't really love him that way. I see it in your eyes when you look at him."


"Yeah. I can tell you were doing it for a reason. So why are you pretending to date the Pikachu?"

He then whispered the next part.

"Don't make me have to get it out of you."

It sent shivers down your spine.

You still didn't speak.

"Oh so I have to get it out of you? This should be fun."
He grinned like this:

Carrying you, he took you into one of hallways of the school.

No one ever went this way.

"S-sting what are you doing?"

"Now you talk?"

He grins and sets you down.

That can be scary. You gulped and he seemed to notice.

"So am I finally the stronger guy? Admit you need me to protect you and maybe I won't need to get the answer out of you."

Your eyes widened.

"N-no you Lightbulb!"

You half teased him.

He bent down to you and met your eyes with his.

"I will ask again. Why are you pretending to date Laxus?"

"You don't need to know!"
You stumbled on your words. He was getting close.

"Oh but I do need to know."

He cupped your face and grinned his Sting grin.

Hopefully this Sting doesn't know that you're ticklish.

Then, he left you check and played with strands of your (h/c) hair.

"I'll keep you here all day...and make sure those fairies know I did if you don't tell me."

Those guys would murder Sting if they hear what he's going to do.

"F-fine! I-I have to p-pretend, so I can protect some people really close to me!"
You spit out and let the tears fall.

His grin turned from a flirty one, to a sincere look.

"Who are these people you need to protect?"

"N-no one you need to know about ok? Now-"
You felt his lips on yours. It was just like when Sting kissed you before, in the other world.

You heard someone shout, then you saw the Fairytail guys.

Sting was a dead man.

His eyes widened while his lips were still on yours.


You whispered to him.

Before he could get up, he was punched across the face.


You shouted.

"(Y/N)...GO AWAY!"

He shouted.

The other guys started to beat Sting up.

You couldn't handle it.

Tears were falling.


They didn't stop.


You shouted, knocking out all the Fairytail guys.

Sting stood there, very injured and shocked.

"'re a witch!"

He stumbled out.

"N-no! Sting it isn't like that! I-"

He tried to get up. So you went over to help him and he hissed.

"I-I'm sorry Sting...I'll explain later."
You kicked him in the stomach and knocked him out.

"Water Dragon Healing Spell!"
It healed all his wounds. You decided to leave a note.

Getting out a pen and paper from your backpack, you wrote him a note and put it by his sleeping body.

Then, you left to go back to your dorm and cry.

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