Left Behind

Od evakmohns

9.4K 316 48

They sit like that till the end of the party silently sipping beer together, her glancing back at Chris from... Více



976 30 14
Od evakmohns

It's late at night, probably around eleven, but instead of sleeping, Eva is sitting at her desk and frantically doing her math homework that's due tomorrow and that she forgot all about. She's getting stressed about it, because there is so much of it, she cannot care to even try and reread her exercises and correct them. Her hand with a pencil tightly squeezed by her fingers is hurting from all the commotion, but she canfinally see the light in the tunnel, because she has the last page left to do. She takes a deep breath while rolling her shoulders and stretching her fingers open, before going in for the last three of her exercises. But before she can grab her pencil again, there's a loud sound of the doorbell coming from upstairs.

Eva's head turns in the direction of her door with a blank face. For a second she wonders if she should check who it is or just let it be. A terrifying feeling starts creeping up her spine, but she shakes it off in seconds. She decides to head upstairs and check who it is though, but only when the bell rings another time and because she is the only adult in this house and nobody else will do anything about it anyway. The fact that she grabs her tennis racket and has a 112 on speed dial before leaving the room doesn't change anything.

Eva stops for a couple of second before taking a hold of the door handle, just to calm herself down. It doesn't help at all, that's why she swings the door open with a swift move with a racquet in her hand, ready to strike the moment she notices a male silhouette standing at the door.

But it's only Chris.

With a duffel bag hung from his shoulder.

And a taken aback, petrified expression on his face.

Eva can't believe her eyes.

"Fucking hell, Chris," she chokes out, chuckling and bending her body, before resting her hands on her knees. She takes a couple of deep breaths and shakes her head at this whole situation, before looking up at Chris. He hesitantly takes a couple of steps in, closes the door behind  himself, locks it, slightly amused and raising his eyebrow he stares at the racquet in her hand. "You freaked me out, you asshole," Eva laughs nervously after straightening herself up and playfully shoving his shoulder. "Nobody ever uses the door at this hour. You could've texted me or something."

Chris bites his lower lip and scrunches his eyes while scratching his head with embarrassment. "Yeah, I should've probably thought of that."

Eva doesn't know how to call the warm feeling that suddenly spreads through her whole body, when she finally fully takes him in and it's rather terrifying. He looks exhausted though and her wide smile falters as Chris tiredly runs his hand over his face.

"Is everything okay?" She finally asks, taking two steps towards him. Her hand instinctively lands on his side and Chris doesn't wait long before pulling her into his embrace. His head falls down to the crook of her neck and soon Eva internally explodes at the feeling of his soft lips moving slowly against her skin.

"I'm fine, just really tired." The loud noise his duffel bag makes when it connects with the floor seems to confirm his state of exhaustion. It makes them part a little bit and Eva feels like she can somehow breathe again. She looks at him expectantly ,while he reaches down for his bag. "Will it be okay if I stay here tonight?" He finally asks looking straight into her eyes.

As if Eva could be able to say no to that face.

"Of course." She smiles and tugs on his jacket, leading him down to her room. "Is everything fine back home?" Eva asks looking back at him with a soft smile, before descending the stairs.

"Yeah..." Chris tells her and she can feel the smile in his voice. "It's just, Else's having a guy over and they're really loud... " he cringes, when they reach her room and Eva can't help but laugh at that. "So I just ran into my room, grabbed some stuff and prayed you'll take me under your roof for the night."

Eva's laugh is almost inaudible, when she turns her head around to face him, before adding playfully, "And what if I didn't?"

"I'd probably freeze to death. So thank you for saving my life again." His tone is way too sensual thanks to the state he's in, but Eva catches her body responding to every single vibe being sent her way. She should've been used to this tingling feeling every time he's around her by now, she thinks, but it still comes as unexpected as the first one.

Eva sits down on the chair at her desks and grabs the long forgotten pencil in her right hand. She's ready to start finishing her homework even though she senses his presence behind her back way before his lips touch her neck, but she's not prepared for the feeling anyway.

At this point she thinks she will never be.

"Do you have a thing with necks or something?" Eva goes for bravery, when she smirks looking back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Apparently." She can feel vibrations as he speaks against her skin. His mouth travels up to her ear and Eva tries to hold herself in place so much, her muscles burn with pressure. "But only with yours, though."

Eva chokes on her saliva at that and then coughs steadying her breath, which gets a chuckle out of Chris in result.

And she needs to cool of.

Like right now.

"Though you were tired." She goes for a change of subject, leaning away from him carefully so he isn't able to notice it. She squints her eyes looking at him and raises her eyebrows questioningly. But god, this lazy, sleepy look with eyes burning like embers does really work on him.

He bends in half to places his head on her shoulder and circles his arms around her chest, before whining loudly, "I am."

"Couldn't see that a minute ago" Eva says caressing his forearm and smirking at him sideways.

"What are you still doing anyway?" Chris sounds confused, when he raises his head and props his chin on her shoulder.

"Trying to finish my math homework. Which isn't easy, apparently." She shakes Chris' arms from her shoulders gently and sends him a playful look.

"Such a shame this math expert is so tired." He winks at her raising his arms over his head.

Eva isn't sure if they're talking about math at all.

Chris is still stretching his body, when an uncomfortable pop followed by his wince rings through her room.

"Go take a shower, it'll help with that." Eva says with a soft smile, turning on her chair to still be able to maintain an eye contact with him.

"I'd ask you to join me, but you're too preoccupied." Chris muses jokingly, but the lingering look he gives her from under his lashes almost makes her needing a cold shower herself. Eva is a mess by now, swallowing nervously but in need of his eyes being on her every passing second.

"Another time." Eva fires back playfully, though, because she stopped trusting herself with anything that has to do with him.

Chris smirks at her a little bit taken aback by her daring response. "I'll hold you to that." He sends her one more look before placing his bag on her bed and rummaging through his stuff as he decides on a t-shirt and boxers. "I love what you're wearing by the way." He adds, glancing with a small smile that paints the corner of his mouth.

Eva holds his gaze without flinching, knowing damn well she's wearing the oversized Penetrator Eva hoodie he gave her this morning over her usual nude basic top and some panties. "I love it too, it's one of a kind." She says grabbing the hem of the hoodie and stretching it to take another look at it.


"Yeah, it's my favourite." She finally looks up and winks his way the moment before he disappears behind her bathroom door with a sheepish grin.

It's so hard to concentrate on her work, when she's alone in her room again. Eva takes a couple of heavy breaths before she tries to get back to the two final exercises. It's not easy, when she hears him shuffle behind the wall, or when she hears the shower door open and close in a matter of seconds, or when she hears Chris starting the water and then hissing a moment later. It's not easy, when she can hear the soft hum of water for what seems like eternity and not being able to do anything except convincing herself that going into that bathroom and joining him in the shower is a bad idea.

Eva shakes her head slightly trying to concentrate again overwhelmed by emotions, her breath shaking, her leg tapping frantically on the floor. She doesn't even focus on the sound on the other side of her wall anymore, she just feels like she's floating. That's why she jumps up a little bit when the door open and Chris walks back into her room. She pretends to do her homework for a moment, before turning her head to look at him at the exact moment he puts his t-shirt over his head. He catches her looking just then and smiles at her warmly. He looks so tired his eyes are barely open.

"Feeling better?" Eva asks softly not wanting to disturb the comfortable silence that has fallen over her house.

"Much better," Chris mumbles and he's so relaxed Eva cannot help herself from smiling at that. "But I'll probably fall asleep any second." He sits on her bed and looks at her over his shoulder. "How much do you have left?"

"I'm almost done," She kind of lies knowing she's done nothing since he came, but can't force herself to read one more sentence of her math homework anyway. Those exercises she's done so far will have to do. "Jump in," she motions to her bed, "I'll join you in a minute."

Chris doesn't have to be told twice, because he's under the covers before she can stand up from her chair. He's adorable and Eva can't help but giggle quietly. She walks into her bathroom and goes straight to her toiletries, but stops the moment her fingers are about to wrap around her toothbrush, because there's an unknown wet one next to her own. It takes her another couple of blinks to move and take her toothbrush from the cup. When she's done brushing her teeth, she splashes her face with water and after drying it, walks back into her room.

He's laying on his side, her comforter snuggled between his muscular legs, his eyes closed and breath regular. Not taking his eyes from Chris, she turns the lights off and walks to the other side of the bed. She takes the hoodie off of her body and hangs it on the ladder next to her nightstand but when she turns around to grab the cover and join him, she notices his beautiful eyes on her. They are half open and roam slowly over her body stopping abruptly at, what Eva figures, the fading mark under her collarbone. His mouth opens suddenly, before he wets his lower lip with the tip of his tongue. Eva lays down then and finds herself drinking in his handsome features. Her hand involuntarily move to his face, before sliding into his hair, pushing it away from his forehead. She can feel his arm lazily cover her side and pull her body closer to his, his eyes finally looking up from her bruise.

They stare at each other, their noses centimeters apart, hot breaths mingling together, before Chris closes the distance between their lips and brushes them together so subtly, Eva wonders if it isn't imaginary. He deepens the kiss then, so slowly and lazily that she feels lightheaded thanks to his warm mouth, mint taste and his thumb grazing over her cheek.

When they part, only so slightly their lips are still touching, she can't help but whisper before his eyes finally flutter closed, "Are you sure, you're alright?"

"Mhmm" he mumbles quietly and before Eva knows, she's turned around and laying in his arms with her back against his chest. "Never been better." He says after a while, snuggling his face into her hair.

Eva doesn't think she's ever felt this warm inside.


The first thing Eva acknowledges the next morning is the sound of waves of her alarm. She groans loudly, but opens her eyes without much trouble. She finds herself being snuggled into Chris' back, while her right arm is trapped by his own and glued to his solid chest. And before she can break into the first fit of giggles, Chris whines sliding deeper under the covers, "Eva, please turn this off."

She can't help herself by then and laughs at him making his body shake. "I can't, you're cuddling my arm."

Chris turns to her then, laying himself on his back with his eyes squinting, before fully opening to look at her. "Fine." He finally lets go of her hand and Eva swiftly moves to the other side of her bed to silence her phone. She sits up and looks back at him, only to find him staring curiously her way. "Why were you giggling when you woke up?" He asks raising his brow, a lazy smile covering his lips.

That's all what takes Eva to start smiling again. "Nothing. It's just... It's the second time we woke up with me spooning you."

Chris' smile widens at that and a moment later he rolls closer to her, places his head on her thigh and hugs her legs to his body. "It's the most comfortable like that, " he mumbles against her skin and Eva once again finds herself erupting into giggles.

Her hand easily finds its way into his hair and strokes a loose strand of it away from his eyes. He's basically purring a moment later. "You're so soft, who would've thought," Eva singsongs deeply amused."

Chris chuckles, continuing to draw shapes on her skin. "You must not tell anybody."

"Your secret's safe with me."

He looks up at her then with a gentle smile painted all over his face. "What time is it?"

"6:38." She reads from her phone.

He groans quietly, runs his hand over his face before looking back up her. "It's Thursday, so you're starting at 8:15, right?"

And suddenly she's unable breathe again. "Y-yeah."

"I'll drive you to school, just give me 20 more minutes, okay?" Eva widens her eyes slightly at the proposition, but he already closes his eyes.

"Don't you have work today?" She asks, watching him replace her lap with a pillow.

"Not till 10," he says, covering his head with a blanket.

Eva shakes her head at him, smiling from ear to ear, before standing up from the bed, picking some clothes from the closet and heading to her bathroom.

After her morning routine, dressing up in a turtle neck long sleeved shirt (because of course she still has to cover the mark from strangers' eyes), a pair of black jeans and a thick cardigan, before tying half of her hair a the top of her head and leaving the other half in loose waves, she's finally ready to go.

He's not there, when she walks out of the bathroom though, but she's so shocked finding her bed made up with her new hoodie lying folded on top of her covers.

She involuntary grins at that.

After packing for the day (along with her unfinished math homework she plans on copying from someone) and ascending the stairs, she finds herself in the middle of the kitchen looking at half dressed Chris, who is in the process of putting fried eggs and bacon on two separate plates.

She is shook again and it seems like a it's a feeling that is always accompanied by his presence.

He notices her over his shoulder and Eva knows she needs to calms herself down, even though her heart is racing like crazy.

"Wow," she decides to say. "Maybe I should ask Else to bring one night stands home more often."

Chris melodic laughter fills up all the space and Eva's smile widens without her even realising it. She leaves her backpack on one of the chairs and walks up to him.

He puts his hands on her forearms the moment she's in his reach and slides them up to their shoulders, massaging them gently. "Or maybe you could not do that and invite me over every other night instead, huh?"

His daring eyes along with his growing smirk taunt her to pick up the topic and even though she literally dies, she somehow discover some remaining bits of strength and stubbornness inside her body and finds herself smirking back and answering, "Sure," before watching his smirk falter just a bit as his tongues wets his lips.

They're looking into each other's eyes for a lingering moments when Chris hands do wonders on her shoulders, while both of them smile at each other like maniacs. This moment is only over when Chris lowers his eyes to her left shoulder and she watches him purse his lips together.

"I'm sorry for biting so hard to leave a mark. Did it hurt?"

Eva rolls her eyes. "Don't worry. I honestly didn't even notice it until the girls told me on Monday."

"Really? Did other people saw that too?" He raises both of his eyebrows, astonished.

Eva groans dramatically. "Yeah, like half of Nissen.'

Chris smirk deepens and doesn't disappear, even when he finally pushes her towards the table and tells her to eat.


The ride to school is filled with so much laughter, singing and stolen glances, that Eva feels herself not being able to take her eyes off of Chris' beautiful face. When they stop, he hesitates only for a second, before leaning in to a slow, breathless kiss. She takes a shaky breath, when they part and cannot believe the blush that surprisingly covers his cheeks. She walks out of his car trying to keep the happy grin off of her face, but it's almost an impossible thing to do. She finds her friends moments later and they all send her looks and smirks and make fun of Chris' heart eyes watching her go.

The happy atmosphere suddenly disappears and Eva doesn't even have a chance to ask her friends about it, because Astrid and Iben pass her just then and what really catches her attention are brunette's words that are definitely directed to her. "Naive, silly little girl."

"I'd just say she's simply stupid." Her friend throws in, laughing cruelly so loud, that at least half of the schoolyard could hear.

Eva doesn't recognize this enormous wave of anger that suddenly ovewhelms her senses, but she doesn't let herself wonder about that for even a second longer. "What the fuck is your problem?" She shouts after them, her hands turning into fists by her sides.

"Excuse me?" Iben laughs surprised, acting dumb, even though her eyes tell Eva that the older girl has waited for their confrontation for some time now.

And Eva isn't backing down for the sake of her own honour. "You heard me, what the fuck is your problem?" She marches right to her, hearing the girls following close behind and she's more than grateful, when she glances at Sana's serious face. She's ready to strike at any moment.

Everyone's attention is on them again, but Eva couldn't be giving less of a fuck.

Iben's eyebrows are raised in amusement and what really stops Eva in her track is her deep, throaty laugh. "My problem? I don't have a problem, Eva. I'm just wondering how can you be such an idiot after all the things he's ever done."

Everything in Eva explodes the following second.

"After all the things he's done?" She asks in disbelief. "You fucking delusional, lying bitch!" Everyone gasps and Iben's face immidiately changes. "You punched me in front of everybody for kissing him, even though I didn't know he was your boyfriend, you humiliated me, sent fucking disgusting period blood letters to me - how fucked up is that by the way? - you tried to turn my friends against me and bullied me to the point I wanted to switch schools and it's not even the worst, since you-"

"Shut up!" Iben growls, taking a threatening step toward her, but Eva has been so done with the girl, she doesn't even halt in her monologue.

"Since you were fucking cheating on him for months waaaaaay before the Halloween party and had the nerve to play the fucking victim?" Iben's clenching her jaw, especially since there's a male voice somewhere screaming "The fucking truth" but Eva isn't finished yet. "You should be separated from the normal functioning people, after everything you've done, you fucking sociopath!"

Everything stops in seconds and she can hear everyone's breath catching in their throats as she watches almost in slow motion Iben lunging at her, grabing her front and fisting her hands in her coat, ready to punch.

Eva's sure she'll get another beating from the older girl any second, but suddenly Sana shows up by her side with a murderous look on her face.

"Remove your dirty hands." Eva hears Sana's voice and it's so stone-cold, it chills her straight to the bone. "I said, remove your fucking hands. Or I'll remove them myself."

Iben snorts at both of them, before letting Eva go. All the adrenaline is drained from Eva's body in seconds, but she has enough spike in herself left to glare at Iben for another lingering moment, before storming past her, but not without shoving the other girl's shoulder as hard as she can.

"You think he changed? You think that you suddenly managed to do that??" Iben's voice almost stops her right there, but she forces herself to keep walking. "You think you're special? That he wasn't charming and didn't played the perfect boyfriend for me too? Maybe I'm a bitch here but no one is as stupid as you!"

Eva clenches her jaw so hard, it really starts to hurt, but she doesn't let Iben's words provoke her. That's why she simply lifts her hand up and flips her off without faltering in her step.

Vilde starts to ramble just then, but Eva gets rid of her with one warning glare. Shocked Chris soon follows the blonde and moments later Eva finds herself in the girls' restroom with Sana and everything that has just happened starts really getting to her.

"Eva hey, calm down, it's okay..." Sana's voice is so soothing, it helps her to breath again.

"What have I done?" She says, when her friend reaches for her hands to stop them from shaking.

"Listen to me, Eva, you did nothing wrong. You stood up for yourself, you did good." Sana's voice is stable and this is the only thing, that Eva tries to focus on.

"Do you really thinks so?" She asks, swallowing loudly and trying to even her breathing.

"Yeah. I'm also trying to calm both of us down." Sana chuckles, her own nervousness showing up. "But you did good." Eva has her friend in her arms not a heartbeat later. "And don't you ever listen to her."

Eva suddenly pulls away. "What?"

"Those things she said about you and Chris, don't listen to them."

Eva turns her eyes away from Sana's. "Don't worry about that."

"I saw your face, Eva." Eva's eyes fall to the floor, while she bites on her lip, before guiltily looking back up at her friend's beautiful face. "You know what she was trying to accomplish there. Don't let that get to you. Promise, me. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay, I'll try."

"Honestly. Iben doesn't know shit about you and Chris, she hasn't seen the way he acts around you. Have some faith in him Eva, I know it's easy for me to say, but if you're not able to trust your judgment, trust mine instead. Because I trust him with you."

Eva's overwhelmed with emotions, so she only nods.

They're holding hands, when they finally leave the restroom and Eva is probably crushing Sana's bones with how much she wants to be grounded by it, but her best friend doesn't say a word in protest. They let go of each other only when they need to part for their respective classes but before she can walk into the room, she feels her phone vibrate.

And of course it's Chris.

Can I post this on Insta?

There's a picture of her sitting cross-legged on s chair and leaning over her desk. The Penetrator Eva hoodie in all it's glory, since the picture was taken from behind her. The corner of her bed and Chris' feet laying on it are visible as well. She wants to ask him, when he took the shot, but it's rather obvious, that's why she goes for something completely different.

You've never asked for my permission before

Why now?

I don't know

I love this pic

And just want to be sure you're okay with me

posting it

I'm okay with you posting it <3


You're the best

He posted the pic.

It looks even more magnificent with the soft filter he used.

But it's the caption that really takes her breath away.


chrisschistad TG4M <3 #penetratoreva


It's actually one of my favourite chapters in this fic <3

I have no idea why this shitsite doesn't let fortmat the text and post in on both sides of the document but fuck it...

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