Cheater (discontinued tempora...


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During the selection, America had settled things with Aspen after becoming an elite. She had committed her ev... More

Chapter One: Letter
Chapter Two: Suspicious
Chapter Three: Kriss
Chapter Five: Trust
Chapter Six: Broken
Chapter Seven: A New Start
Chapter Eight: Stranger
Chapter Nine: Duke

Chapter Four: Betrayal

3.2K 43 18

Be aware, I sorta turned America into a villain here, sorry not sorry huns she's a bad bitch :p

"MAXON!" America yelled. she couldn't believe her eyes.

She tried so hard to think positively of this whole Kriss situation, with the letter and her coming over. But, this? How the hell was she supposed to think positively about her husband and Kriss of all people basically making out?

Maxon pushed Kriss off of him as fast as he could, looking at America with wide eyes, like he got caught in the act while committing a crime.

"America! Oh my goodness please I swear its not what it looks like," Maxon pleaded. "Let me explain please,"

"Not what it looks like? What's there to explain Maxon?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.

"America please just let me explain. This is all a misunderstanding-" Maxon tries but America wasn't having it, not one bit. She felt something inside finally break, bringing out a side she never knew she had.

"Shut up." She snapped. "Think about it Maxon, first I see a letter from her asking for some sort of gift because what you gave her before ran out. I saw all the pet names she wrote on it. But I tried to think positively. I thought... maybe it was a going away present or something friendly." America laughed unhumorously.

"Then not even a day later you tell me shes coming over and are so adamant on her seeing only you. I tried to, again think positively, maybe she just really did feel uncomfortable around me." America paused for a moment, holding back the tears threatening to fall.

"Now, what am I supposed to make of this 'misunderstanding'? Should I just laugh it off? Say that "ohh I'm sure she was just feeling lonely because whoever she's with just doesn't feel the same." I know how great of a kisser you are so it could be a possibility. But then that must mean you've kissed even before this haven't you? That this isn't the first time? So I can't think like that."

At this point America was spouting out random nonsense. But she couldn't stop. If she did the tears would fall and they wouldn't stop.

"America-" Kriss tried this time but the said girl was quick to cut her off again.

"Did I freaking say you could speak? Shut your damn mouth you absolute imbicile." The woman seethed.

America took a deep breath to calm her breathing a little. "How long?" She ask.

"What?" He asked, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"How long?" America asked again, feeling her strong exterior crumbling every second that past.

"3 years..." America stared at him dumbfoundedly, completely at a loss for words.


"So you have been cheating on me for almost half the time we've been married. " He paused and glanced at Kriss, who gave him a blank expression.

"Yes..." He answered guilty.

"How many times have you met?" America questioned. She had so many questions but she needed to hear the main ones first.

"Uh.. at the end of every month." Maxon answered nervously.

America tried to control her tears but now, she couldn't bare to hold it in.

"Your not the Maxon I loved anymore. Your just a cruel lair who doesn't love or care for his family" She whispered, loud enough for them to hear.

"Please America just listen to me!" He begged.

America knew the rational thing to do would be to listen to what he had to say, but she didn't want to. Something inside said girl had shrivelled up and died, leaving her devoid of any emotion but anger and hate.

"I said I DONT WANNA HEAR IT!" The enraged female glared at him. She then turned to the one who caused this whole situation in the first place. The reason for her anger.

"Now let's deal with the person who caused this whole mess," America said, scarily calm. It was a complete contrast to how she had been just moments before.

America walked up to Kriss, looking her up and down with disgust evident in her face.

"So you sent my husband letters- which is understandable in a way if you were being friendly. But then you ask to meet him and only him, which is I suppose is understandable because you may be uncomfortable with being around me." America paused for a second, running her recently manicured nail along the girls cheek menacingly, following it with her eyes.

"But then," Americas icey blue eyes snapped up to Kriss's intimidated brown ones. "You decide you can just waltz into my husband's office and throw yourself at him."

America grabbed the girls chin and forced her to make eye contact. "I bet you planned this little Krissy. You wanted my place oh so badly, you thought you could come here and try to ruin the relationship my dear husband and I have." America cooed.

At this stage, she had lost all form of sense. Rage had America wrapped around its little fingers and wasn't planning on letting up anytime soon.

"Now little Krissy let's have a quick lesson shall we? Princess 101. If you remember correctly, which you mustn't considering you pulled a stunt like this," America pulled away from Kriss, taking some steps back. She looked at a distressed Maxon who already knew what she was going to say.

"During a selection, having any sort of intimacy with another person apart from the prince is considered treason. Now after the prince is married and has become king, having any form of intimacy with someone who isn't their significant other is.. guess what? Treason!" America grinned scarily at the girl.

"But not for the king, he gets another form of punishment. The one who gets convicted for treason is the one they were with! Aka, you." America mused.

Two gaurds came into the room. Kriss looked scared but not to America's satisfaction. "Fortunately for you, I'm not someone who would harm a convict like the system used to. So the worst you'll get is sitting in a cell for some years."

"I don't need your pity." Kriss spat at the latter.

"Oh but you do my dear Kriss, because if you'd rather I have no mercy on you, I'll do just that," America thought for a second before continuing.

"Either you go to jail and no one knows, or you go to jail and I expose you for what you did. Job, money, status? All going down the drain just like that. You'd be known as the woman who had affairs with the king. Who would want to ever have anything to do with someone of that reputation?"

America stopped talking for a moment, allowing what she said to sink into the girl. Now Kriss was afraid, she wasn't dumb enough to think that America was bluffing. Both her and Maxon knew she was a woman of her word.

Now America was satisfied, seeing the pure look of fear on Kriss's face, it made her feel... in control, like she had the upper hand.

"I'll take your silence as your answer. Gaurds, take her to the cells and make sure she doesn't escape please." America instructed.

"NO!" Maxon cried. America's head snapped to him and she scoffed.

"As if you have a say in this. Henry, Lucas? Please be on your way," America said and the gaurds moved Maxon aside, taking Kriss to the cells as ordered.

Once the three were away from sight, America walked up to Maxon. She stared hard into his eyes, but only saw distress and fear.

The girl softened, feeling a rush of emotions hit her like a truck. The tears finally fell, running down her pale cheeks as she continued to stare at her husband.

"I will never forgive you for this." She whispered. At that moment, Maxon could feel his heart break, shattering into pieces.

America turned and walked out the door, going to the one place she could find solace without anyone else around.

She entered her music room, locking the door before leaning against it. She wiped her tears away, letting out a long sigh while replaying everything that just happened over and over. What'll she do now? What can she do?

She felt overwhelmed all of a sudden.

Luckily, this room had a phone so she called Nicoletta and told her what happend.

"What the hell!? America I'm sending a plane for you to come to Italy right now, it will be there by tomorrow morning 8am." She said.

"Thank you Nic you have no idea how much this means to me" America said gratefully.

"Anything for you my friend" she replied sincerely. The two exchanged their goodbyes then hung up. America walked to the door and peeked outside to make sure Maxon wasn't around.

When the coast was clear she ran to her daughters room and thank the gods Maxon wasn't there.

"Ellie, Elise!" America called out to them in a sing song voice.

"Hi mommy," they both say in unison. America walked over to Elise's bed and told them to come sit.

"Hey girls, how do you feel about taking a trip to Italy?" She asked, earning a loud gasp from the twins.

"Yes! We wanna goo!" They squealed. America laughed at the way they kept saying things in unison.

"Ok I'm gonna call a maid and we're gonna go tomorrow." America whispers.

"Yaaaay!!!" They yell. America quickly put her finger to their mouths, signaling them to quiet down.

"shhhh!!! Not so loud!" She hushed them.

"Sorry mommy.." the two apologized.

"It's ok just don't tell daddy okay? We are gonna go without him cause he will be busy here and if you tell him he won't let you go. So don't tell him okay?" America explained.

"Okay mommy." The elder twin  answered.

America gave the girls a hug and looked a the clock, noticing that it was getting late.

"Ok bedtime. You have to be up bright and early tomorrow okay?" She instructed. The girls nodded then jumped off the bed, changing their clothes and brushing their teeth in record time and before America new it were already in their beds.

The red head tucked her children in and kissed them goodnight. Once they fell asleep she went to her private chambers and started packing. She ringed for her maids to help her and once they got here she explained the story and to not tell a soul about this.

The three women agreed and helped America finish packing. Once they were done she hid the bags in case Maxon came into her room.

America went into her bathroom, deciding to take a relaxing bath. She slowly sank into the water, her whole body submerged head to toe.

No Maxon.
No Kriss.
No cheating.
No nothing.

Just her, the quietness, the soothing water and the slow burn she felt in her lungs.

All of the sudden America was pulled out of the water and frantically looked around with wide eyes, her attention landing on a fuming yet relived Maxon standing beside her tub.

"What the hell are you doing America?!" He yelled.


Hey guys hope your enjoying this so far. I actually never planned any of this I just kept on adding the first thing that popped into my head. Make sure you comment and vote plz. But I'm tired now so yeah



[Update: fhsjjs I fixed the chapter it's better than before. Hope you guys enjoyed I made it kinda long :)]

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