Wouldn't Change a Thing (Nick...

Oleh _JerryDevonne

12.6K 552 112

{Nick Jonas & Demi Lovato} [Remake of "What If...", written by me] [A/N: Nick play's Shane in Camp Rock in th... Lebih Banyak

1 : Curly Haired Boy
2 : Recording Studio
3 : Get Some Sleep
4 : New Feelings
5 : My Best Friend
6 : Meeting
7 : Cuddle
8 : Writing
9 : Don't Want to Ruin it
10 : Awkward
11 : Quiet
13 : Solo
14 : Get Back
15 : Jealousy
16 : Cheater
17 : Go Ahead and Slam the Door
18 : Too Late
19 : Remember December
20 : Stop the World
21 : Talk To Me
22 : Silence
23 : Sleep
24 : Falling Down

12 : Fuck You

450 25 5
Oleh _JerryDevonne


She's such a flirt
And I am the lonely heart
Give it a chance
For our love to start
But you'll never see
If you don't give me a shot
To show you what I've got,

It's too late to pretend
You know me better than I know myself
Don't take my heart and put it on a shelf
Always someone else
The next guy who will
Make your cold heart melt
I'm gonna give my love to someone else

I held your hand
It felt like a movie
I made some plans
But you were already moving on
Now, I'm stuck under a rainy cloud
But you don't seem to care

I'm tired of wasting all my time
My heart is hanging on the line
Is it me girl or someone else
Please take it off the shelf

It hurts to feel things like this for someone who's already taken.. who has her heart in someone else..

For a split second in my mind, when I left her at her house I felt something telling me I should confess everything to her..

But it soon was shut down when I remembered that she didn't want to have anything to do with me or the kiss we shared and that she was taken by that Cody guy..

I opened my book and searched through my songs.. I couldn't believe how many I have written about her..

I had to move on from her.. I felt like I was stuck and I hated this.. I want to lock my feelings and just be able to be her best friend and be with her without thinking too much..

I invited Demi to come to my house and this time asked if she could bring along Marissa and Selena.. I still havent met Marissa.. Demi was sceptical at first but she accepted

I wanted to be around other girls and just.. try to see if there was any spark with other people.. I knew I found Selena pretty and even thought about pursuing her, but I wasn't sure I would

The three girls arrived and Demi introduced me to Marissa.. she seemed like a nice girl and we hit it off pretty well..

We were all sitting at the living room talking when I looked at Demi.. she was glaring at me.. she then looked away puckering her lips

- Why don't we all go do something? I mean, what do you have here that is fun Nick? - Selena asked in the sweetest voice and a shy smile

- We can go play pool.. or ping pong

- Yes!! - Marissa excitedly exclaimed - I challenge you to a ping pong match Gomez - she laughed poiting at Selena

- Oh.. you can bet it's on! You're going down! - Selena laughed while we all stood up

- It's in that room - I pointed as they both went in

Demi didn't budge.. she was just staring at me

- What? - I ask

She scooted closer and pointed at me - You were flirting with her! - Demi whispered yelled while I stood up

- So? I'm over Miley! I can do what I want! - I whispered back - plus she seems like a nice girl

- Nicholas! You can't go after my best friend!! What the fuck?

- Why not? Why does it bother you so much?

- Because you kissed me you asshole! How am I supposed to tell her I kissed her boyfriend?! - she whispered stomping her foot

- Demi, you don't.. That is something between us! Why would she need to know? - I asked rolling my eyes and shrugging

- Because she's my best friend Nicholas!

- Can't you just support me?.. please?

Demi shook her head - You're such an asshole! - she whispered pushing my shoulder

I sighed and went after her but she entered the room already where Marissa and Selena were playing

I noticed that, after a while of talking with Selena alone while Marissa and Demi talked, Marissa started giving me weird looks..

I shrugged them off.. Judge me for wanting to find love and forget Demi! I wasn't doing anything wrong!

I wasn't lying to anyone and I certainly wasn't cheating on anyone!

Me and Selena kept talking non stop on the phone after that day.. she was a really funny sweet girl and she was slowly conquering my heart

We started going on dates and officially began a relationship in March.. but didn't tell the public.. or at least that's what I asked Selena to do

I told her that Miley would do a big storm out of all of this and also I didn't want the attention to be focused on us or it would tear us apart.. Selena agreed with me so we dated in secret

One night, I was at Selena's house, in her bedroom and we were cuddling.. we then started making out which was something we rarely did

As time went by, I started to get more comfortable pulling her on top of me.. that is until life decided to trick me once again and play the exact same prank on me that she did back when I was with Miley

- Selena! I've been..

Selena got off of me as we stared at Demi.. she wasn't saying anything.. Selena broke her gaze with Demi but I didn't.. I saw an intense wave of sadness hit her and I couldn't understand why

- Y-You.. you guys are dating? - she almost whispered

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.. I didn't know what to say

Both me and Selena agreed to not tell Demi we were seeing each other.. we knew she wouldn't react positively specially after the talk I had with Selena.. she told me that she wanted to be the one telling her friend the news because I was her best friend and she knew Demi would get mad because she hated it.. she didn't want her best friends to date specially because if they break up, she's stuck in the middle

I watched Demi turn around and slam the door shut.. looking at the Selena, she tells me she's going to talk to her

After a few minutes of just staying in silence I walked out the door to listen to them shouting at each other

I immediately put myself in the middle only to be shoved by Demi

- Fuck you Nick! - she screamed pushing me away - How could you do this! I asked you! I fucking begged you! - she shouted pulling me

- Demi, stop! You're overreacting! - Selena screamed but Demi just shook her head looking at me.. I could see the pain in her eyes as they watered

- I'm out.. Live your life together - She whispered picking up her stuff and walking away

That was the last time I saw Demi until the Disney Channel Games in April.. Selena kept me up to date on her.. she told me they were fine again and that Demi forgave her but that she was pissed as hell with me

Selena asked me multiple times why was she this mad but I always told her that it was between me and Demi and that I couldn't tell

Selena respected it but still worried about it..

But not as much as I am worried..

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