His Princess

By Queen_Valyrian

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**CREDIT FOR COVER PAGE GOES TO MY GOOD FRIEND @GothicLawlipop ** WARNING! There may be triggers. I won't be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 7

47 5 12
By Queen_Valyrian

A/N This is just what I imagine the ring looking like. (Idk if there actually is one or not, but this is just my imagination :) 

"This is Nurse Kempton calling from Golden Valley Hospital. Your brother Jessie Everett, was in a car accident early this evening." She told me.

Oh my god.


I just stood there, frozen. "Hello?" Her voice rung through the phone. I dropped my cell phone on the ground.

Jeff picked it up. "Is he going to make it?" He asked. "We are not sure yet, but the odds aren't too great." I heard her voice say sadly.

"What are they?" He questioned. "25% chance he survives." She said. "I'm so sorry, we will do everything we can. Good night." She stated and then hung up.

I was still frozen in shock. He couldn't die. He was the only one I had left.

"He will be okay Kit. I promise." Jeff said as he rubbed my shoulder.

I moved away and gave him a harsh glare. "Don't make promises you can't keep." I spat coldly.

He looked like he was going to say something but thought against it.

"You probably shouldn't stay here by yourself. It could be too dangerous, remember what happened last time?" Jeff questioned.

I sighed and nodded. "I'll talk Slendy into letting you stay in the mansion. I looked at him.

"You mean Slender man?" I asked. He nodded nonchalantly.

"Isn't he the one who forbid you from seeing me?" I inquired. Jeff nodded once again.

"But... He agreed to let me see you on one condition." He started.

"And? What is that condition?" I questioned him. He fiddled around with his knife that I just noticed he had.

Was he gonna kill me?! "If I convince you to become a creepypasta..." Jeff stated.

I gave him a blank look. "A creepypasta?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"You mean a killer?" I interrogated. "No. Well, yeah. You have some experience." He grinned. 

I scowled at him. "It was an accident," I told him. He laughed, well more like cackled.

"You don't just accidentally kill people Kit." He stated. "I did." I fired back.

"I'm Kit and I just accidentally killed a man, haha." He impersonated.

"Bitch, I don't sound like that. Besides, I wouldn't say it like that." I rolled my eyes.

"Then how would you say it?" Jeff asked. "I wouldn't say my name and I wouldn't sound like a girl with a dick." I pointed out.

"It's not my fault I'm a dude." He rolled his eyes. "Are you sure that you are one?" I laughed.

"Want me to show you?" He smirked. My eyes widened. "Hell no!" I screeched.

He gave a hearty laugh. "I was just joking." He chuckled. I sighed a breath of relief. 

"So, will you be a creepypasta with me? Princess?" He asks. I sighed.

I thought about it for a moment. I could get revenge on everyone that hurt me. And I could be with Jeff. But what would Jessie think? What if he dies? But what if he doesn't? Thoughts ran through my mind. I came to a decision.

"I will," I said. Jeff genuinely smiled and hugged me tightly. 

"Thank you, Kit." He squeezed me firmly.

"Okay, can't... breathe." I wheezed. "Sorry!" He exclaimed as he let me go.

"So... How do I become a creepypasta?" I asked curiously.

"Slender man will turn you into one." He stated simply. I nodded.

"Does it hurt?" I ask as I looked at him. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Great... Will you stay with me?" I questioned him.

"If I'm allowed to." He smiled. 

"When do we go?" I asked. He looked at my clock. "Now." He said. 

"Oh wait. Here. You'll need this." He stated as he handed me a black and red ring.

"What is this for?" I questioned. "So you can see the mansion." He replied.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand. I blushed as he dragged me out of the house.

"Wait! I need my sweater and my shoes!" I told him before he got me over the threshold.

He rolled his eyes. "Hurry up slowpoke." He teased.

"Shut up," I grumbled. He was really excited for me to become like him.

I got my stuff on and locked the door behind me. Jeff retook ahold of my hand and continued dragging me towards this 'mansion'.

"When are we gonna be there?" I groaned, tired of walking. He walks this distance twice when he comes to visit me.

"Now." He said as he moved to the side to let me see. A giant building, also known as a mansion sat in front of me.

"Wow!" I gasped. "Pretty cool, huh? Just wait till you see the inside." Jeff smiled as he brought me to the interior of this beautiful structure.

I was even more shocked at the inside. This place was amazing! 

"I'll introduce you to everyone after, let's find Slendy," Jeff told me as he looked around.

"Slendy!" He called. "Slennnndyyyyy!" He dragged. 

"In my office, Jeff." I heard a powerful voice. 

Jeff started walking and I followed him. I looked around in awe. This was like my dream house. It was gorgeous.

We stopped at a door and Jeff just barged in without knocking. "Jeff!" I called as I went after him.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a tall faceless man with tentacles sitting in a chair. My jaw had dropped and I was staring without even noticing.

"Welcome to the creepypasta mansion, child." I heard the powerful voice again. So this was the infamous Slender man.

"Indeed I am." He said. I was startled. He knew what I was thinking? 

"Yes. I can, in fact, read your thoughts." He stated. Great, no privacy.

"I want to be a creepypasta," I told him. He nodded. 

"So I've heard. I've also perceived that you killed a man, am I correct, child? " He asked.

I gulped, nodding my head. I could hear him take a breath.

"I'm going to touch your head to complete the transition after you drink this." He said as he handed me a vial of yellow liquid.

I smelled it and gagged. "What the fuck is this?" I questioned, disgusted.

"Just drink it," Jeff told me. I took a deep breath and threw back the vial of yellow liquid.

I coughed as it started tingling my throat. It started out fuzzy, then started burning. I screamed in agony as the pain spread through out my body.

Jeff looked worried. I fell to my knees and he rushed over to my side. Slender man stopped him by putting a tentacle in front of him.

He then touched my head like he said he would. Everything went white, then I blacked out.

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