The Kidnapping Of Tom Holland...

By aniece245

26.6K 537 562

Tom Holland is the worlds best known and loved actor for his role as Peter Parker in the newest Spiderman Hom... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One

3K 52 71
By aniece245

             Several Hours Before

Tom hated having to sit still for three hours straight for interviews. Don't get him wrong, he loved his fans and he loved being able to make them happy but sitting in a chair for three hours made him antsy. Tom was a goofy funny guy and a lot of the time that he was seen he was always moving about, or fidgeting with something. It wasn't like he had anxiety disorder or ADHD, he just couldn't sit down for a long time.

Right now he was sitting on a couch in between Zendaya and Tony Revolri while Jacob sat on the other side of Zendaya and Laura sat on the other side of Tony. Robert Downey was sitting in a chair because there wasn't enough room on the couch.

"So Tom, a fan asked if you have a love interest in your life right now." The interviewer, Katy asked.

Tom shook his head. "Not at the moment, no. However if I did have one, it would be a secret until I was sure that the person returned my feelings."

Katy nodded and looked down at her paper and looked back up. "A question for all of you. If you had to kiss any one of your co-stars or friends who would it be and why?"

Tom raised an eyebrow and thought about it, while Zendaya answered almost at the same time that Tony did.

"I would kiss Tony because he seems like a good kisser." Zendaya said.

"I would kiss Tom mainly because he's hot." Tony told her.

Tom chuckled and waited for his turn. "I would definitely kiss Zendaya. I've had a huge crush on her since forever."

Zendaya slapped his arm playfully and he laughed as they waited for another question.

"Alright...Tom what made you want to start acting?"

"I think what made me want to start acting was the thrill of playing a character that wasn't me, ya know? Getting to be that person and going through the troubles that person faced...I think that was the main reason." Tom explained.

"What is your biggest fear?" Katy asked.

"Spiders. I hate spiders, they terrify me." Tom said, his accent very noticable. "If one was right in front of me right now, I'd probably scream like a girl and run away." He finished his sentence laughing.

"Tom's fear is basically my own." Zendaya said, nudging him in the side.

After everyone stated their biggest fears, the interviewer asked a couple more questions which Tom answered honestly along with everyone else. When the interview ended Tom said a silent prayer because he was itching to walk around or do something.

Tom met up with his best friend Harrison on his way out of the interview station, not at all concerned with the fans who saw him leaving out the back.

"Hey Harrison. How's life?" Tom asked, with a small chuckle.

"Dude it's only been three hours since I last saw you. You make it seem like it's been forever."

Tom shrugged and just smiled as they continued walking. Harrison always had something sarcastic or funny or serious to say. They had been best friends since Tom could remember. They always had each others backs, they stood up for each other, when one was going through a tough time the other was there to be the rock or shoulder to cry on.

Tom was so deep in his thoughts and had his head down staring at the ground, that he didn't see the man in front of him. One minute he was walking the next he was stumbling back as if he had been pushed.

Looking up Tom saw a man with dark hair and even darker eyes standing over him. The mans face was pulled into a frown and his mind blanked for a second before he said,

"I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and--"

The man smiled raising a hand up and cutting him off. "It's fine kid. I shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the hallway."

Tom eyed him and said, "Right..."

This guy was giving off a weird creepy vibe and Tom was starting to feel uncomfortable. Harrison stepped in and said, "We have to go so have a nice day!"

Harrison grabbed his hand and then Tom was being dragged outside to the car Tom had bought. Once they were in the car Tom shook his head.

"Something about that guy was off man..."

"I know." Haz said. "He gave me a bad vibe. Let's just go. We have a party to get to."

Tom said bye to everyone at the party and left out, getting in his car. He turned it on and backed out of the driveway, taking the short way home. Mainly because he was ready to just crash and wanted to get home as fast as he could.

He was grateful that Harrison had a ride home so he wouldn't have to drive back and pick him up to take him home. Tom was that exhausted. He had a long day and now all he wanted to do was sleep.

When Tom got home, he took a quick shower and put his nightclothes on--which was just his boxers and no shirt--he fell on his bed and fell asleep.

Tom was awakened by the sound of something breaking downstairs and he heard Tessa, his blue Staffordshire bull terrier start barking and growling from downstairs. At first he couldn't figure out why Tessa was downstairs but when he saw his open bedroom door he knew she had probably gone down there for water.

But hearing her barking and growling like she was, worried him. Tom quietly got out of bed and threw some pants on and a shirt before he padded down the hall to the stairs. He heard Tessa bark again and someone's voice.

"Shut up you stupid dog!"

The voice was deep and full of irritation and Tom heard a loud thump and Tessa whimper. His eyes widening Tom rushed back to his room as quietly as he could and he shut the door, locking it.

Tom had no idea who was in his house but he wasn't going to wait to find out. He threw his shoes on, grabbed his phone and dialled the police. He waited for it to ring but he only got dial tone and he checked his phone. The battery was at two and he silently cursed under his breath. His charger was downstairs in the kitchen. He'd have to make it past the stranger in his house.

A loud thud sounded as something hit his bedroom door. Tom cursed and quickly looked for somewhere to hide. Anyone would hide under the bed but that was the first place someone would look so he hid in the closet. Just in time too as the door broke and splintered and a man wearing a mask stormed in.

Tom could see through the crack in the closet door and he peeked into it. The man turned to the closet and Tom prepared himself to fight. When the man reached the door, Tom flung it open making sure he bashed the man in the face with it and he sprinted past him out of his room.

Tom took the stairs two at a time and ran for the door but he was suddenly skidding across the floor. He scrambled to his feet and stepped away from the man in front of him. He grabbed a vase sitting on the table in the room and chucked it at the man, who easily dodged it and stomped towards him.

Tom backed away from him his eyes wide with fear. He looked to his left and to his right before he sprinted through the door to his kitchen and grabbed a knife from the knife rack. He spun around pointing it at the man.

"What do you want from me?! Why are you in my house?!" Tom yelled at him.

The man didn't say a word. He only laughed and stormed towards him again. Tom panicked and threw the knife at him, before he made a run for the front door again. He yelped when he was suddenly lifted off of his feet and slammed into the coffee table in the front hall. The glass shattered under his weight and he cried out as he felt glass dig into the skin on his back.

Tom was dazed for no more than a second before he kicked out at the man, his foot connecting with his groin. As the man doubled over, Tom grabbed a shard of glass and stabbed it into the man's foot causing him to yell in pain.

Scrambling to his feet, Tom headed for the back door only for his foot to be grabbed. He kicked out again but missed and he tripped, falling on his stomach. Before he could push himself up, the man was on top of him holding him down. Tom fought hard, kicking and screaming at him to let him go.

Tom was hit hard in the back of the head with something heavy and everything went black.

So here he was, Tom Holland being kidnapped by some deranged psycho. And no one was there to save him.

So sorry for the late upload. I hope the chapter itself makes up for that. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts😁

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