Treacherous Affairs [Scisaac]...

By BekkaChaos

2M 45.7K 40.1K

The Sequel to Dangerous Liaisons. BoyxBoy. 2015 Watty Award Winner. This is a story that centres around Scisa... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Nine

34.3K 685 512
By BekkaChaos

A/N: I am so sorry I went on hiatus for a while, my life has been so hectic and I've been stressed out but hopefully in the next few weeks i can get a few good chapters in. Thanks for still following and supporting me guys, you really are the best fans ever.

                                                               ~ ~ ~

Boyd spent the better part of the next day trying to talk to Erica. She wouldn’t even pick up the phone and she wasn’t home.  He concluded that she clearly wanted to be left alone.

Daisy wouldn’t talk to him either. Her phone would ring until it hit voicemail and with Erica’s words about Katherine he didn't want to try and find her. In the space of a few days he had lost all contact with the two most important people in his life.

Erica would come around soon enough, she always did. He didn’t know if she should do or not but he hoped that his luck hadn’t run dry. At least he knew where he’d wronged her though, Daisy was another story.

He couldn’t even begin to figure out the reason why she wasn’t speaking to him. He had to find out somehow, he wasn’t about to leave it that way.

By midweek Erica was speaking to him again, acting like it never happened. Instead she focussed her energy on planning the weekend in Denver with Isaac and Stiles, though she seems quite dark on Isaac and Boyd almost felt glad that it wasn’t just him.

Hopefully the weekend away from Beacon Hills would give her some solace, time to clear her head and held her come to her senses about the whole Katherine situation.

He tried to think that the whole thing was a terrible idea and that it was the last thing either of them would ever do but he couldn’t help letting some of those thoughts sneak past him. He kept them swallowed down as best he could and bit down on them painfully when he could feel those thoughts arising.

Daisy was a big part of the reason for that pull and the more she tried to convince him that they couldn’t be together the more he wanted to find out why, to see if joining their pack would change that. And if Erica was moving towards them he felt like he needed to follow her to make sure she wasn’t being lured into a trap.

They had thought about leaving before, like Erica had said. They were going to go out and join another pack, but things were different now – weren’t they?

Daisy hadn’t been in school all week and Boyd was not about to find Aiden or Ethan to ask about her. He would figure this out on his own, even if it took a whole lot longer than he wanted it to.

Scott sat at his desk trying to get some study done; god senior year was going to kill him. He was struggling on some math questions when he heard the door downstairs open and then close. At first he thought it was his mother getting home from work but he realised that she wouldn’t be back again until late.

It was barely a few moments before he felt the familiar scent of Isaac’s cologne and general pheromones engulf him. He sighed because he knew that he could never get much study done with Isaac around, and besides, he wasn’t supposed to be there tonight.

He spun around in his chair and waited for him to walk through the door. He heard his footsteps on the stairs and in a second he was in the doorway.

“Hey.” He said, unwrapping his scarf and hanging it on the door.

“Hey,” Scott said. “Thought we were having the night apart.”

“Derek and Stiles are having a game of verbal knife throwing. It’s really not pretty and I kind of didn’t want to intrude. You don’t mind if I crash here tonight do you?” He asked, as if it wouldn’t be okay.

“Yeah sure, of course, what are they fighting about?”

“What did I say about not wanting to intrude?” Isaac smiled.

“I know but you can at least give me the gist of it so I know not to bring it up around Stiles later.” He smiled right back.

Isaac rolled his eyes. “College, being away from each other, the pack. You know, normal Derek and Stiles arguments.”

“I don’t really know what they argue about.” Scott said.

“Yeah well be thankful that you don’t live with them, it’s all fighting and making up. And if there’s one thing worse than when ‘mom and dad’ argue… it’s when they make up.” Isaac said and Scott just let out a laugh.

“’Mom and dad’? Really?” He said.

“What? It fits doesn’t it.”

“Maybe.” Scott chuckled. “You know I can't study when you’re here.” He said.

“You’re always studying, can we maybe just have a night to hang out and forget about everyone else’s bullshit?” Isaac asked, sitting down on the bed with his cutesy little smile.

“Stop it.” Scott scolded.

“Stop what?”

“Don’t give me that look, I know what you’re doing.” His lips turned into a smile.

“I’m not doing anything.” He said, looking up from under his eyelashes with a smirk on his pretty mouth.

“Don’t make me come over there.” Scott said.

Isaac raised an eyebrow and kicked off his shoes. It made Scott laugh and he shook his head as he threw down his pen and walked towards him, tackling him into the bed and nipping at Isaac’s lips.

“I’ll get rid of that smile.” He growled.

“Oh yeah? Go on.” Isaac’s tongue darted out to taste Scott’s top lip.

“Do you see why I can't have you here while I study?” Scott said, sucking Isaac’s lip into his mouth and slipping a hand under his shirt.

Isaac let out a breathy sound and cupped Scott’s face with his hand and pulling his lips away from his own. “I can leave if you’re that worried.” He said.

“Nah, we can cook some spaghetti and just lie around up here if you want. You’re going to be away all weekend so I can study then.” He said, jabbing Isaac in the chest with his finger.

“Hey, hey! You said I could go!”

“I know, I know. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to miss you though.” He said with a smile “Plus I think Stiles and Erica could use some distance from his place.”

“Well you’re not wrong about that. I can't believe she and Aiden―”

“Don’t think about it. I’m pretty sure she’s just found another way to piss Derek off. You know how she loves to do that.” Scott said.

“She’s getting pretty good at it though, you’ve got to give her that.” Isaac grinned.

“True, it’s almost an art form.” They chuckled together and Scott brought his hand up to brush Isaac’s cheek. “So are you going for the fun of it or… are you sort of kind of thinking about college now?”

“I don’t really have the grades for it, besides, I don’t think four more years of school is what I need. Community college maybe. I mean, I could always be an ass and become a superstar athlete without even trying. We all know that’s what Jackson’s going to do.” He smiled.

“Yeah, after he does all of his world travelling obviously. You don’t… really feel the need to do any of that stuff either?”

“Scott, for a long time my biggest issue was whether I would survive high school, let alone whatever comes next. Plus I’ll… I’ll pretty much follow you wherever you go, you know, if you want me to anyway.” He said, his eyes flickering for a moment.

Scott smiled. “You could always move in here, we could find some community college courses that suit us while we figure it all out.” He offered.

Isaac’s cheeks flushed with a pink glow that fanned out over his nose. “Or… we could get our own place?” He said with a little smile.

“Well seeing as neither of us have jobs how do you think we’d afford that?” Scott asked with the press of his lips to the tip of Isaac’s rosy nose.

“Well I haven’t really told you yet… but when I turn eighteen that might be sort of set to change.” Isaac shrugged.

“What do you mean set to change?” Scott asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, everything in my dad’s name was transferred to me when he died, you know, no other family and all. So just stuff like accounts, assets, and when the house finally gets sold any profits from that will come my way too. The rule was until I turned eighteen I wouldn’t have access to it but after that… I guess it’s all mine.” He said.

“You think that’s where Derek’s money comes from?” Scott asked, being the easily distracted boy that he is.

“Maybe, I never see him work so that could be it.” Isaac said, equally as distractible.

“So… you would really want to spend that money on getting our own place?” Scott said with a little smile.

“Well, we have to become adults and take responsibility for ourselves at some point don’t we?” He smiled.

“Do you… do you think about our future a lot?” Scott asked and Isaac leant in to nuzzle at his neck.

“Well yeah, I was kind of hoping that you did too so I wouldn’t look like a total idiot.” He mumbled.

“No! No, I mean yeah, yeah I do think about us. You just kind of took me by surprise is all.” He said.

“So we have an actual future then?” Isaac nudged.

“Well you want to be with me and I want to be with you so… I hope so.” He said, his hand now gently stroking Isaac's upper arm.

Isaac closed his eyes and leant into Scott’s lips. He liked knowing that Scott saw a future for them, it made his skin tingle all over.

“So…” He said between the gaps in their lips. “What kind of stuff do you think about then?”

Scott smiled. “Well,” he started, still kissing him with no intention of stopping. “I guess I like the idea of having our own place, not needing to worry about anyone walking in on us…”

“Yeah, that was my brilliant idea, what else?” Isaac teased, slipping a hand into Scott’s jeans and palming lightly.

Scott let out a heavy breath. “One of us is going to have to learn how to cook… spaghetti and pizza is probably going to get old…” He said, closing his eyes.

“Uh huh,” Isaac kept up the pace with his hand, nice and slow, enjoying the pleasured look on Scott’s face. “What else?”

“Well for starters we’re going to have to get a set of drawers big enough for all your scarves – oh!” He groaned as Isaac squeezed a little tighter.

“Don’t get smart with me McCall…” He purred.

“I uh… I mean we could finally use the TiVo without having to sort through like thirty episodes of Grey’s Anatomy…”

Isaac laughed and kissed along Scott’s chin. “I actually don’t mind that show all that much.”

“Well it’s not going on my TiVo.”

“I thought it would be our TiVo?”

“Not if you’re clogging it up with Grey’s Anatomy.”

“God, you’re already so controlling, I might have to think twice about this living together thing…”

Scott laughed and squirmed out of Isaac’s grip and pinned both of his arms behind his head, straddling his hips.

“Pretty sure that was your idea.” He said.

“Yeah well maybe I should take it back.” He teased.

Scott growled, grinding his hips into Isaac’s and loving the way Isaac bit his lip as he did so. “No takesies-backsies.” He said.

“We’re wearing way too many clothes for this.” Isaac said.

“Yeah.” Scott agreed quickly and in less than a second the two of them were on their knees and pulling clothing off and in all directions.

Their mouths came together all teeth and tongues and suddenly the prospect of a weekend away seemed like not such a great idea. Isaac was down to his boxers when Scott shoved him back down into the mattress, pulling them off and tossing them aside without a care.

And then his lips were on his skin. Isaac sucked his bottom lip up into his mouth as Scott trailed his lower down his chest and over his stomach, crawling up in between his legs and giving his thigh a little nudge. Isaac lifted his legs a little and Scott’s lips trailed torturously down the inside of his thigh and then over his calf. He stopped for a moment to gently kiss his instep before sliding all the way back up for a hot wet kiss on the mouth.

Isaac hummed a loud groan. “God I could just do this for hours…” He said his hips rocking upwards to meet Scott’s.

Scott just grinned and went back to kissing various part of his body until Isaac growled and grabbed him tightly by the hair. “I didn’t actually mean it.” He said and Scott just laughed before taking Isaac’s leaking cock in his hand and swirling his thumb over the sticky tip.

Isaac threw his head back and moaned involuntary at just the feel of Scott’s touch. After a few slow movements Scott’s thumb was replaced by his tongue, and then his lips swallowing him down and blinding Isaac to everything else around him.

He may not have a lot of experience in this department but if there was one thing he knew it was that Scott was phenomenal at using his mouth. Not so much for words but his tongue had other ways of making its point known.

It was like he had learned exactly what Isaac needed and he probably had, his throat vibrating as he hummed around Isaac’s sensitive member. Isaac felt himself coming close to release and he managed to breathe out Scott’s name and a few choice words before he was too far gone and Scott pulled back, wiping his chin a little with the back of his hand.

Isaac pulled him up for a kiss that was barely a kiss as he wrapped his legs around Scott’s waist and reached down between them to take him in his hand, feeling that he didn’t need any more warming up.

“Shit… talking about the future get you that hot?” Isaac asked, panting furiously.

“Not as hot as sucking your dick makes me.” Scott grinned and Isaac shook his head.

“Have I ever told you that I love that dirty mouth?” He said, leaning up to suck a fading mark into Scott’s neck.

“Every single time we’re naked.” He laughed.

“Well… I mean it.” Isaac said grazing his nails down Scott’s back.

Scott leaned in close to his ear and let his voice come out low and gravelly. “So you want to play some more or do you want me to fuck you?”

Isaac swallowed hard and took a sharp intake of breath. “Yeah… yeah that… that one.”

Scott scoot upwards and reached over to the bedside table and Isaac watched the plains of his back tighten in his movements and trailed his eyes down over each of his glorious features.

As Scott climbed back over him he took a moment to stare down into his eyes and smile, “I love you, you know.”

“I know, you tell me every single time I’m naked.” Isaac grinned and Scott just growled.

“Smart ass.” He said and rubbed the palm of his hand against Isaac’s smooth ass cheek, reaching under to rub a finger against his entrance.

Isaac groaned. “When the hell did you lube up?” He asked with a grin.

“Probably while you were drooling over me.” Scott smirked, slipping the end of his finger inside him.

Isaac’s voice hitched and he pushed back, causing Scott’s finger to slide all the way in.

“You know I don’t have to go slow if you don’t want me to.” He said, too arrogant for his own good.

“Don’t be a douche and just show me what – uhn…” He wasn’t able to finish because for some reason when Scott flicked his finger upwards his words got lost in translation.

He pulled out and added a second finger, forgetting all about going slow and Isaac didn’t mind one bit. He grabbed Scott’s forearm and pulled him in faster and harder which Scott approved of very much. He opened him up quickly, his fingertips thrumming over his sweet spot in a way that was almost too much to handle.

He felt like he was almost there, on the verge of bliss when Scott pulled out and kissed him on the mouth. His hands fumbled and his voice wavered as he slicked himself up and aligned himself perfectly with Isaac whose sweaty curls were sticking to his brow line.

“You know what I’m going to miss most when you’re gone this weekend?” Scott purred.

Isaac barely had time to register the question before Scott was bottoming out with his mouth pressed into his neck and it was too much to even try and reply. The force of Scott’s hips against him propelled them both forward until Isaac’s shoulders were braced against the headboard. It made a god-awful loud banging sound against the wall but with no one home the two of them couldn’t care less and added to it with their own passionate grunts.

Isaac’s eyes are closed and his lips are parted in a smile that takes over half his face as Scott angles his hips up, rolling them with each forward thrust. His arms were shaking as he held himself up and kept up the pace. If he wasn’t going to see Isaac all weekend then tonight he would have to take advantage of the fact that he had him all to himself.

And he was certainly doing that.

“Scott… Scott I’m…” Isaac panted, barely breathing the words out as he gripped the back of Scott’s neck.

Scott rested his shoulder against Isaac and reached down to jerk him only three, four times until Isaac’s crying out and spilling himself all over both of their chests and Scott’s his are bucking wildly to finish himself off along with him.

As he felt his release he clamped his teeth down on Isaac’s neck, wishing that the beautiful red mark would last more than a few moments.

It took a few seconds to catch their breath before they even moved to get off one another. Isaac let out an elated laugh and Scott smiled.

“That, right there.” He said and Isaac looked over at him with a slow sleepy blink.

“What right where?” He asked.

“That’s what I’m going to miss most, your stupid smile.” Scott said, a dopey grin of his own plastered to his face.

“When did you get so sappy?” Isaac laughed.

“Give me five minutes to calm down and I’ll wish I never said anything.” He said.

“Yeah right, you’re a sap and you know it.”

“Shut up.” Scott said, looking over at Isaac with his rising and falling chest.

He reached out for his hand and took it lightly between his fingers and lifted it to his lips. He speckled it with kisses and Isaac smiled over at him. Scott slipped one of his fingertips between his lips to which Isaac threw his head back with a hearty laugh.

“Oh my god you can't be serious.”

“Not quite, but still, I love you.” He smiled.

Isaac shook his head. “Sap.”

Over in Derek’s flat things were not quite as blissed out.

“Oh my god Derek we cannot seriously be having this argument again!” Stiles yelled, gesturing wildly with his hand while he paced the loft floor.

Derek sat with his arms folded on a bench stool and shook his head with a loud scoff. “It’s not something that just goes away once you finish yelling about it Stiles.”

“Well it’s not something that we are going to resolve in one fucking day either Derek! I’ve sent out like three applications okay? That means absolutely nothing alright? It’s not like I’m packing up to leave for good!” Stiles said.

“You’ll be in Denver all weekend―”

“Oh my god, oh my god! I’ll be in Denver for the weekend; it’s not four fucking years Derek!” Stiles turned to face him, his feet finally stopping.

“Not yet but it will be when you get accepted somewhere and that’s four years that you won't be here. Four years Stiles.” Derek said.

“You can't – you can't just tell me what to do with my life Derek, it’s mine, okay? You’ve been out and done things and had your life well I haven’t done anything yet! If I want to go out and go to college in some other state then it’s not the end of the world.”

“You know you get upset when I tell you that I don’t care what you do and when I say that I do you still get upset. I don’t know what you want me to say Stiles!” Derek said, getting to his feet and raising his voice.

“I don’t know, maybe that if I did leave you’d at least think about coming with me. Maybe that you’d be happy for me to do something for me even if it did mean leaving.”

“I was practically forcing you to leave last year and all you wanted was for me to tell you to stay. I’m not saying that now but I’m saying that there are plenty of colleges closer to Beacon Hills.”

“And what about coming with me? Huh?” Stiles asked.

“Stiles, you know that I―”

“―can't, I know.” Stiles huffed. “I just… maybe we should just take some time to cool off, okay?” He said, covering his face with his hands. “I’m going to go home, alright?”

“Yeah, fine.” Derek said, shaking his head and keeping his eyes away from Stiles.

“Yeah.” Stiles said with a sigh, reaching into his pocket for his keys. “Fine.”

He walked past Derek without another word and out into the elevator towards his jeep.

He hated these arguments with Derek. They always had the same arguments and the worst part was that some of Derek’s points made sense. He knew he was being irrational because yeah, he did want Derek to care enough to argue but now that he was it was just as annoying as when he didn’t care at all.

He got into his jeep and began driving home, turning the music all the way up with the intention to belt out his frustrations but instead he just sat there and listened to it pumping through the speakers.

When he made it home his dad was asleep on the couch in front of the basketball and he smiled, pulling a blanket over him and turning down the TV set before walking up the stairs. Stiles collapsed on his bed, as if being surrounded by a pack of werewolves wasn’t hard enough, dating the alpha was like a full time job.

He decided to take a shower, scrubbing and scrubbing at his body even though he was mostly clean anyway. He was angry, frustrated, upset, everything about their argument was driving him crazy but the worst part was that he had left it all hanging and if he had learnt one thing over the years it was that you should never leave while you’re angry.

He pulled on his shirt and boxers and climbed under his sheets with a sigh. He saw a shadow flicker in the light from the moon and fought back a smile.

Derek sat against the window outside, facing outwards but listening in to every sound in that room. He sighed to himself. He hated arguing too, with Stiles more than anyone because he could never just shut down the argument like an alpha would and that made his wolf squirm.

He knew that Stiles was aware of his presence because he heard the kick in his heartbeat. He leant his head against the window and sighed again.

“It’s open.” He heard him say from the inside.

Derek stood up and pushed the window up, ducking under and stepping into the room, not so accidentally wearing Stiles’ favourite leather jacket. He stood with his hands in his pockets and a slightly apologetic look on his face.

Stiles scoot over and lifted the blanket so Derek stripped off his jacket and shoes to climb in beside him, pressing his body against him and nuzzling into his neck.

“Sorry I yelled.” Stiles mumbled.

“Me too.” Derek said.

They didn’t say anything more, although they probably should have, but it would have to wait for another time, another fight. So Stiles just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of sleeping beside Derek for another night.

Erica was walking to school that morning alone like usual. She was taking her time because the last thing she wanted to do was deal with people. Her mid was swimming with thoughts and as of yet she still hadn’t made a decision.

Her feet scuffed, still wearing heels to school despite the teachers telling her that it would probably be safer for her to come with something more sensible. Of course she wasn’t going to listen, she hadn’t done much of that since getting the bite from Derek.

“Hey Blondie, where you going?” She grit her teeth as she heard Aiden’s voice calling out from behind her.

“What do you want?” She asked, not looking up but her hips getting a little extra involuntary swing.

“Saw you walking, thought it was a little dangerous for a girl to be walking down the street all alone.” He said with a grin and Erica smirked.

“You obviously don’t know me.” She said.

“Guess not.” He said.

They walked along in silence for a while, Erica had so many questions that she thought of asking him about Katherine and the pack but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Eventually though she had to say something.

“So your alpha seems pretty kicky.” She said.

“Katherine’s something alright.” He said, looking up and straight ahead as they walked.

“Seems like you have a good thing going.”

He chuckled to himself a little. “Looks that way doesn’t it?”

Erica looked up at him. “Are you saying that it’s not?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Everyone thinks the grass is greener.” He shrugged. “I mean ask me if you should convert and I’ll give you a different answer.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you trying to be cryptic or are you just a little bit slow?”

“I’m not trying to be confusing, and I’m only slow when the situation demands it.” He winked.

“Right, of course you are.” She said sarcastically. “So if I ask you whether I should take Katherine up on her offer you’ll tell me… what?”

“That this pack will be better for you that Derek’s, that you don’t fit there.” He said.

“… and if I ask what you think of being in her pack?” She said as she looked up from under her eyelashes.

“Well I’d say that you always think things are going to be better when you’re looking in at them. You know I was born like this right? I’ve had other packs before and they’re all different. We’re always different when we’re with different people.” He said.

They locked eyes for a moment before she shook her head. “You’re being cryptic.”

“You free tonight?” He said.

She scoffed and then laughed out loud. “You know that party was a one-time thing.”

“Why? You have a boyfriend or something?” He asked.

She hesitated for a moment before answering. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend.” She said.

“So what’s stopping you?”

“How about I agree to call you if I get lonely?” She asked with a smirk.

He grinned before grabbing her around the waist and pulling her flush against him.

“Excuse you.” Erica said, pounding a fist into his chest.

“I’ll be expecting a call.” He said with a grin and she shoved him away.

“Get out of here you asshole.” She said and he straightened up his jacket before turning on his heel and walking swiftly away.

She didn’t know what to think of his words about his pack, mostly she just didn’t understand. The rest of his words… well she didn’t really know what to think of them either.

The day was long, starting quickly and drawing out as the first school bell rang with Stiles in a quiet mood and Erica always thinking about Katherine and Aiden’s words. Daisy still hadn’t shown up and it made Boyd restless, Allison was mostly trying to avoid Lydia and Jackson who were in the throes of another argument and looking for someone to bitch at. The only ones who seemed to be cruising through the day were Scott and Isaac.

The two of them made everyone else gag with their happy smiles and playful glances, to the point where Stiles shoved Isaac off his chair at lunch out of annoyance.

At the end of the day Scott offered Isaac a lift back to the loft but he felt like walking and told him that he knew he really wanted to study because he got nothing done the night before. So Scott let him walk off on the long path, not knowing that someone was following him.

Isaac didn’t notice it either because they kept their distance, eyeing him completely out of scent range until he came to the path by the woods where that familiar scent hit him again like it had been doing for so many weeks now.

This time it was different, stronger, and his ears were picking up even more. Footsteps, fast approaching from behind and do he stopped in his tracks, spinning around  to see the figure standing before him, paused only a few metres from him.

“Oh my god…” He said, narrowing his eyes, the memories of that scent coming back to him. “It’s you.”

She smiled with her exceptional eyes glinting in the afternoon light. “Hey Isaac, Derek around?” Karissa said with a hand on her waist and a pop of her hip and Isaac knew that this was going to be more than any of them wanted to deal with.

                                                               ~ ~ ~

A/N: So it's going to get better soon, or worse, depending on how you want to look at it!

I adore all of you and your comments just make me smile like a crazy person so please keep them up! Love you guys xx

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