Star Wars Knights of the Old...


558 7 13

Millennia before the rise of the Galactic Empire, The Jedi Civil War ravaged the galaxy. Under the command of... Еще

Kashyyyk Landing
Into the Depths
Coup D'etat
Fall of a Regime
Return to Alderaan
Trial of Spirit
The Tomb of Ludo Kressh
The Final Vision
The Passage of Knighthood
Voyage to Manaan
Return of the Sith Empire
Jedi Unbound
Point of No Return
A Gift from the Past
A Beautiful Lie
Secrets of the Desert Sands
Duel of the Fates
The Ties That Bind
Full Frontal Assault
The Ultimate Weapon
JarKai Var Unleashed
Epilogue - Looking towards the Times Ahead

A Moments Rest

12 0 0

Matt walked through the halls of the Alderaanian Jedi Temple. Such a quiet and peaceful place, one could easily lose themselves to it if they were not careful. He didn't care, he had a ship to mend and repair.

'That's the last time I'm letting that witch on my radio again. I wonder if she disabled the auto turrets at the cockpit.' He shook his head at the thought.

Meiko wasn't the kind of girl to leave a ship vulnerable out in the middle of space. Especially with the Sith watching their every move. Snow gathered around the entrance to the landing platform, and Matt couldn't resist the urge to throw a snowball at a Padawan Learner. Soon the little prank turned into all-out war as young Knights gathered around Matt to prepare snow blockades against the Padawans. Snowballs fell as laughter could be heard echoing outward throughout the temple.

"I think that's enough fun for one day don't you think, Padawan Mira?" Matt asked the red headed Padawan as she stood up from her snow fort.

"Aw come on, Master Ishida. One more round?" The inquisitive and eager Padawan pleaded as she gathered up the snow for one more ball. Matt felt the snow hit his robes as he raised his hood for the coming winds that blew in with Alderaanian snow storms.

"Not today Padawan, I think it's time you get indoors. I have some work I have to do on the Hawk." Matt said as he gently pushed the Padawan into the temple.

'If this piece of junk returns from Korriban, I'll be one happy and ecstatic Jedi.' Matt started to mess with the controls, placing restrictions on certain destinations in the outer rim and removing coordinates for Coruscant. The last thing he wanted was to have TK and Kari get an idea that Coruscant was safer than Alderaan. Suddenly, an alarm sounded with steam coming out of the lower Hyperdrive deck.

"You stupid piece of junk! I just fixed this on the way here!" Matt yelled as he ran towards the engine room.

"So I was right! It is a piece of junk!" Meiko yelled as she came on board. All she could hear was Matt's tumbling body slide into the garage and a scream that soon followed the loud bang.

"Meiko! You scared the living hell out of me!" Matt exclaimed with his nostrils flaring at the black haired Grey Jedi. He could tell she could barely see, since her glasses kept fogging with the steam from the engine room.

"Shouldn't you be meeting Master Kido right about now young lady?" Matt asked as he grabbed the hydrospanner and started tightening bolts around the hyperdrive.

Meiko stomped her foot on the ground. "I would love to, but no one has told me where his quarters are!"

"Well, excuse me, princess. I thought one of the local Jedi academy droid butlers would've told you where he is."

"Well it most certainly would be nice, wouldn't you agree?" Meiko asked, still peeved about how he wasn't paying attention to her.

"While we're at it, would you like a complementary towel to go along with your grand status of being our guest? Want me to fetch your slippers too? Our pool is in great use, especially since the addition of some Firaxan sharks from Manaan!" His voice dripped with sarcasm through the steam.

"Fine! I'll go find one of those butler droids!" Meiko stormed off the Hawk and marched towards the nearest butler droid.

"Good! I don't want to discuss this in a committee!" Matt yelled after her, expecting her not to hear him.

"I AM NOT A COMMITTEE!" She yelled back in a surprising loud voice. She would have none of his attitude, all she wanted to know was where Master Kido's quarters were. Instead she got a rebuke from her supposed co-pilot.

'A real brute that one. Honestly, what did I do to deserve that?' She thought to herself as she paced around the halls of the Jedi Temple. So big and grand, she felt like she was in a royal castle. The air and landscape brought her peace that she had never known on Kashyyyk. The wind brought about the feeling of freedom, and the lakes that decorated the mountains made her want to dance like a mad lady.

"If my father could see me now, he'd think I was a queen." She said as continued her walk towards Kido's chambers.


Tai entered the meditation sublevel, noticing Sora and Izzy using two pads already. Quietly moving towards the third pad, he was almost there when he smashed his knee against Sora's pad.

"Oh by the Force that hurts!" He groaned in pain as he hobbled towards his meditation pad.

"Master Kamiya, please show some decorum when entering these sacred halls. Some of us are here to learn and find peace within ourselves." Sora chastised with her eyes closed. Tai gave her a grim face.

"This coming from the Master who decided in her best interest on Dantooine to poke at a Kinrath spider nest." Tai had tried to one up her in everything, but this time was different. Sora had new bait now, and she was going to use to her full advantage.

Joe Kido walked through the meditation room to get to his quarters. Hearing the commotion, he quickly turned around and noticed the familiar squabble that was laid before him. "Is there a problem Master Kamiya and Takenouchi?"

Sora spoke up first. "No problem, Master Kido. Please remind Master Kamiya that he should remain quiet during his stay in the meditation area."

"How can I be quiet when I'm sending my little sister and Padawan to the Sith homeworld of Korriban?!" Tai yelled as he felt the phantom pain of a familiar injury return. He winced slightly while grabbing his crotch.

Joe noticed this and was not about to pass up the opportunity that lay before him. "What's wrong, Master Kamiya? Still dealing with purple nuts." He snickered as he began to walk back towards his quarters.

Tai gave Sora a menacing glare. "You didn't!"

"So what if I did? What are you going to do about it, Taichi?" She retorted. Sora used his full name only when she meant business, and it was clear that she would have none of his foolishness.

"How many other people did you tell?"

"Oh... just about everyone. We're all going to record it in the Jedi Archives as 'Tai Kamiya's second Trial of Flesh! Dealt by his Padawan Learner.'" She cackled. Izzy joined her in her laughter as well.

"Now that's just low!"

"Whatever, now shut up. Either meditate with us or go back to your quarters." Sora said as she closed her eyes again and resumed her stance of dedication.

"Ugh... I can never win... ow." Tai winced as he went back into his meditation for what was coming ahead. 'Master Ulic, I wish you were here. Why couldn't they have built the Star Map on Rhen Var instead? At least I know the Padawans would be safe with you watching over them.'


Joe sat on a platform in his own private common room as he waited for this Grey Jedi that Matt and Tai had told him about. He wondered if she could be useful in helping the council identify other Grey Jedi and bring them to the Order. If this plan works, he would take the credit for this and it would put him on the council that much quicker.

There was soon a knock on his door. He adjusted his glasses and sat up properly.

"Come in." He said.

The door opened and Meiko now stood before the Jedi Master.

"You wanted to see me, Master Kido?" She asked, a nervous tone in her voice.

Joe gave her an assuring smile, wanting her to be comfortable talking with him and not feel intimidated by him.

"Yes," he replied. "You are the Grey Jedi my friend, Master Ishida, told me about, correct?"

She nodded. "Yes I am, Master."

Joe gestured for her to sit down across from him, which she did. Two pairs of be-spectacled eyes were soon looking directly at each other. Joe was trying to read her thoughts but it seemed like she was determined to keep him out of her thoughts. Meiko, however, was clearly able to see directly into the Jedi Master's soul. He was easy to read, even through his defenses.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Mochizuki," said Joe. "Would you care to tell me how you ended up on Kashyyyk and lasted there for so long, if Master Ishida is correct?"

She nodded. "Of course." She then took a deep breath as she prepared to give her life story.

"I lived on Kashyyyk for over ten years by myself. My parents fled the first destruction of Telos with me as a baby. We landed on the forest moon of Endor due to how far away it was from any reach of the Sith and subsequently the Republic. The Ewoks never bothered us." She explained before taking a breath as the memories flooded her mind. "The Ewoks taught me how to hunt and take care of myself. Soon, my parents contracted the blue shadow virus from a nearby lake. I was able to stay immune to it, I guess due to my natural ability for the Force."

Joe interrupted her for a brief moment. "How did you know you had the ability to feel the Force?" He asked.

Meiko tried to find the words to describe it. She couldn't quite explain it because she discovered it when she was really young. "I could sense things before they happened, I had quick reflexes. There were many other things but I couldn't quite understand it at the time."

Joe raised a hand to his chin, rubbing along it in contemplation. He could feel her power radiating off of her like heat. Unsure of how to take this, Meiko removed her glasses to clean them before putting them on again and continuing her story.

"I then powered up my ship, wanting nothing to do with the planet anymore, when I was old enough and left Endor. As you are well aware of, I crash landed on Kashyyyk and tried to use my powers to help the Wookiees and sabotage Czerka. I used both Dark and Light powers to achieve success. However, I could not stop Chundaar. The Wookiees left me in peace as I journeyed to the Shadowlands and lived out my days until Masters Kamiya and Ishida found me."

Taking all of this in, Joe analyzed the situation. His earlier assumption had been incorrect. She had not been both a Sith or Jedi. In fact, she was neither of them. This baffled him beyond comprehension, and he was a very intelligent and practical Jedi.

Meiko was starting to become unsettled by the way he stared at her, like she was a caged animal and he was the scientist studying her.

At last he spoke.

"I sense your strength in the Force. It is perhaps the most powerful I have ever felt. Tell me, what did you parents do, if you can remember?"

"My mother was an advisor to Lieutenant Grenn of the Telos Security Force. My father was a pilot and a damn good one too." She replied.

"Hm." Joe hummed as he scratched his chin some more. "An advisor and a pilot," he said aloud. "Any history of Force users in your family?"

She shook her head. "I have no idea, to be honest with you."

"That is most peculiar. For how powerful you are, there surely had to be a history of Force users in your family. It is very common for the midichlorians to choose a certain person to be sensitive to the Force despite having no history of it in their lineage but this is peculiar. How come we were never able to identify you sooner? You could have been trained as a Jedi."

"The Endor moon was far enough away from the Jedi and Sith's watch that no one could find me." Meiko replied. She sensed exactly where the Jedi Master was going with this and was prepared to retaliate. Joe saw his opportunity to reveal his intentions.

"You can be a valuable asset to us, Mochizuki," he said. "You can help us find more Grey Jedi like yourself and bring them to the Jedi Order to help combat the Sith. We can use all the help we can get."

Meiko should have figured that he would offer her the chance to join the Jedi Order to help them destroy the Sith. However, she was not interested.

"I will help you fight the Sith," said Meiko. Before Joe could get a word in edgewise, she spoke again. "But only because the Sith must be stopped. I don't have to belong to the Jedi Order to do such a thing. I will have to say no to your offer to join the Order."

Joe raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" He asked, unable to believe she would have the gall to reject an offer to join the Jedi Order. "You would be doing a great service. You could be a powerful Jedi Knight."

Meiko was not having it, however. "I see more gray than Dark or Light." She said firmly. "I see no reason to belong to the Jedi Order to achieve such results of beating the Sith. As far as I can tell, the Jedi have failed their students: look at Exar Kun and Ulic Qel Droma."

The mention of his former master caused a nerve to pop in Joe's forehead, even though he kept a calm exterior. Exar Kun took him under his wing when he was only twelve years old and taught him everything he knew. He felt valued by his master and looked up to him. That is, until the day that he fell from grace. Joe felt so betrayed by Exar's fall that he grew to hate him with all of his being as the years went by. High Master Nomi Sunrider took him as her apprentice and he considered her his true master. It was because of her that he was training to become a member of the council. Even so, any mention of Exar Kun would make his blood boil.

"You failed Ulic only because you exiled him to Rhen Var." Meiko continued. "The Sith are an extreme evil, but the Jedi are not too far behind. Your arrogance blinds you to the truth. How great do you feel now, Master Kido?" She smirked as she felt the power rise within her. "Tell me, how powerful do you feel sitting in that chair of yours right now, scrutinizing me?"

Joe was shocked at being talked to in such a manner. He was not going to stand for it, even from a Grey Jedi.

"I will not be talked to in such a manner," he threatened, pointing a finger at her. "You will show better respect for your elders and especially a council member. While we Jedi are not without our faults, we all strive to do what is right and work for the betterment of the galaxy."

Meiko snickered at his attempt to sound tough.

"You're not a member of the council yet." She retorted. "Your arrogance blinds you, Master Kido. At least Tai and Matt know what I am talking about. While not on a grand scale like me, they understand that sometimes it may be acceptable to use both sides of the Force to achieve peace. Isn't that what the Jedi teach: pure balance? But balance in itself is a contradiction, just as the Jedi Code itself is full of such things."

"While balance is important, it is also important to be mindful of the Dark side. The lure of the Dark side is always there and easy to go down. It requires restraint to avoid it. My master's betrayal taught me that." Joe replied, feeling himself starting to get hot as this conversation continued on.

"But in order to truly understand, you will need the contrast, not adherence, to a single idea. It is to make yourself a slave to a teaching or belief that makes it so that belief will always rule you. Surely Master Kun taught you that as well."

"Yes he did." Joe grumbled, hating to admit she was right, before responding to her. HIs voice rose in intensity and volume as he spoke. "I want nothing more to do with him anymore. His betrayal made me question everything he taught me. I am here because I looked out for myself as a Knight and now I am close to being a member of the Jedi High Council. I can say he did nothing for me."

Meiko was smirking at her handiwork. She was making this supposed wise Jedi Master crack before her very eyes. This was so much fun and all too easy.

"Oh but he did," she said. "He still affects you to this very day. I can see it written all over you. The question is do you let it define you with such conviction that you will still be a human being or do you let it consume you. The way I see it, you are letting it consume you, Master Kido."

With his teeth gritted in pure irritation and anger, Joe didn't even try to hide his frustration towards Meiko.

"You have no idea of the responsibility that I am being given." He accused. "There is no higher honor than to be a member of the High Council."

"A high honor would be to realize that the Jedi Code does not give all the answers." Meiko shot back, not intimidated by Joe pulling rank on her. "I can help teach my philosophy to others if you wish. There would be no need for other Grey Jedi."

"That won't be necessary." Joe shook his head immediately. "We do not want you corrupting our Padawans with your 'philosophy.'" He shot, using air quotes. "Just because you are the only one you know of does not mean there are not others. There is bound to be more Grey Jedi. In the meantime, I will assign Master Ishida to watch over you while you are here. You are not to go anywhere without his approval."

"So basically I am your prisoner?" She remarked, offended at the mention of such a thing.

"If that is how you see it." Joe turned away from her, wanting to hide the look of hurt on his face. "You may leave. I have nothing more to ask of you."

Meiko got up from her platform and walked towards the door. Before she walked out, she turned around to give one final spear in the heart.

"I wonder how the others can tolerate you," she said with disgust. "Or even call you a friend. You're just like everybody else: arrogant, stodgy, and selfish. This is something that Exar and Ulic have taught yet it seems only Master Kamiya has learned it fully. To believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray it. Good day, Master Kido."

She walks out the door and closes it. Once the door finally closed, Joe could not contain his emotions anymore and let out giant sobs as he let his emotions spill out. Tears streak down his face as memories of his master's betrayal were brought to the surface and the hurtful comments she gave him. Everything he had learned from Master Sunrider got him to this point and now he wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

"Master?" A young voice came from the doorway. "Are you ok?"

Joe wiped his eyes to turn and see that his Padawan, Cody Hida, stood before him. The young Padawan learner had a buzz cut of brown hair and light green eyes. He wore generic brown robes, the standard brown leather wristband that signified his status, and his lightsaber hung off his belt. Despite his young age, Cody was a skilled swordsman that he could even rival Tai in a duel, and he was strong in the Force. He had all the makings of being a great Jedi Knight.

"That one," said Joe. "She is slippery. She brought up feelings best left forgotten. Monitor her at all times and make sure she is not corrupting any other Jedi, Cody."

Cody felt conflicted by this. It did not sound right to him.

"Master, are you sure this is acceptable?" He asked. "It does not sit well with me."

Joe got up from his platform and placed his hands on his Padawan's shoulders, looking him deep in the eyes.

"Cody, this is a matter of life and death for the Jedi teachings. Our way of teaching must live on if we are to survive."

Cody again feels conflicted but does not wish to disobey his master. He bows before him in understanding.

"I understand, Master." He said. "Are you sure you are ok?"

Joe nods. "Yes, I am fine. Carry on and mind what I have said. She is slippery so make sure she does not attempt to teach other Jedi her 'philosophy.'"

"Forgive me for prying, Master," apologized Cody with another bow. "It is not any of my business to get into yours."

"You are forgiven, my Padawan." Joe smiled. "Now you see why we Jedi must distance ourselves from our emotions."

"Such as what you are doing at this moment?"

"Exactly. As you know, Exar Kun was my mentor before he fell to the Dark side in his quest for knowledge above Yavin IV and Korriban." The Jedi Master explained to his Padawan. "The Great Sith War will forever be tied to me because of his name. The same goes for Master Kamiya. How I wish it wouldn't have been so."

Cody had heard this for many years since his master took him under his wing when he was just ten years old. "Master, I understand Master Kun's fall has affected you. Why can't you be like Master Kamiya and accept your master's wrongdoings?" He asked before realizing how wrong it came out.

He bowed in apology. "Forgive me, Master." He said. "I'm sorry."

Joe brushed it off. "It's fine, Cody. I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve an apprentice like you. You are always willing to learn, loyal, and strong with the Force. You are ready to undergo the Trials. I am proud to have been your master."

A smile flashed on Cody's face at his master's praise. "You are a wonderful teacher, Master," he praised. "I am proud to have been your Padawan and look forward to serving alongside you as a Jedi Knight. I know you have all the confidence in me as I prepare for the Trials. We can't change the past, Master, but we can look towards the future."

Joe finally smiled as Cody sang his praise.

"You are right, Cody," he replied. "Even though I am the master, I learn something from you every single day. There are times where the apprentice becomes the master and the master becomes the apprentice and you have shown me that. Remember your assignment and keep watch over Mochizuki. We cannot take any risks with her."

Cody bowed. "Yes, Master." He then walked out of the common room, using the Force to determine where Meiko went.


TK and Kari walked into the cantina that was attached to the temple on Alderaan. While a popular attraction of its own, the Jedi made it even more of a smash hit. The bartender, Atton Rand, was so busy with customers thanks to Jedi participation that he nearly flipped with joy when he saw his two favorite customers walk in. "I see my two Padawans walking in! What will y'all have?" He asked with great enthusiasm as he readied their glasses.

"I'll have a Corellian Rox, easy on the whiskey though Atton." TK said with a smile as he tossed a 50 credit chip to the bartender. He took a seat on the bar stool as the music drowned out his thoughts of what he was about to face.

Kari sat next to TK and placed her order. "Just a good ol fashioned hit of Juma please." She said with a little sadness in her tone.

"Coming right up!" Atton yelled as he performed his bar tricks for the two Padawans, desperately trying to cheer them up. "So, you wanna tell me what's got my two favorite Jedi in the whole galaxy up in arms? You two are normally so cheery and happy." He placed their drinks in front of them as he went around to collect empty glasses from patrons who left.

Kari took a sip of her drink, noting the texture of the juice and how the flavor burned going down her throat. "We're about to go to Korriban to face our final trial of becoming Jedi Knights. We're not too particularly thrilled with having to go there." She placed her drink down as the band switched from fast jazz music to a slow number called 'In the Escape Pod'.

Atton slammed the coaster tray down on the counter, taken aback by what Kari had just spoken. "I thought Korriban was a forbidden world to Jedi. With the ghost stories that pilots and pazaak players tell me here from that place, I can only imagine what it's actually like there." He went back to his spot behind the bar and continued washing glasses.

"Yeah, apparently there is also a Star Map on the planet, so the Jedi Council treats it as a win-win situation for us." TK said as he took a large sip out of his glass. "To tell the truth, I'm really concerned with how they are acting. The Council normally wants us to be safe and gives us this haven, yet they are quick to send us to the homeworld of the Sith just to obtain a Star Map and have us face a trial that could possibly drive us insane." TK slammed his fist at the bar, venting his frustration at the whole situation that he and Kari had been given.

Kari took his hand and rubbed the area that he slammed. "Hey, it will be okay. We have each other, and I'm sure our masters will come running if anything goes awry. Our Force bond is strong TK, and you know Matt and Tai would never abandon us." She stood up and stretched her arms outward, obviously stiff from her little session at the bar.

TK got up with her, and noticing the song was still being played by the musicians, gave Atton a request that he thought he would never say. "Atton, would you please dim the lights?"

Atton did just as instructed and noticed that TK extended his hand for a dance from Kari.

"You know, it's hard to remember when we've had a moment like this." TK said as he started to move his feet in the method of a waltz.

Kari moved her feet in rhythm to the music, holding TK's hand and shoulder. "I know. It's been a long time since we've had a moment just for ourselves. Probably since our academy days. We used to get into so much mischief."

"Remember when we tried to ride a Kath Hound on Dantooine?" TK asked with a smirk coming across his face.

Kari began to laugh hysterically. "I never saw you run faster in your life. I told you that they did not like being approached from the front, but did you listen to me? No." She finished sarcastically.

"I remember you wanting to come with me to explore the crystal cave past curfew." TK said as he kept up the rhythm to their waltz and switched to a tango.

Kari made the change with him instinctively. "But did we get caught? No, we didn't. All because of me."

TK snickered at how high Kari held herself. "You? I managed to get us past the security guards."

"Well I made sure we didn't get caught on the way to and from the cave." She took a moment to think about all the moments that she and TK had shared together throughout their lives as Jedi. "But you always made sure to keep me out of trouble. Everything I did, you took the fall for me."

TK dipped her at the part of the tango and look directly into her beautiful blue eyes. "You were always there for me, even though I pushed you away at times. I want you to know that I will always be here for you." TK paused and looked around, noticing the Cantina started to clear out. "Do we have to leave now? I want to enjoy this moment for as long as I can."

"I'm afraid so." Without thinking, Kari kissed him on the cheek, causing her cheeks to flush red. She noticed TK's flushed as well. "Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking."

TK smiled and began to spin her. "I didn't mind one bit." Kari smiled back and laid her head on his chest.

The two danced the song away, just being in eachother's company and taking advantage of the moments rest they were given.Before their final mission as Padawans. Before they had to surrender to the graspof Korriban.

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