Discovering Rowan [on hold]

By limebird

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"But I had decided I would not use my gift any longer" Rowan may seem like an ordinary teenager, dying he... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

406 6 3
By limebird

Chapter One

For my Moonchild for persuading me to write a book.

I stood at the edge of the curb, my copper coloured hair blowing in the breeze. I was fairly tall so I could see quite a way down the road. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the blue tips of my hair, which I dyed last week much to my brothers annoyance. I tended to annoy my brother, Luke, a lot, getting my ears pierced six times, cutting my hair short, he swore I went out of my way to piss him off. My dark blue eyes, which were framed with eyeliner, skimmed the cars as they drove past. Standing outside Chiltern High for half an hour every night tended to make you extremely bored. I loved this time of day, watching the sun set, the sky a mix of purples pinks and reds. I sent my friend El a message about band practice tomorrow and plugged in my headphones. I looked at a man driving past in a red Ford Focus. Late to meet his girlfriend at a restaurant. He loved her so much and couldn't wait to surprise her with the chocolates he had brought her. No! I told myself. This needed to stop! I was using my savant gift again.

Savants are like ordinary people apart from they have a gift. Seventh savant children have 'double gifts' an extra dosage of savant power. All savants can talk telepathically to each other apart from soulseekers who have a stronger unique type of telepathy. Soulseekers are able to find soulfinders. Soulfinders are savants 'other halves'. Savants are not complete without our soulfinder. Your soulfinder arrives on the Earth at roughly the same time as you. Your soulfinder has half the gifts and you have the other. But finding your soulfinder is tricky. There are soulseekers but they are very rare.

My older brother had decided for us to act like normal people. He decided that we needed to forget about our savant powers and not use them. I went along with what he said as I trusted my brother. I missed using my gift and found it hard to forget about it when it was always lurking at the front of my mind but it was a pain when someone had a surprise gift for you, or was talking about you behind your back. My gift was to see peoples intentions. Like the man who just passed in the car I could see his intentions but I can further that as I could of found out what chocolates he had brought, for example. But I had decided I would not use my gift any longer.

I got on the bus glad of the warmth it provided. The wind outside was pretty chilly. The uniform we had was pretty boring and was useless at keeping you warm, a black jumper and a green tie with either a black pleated skirt or black school trousers. I wore my jumper with the sleeves pulled down so you could only see the tips of my fingers. If I rolled my sleeves up my arm would have a load of colourful string bracelets on one wrist but never on the other. My nails were usually painted black and slightly chipped. My tie was loose and my skirt was fairly short but not you-can-see-my-arse short with tights which usually had a ladder or two in. My shoes were black studded creepers which I loved. I always wore my hair loose as it was too short to tie up. I usually just had silver studs in my six piercings, and never wore any other jewellery apart from my bracelets which were usually hidden anyway.  

I sat down in my seat and watched the people file onto the bus with All Time Low blaring out of my headphones. Most people who got this bus, the bus to the middle of nowhere, were in the older years, apart from a popular girl in my year, two boys in my year and three in the year below. The girl was called Amy and was extremely popular with all the boys and the girls in her class, however some people in other classes thought her arrogant.The two boys in my year were called Skylar and Eric and were close friends and had been ever since nursery. Skylar had short darkish brown hair at the side of his head but at the top it was jagged cut. He had dark brown eyes and slightly tanned skin. Fergus, Nick and Harry were in the year below. Every night on the bus they would make a huge racket, yelling and fighting each other. Usually their squabbles were over food or video games. Once they all pushed Nick into the isle and started spraying deodorant and prodding him with their feet. That was until the bus driver threw them off the bus.

"Hey ugly!" one of them yelled. By the tone of voice I guessed it was Eric. I could sense them all laughing and I knew it was at me. Every night this happened. I knew the drill. It was name calling and food throwing next. I felt something small hit the back of my neck and hit the floor. A few more followed hitting my back and my hair. I flicked my eyes to the floor. It was only a chewy sweet and it didn't look sticky either. Once they'd brought a pot of jam onto the bus and had started throwing that at me. It stuck in my hair and in the hood of my brand new coat. It annoyed the hell out of me. I'd never once whispered a word to any of them yet they found reason to pick on me. Was it because I was different with my blue tipped hair? Surely not, Fergus had come on the bus once with red streaks in his hair. The type of music I listened to? No, because Harry listened to the same sort of music (more Ghost Town dubstep than Pierce The Veil screaming but still along the same lines). So what had I actually done?

"Frog!" Eric yelled again and there was a cackle of laughter from the others. Now came the name calling, which was where it had all started. From smelly to other more inappropriate names, I had heard them all. I wanted so badly to use telekinesis and fire the sweets they were scoffing at their heads. I smiled to myself at the thought.

"Ewwww..." Said Fergus stringing out the word as long as possible. "she smiled! Yearghhhh!" Trust them to pick that up. Was it a sin to smile now?

"She probably fancies one of us," Smirked Skylar. "who you grinning at frog?" I raised my eyebrows at him in a you-must-be-kidding-I-would-never-touch-one-of-you way. They then started debating who I fancied, with the 'I bet she fancies you' 'Yuck no' conversation going on. Same old stuff. Skylar sat there not joining in the discussion. Skylar was weird. He always started the war and then laid back and didn't attack with or command his troops. I glanced out the window as we turned the corner and saw my house come into view. I went to the front of the bus, asked the driver if he could stop outside my house and got off the bus. As the bus drove away I noticed Eric give me the middle finger. Charming.

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