Star Wars Knights of the Old...

By SquallLionhart95

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Millennia before the rise of the Galactic Empire, The Jedi Civil War ravaged the galaxy. Under the command of... More

Kashyyyk Landing
Into the Depths
Coup D'etat
Return to Alderaan
A Moments Rest
Trial of Spirit
The Tomb of Ludo Kressh
The Final Vision
The Passage of Knighthood
Voyage to Manaan
Return of the Sith Empire
Jedi Unbound
Point of No Return
A Gift from the Past
A Beautiful Lie
Secrets of the Desert Sands
Duel of the Fates
The Ties That Bind
Full Frontal Assault
The Ultimate Weapon
JarKai Var Unleashed
Epilogue - Looking towards the Times Ahead

Fall of a Regime

21 0 0
By SquallLionhart95

Sora and Chundaar crossed blades inside the compound. Blood and sweat exited their pores as a saber lock was engaged. Even though Sora was a spiritual master of the Order, her skills in lightsaber dueling was uncontested with only Tai and Matt being able to best her in a duel. But now this was different, this was no sparring match between friends. This fight was to decide the fate of an entire planet.

"Despite all that you've done, you will never defeat me. I have Bacca's blade, and with it my rule is uncontested!" Chundaar roared as he broke the lock. Positioning himself to assault his opponent with strike after strike, Sora readied herself with a defensive Shien form. Each block caused some of her strength to dissipate as Chundaar himself was built like a tank.

Switching to a Djem So style, Sora blocked the strike aimed at her chest, forcing her blade to wrap around in a circle, cutting the hilt of Bacca's sword. "It would seem you are without a weapon." Sora had aimed her blade at his neck.

Izzy and Mimi ran into the room where the duel was taking place. The scene that laid before them was breathtaking. A master of the Jedi Order had bested a Wookiee Chieftain in swordplay. But something seemed amiss: Chundaar wasn't the least bit frightened by the lightsaber blade being pointed at his neck.

"What do you make of this, Chundaar? The situation looks bleak for you!" Mimi yelled as her lightsaber ignited.

Chundaar started to laugh. "Well, it seems I've just beaten you!" He pulled out his electro vibrosword and sliced upward, cutting Sora in the face that would leave a permanent scar. She yelled in pain as she stumbled backwards trying to cover up the area. Mimi was angered by this turn of events and stepped forward in her master's place.

"You will soon know the true meaning of justice. By the hand of the Jedi, you will face action for your crimes today!" She raised her blade in a Makashi stance.

Chundaar glared at the young Knight before him. "Jedi or not, you must realize... you are doomed!" He roared so loud that the entire compound shook with great force.

Mimi chastised him with a sarcastic response of her own. "Oh I don't think so, you walking carpet!" She raised her hand and launched a powerful wave with the Force. Chundaar flew outside smashing through the wooden walls and landed on a platform adjacent to his compound. Struggling to get up, he looked in anger at Mimi, who smirked towards her enemy.

Sora recovered from her brief experience with only a scar just above her left eyebrow. She walked in front of the hole in the wall that led outside. Storm clouds had started to gather around the village, possibly due to the influence the Force had over this fateful duel. Both opponents stared at each other in determination. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Sora leapt up in the air holding her saber up in a classic stance of striking downwards at Chundaar.

Chundaar leapt up into the air after Sora with his electro blade in a similar fashion. As the two got closer to each other, their blades crossed, sending sparks of electricity towards the village as thunder graced the audience with sounds unheard of. This would be the final round of their battle.

With the saber lock still in effect, Sora was beginning to wear down as she felt Chundaar look deep into her brown eyes, as if sensing her weakness like a shark smelling blood in the water. He smiled a sadistic grin as he broke their saber lock. Sora brought her saber to her center in a Shien stance, ready to defend against any attack that her opponent would bring. The yellow color of the blade illuminated her eyes, in complete concentration on the task at hand. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed in a loud rumble.

"I sense great fear in you, young Jedi," Chundaar gloated. "I thought that Jedi were not supposed to have any fear as it leads to the Dark Side. Is that correct? It seems you are human after all."

Sora did not answer him, knowing that he was trying to get her to give into her anger to destroy him. She kept a calm, serene look, like she was a Shaolin warrior, and focused on looking for the right time to strike.

Rain began pouring down around the two, sizzling sounds were heard as the drops of rain would hit the blades of their swords and evaporate.

After sizing each other up for a few more tense seconds, the combat was as swift and powerful as a snake bite. Chundaar swung forward with several strong attacks but Sora, thanks to her Soresu defense, was able to repel the attacks as they came. She switched to a Makashi stance and started to deliver attacks of her own, hoping to overwhelm the Wookiee with her superior saber skills, but Chundaar was up to the task and would repel her attacks as well. The two soon were locked into a saber lock once again.

"You have controlled your anger," remarked Chundaar. "But it will be your downfall. Only through your anger will you be able to destroy me."

"My only concern is bringing you to justice," replied Sora. "The Jedi Council must decide your fate. Not me."

Chundaar broke the lock and tried to surprise her with another powerful attack but she re-locked their sabers.

"Then you are wasting your time because the only way you will take me is if you kill me." He sneered. "Face it, young Jedi. You cannot defeat me, and even if you did you would not have the guts to kill me. You all talk the talk but when it comes down to it, you cannot walk the walk. You are as pathetic and weak as the rest of your friends, Master Takenouchi."

Something inside of Sora snapped when she heard him call her friends weak and pathetic. Normally she was able to keep her emotions in check when in a duel but this time she could not. Breaking the saber lock, she assumed a Shii Cho stance and struck hard and fast with all of her strength. The anger and frustration of the duel surged through her veins, making her attacks ten times more powerful than they normally would. Chundaar's smirk had been wiped off his face, trying so desperately to block Sora's attacks but barely hanging on. With one final sequence of strikes, Sora knocked his blade to the side before cutting off his hand, disarming him. The Wookiee cried out in pain as he felt to the ground, gripping his wrist and mourning the loss of his hand, which lay just a few feet away from him. Sora pointed her blade at his throat.

"You are under arrest, Chundaar, for slavery and extortion." She said.

Even in the face of defeat, Chundaar was not going down without getting a word in.

"Go ahead," he said. "Kill me."

"I certainly would like to," replied Sora, her blade still pointed at his throat. "What you have done is unforgivable and should constitute the highest penalty."

She took a breath as the adrenaline rush she had experienced started to fade away, leaving her exhausted and shaking.

"But that is not for me to decide," she said. "The Jedi Council will decide your fate."


Meiko led the two Padawans through the Shadowlands towards the Star Map. Their masters were behind them, limping each way. Tai was still using the Force to recover from the early surprise attack that Kari had given him, while Matt held his hand over his chest trying to heal the scar that was left from Calo Nord.

Kari and TK looked around the area they were travelling. The sky, from what they could see, started to thunder and lightning struck all the way down from the top of the trees. She gulped at the thought of becoming more crispy than a Tatooine Womp rat. "I think Kashyyyk is not happy with us finding the map." Kari said as they moved over a giant root.

Meiko laughed as she brought them to a large clearing. "Well, here we are my friends. Good luck getting it operational though." The Star Map looked like a giant claw with three small obelisks joining together.

Matt walked towards the map, noticing three more obelisk pieces that attached it to the forest floor of the planet. "I think I know why this planet is so dangerous. It looks as if the map runs itself into the very heart of Kashyyyk." He examined the runes more closely, trying to decipher their meaning.

Tai and Meiko watched the Padawans go up to the runes and touch them. Suddenly, the three joined obelisks started to descend down, opening up to reveal a small sphere. "By the Force... the Star Map actually does work." Meiko said in disbelief as the sphere started to rise.

The sphere began rotating, creating a projection of the entire galaxy. Kari and TK looked in awe of how beautiful the projection was. Matt and Tai were more apprehensive. "Be careful you two. This is an artifact of the Dark Side, and I'm sure there are more surprises that await us before we can claim its data." Tai said as he touched Kari's shoulder.

"Relax Master, what's the worst that could happen from looking at a map?" Kari said in a sarcastic tone. Tai shook his head and rubbed the area around his temples. His Padawan had a knack for being right with even the most outrageous theory.

Two streams of energy erupted from the sphere, creating two beings made purely of the Force: One of light and the other of dark. The look of these beings were of an alien design that none of the Jedi had seen before. Long cylindrical heads, with eyes coming out of the sides. They looked humanoid, but were clearly an unknown species.

"Stay back!" Tai said as he pulled TK and Kari back towards him while Matt drew his lightsaber.

Meiko grabbed Matt's arm, holding him back from trying to strike at the two beings. "Wait! This is a completely normal occurrence when one opens the Star Map here!" She yelled as she pulled Matt away.

The two beings spoke up in booming voices that shook the ground beneath the Jedi. "We are beings of the infinite empire. Guardians of the star map, you who wish to claim it for yourselves."

Tai spoke up, still holding the Padawans by their shoulders. Yes, but we wish to use it to find the Star Forge. The Jedi Council dispatched us to find it for that purpose." Tai looked at Matt, hoping for backup in this conversation.

Matt nodded to Tai, assuring him that he had his back.

"I can assure you that my friend tells the truth. We were sent by the Jedi Council to find this map so we can find the Star Forge. We are not trying to destroy the galaxy with it in anyway." He said as Meiko released her grip on his forearm.

The being of light spoke first, eyeing the young Jedi before it.

"The Jedi," it said. "The Sith. These groups are all the same."

Turning its gaze towards TK and Kari in particular, it spoke again. "To prove you are different, your 'Padawans' must answer a question. Would you be so quick to offer aid to someone in need even if they have not earned it..." It paused for effect before asking the second part of the question. "Or would you give into your passions and threaten to kill him? Choose your answer carefully. The obvious may not always be right."

Going through the question in their minds, TK and Kari thought deeply about what to say. What would the right thing to do be? Why was it that they had to be chosen to answer? Even the most experienced Jedi Master would have a hard time answering this question.

Kari turned to her master.

"Master, what could he possibly mean?" She asked.

Tai looked at his Padawan. "That is for you to figure out, young one." He said. "I am not always going to be there to help you figure things out. You have to learn to do this yourself if you are to truly become wise."

"Use the Force. Search your feelings." Matt encouraged them.

As Kari thought deeper and deeper into the question, she still did not have the slightest idea of what it could be. In her view, if someone who did something unforgivable needed saving, she would not give it to them because of what they have done. On the other hand, if she felt they could be saved, then she would do it. She was about to submit that as her answer until TK spoke up.

"By George, I think I've got it." He turned to the beings of dark and light. "I would like to submit my answer."

They both shook their heads. "Both of you must answer this question." The being of light replied. "Confer with your other Padawan."

"What have you got, TK?" Kari asked, taking him by the shoulder and stepping off to the side to talk about the conclusion that he had come to. TK talked in a low voice.

"The answer is neither," he said. "One must be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with an open hand than with a clenched fist."

Kari jumped in. "Ah yes!" She exclaimed. "Use your power, but in its proper place. Everything you do sends ripples in the Force. We can take alternative ways to achieve an objective. That is the answer to the question."

The two beings did not give any indication as to whether they were right or wrong. They nervously waited to hear their response. It took a few tense seconds but the two nodded their heads in confirmation.

"Very good, young ones," said the being of darkness. "You are wise beyond your years."

"Well our masters did teach us well." TK gestured to their brothers, who bowed in respect.

"After seeing the virtuous hearts the two of you possess, you are now permitted to acquire the map." The being of light said. "Download its coordinates and it will guide you to where you desire. Good luck."

With that, the two of them disappeared into thin air. Matt stepped up to the sphere to download the map itself. The projection of the map soon dissipated and the sphere opened to reveal a small, rectangular-shaped object that looked like a piece of a puzzle. Matt put it in the pouch on his belt and walked back to join the others.

"This is only the first one of four that we need," he told them. "Hopefully the others will not be as bad to get as this one."

Tai was not so sure. "I have a feeling it is only going to get harder from this point on," he said. "If this one was hard to collect, then the others should be just as difficult if not more."

Kari stepped forth. "May I please see the map, Master Matt?" She requested, stretching out her hand.

Matt nodded and took the map out of his pouch and displayed it for everyone once again. Kari took a closer look so she could find where the next piece of the map was.

"Master, you have nothing to worry about," she said. "What's the worst that can happen from this point on? It's not like a map is...on..." She trailed off as she took a closer look at where the next piece of the map was. The name of the planet caused her face to pale and her body to stop moving.

"Where?" Tai asked his Padawan, unaware of just how terrified she was. "A map is where?"

Kari felt her tongue dry up as she was forced to say the name of the planet it was on.

"Korriban." She finally said, a shiver going up her spine at the mere mention of it. "The next piece is on Korriban."

Tai felt her fear but knew that they had no choice.

"Then Korriban is where we must go." He said.

He turned to lead them out of the runes but Matt stopped him.

"Tai, have you lost your mind?" He chastised. "You can't seriously expect us to send our Padawans to Korriban. That place is forbidden to Jedi."

"Well do you have any better ideas, Matt?" Tai shot back, getting into his fellow Master's face. "We need to complete them map so we can find the Forge."

"At what cost? Losing our Padawans?"

"You may have been a Master before me but that doesn't mean you are the wisest between the two of us."

Matt tried to calm himself down so he could rationalize with Tai in a way that did not involve arguing.

"But they are only young," he said. "Even for how advanced their skill level is, they are not ready for a challenge like this."

"If they are to become Jedi Knights, they must learn how to face their fears."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Matt sighed and closed his eyes. "The Dark Side is strong there and even the fallen Sith live still on that planet."

Tai nodded in understanding. "I am aware of that, Matt." He said. "I don't like it either but it has to be done. If we can find the Star Forge, the Sith will be defeated once and for all."

The two Padawans stepped towards their masters.

"While we are afraid, Master," said Kari. "We will do what is right for the sake of our mission. If we are truly find the Star Forge, we will find that piece of the map."

TK nodded in agreement before bowing to the two masters. "I will do what I can to protect her, Master Tai. She will be safe as long as I am around."

Tai nodded to TK. "I know you will, TK."

The four of them then turned to Meiko, who was cleaning her glasses against her robes while the four of them were talking. She looked up to see them staring at her and promptly put her glasses back on.

"Meiko," addressed Matt. "Would you care to come back with us to Alderaan and meet the council? I have a feeling that we were meant to meet after all. There may be more Grey Jedi out in the galaxy and you can help us locate them."

She bowed her head before him.

"I would be honored to, Master Ishida." She replied. "It has been my dream to meet with the Jedi Council since I was a little girl."

Matt smiled. "Great. I do have one question though."

"And what is that?"

"Can you co-pilot a ship?"

Tai and the Padawans giggled to themselves, knowing exactly what Matt was implying. He promptly gave them a look of contempt before turning back to her.

"I don't want to brag or anything but I am an excellent pilot," she said. "What kind of ship are we talking about?"

"A Dynamic-class freighter."

"Oh those pieces of junk?" Her nose wrinkled in disgust. "Those are easy to pilot. All you do is flip the switch and it works out just fine."

Matt's face turned red in anger at her calling his beloved ship a piece of junk but nevertheless was happy that she could pilot a ship. He may have been one of the best pilots in the Jedi Order but every pilot deserves a good co-pilot.

"Ok then," said Tai. "Let's get out of here."


Sora had turned her back on Chundaar to motion the other two Jedi to apprehend him. Everything had fallen right into place. She sensed that the Wookiees would be able to live in peace and freedom from here on out. Their mission had been successful and would return to Alderaan with the spoils of victory. But Chundaar would not go down without a fight.

"I will see your head on my wall, Jedi!" He roared as he broke free from his cuffs. Chundaar grabbed a bowcaster and pointed it at Sora.

"Sora!" Izzy activated his lightsaber and joined Sora in pointing his saber at Chundaar.

"Well, this is interesting." The Wookiee chuckled. "If you kill me, Sora, you prove yourself a hypocrite to the pacifist ideal you hold dear. You, Izzy, if you kill me, you risk falling to the Dark Side. Mimi wouldn't want that now would she?"

It appeared that Chundaar had all the cards to play. "Come on! Who will strike me and brand themselves a cold-blooded killer!"

Suddenly, a blue light erupted from his chest. Chundaar's form slowly fell to the ground, as his face went from triumphant victory to complete shock. With the deactivation of the blue light, the Wookiee Chieftain who had enslaved his own people, had died.

Tai dropped the corpse of Chundaar on the wooden walkway. "I swore to protect her from anything. That means monsters like you!" He yelled at the corpse. Expecting a reaction from the others for his rash decision, he braced himself for the worst. However, he was only met with silence.

"Tai... what am I going to do with you?" Sora sighed as she deactivated her lightsaber. She walked towards her 'savior' and patted him on the shoulder.

"What? He was going to escape if I hadn't stepped in." Tai said as he noticed the others close behind him.

Matt, Kari, and TK all ran to hug Mimi and Izzy as the group reunited at long last.

"I was beginning to wonder if we would ever see each other again." Mimi said as she hugged Kari tight. They all smiled and began the trek to the docking platform.

Freyer walked behind Meiko as they approached Sora.

"Greetings, I am the original Chieftain of this village. My name is Freyer, and I wish to thank you for cleansing Kashyyyk of this thorn." Freyer said as he waved his hand to his deceased son.

Sora bowed respectfully. "It was the least we could do, your excellency. I just hope Kashyyyk will fair much better in the future."

"In due time, my dear. In due time. Now if you will excuse me, I need to rally the remaining people of my village and drive Czerka off this planet." Freyer said as he departed towards the Chieftains hall.

Sora then turned her attention to the young woman that was walking up to her and Tai. She shyly waved her hand in greeting.

"And who is this young woman?" She asked. It was clear from the tone that Sora was very suspicious of her.

"Sora, this is Meiko Mochizuki. She helped us retrieve the Star Map from this planet." Tai explained as they walked towards the docking platform. "We found that there are four Star Maps total. Three more are needed to reveal the location of the Star Forge."

He then began to limp, still reeling from the attack that his Padawan had given him.

Sora couldn't help but notice this as he walked up the loading ramp to the Ebon Hawk. "Problem, Master Kamiya? You seem to be injured." She noticed him strain as he continued up the ramp.

Tai knew there was no avoiding what was about to happen, so what better time to happen than here. "No 'Master' Takenouchi. Just... purple... nuts!" He gaped a bit as he sat inside the garage.

Sora started to giggle, as she couldn't not suppress her laughter. She tried her hardest to keep it down but it was difficult.

"And who, may I ask, did this to the great Tai Kamiya?" She asked sarcastically in between giggles.

"Like I would tell you!"

Kari poked her head in from the main hold. "It was me, Master Sora, I kicked him in that area."

Sora at this point was laughing so hysterically that she couldn't breathe. Banging her hand on the panel to close the ramp, she fell and started hitting the floor. There was no way that Tai was going to live this down.

"Are you finished?" Said Jedi asked, face burning red with anger at being laughed at, and by someone he considered a close friend nonetheless.

"I'm sorry," she gasped. "I'm sorry."

Having had enough with her incessant laughter, Tai stormed out of the cargo hold to go to his quarters. The door opened and Izzy walked in to make sure that they were ok.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, young Izumi," Sora continued to howl with laughter. "Tai just underwent the Trial of the Flesh a second time at the hands of his Padawan."

Tai gave the young Jedi Knight a look that said 'Don't even think about laughing,' but it was all in vain; Izzy joined Sora on the ground, rolling around in laughter. He laughed so hard that tears started streaming down his face.

Izzy yelled for Mimi, who was in the med lab. "Hey Mimi! Tai underwent the Trial of the Flesh again thanks to Kari!" All Tai could hear was her obnoxious laughter from the med lab as Medpacs dropped to the floor.

Tai's face burned even hotter than was possible. "I hate all of you!" He roared as he stormed out of the cargo hold.

In the cockpit, Matt showed Meiko all the instruments that he used to pilot the Hawk. "And this is her hyperspace lock. Pretty straight forward, just don't edit the galaxy map without consulting me first."

"I understand Matt. Now, let's see what this piece of junk can do!" Meiko yelled as the others joined her. It was time they left Kashyyyk behind and returned to their comrades at the Jedi Temple on Alderaan.

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