Insomnia (A Five Night's at F...

By nightmare597

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*COMPLETED, UNDER GRAMMATICAL EDITING* Living in the real world as an adult had its challenges. You knew that... More

Chapter 1 Inauguration
Chapter 2 First Night Terrors
Chapter 3 One More Error
Chapter 4 Golden Boy
Chapter 5 Pieces Of A Bigger Puzzle
Chapter 6 Bitter As Coffee, Sweet As Cake
Chapter 7 A World Within The Mind
Chapter 8 Rembering Our Past
Chapter 9 Light and Darkness
Chapter 10 The Purple Piece
Chapter 11 Looming Shadow
Chapter 12 Break My Mind
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Freddy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Bonnie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Goldie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Foxy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Chica)
Chapter 15 Missing
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Freddy)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Bonnie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Goldie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Foxy)
Chaptet 16 Just A Whisper Away (Chica)
Chapter 17 Final Breath Of Life (Freddy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Bonnie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Goldie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Foxy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Chica)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait For You (Freddy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for you (Bonnie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Goldie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Foxy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Chica)
Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)
The Sequel is Here
Thank you, Thank You All (Behind the Author)

Chapter 14 The Demon's Trap

2K 55 11
By nightmare597




What's that noise? It was steady, reminding you of a heart monitor. Everything sounded so far away, and yet somehow it sounded close. As if it was right beside you. Where were you?

You could hear vague talking, muffled by the door in the room you assumed. It was getting closer until finally there was a creak. Someone was walking in. Shoes squeaked against tile floors, or what you assumed, as two people stepped inside.

"Here she is." A man spoke, he seemed hesitant.

"O-oh god," the second voice sounded tearful the woman seemed pained, "pl-please, please tell me she's going to be okay."

She sounded as if she was trying so hard to keep herself composed. But there was only so much she could hold back. The doctor seemed quite, pondering over her question. You could hear everything now.

Though your eyes were shut, unable to open enveloped in the darkness. You wanted to open them. You wanted to see what was happening. But no matter what you did there was no waking up. The only sound in the room was the beeping, it was slow, steady and persistent. (Was that a heart monitor? You guessed so. Even if you can't see the idea of it just felt right. Just like the man being a doctor. That felt right too.)

"I know this must be hard for you seeing your daughter like this." The doctor was solum. You could almost imagine him reaching his hand out to grab the woman's shoulder in a way of consonance.

The woman sounded like she was sobbing into her hand, the two of them in the room sounded as if they were right in front of you.

"My baby- my sweet little Angel." The woman cried, her hiccups loud. She sounded like she was taking a step forward rushing towards the bed only to be stopped.

"Mrs. Emily, please I have to ask you to be cautious. She's still recovering." The doctor sounded so serious. (Mrs. Emily. That sounded so familiar. But your last name was (L/N), so why did it matter if it was familiar or not?)

"I-Im sorry I just-I-I just can't loose anymore people! First my husband, then my little boy, I can't loose (Y/N) too. She's all I have left." Mrs. Emily sounded tearful more so than before, but she said your name. Did you know her?

"She will be okay Mrs. Emily." The doctor gave Mrs. Emily a pat on the shoulder again.
"She's a strong girl. It's amazing how the human body can live without the frontal lobe. I know with a loving mother like you she'll be better in no time."

You've heard that before. You know you have. On the phone. The previous night guard had mentioned it, but this can't be about you. This just has to be a weird dream! Yeah just another weird dream. Mrs. Emily was sobbing again, she sounded so broken.

"How-how bad are the long term effects? Will she still be my little girl?" There was a long pause, but her question was not going to go unanswered.

"It's hard to say with this sort of thing. But if you're careful about it I do believe she'll grow up to be a normal girl. I will warn you though, she may have dissociative amnesia. It could go as far as replacing traumatic memories with new ones, they may even replace you in some with a different person. It's all normal however, judging by the damage we suspect it'll only affect childhood memories." The doctor was trying his best to condense the information. You could hear it in the way her pause occasionally.

But it sounded crazy. You'd forget big things from your childhood and replace them new memories? It was just too crazy. But then again, spending five nights with the gang before they knew who you were was crazy. (Even if it was only 2 days for you.)

"Oh-" Mrs. Emily sounded as if she was going to cry again, her footsteps echoed in the room as she walked forward. Slow and cautious.

"Here you go my darling." you felt something being placed in your arms was that a stuffed animal?
"Your favorite stuffed animal."

Mrs. Emily was quite for a moment. You have no response. Even if you wanted to. You really wanted to open your eyes and see. Look at just what was going on. But again, you just couldn't.

It wasn't much longer after that, that you felt someone grabbing your arm. It was quite in the room now, it sounded like someone sunk down to their knees.

"Oh my baby- my sweet baby." Mrs. Emily was sobbing at your side now her frail hands grasping your small arms. You wanted to open your eyes even more now. You wanted to move and see what was happening. You wanted to stop her from crying. But why? (Was that your mom? But you don't remember her sounding that way? You may not have seen her in a while, but that didn't mean you wouldn't recognize your own mother! Right?)

The sobbing sounded far away now, no longer at your side. Her gentle touch lingered on your arm, but it was faint now as well.

Oh dove.

You knew that voice. You knew who that was. The demon speaking to you in your mind. So this was a dream? Wake up! You have to wake up!

Wake up!

W a k e, u p!

Your body jolted, eyes snapping open upon hearing the voice. Your breathing was heavy. It was a dream, and only a dream. There was no taking comfort in that though, because now you were awake in the nightmare.

Even though you knew your eyes were opened now, it was pitch black. You couldn't make out much of anything until a strong scent reached your nose. It smelt like metal. You wanted to gag instinctively at how strong it was, your head was pounding, what was that?


Shadow seemed to leer at you. His eyes gazing intensely down at you something clutched in his hand. It was hard to tell it was until briefly light reflected upon it. It looked like metal. Is that where the smell is from? (No that was stupid. Metal doesn't smell so strongly like this.)

It was hard to keep your eyes opened as you tried to look around, desperately trying to take in the surroundings. You had to know where you were. What if you got taken to someplace else! You had to let the others know you had been here.

You gasped, yelping in pain, as a hand grabbed your face pulling you forward to look up. Shadow kept his grip tight, any tighter you feared he'd break your jaw.

"It's clear to me that you think I can't hear your thoughts" shadow hummed letting go of you.
"Human beings are so hilariously stupid."

How was he talking out loud now? No he wasn't, he just sounded like it now. You wanted to argue with him about it. You weren't stupid! But you supposed in this aspect you had to be. You didn't know much about dream demons.

"Does it hurt yet?" Shadow leaned down, grabbing your neck now shoving you into the wall.
"Can you feel the intentions on your skin? Where the knife met it? Tore into the flesh to let you bleed?"

You choked tears reaching your eyes as you struggled. You realized now that he mentioned it your stomach did hurt. Every time you took a breath sharp pain made your body shake. Oh no. That metal smell. It was your blood.

"Don't worry too much though little bird. It was just something to wake you up." Shadow's grin was still masked by that mask over his nose and mouth. But you knew he was smiling at you. A twisted one at that.

His grasp on your throat didn't let up leading you to choke coughing slightly desperate for air. You can't breath! You had to fight though. You had to get out! For (him/her) you had to live!

You struggled in his grasp still choking wanting air desperately. You were making him laugh. It made your stomach twist at the thought. You still struggled though and the more you did you realized rope had bound you to the floor. (It was tight on your wrists rubbing them slightly raw.)

"It's really a shame I can't kill you." Shadow let go of your neck watching you slump against the ground.
"I don't think he'd be so pleased if I did. This isn't how this plan of his has to work."

You slowly brought your head up, eyes trying to focus on shadow. Who was he? Was shadow not the person the others kept mentioning?

"So curious even when death is knocking at your door." Shadow knelt down to your level now.

"I-I have a right to know what's going on." Finally you found your voice. It sounded frail. Broken. Raspy. What did he do to you while you slept?! You couldn't see your body when you looked down even if you knew it was there, the room was just that dark aside from a door in the distance in which light leaked from.

"Oh?" Shadow laughed slightly playing with the rope behind you, tugging at it watching the way that you winced in pain.
"Is that so? A right you say."

You didn't want to back down. It was true you felt as though you had a right to know just what exactly was going on! You're not alone, even in this moment it felt like it. Something was telling you that you weren't alone and that shadow wasn't going to be the one to kill you.

"You heard me! What is going on!" You struggled against the rope and while it felt weak and useless you still tried.

Shadow just watched amused before he stood up again walking away. Where was he going? Why can't you see him anymore? All you could hear was the walking.

"You're very special, you know that? Very important people have their eyes on you. They expect big things from you." Shadow sounded as if he was right behind you as he spoke. It was an impossible sound. He could only speak inside your mind and yet you swore you could feel his breath against your ear.

"That man you mentioned, is that who's got their eye on me?" You quickly turned your head before crying out in pain. It felt like someone had just stabbed you in the back. (But you knew better, nails were digging into your skin and pulling it up.)

Your body slumped forward slightly as you held your tears in clenching your jaw shut tightly.

"He's one of them yes. He's the reason I'm not going to kill you." Shadow was back in front of you, though you couldn't see his face, you could see the blood dripping down his arms as he licked his fingers. (Or so you assumed.)

"Why?" Your voice sounded weaker now.

"Where's the fun in telling you that?" Shadow laughed turning his back towards you. You scoffed looking away from him. Why was nothing ever easy.

You could hear things clinking against the table, your mind flashed with morbid thoughts of what he might do to you. You didn't want to admit it but you were terrified. But too tired to display it. It was as if you were almost completely drained.

"You know at first this was supposed to be a simple job. Afton was supposed to kill 6 innocent children. It was all part of the deal. A ritual you could say. Six to die, six too pure for this world, the demise of it. I say it's better that way. Innocent souls off to where they rest, not to witness the dawn of our new world."

What was shadow going on about? You wanted to understand. But it was so hard to pay attention. Your head was hurting again and the smell of your own blood was so strong it burned your nostrils.

"Things got complicated, though when has anything worked so effortlessly to go according to plan?" Shadow turned back around something new in his hand. He was walking back towards you.
"Instead that puppet gave the gift of life, betraying us. I should have known. We should have never trusted the kid."

Shadow sneered, he sounded so angry, but seemed to forget about it so soon as he brought something close to your face. Was that a kitchen knife? (That feels a little cliché.)

"But what does it matter now? The hunt for you is over. It has to be you. No other innocent kid will suffice. The moment he realized it was you who had been chosen, there was no going back." You could feel the cool blade pressing into your skin. It stung.

"W-why me? Why am I so special? Why is everyone saying that?" You tried your best to lean away from the knife as you spoke. You didn't mean to sound as shaky as you felt.

"I'd say it's simple, but that would be a lie." Shadow seemed bored of the conversation. You knew you didn't have much longer to keep him explaining.

"So, you're not going to kill me?" You tried your best to lean as far back from him as you could shrinking down feeling the knife once again.

"No, I am not." Shadow hummed seeming to enjoy the way the blade curved along your skin only only lightly cutting it.
"Your friends will."

What? Your heart immediately dropped to your stomach and you found the strength to move your legs kicking him away slightly.

"They would never! You're lying!" You wanted to cry. You didn't feel quite like your self. You felt like a kid in these moments. Is this what they felt like when that bad man killed them? (No, that had to be worse.)

Shadow growled at the impact of your shoes against his body. Seeming frustrated with you, he quickly slapped you clean across the face. His hit hard enough to leave a red mark against your skin. (It seemed to be his way of getting you to shut up and calm down.)

"How dare you!" He scoffed, but quickly made himself settle down.
"They may not realize what they'll have done when it happens, but by the time that they do, it'll be too late."

Your breathing was heavy as you clenched your eyes shut now tears streaming down your face. It stung, it burned, that hurt so much.

"S-so this is a trap. T-to make them do your dirty work." You coughed, your spit takes like metal. (He must have hit you so hard you bit your cheek or something. You tasted blood.)

"Of course. It won't work according to his design if it wasn't. You're live bait. I just have to make it look like I'm going to kill you, the harsh reality will just be I'll have you right there at deaths door. But I won't be the one to open it."

So that was the plan? You wished you had a way of telling the others. A way of warning them. But you knew that was hopeless right now. All you could do was stare at the floor in silence. Who was this man behind it all? You wished you had the answers. This seemed far worse than any of the gang or you had realized.

"So that's it?" You glared at him from the corner of your eyes.
"You're just a pawn?"

You didn't mean to sound so vicious. Especially for someone in your position but you couldn't help it. This demon, truly lived up to the title. Shadow just rolled his eyes at you.

"Aren't we all? Life is nothing but a fun game. It all just depends on how you play it." Shadow seemed to be mocking you, slowly reaching out for you again to force you to look at him.
"And in this game, there's no escape."

You stared up at him, too tired to fight as you both glared at one another. There's always hope. Even in times like this, there was always hope. You knew that. You wanted to hold onto it tightly. You didn't care what shadow thought, you knew even if it felt silly that there was still hope.

"My friends will save me. I don't care what you think or what you've planned. They're going to come save me and then it'll be your turn for no escape." You glared, struggling against the ropes that bound you yet again. You didn't care if it hurt you had to be free.

"My, my, I don't think you're in any position to say that." Shadow laughed at you only for it to quickly fade and be replaced with a vicious glare. You matched it spitting up the blood that lingered in your mouth at him.

He quickly retracted back gasping in disgust before he roared in anger. You didn't care. You knew he wasn't going to kill you no matter how badly he wanted to now.

"Just for that I'm going to make sure this is extra painful!" Shadow yanked you forward tossing you onto the floor.
"Hold still you brat!"

You didn't want to. You wiggled trying to break free. You just wished with all your heart that (he/she) was here with you. You were fighting for (him/her).

Please. Please come save me.

You knew the thoughts were useless. But deep in your heart, you hoped that (he/she) had heard you.

Stay strong, isn't that all he's ever known? As the leader of the group Freddy knew that he had to be the one to keep himself level headed. But he just couldn't find the strength.

The news was shocking. You really are gone. The only person who could give them a lead to where you might be was a man who used to work for shadow. (Through the years, everyone thought most night guards did. Though that was seriously flawed.)

It was a lot to process. He had to plan their first move, this was delicate. Freddy paced, he thought better when he moved, his hands behind his back as he stared at the floor.

Vincent had told them that they had to play it slow. They couldn't go tonight, not that he didn't want to Vincent wanted revenge for being tossed to the side like that, he had to have enough time to find where shadow had taken you.

Thoughts were overwhelming. They screamed at Freddy telling him that they could have already lost you. Though something else told him that wasn't the case. Still he was distressed. Just when things seemed to be taking an upward turn.

He supposed that was his luck. Maybe it was because he was the leader that you got swooped up so quickly. Shadow saw the opportunity to take you when you're at your weakest. His mind was coming up with all sorts of excuses but again they were only excuses.

Freddy couldn't help but blame himself for your disappearance. Truthfully he felt as if he should have gone home with you anyway. Even if it meant abandoning his post as the leader for a temporary amount of time. He just wished he could have been there. (Even if he didn't stand a chance against a dream demon, he would try for you.)


Someone called out to him. Wanting him to acknowledge that they were there. But he was too preoccupied in his thoughts. To even realize that someone had called for him in his mind. Perhaps that was partially because he was so used to his brother doing it that he brushed him off. (Thinking he was trying to stop him from over thinking. It was too late now and besides he comes up with his best plans when he spirals.)

Freddy stopped for a moment to stare up at the ceiling. He had to do something. Even though something was being done to find you, he wanted to be the one to be out there. Not standing here on stage. (Carrying the weight of everything on his shoulders.)

The voice reached out again, desperate for him to hear.

Please. Please come save me.

He was listening now. Freddy blinked confused: Now that he was focusing on it, it sounded like you. He was quick to look around. There's not a chance, but maybe it was you. Did you just talk to him through his mind?

Where are you?

Freddy wanted to be calm as he spoke in his head. Desperate to reach out to you. If that was you and some how you could speak to him like this he wanted to make sure that he was collected. You could be in so much pain. He couldn't be frantic over something like that! But he was met with nothing but the silence of his own thoughts. He narrowed his eyes. (He made up his mind now.)

"Everyone," Freddy spoke aloud an idea ready to be shared, "may I have your attention?"

The others flocked over quickly upon hearing him speak, looking up at their leader expectantly. Freddy watched as they all came over, the four of them huddled waiting for the plan. (You're their friend still! They couldn't abandoned you! Especially when it was clear that if peace was to come they all had to stick together.)

"After the dayshift ends today, when Vincent gets back, we'll all leave the pizzeria. By then I'm sure he will have found where that coward is hiding. We're going to get (Y/N) back. No matter what the cost." Freddy clenched his hands into fists. He meant every word of his last sentence.

"Can we really leave like that?" Bonnie tilted his head glancing towards foxy and Chica hesitantly. He couldn't help but be confused.

"I don't see why not." Goldie suddenly appeared on stage with bo warning. Taking his place beside Freddy, eyeing him.
"The only thing keeping you all here is your "jobs." There's no obligation for you all really other than that."

The others chatted quietly amongst themselves upon hearing that fact. No one even thought to consider leaving with out consequences to be true, but Freddy didn't care what they thought at the moment. He'd go alone with Vincent to find you. He had to.

After some debate they looked back at him, all of them gazing up with new found determination. All at once they nodded in agreement to his plan.

Freddy was going to find you. He just hoped you'd hang on for a little longer.

Bonnie couldn't stand it! He just can't sit around and wait for that purple freak to poke around and find where you were! Why couldn't he be out there? Why can't it be him looking everywhere for you? What if that disgusting purple freak found you and didn't tell him! (Bonnie hated that shade of purple the dayshift guard wore. Even if bonnie was purple himself it's clearly a different shade.)

You were missing. God you're missing. That was a terrible feeling to have. To have the woman you love go missing like that. Bonnie felt as if this was all his fault, sitting down in the booth both of you had been in just hours before together. He promised he wasn't going to loose you again! But here he was alone with out you by his side.

He wished he could have gone home with you. Given shadow what for and whisked you away to snuggle or something. But realistically Bonnie knew he didn't have a chance against shadow. He didn't have a chance against any dream demon. Though he liked to imagine.

Bonnie glanced to the side at his thoughts sadly. You were right there earlier today. The two of you sharing in a tender moment. Right there! But now you're just gone. Taken so easily. He's all alone again. (Was shadow just waiting for you to be at your weakest before taking you away?)


A voice was calling out to him. Trying to get him to notice it's call. Desperate for help. But Bonnie just didn't hear it. Too busy lost in his never ending thoughts. He really felt as though this was all of his fault.


Bonnie cradled his head in his hands clenching his eyes shut. He could hear it now. But the truth was he didn't want to hear any voices in his head besides his own right now. That had to be goldie trying to mess with him. (Though the more he thought about it the more it sounded like your voice.)

Please. Please come save me.

Wait! That was you! Bonnie couldn't believe it. You could talk to him from inside his head?! Was it true? Bonnie stood up quickly making the table creak as it slid against the floor at the sudden movement. He couldn't help but look around wildly. Were you somehow in the building?

"(Y/N)?!" Your name left his lips immediately. He wanted to call out, even if it wasn't in his head, maybe you would hear it. Bonnie glanced around quickly once more.

He waited. But there was no response. He couldn't help but slump his shoulders. You weren't here. He just made it up he guessed. Bonnie wanted to collapse against the booth cushions. He felt so hopeless.

"Everyone?" Freddy's voice broke the silence that had consumed the pizzeria after Bonnie had gone quite.

It was clear he wanted everyone to gather close. Bonnie really didn't feel much in the mood for it, but walked over anyway stuffing his hands in his pockets. He stared at the floor unwilling to make eye contact with Freddy.

"After some thought I've finally come to a decision. When Vincent gets back with news of where shadow and (Y/N) may be, we will leave during the next nightshift to find her." Freddy had his hands clasped behind his back, clearly uptight. But Bonnie wasn't paying much attention to that part.

Was it true? Could he really just leave like that with out anything in his way? Bonnie's ears perked up slightly at the thought.

"Wait a second! We can just leave like that?" Chica tilted her head to the side curiously. The idea did seem pretty far fetched when all they've known for the last 20 years has been within these walls.

"I don't see why not." Goldie scoffed at the idea. (He had suddenly appeared on stage close to Freddy.)
"The only thing keeping you all here is your "jobs." There's no obligation for you all really other than that."

Bonnie guessed what he was saying was true but he'd never say it aloud. Instead he crossed his arms and looked down at the floor. (Still it was sort of odd. Why didn't goldie mention this before now?! Bonnie could have gone home with you before now.)

It didn't matter too much now, what matterEd was going to find you and nothing was going to stop him. He was going to leave regardless of what the others did to find you. He had already decided that.

He didn't care if the others didn't want to come along or not, though Bonnie knew they would. (Despite everything you're all still friends.)

He just knew, on the off chance that maybe they didn't, he was going to go with Vincent to find you. Bonnie would do anything to have you safe in his arms again. (After all he just got you! To let you slip away so easily was ridiculous to him.)

He just hoped desperately you could hold out just a little longer for them. Even if he didn't want to wait that long he knew he didn't have a choice for now. Just- please hang on for him.

Damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit!

Goldie was alone, hidden in the staff only maintenance room, he was furious with himself. He should have gone home with you! He should have followed you even if you refused it. He knew it, he knew that Afton was behind it all! He didn't have proof that Afton had been the cause of your disappearance but he knew he had to have something to do with it.

Goldie was so frustrated. He sat down on the floor covering the side of his head where his ears used to be, though they resided at the top now. His eyes clenched shut. He wanted to focus. See if maybe he could feel you. Sense where you were.

He didn't want to rely on Afton, Vincent, what ever he was calling himself now. He didn't trust him. He thought it was stupid how the others so easily could. Did they not remember that he was the one who killed them? (Maybe not, they hunted down the other guards thinking they all worked for shadow. Though goldie knew better. There were some he'd appear to thinking maybe they had. But obviously none of them but Afton were guilty of that.)

He can't believe himself. He can't even reach you. Get a feeling of you. Even though he knew deep down you were still alive. Goldie took his hands away from his head to rest his head against the wall looking up at the ceiling.

He hated himself. How could he let you slip away from his fingers like that? Disappear in broad daylight with out a trace? This and to be his fault. He didn't do enough saving your memories. (Or maybe shadow just waited until the two of you had such a tender moment knowing you'd both be weak.)

It didn't matter what the real reason was. Whether it was Goldie's fault or not, you were gone. Shadow had the upper hand at the moment. Though the question hung in the air. Would he kill you? Goldie didn't want to take the risk and assume no.

Goldie closed his eyes, drowning in his thoughts. He wanted to cry. He felt weak. What was the point of him being a dream demon himself if he couldn't make use of it? Some gift this was.


Something was calling out to him, though it went ignored as he continued to feel sorry for himself. He should be out there looking for you, instead he's here hiding away from the others in the darkness of the maintenance room. Goldie slowly stood up now fixing his bow tie and tugging at his best.


What was that? Goldie glanced around cautiously hearing the voice. It sounded feminine. Who was talking to him inside his own mind. (At first he thought the puppet had news but, he hasn't seen it since being inside your mind. Much less actually and a chance to talk to it since being given the gift.)

Who's there.

Goldie demanded out in his head now glaring at the darkness as if that would reveal the answers. He wanted a response but the kind he got was strange.

Please. Please come save me.

The voice. It sounded like you! Goldie was now at full attention walking further into the room looking around. He felt like he could see something in the shadows. Two silhouettes. One was on the floor in pain the other standing. Was that you and shadow?!

(Y/N)! (Y/N) I hear you! Where are you? Give me something! I'm coming to get you!

Goldie quickly walked over to the silhouettes only for them to disappear. He had a connection even if it was for a moment. You were there. You were calling out to him.

"DAMNIT!" Goldie shouted out in anguish gripping his hair feeling a few tears fall from his eyes. He guessed he liked that cuss word more then he cared to admit. It was just something to shout. It didn't mean much of anything other than just an exclamation.

Pull yourself together you moron.

Goldie bashed himself from his own mind trying to fix himself up again. By now he figured Freddy would have already come up with a plan. He can't go out there feeling the way he felt. With a pop, goldie was out of the room now standing on stage beside his brother.

"After some thought I've finally come to a decision. When Vincent gets back with news of where shadow and (Y/N) may be, we will leave during the next nightshift to find her." Freddy had his hands clasped behind his back, clearly uptight. (Goldie had just managed to catch his words, he guessed he didn't miss much. That was good.)

Everyone muttered amongst themselves from where they stood before the stage, all eyes on Freddy. It was clear what they were muttering about. Leave the pizzeria? There was no way they could just up and do that after 20 something years.

They couldn't. Goldie knew that they couldn't leave the pizzeria like he could. Their instincts were correct. But he didn't want them to know, if they did they'd feel terrible they couldn't help you. Besides, he didn't think even if they knew that would stop them. (The worst that he expected to happen was for them to slow down if they got too far away. Their spirits were linked here, this was their most powerful place as spirits. Even if they were powerful else where these were now sacred grounds.)

"Can-can we really do that?" Foxy looked towards his friends hesitantly. Someone had to say something to ease their anxiety. Goldie took it upon himself to be the one.

"I don't see why not." Goldie scoffed just slightly staring down at the others.
"The only thing keeping you all here is your "jobs." There's no obligation for you all really other than that."

What a lie. Or well a partial lie. Goldie knew it but no one else seemed to suspect a thing.

"Then it's decided, we will leave at midnight tomorrow." Freddy confirmed the plan and everyone nodded besides goldie at it. Tomorrow, they all thought to themselves.

Could you hold out that long? God goldie hoped you could. Just hang on a little longer for him. He was coming to save you. And he was going to let shadow know just the full extent of his powers now. No matter what happened to him.

It was quite. Foxy was just stunned at the news. You-you were gone. Taken away. You had his coat still. Your shared promise to see each other again tonight. It was broken now.

Foxy was torn to shreds at the idea that he couldn't protect you. He wasn't sure what he expected to be able to do against a dream demon, but he hoped maybe he could have done something. Given you at least enough time to run back here, to what was home now.

But instead he was alone. Foxy didn't want to move. He was stuck sitting down at one of the party tables staring at the seemingly endless decor. He was lost in his mind.

He felt like a failure. He couldn't protect you and that simple fact hurt him deeply. Your promise felt like a shattered dream. He can't just sit here and do nothing, he wanted to be out there looking for you. (Even though he wasn't quite sure how he felt about Vincent. Goldie was an odd fellow, but his grudges stem from facts.)

Maybe he could find you, but what would he do if he did? He'd want to fight shadow, and yet again what damage could he do to a dream demon? No one wanted to admit it but the only chance they had to fight shadow was goldie.

Foxy almost wished someone else had taken you so he could give them what for. But that was selfish. His desire was just purely to protect you. He felt as if he failed that.


His ears twitched from where he hung his head low. Eyes glancing up hearing someone saying his name. Who said that? Goldie never talked to him in his mind. (The only person he liked messing with like that was Bonnie.)

Foxy slowly sat straighter looking around curiously before he frowned. It sounded a bit like you, alluring like a siren calling a sailor out to sea. But maybe he's just making it up.

He was Desperate to have you back, his mind must have created a fantasy. Nothing but a dream that you were speaking.

Please. Please come save me.

Foxy stood up now turning to look around. That was you! Foxy just knew that was your voice. Calling out to him from somewhere. Where are you? Are you in the building is that why he can talk to you?

"(Y/N)?" He was curious, calling your name out ignoring the looks the others gave him in confusion. He didn't care what they thought. You spoke to him he knew it. He just wanted to hear your voice again. But it never came.

Foxy slumped his shoulders staring at the floor sadly feeling every fiber of his being dropping into sadness. He just made it up. You didn't actually call to him did you?

Foxy wanted to sit back down and hide his face, or better yet hide back in pirate cove until he finally got a hold on himself. He just didn't want to come to terms with the fact that he was alone again.

All alone.

Foxy crossed his arms, careful of his hook, glancing to the side. He just got you back. All of you. You finally remembered him. Your friend, but you both were more than friends now. Even if he had his doubts he knew that you saw him as something special.

You wanted him to come rescue you from that darkness. He just had a feeling he couldn't explain. You wanted him to save you.

"Everyone?" Freddy's voice broke the silence that had consumed the pizzeria after Bonnie had gone quite.

It was clear he wanted everyone to gather close. Foxy knew better than to let his thoughts continue their cruel track inside his head, so he walked over with the others looking up at Freddy as he stood at the end of the stage.

"After some thought I've finally come to a decision. When Vincent gets back with news of where shadow and (Y/N) may be, we will leave during the next nightshift to find her." Freddy had his hands clasped behind his back, clearly uptight as he spoke.

Wait, he could just leave? Foxy's tail swooshed behind him curiously. He thought he couldn't. Even though he wanted to be apart of the search for you, foxy had this feeling as if he wasn't allowed to leave this place. (It's been home for so long.)

"Wait a second! We can just leave like that?" Chica tilted her head to the side curiously. The idea did seem pretty far fetched when all they've known for the last 20 years has been within these walls.

"I don't see why not." Goldie scoffed at the idea. (He had suddenly appeared on stage close to Freddy.)
"The only thing keeping you all here is your "jobs." There's no obligation for you all really other than that."

So it was true, they've been free to leave since day one? What a crazy thought to think. But foxy was glad he found out now, because now it meant something more to leave. He had purpose again.

"So, if there's no disagreements, we leave tomorrow night." Freddy readjusted his bow tie and the others all nodded, foxy included, in agreement. They'll leave and find you. (After all you're still their friend. They couldn't abandon you.)

Foxy knew you'd be saved. You had to be safe. He just hoped deep in his heart you'd hold out a little longer for them to find you. His coat around your shoulders was still his promise. He would see you again. Just hang on.

Oh god, oh god. You got taken! Chica was freaking out! She wanted to toss around Vincent some more believing him to be the culprit for your disappearance but Freddy had convinced her not to.

She was just sick. Her stomach was tied in knots and she found herself unable to keep still. She had to keep walking around in circles or she'd never be able to think! She had to save you. She wanted to rescue you! You could be hurt or worse!

But she knew there wasn't a lot she could do. Even if she had been able to see you home, what could she have done against a dream demon? She wished she still could have done something. She told herself she'd never loose you again and yet here she was. Missing you.

She longed to leave this place, to be out there with Vincent searching for you. She wanted to play her part in bringing you home safely, but her part was here at the pizzeria waiting for Freddy to make his decision.

She wanted to be the one to make the call for once. Tell the others to just forget about Vincent and come searching with her for you! But she knew better to speak out like that. Freddy was leader for a reason. (And Chica was known to always dive in head first when there's a problem to try and fix it. Ultimately making it worse.)

She stopped walking wadding her apron up in her hands tightly pulling at the fabric. Maybe it could have been avoided if she had just walked you to your car! Leaving for just a second couldn't have been that bad could it?

She felt the tears coming. She wanted to cry so badly. But how could the feeling be avoided? She just got you back. All of you. You remembered who she was before she was Chica. And you still love her even after being Chica.

You-you loved her, she just knew it. She wasn't sure how to describe it but she knew deep in her heart that you both felt the same. You accepted her no matter what, her love for food, her energy, her jokes. All of her. She wasn't a disappointment to you like she had been to her father. (And you valued her place along side the boys. She felt like if she wasn't feisty they'd ignore her! Even though that wasn't true.)

Knowing you had been taken away again, this time by shadow, it just brought her to tears. The princess is alone again. (How many times would she see this as a fairy tale? It didn't feel like one anymore.)


Something was calling out to her just as tears began to stream down her face. She just couldn't stop them from falling. Her eyes looked around curiously with a long sniff trying to keep her self from sobbing. Who said her name?

Was it bonnie just wanting to playing a prank on her? That would be cruel. That doesn't seem like something he'd do. But it was just an excuse. She glanced around a little more hoping to find the culprit. They had to be close by that sounded like it was right in her ear! (And the idea of it being goldie talking to her in her head seemed far fetched. He only liked to play games on Bonnie or have serious conversations with Freddy in the mind.)

Chica! Please. Please come save me.

That sounded like you! Where are you? Chica spun around on her heel looking around quickly. She was hopeful. How were you doing that?! You were talking to her in her mind! You had to be!

(Y/N)! Oh my gosh you're okay! Where are you!

Chica waited glancing around the main stage room, the boys all seemed to be doing their own thing. There was no sign of anything unusual.


She tried calling out to you again. But there was no response. She lost you. Her shoulders slumped and her apron continued to be abused from how tightly she held it in her hands. She was getting tearful again.

But even if she wanted to cry she knew you had just talked to her. She didn't know how, but she just knew you managed to reach out to her. You needed her! You wanted her to come save you! She wanted to she really did. But where were you? She wished she knew.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Freddy talked loudly, wanting everyone to look at him. Did he already have a plan?

Chica was quick to zoom over to the edge of the stage looking up expectantly at him. Did he have an idea on what they could do now? Please she had to know! Let it be a good one!
Foxy and Bonnie slowly came over themselves looking up at Freddy with the same amount of expectancy. Everyone just wanted you back safe.

"After some thought I've finally come to a decision. When Vincent gets back with news of where shadow and (Y/N) may be, we will leave during the next nightshift to find her." Freddy had his hands clasped behind his back, clearly uptight as he spoke.

To say she was disappointed about not being able to leave tonight was an understatement. Chica wanted to be able to leave right now! But she knew better than to challenge Freddy. Though she was curious. Could they really just leave the pizzeria like that? (Bonnie seemed to read her mind.)

"Can we really leave just like that? I mean come on, we haven't even considered leaving this place for 20 something years! Why are we able to now?" Bonnie tapped his foot against the floor as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. It was quite. Freddy didn't seem to know what to say.

"Because there's a reason to now," goldie suddenly appeared beside Freddy up on stage, "The only thing that's been keeping you all here all this time are your "jobs." There's no obligation for you all really other than that."

Was that true?! Chica wanted to jump up and cheer. They were going to be able to find you and stay with you how ever long you needed them! Or well her at least! (Though she knew the others worried about you a lot too. You're all still friends after all.)

She wanted to punch shadow in the face and give him what for already! But she had to be patient. Freddy looked across the crowd as everyone agreed to the plan, leaving tomorrow as soon as the clock struck midnight was the best they could do for now.

Chica looked up towards the ceiling, she hoped you could hear her thoughts. She was coming to save you. Just hang on a little longer for her!

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