The Bad boy that fell for the...

By little_miss_cliche

464K 13.2K 2K

Violet Blake is depressed, lonely, and negative. Her negative charge lead her to weekly therapy sessions with... More

The Badboy that fell for the Crazy Girl
A usual day in the life of Violet Blake
That girl
I do know you
Can't get you out of my head
The playboy who wants to party with the crazy girl
Just can't stay away
The 'talk' with mom
Stop and turn away
More than I thought
New pills
The next day
Like things couldn't get worse
Rescued from hell by the devil
Our ever after
A little extra
Extra- Life After

Two lovers in a hospital

18.4K 553 45
By little_miss_cliche

* Violet Blake *

My mom had dropped off my clothes before she went back to work and dropped Francy off at a day care. The hospital people wanted my to stay one more night. But I was allowed to wear my real clothes instead of that stupid gown. I sat in my bed, IV still in my arm, talking to Dylan.

"Aren't you missing classes?" I asked him. He sat next to my bed still wearing the same clothes as the day before. It was safe to say he had stayed here over night. That thought gave me a strange feeling.

"Your worth it." he smiled. I felt my heart warm up. Everyone in the Blake family is rather depressed, except Francy, and when one of us shows a sign of something other than depression it's nice. Dylan was always the one with the most depression. He would see counselor after counselor but none helped. Until one prescribed him some medicine and he started acting.....normal. Ever since then I've missed him. He started going to college and enjoying life. I couldn't be happier for him. But I still missed him.

Back then I wasn't depressed. Not until James. James made me happy, a the time. He would pay attention to me, tell me I was pretty, buy me things. And at the time I thought it was because he likes me.

God I was wrong.

One day, at the skatepark of all places, he asked me if I wanted to do it with him in his car. I said no but he wouldn't let it go. He tried to drag me into the car but I fought back with everything I had.

And that's how the cops found us.

It looked like he was the victim. that his psycho girlfriend was attacking him. I was to embarrassed to tell them the truth so I lived with the consequences. After that I never saw him again. Until yesterday.

"So, while you were out mom told me about the boy." Dylan's voice snapped me from my thoughts. When my brain registered what he said I frowned.


I had been trying to but him on the side of my brain but I just couldn't. I missed him. Even though he didn't miss me.

"Yeah. I thought he like me but.....i guess I was wrong." I mumbled, looking away. I felt Dylan's thumb and index finger grab my chin and turn me to look at him. It was then I noticed how good he looked.

His hair was still a shaggy mess of dirty blond locks but his eyes shined bright green. There was something in his eyes that told me he was happy. Truly happy.

"You guess? Mom told me you have been looking happier. Happier than ever before. Is it because of this boy?" he asked. Then it hit me. I have been happier lately. I hadn't been thinking of suicide or the jerks at school.

I have been thinking of Riley.

"Yeah." I whispered. A bright smile came across his face and he sat back in his chair.

"Then go get him." he said.

What? Was he serious? I couldn't go get him. Even if I wasn't trapped here by this goddamn machine, he still hates me. He wouldn't even give me the time of day.

"I can't." I murmured. Dylan sat straight up in his chair, the movement causing me to jump a little.

"Why not? I can tell he means a lot to you and trust me you don't want to lose that." Dylan paused for a moment and reached into his pocket pulling out a frimilar black object.

"Here." he said handing it to me. I inspected my phone with disbelief.

How did Dylan get it?

He must have sensed my confusion because he said

"Mom gave it to me incase you wanted to call her." he shrugged. I smiled at him. I was really going to do this. I was going to fight for what I wanted.

I was going to fight for Riley.

Smiling, I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door, pulling the IV with me.

"Okay I'll just be...out here." I said awkwardly. Dylan nodded and sat back in his chair. Shooting him one last smile I shut the door and pulled out my phone.

Riley being Riley, he didn't put his number in my phone and simply label it Riley. no his contact name is

The Hottest Guy In Your Contacts AKA Riley.

I rolled my eyes at my screen. What an idiot.

Tapping the name, I put my phone to my ear. It started to ring.

Oh my god I'm doing this! What should I say?

I had unconsciously started walking the halls in anticipation. When the fourth ring came I started to get a little scared.

What if he sees it's me and doesn't answer. What if-

Before I could finish that thought something else caught my attention.

A phone ringing.

It was coming from the room I was standing next to. Lowering my phone I looked into the room, through the clear glass window.

I gasped at what I saw next.

It was the playboy himself that I was trying to call. And he was lying unconscious in a hospital bed.

Not caring what anyone said, I slowly opened the door and walked in. I shut the door behind me before falling against it.

There he was. Lying dead in a hospital bed. That was like a knife to the chest.

He's not dead. Is he?

With my IV in tow, I walked over to Riley's bed side. His face was all cut up. He had small cuts all over his face but a rather large one on the side of his face.

He was hooked up to a couple machines next to his bed. One told his heartbeat so he was in fact alive. Knowing this took a weight off my shoulders.

What happened?

Riley let out a soft groan and that was when I lost it. Everything hit me at once. Riley, my suicide, everything. I broke down crying by his side. Just seeing him like this broke my heart. It hurt so much worse than losing him because at least when I lost him he was healthy and not on the edge of death.

My sobs filled the room. For a moment I worried someone might hear but it was quick pushed aside. Like I tried to push him aside. Oh my god I'm a horrible person. I was thinking of pushing him away while he laid injured. I'm such a bad person.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and sat down. When I did I felt a weird poking in my thigh. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper.

My suicide note.

I had meant for them to find it after I perished but since that never happened I guess they couldn't. Unfolding if I went over it once again and decided it needed something.

Finding a pen I wrote a few extra lines on the paper before refolding it and setting it on Riley's nightstand.

Dylan would get worried if I didn't get back soon. So with one last look at the playboy that stole my heart, I exited the room. Leaving him and my suicide note behind.

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