Imperishable (Justin Bieber)...

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Spinoff and third book of Neurotic Series* Imperishable: [im-per-i-shuh-buh l] not subject to decay; indes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

729 29 28
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Justin's POV

The Next Morning

I silently stare at Natasha's peacefully sleeping presence right beside me, not having any idea of what today may bring when she decides to wake up from her slumber. I am well aware of what transpired between the two of us last night. I cannot seem to forget any of it even if I tried. Trust me I have, however those several intimate kisses with one another, paired with me kissing all over her breasts makes it extremely hard for me to disremember.

On top of it all I performed cunnilingus on her for the very first time. My first time giving oral pleasure to a girl. Her first time receiving oral pleasure from a guy. Our first time being that sexually intimate with one another! It's a huge deal! A major deal that may or may not make her feel uncertainly about the entire situation. Crud!

I start to overthink every single thing that involves the two of us in any type of intimate state. From kissing her, touching her, to even tasting her, I unfortunately question those moments of serendipity to be nothing but mistakes. My thoughts of over analyzation go into full gear, which only makes me begin to sweat profusely. I even nervously begin to move my feet like windshield wipers from side to side with a quickness. I get so caught up in my pondering, I hardly feel my body being shaken or the calling of my name by the very reason I am questioning almost everything.

"Justin, will you snap out of it," I hear Tasha's voice, yet I cannot seem to focus enough to respond to her. "Hey, look at me." My face is gently turned around, where she is rubbing at my cheek affectionally all while wearing a worried expression. She even so nicely fixes my glasses into place on my face.

"Are you okay?" She questions so caringly, and I try to answer her, but nothing seems to want to come out. Surely, I must resemble a fish out of water with the opening and closing of my mouth.

"You're scaring me, Justin JuJu," she drops her hand from my face and kicks her legs out of our shared blanket, just to throw one of her legs over my body to straddle me. "Stop this, you're worrying me." She looks down at me, before leaning in and placing a soft peck to my mouth.

That snaps me out of my spaced out state, to the point I'm gasping for breath and pulling her in by her hips. She doesn't jump away from me, or even yell at me to stop holding onto her hips. In fact, she looks at me with that same worried expression, before peppering little kisses along my jawline all while she softly rubs her hands along my sides.

Almost instantly I am sighing in content, feeling at ease and not on the edge of an overthinking breakdown. I go to say something, though a light kiss is placed upon my lips... followed by her blowing raspberries against them, making fart sounds to echo around us.

"Really?" I open my eyes that I just realized I had closed.

"I mean it snapped you out of your funk." She shrugs, giving me a shy smile.

"I guess you're correct." I respond tiredly, looking up at the ceiling. A wave of silence washes over us, and I just know this is the moment she has begun to regret everything that transpired last night.

"You were mumbling weird things. Are you okay?" She pulls my face from its upward position, still staring at me with that worried expression as she awaits my answer.

"Um, yes. I am okay... are you?" I dare to look at her in her eyes. I can always tell by her eyes if she is being truthful or not. The same with her, when it comes to me.

"Of course, I am, Justin JuJu. Why wouldn't I be?" She looks at me confused as can be, just before she adjusts herself on top of me. 

Just like a darn perverted being that it is, my membrum virile becomes erect right underneath Tash. The freaking thing has a mind of its own! I swear to all things living, that it is does! Especially in the presence of my best friend! If I could face palm over and over again I definitely would.

"Uh, Tash... my... can you..." I cannot even get the very words out my mouth, just because how embarrassed I am.

"It's okay, Justin. Relax, will you? It happens, its normal." Now it's my turn to frown in confusion at her just brushing off my obvious hard on literally poking at her intimate area.

"Why are you giving me that face?" She giggles, leaning down to place a kiss upon my lips and then place her forehead on top of my own.

"I suppose I'm just analyzing your every move," I decide to be truthful. "You know, due to what ensued between us last night." I add on, inwardly waiting for her to blow up at me once she realizes what we done.

Oddly enough she continues to keep her forehead lightly rested upon mine, and slowly nod her head with a small, closed lip smile. Not sure what that means, I continue to look at her apprehensively, not so much as daring to move an inch underneath her. I guess seeing me appear to be frightened, she smacks her lips and rolls her eyes as she sits up and stares down at me quite seriously.

Oh no, here comes her outburst of mixed emotions towards me.

However, they never come, in fact, out of nowhere a large smile graces her face. When I say her smile is huge, I mean it's so big it nearly spreads right across her entire face. All while those dazzling eyes of hers nearly twinkle at me. And then again, she rolls her eyes in what I now come to realize is a playful manner.

Of course, she is teasing me. Duh, Justin. Gosh, you dope.

"So, we are good?" Wanting to be extra sure, I shyly ask her just to be certain.

"Yes," she drags out her answer with that beautiful smile of hers. "It's okay, dummy. I know what we did. I'm cool with it... as long as you are." A small smile graces her face; although, I see the nervousness in those doe eyes of hers.

To rid her of those thoughts and then some, I nod my head fiercely, before I can even answer with my mouth. I guess she finds me nodding my head with an eagerness quite funny, because she chuckles and shakes her head, just before she bends down and grabs my face and kisses me with just as much enthusiasm, I had in that nodding I was doing.

Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wowwwwwww. She sure does know how to lay it on a guy.

"Why thank you, I truly try my best." I snap my eyes open in realization of me speaking out loud. I see Tasha now sitting up straight on me, terribly trying to suppress her laughter.

"Uh..." I am so lost for words, I'm sure I sound utterly illiterate right about now.

"Would you like me to lay it on you again, and take your breath away once more?" With full blown laughter now. She even almost falls off of me throwing herself back as she laughs.

"You little minx!" I sit up with a quickness and attack her to the bed with tickles and a kiss or two here and there.

"No! No, Justin JuJu, no tickles please."

"Yes!" As I tickle and tickle, she squirms all over place, making my shirt she's wearing rise up over her nude intimate zone.

I pause and so does she. Our eyes are locked with one another—in union as one. It's as if we've just shared a visual agreement with them, and I find myself scooting back a bit on my knees and slowly positioning myself right in front of her nether regions. I look into her eyes once more, seeing that she hasn't broke her eye contact with me at all. She timidly bites her bottom lip, just as she light raises her arm and places her hand on my head where she encourages me to please her just like I did last night.

And you know what? I do, because I like it and I know she likes it too.


"So, have you gotten any acceptance letters yet?" Tasha breaks our comfortable silence, making me look up from buttering my French toast to the cutest sight in front of me. She is smiling around the spoon in her mouth.

She is so cute. Easily the most beautiful girl I have seen in my short 19 years. I just cannot believe she is MY best friend. My girl... my favorite girl.

"Yes, I have received a couple," I answer as I take a bite out of my toast. "How about yourself? I mean we did them together last November, with you almost missing the deadline in January." I shake my head and give off a chuckle.

She naturally gives me a loud gasp at my honesty, but shyly looks around the small diner we are having breakfast in for any onlookers. There aren't any, and if there are, I doubt they really care about our conversation. Once she sees the close is clear of any spectators, she balls up a napkin and tosses it my way. I catch it easily, just to receive a tongue being poked out at me. That makes me laugh even more now.

"You are such a brat at times, Tasha."

"Yeah, whatever, bite me." She gives the cutest pout, before scooping some more of her oatmeal onto her spoon. She even shoves it into her mouth with a little pout.

"Which portion of your body would you like me to bite you?" Stunned that I even blurted out such a lecherous thing like that, I widen my eyes and nervously adjust my glasses on my face. It's quiet for a couple of seconds, and I dare myself to look at Tasha. Her face is just as stunned as my own, she even wears a blush upon both of her cheeks. I am not too sure how long we stared at each other, but what she says next certainly snaps me out of it.

"Everywhere." She says it almost painfully, and then timidly covers her face, almost ashamed to even say it.

Whoa, Natasha is quite honest, isn't she? Whatever she wants, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

"Noted. I got you." I give her a shy smile of my own, going back to eating my toast. I just find it so funny though, how she literally is late to everything and for everything... except for when she orgasms. She is such an odd being.

"But yeah anyway, I've been accepted to some too. But, not my dream school or my second best," she sighs a tad sadly, picking at her eggs. "Which ones have you been accepted to? And why haven't you said anything to me about it?" She raises her eyebrow in questioning, giving me a fake stern look.

"I'm sure FSU and UCLA will accept you; you just have to be a bit more patient," I reach across the table, twining my fingers with hers, wanting to assure her all will be alright.

"If you say so, Mr. Positive," She gives me a pleasant smile, squeezing my hand back. "Now stop beating around the bush, which ones have you been accepted to?" She lets go of my hand, to steal my last bacon and pops it into her mouth. Girls eating guys food, I tell you.

"That's all I can do is be positive, Tash. You should try it sometime," I chuckle and smack her hand away from my cheese fries. She of course pouts, and like a weakling for her puppy dog eyes I give them to her. "As for the schools I've been accepted to... um... it doesn't matter."

She stops her eating of my cheese fries and frowns down at them, before looking up at me with the same frown. I inwardly gulp and look away, not really having the courage to look at that said frown on her face. Plus, I'm lying and I'm sure she knows it.

"Justin," she says my name, and oddly enough there's no anger behind her tone, in fact it sounds like a bit of disappointment. "Please look at me. Why are you lying to me, Justin JuJu? I thought we told each other everything." Not being able to look away any longer, I quickly look up to see the sadness in her face. Not liking that look on her face whatsoever, I just decide to be honest.

"I-I was accepted to a lot of colleges," I look into her eyes, telling her the truth and nothing but the truth. "In actuality, I was accepted to all of the schools I applied to... including the ones we were just messing around about going to." I search her eyes for any type of response, though I only get widen eyes with her mouth hanging open. The chewed up remnants of my cheese fries even decide to fall out her mouth.

"Um, Tasha, are you okay? You have gone entirely silent over there." I begin to get worried when she doesn't respond to me. I almost get up to aid her some type of help, but she speaks just as I go to get up.

"You got accepted to all the schools you applied to?" She questions still wide eyed and in shock.


"My goodness, Justin. You say it so plainly," she throws her hands up in the air. "E-even the University of Paris and the University of Cape Town in South Africa?" I reluctantly nod my head, reaching over to take her now shaking hands into my own. She is still looking at me in pure surprise.

"It's nothing, Tash. They are just colleges–" I am suddenly cut off by her ripping her hands out of my own and shaking her head at me.

"They aren't just colleges, Justin. What the hell are you on? You are so freaking smart, and I am so proud of you." I watch as she smiles so brightly, so beautifully. She's happy for me.

"Thank you so much, Tash. I truly do appreciate that and appreciate you so much. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, it's just we weren't on speaking terms, and you were upset with me, and we weren't cool any–"

I suddenly yelp at her kicking me in my leg from across me. She gives me an apologetic look before, getting up from her seat at our shared booth and shoves me over to sit next to me. She nicely reaches down to rub where she thinks I'm hurt at, but she's a little bit off. It's okay though, it's the thought that counts.

"I apologize for kicking you, Justin JuJu, don't you ever withhold something so important and exciting like that from me ever again. I don't care if I weren't speaking to you, I would have congratulated you no matter what," She looks me dead on, all while holding my chin in her hands. "Congratulations to you, you silly gecko pumpkin spice headband." I groan at her nickname, with her giggling and then enough kissing me tenderly.

"If I would have knew I would receive a kiss from you, I would have told you earlier." I speak through our kisses, with her stopping to look at me and giggle again.

"Hmm, maybe," Another kiss is placed upon my lips before she pulls away and just stares at me with a content smile on her face. "So, does this mean you got into our schools we said we were going to attend together?"

"Yep, University of Nevada, USC, UCLA, ASU, Northridge, that Columbia one in New York, and all those other ones we applied to," I rest my forehead on hers, giving her my smile. "I'm just waiting for you to get accepted to them, so you can choose which one we are going to attend." I bite my lip, contemplating whether or not I should kiss her once more. Her lips are just so very addicting.

"Well, if I don't get accepted to any of the ones we applied together for, I want you to go the smartest one out of all of them. You are a brainiac, and brainiacs deserve the top schools provided for geniuses. I don't want to hold you back trying to be with me." She speaks with great confidence; however, I know she is a bit saddened about not getting her acceptance letters just yet. I know she will get them; she has to just believe and be a tad more patient.

"I understand your concerns and what you are saying. However, firstly, I'm simply just intelligent, just like you are. Secondly, the both of us are going to attend the same school no matter what. If we have to go to a community college first, then so be it. Thirdly, may I please kiss you?" I bite down on my bottom lip, looking at a once again wide opened mouth Natasha. This girl is always in astonishment around me.

"Uh huh." I suppose that's all she can say, along with a head nod. That's okay, kissing doesn't require any talking at all.

"Fantastic." With that I give her yet another kiss, this time adding my tongue that sweetly glides back and forth with hers.

With several more kisses exchanged with one another, we finish eating our late breakfast sitting beside each other and engaging in laughter and conversations about nothing really. But I didn't mind at all, because I much rather have what people may deem boring conversations with Natasha anyway. It is only her I much rather be with sitting in an old dusty diner. If it's not her, its' not anyone.

What a great way to spend the remainder of her birthday surprise from me. Oh, but I will not dare keep her out too long, her dad will have a sissy fit if I do not return her no later tonight. He made that very clear when he whispered his threats into my ear. Plus, his hands are like made of steak or something of that nature. Being 18 years old or not, that is still Jason McCann's daughter. But that's where it stops, she's my special girl too.


- Chapter 12 is now finally updated!! Happy New Year to you all!!! I know it's been a while since I've updated this story, and I apologize! But I'm going to try my very hardest to update bad finally finish this story! Thank you all who have stuck with me this long and are still reading my stories! Thank you!!

- Alexis

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