Wouldn't Change a Thing (Nick...

By _JerryDevonne

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{Nick Jonas & Demi Lovato} [Remake of "What If...", written by me] [A/N: Nick play's Shane in Camp Rock in th... More

1 : Curly Haired Boy
2 : Recording Studio
3 : Get Some Sleep
4 : New Feelings
5 : My Best Friend
6 : Meeting
7 : Cuddle
8 : Writing
9 : Don't Want to Ruin it
10 : Awkward
12 : Fuck You
13 : Solo
14 : Get Back
15 : Jealousy
16 : Cheater
17 : Go Ahead and Slam the Door
18 : Too Late
19 : Remember December
20 : Stop the World
21 : Talk To Me
22 : Silence
23 : Sleep
24 : Falling Down

11 : Quiet

422 22 7
By _JerryDevonne


As Nick and I went our separate ways that day I felt relieved that we weren't going to lose our friendship over a kiss, but at the same time I felt sad because he didn't fight for me.. which meant that he felt nothing for me..

I continued dating Cody but we wouldn't get to see each other much.. he was always so busy now, shooting for other TV shows that he rarely could even talk on the phone, but we were fine

When the Best of Both Worlds Tour ended, Nick immediately called to hang out.. he told me we had to be together next week sometime because he was missing me terribly..

I missed him too..

Me and Nick agreed to meet at his house.. Joe called Frankie out and soon enough, my sister completely forgot I existed

I walked inside and saw Nick and Maya on the floor playing a videogame.. He was now looking towards the door, probably knowing I arrived

- Hi!! - I smiled as Nick stood up

He walked towards me and picked me up as I giggled.. I missed this boy so much..

Nick then put me down but kept hugging me telling me he missed me

- So how's single life Jonas? - I chuckled making him roll his eyes

- Don't even talk about it! - he said heading back towards his spot.. I said hello to Maya who didn't even budge to greet me

I sat on the couch for a while watching them play a racing game.. Nick was losing which was a reason for me to poke fun at him

He started to get mad at me.. I swear.. he sometimes was too competitive

- I'm going to get something to drink.. do you guys.. want anything? - Maya asked standing up and looking at us

Nick sat down next to me - can you bring me some orange juice? Mom has it in the freezer - Nick asked making Maya nod and look at me

- I'm good.. thanks.. - I chuckled and she left

Me and Nick stood there.. none of us was talking.. the only thing I could hear was the little song from the game..

I didn't know what to tell him and he didn't seem like he knew either.. it was weird..

Somehow my mind wandered off again to the kiss we shared back when I went to see him.. how we agreed not to act on our feelings.. at least that's what I did

Maya soon came and they kept playing.. I was really bored..

Frankie and Maddie ran through the door towards the pool room so I said "fuck it" in my mind and went to play with them

Frankie hugged me tightly as soon as he saw me and then we ran towards his room.. this was much less awkward at least..

I never thought I would spend the day with the Bonus Jonas.. clearly Nick isn't over our kiss or he would be talking with me.. right? Does he still think it's awkward?

After hours of playing with my sister and Frankie, Nick knocked on the door

- Hey.. what are you guys doing?

I glared at him and rolled my eyes - Go play videogames

He got inside the room sighing and sat next to me

- Are you mad at me? - he asked quietly..

- Go ask Maya - I answered sharply

- She already left..

- That explains why you're here - I commented standing up

- Demi, wait.. - Nick started

I walked down the stairs and half way through, he finally tugged at my arm making me turn around

- What do you want? - I said a little louder

- Why are you so mad? I'm sorry..

I rolled my eyes and kept going downstairs towards the kitchen

- Demi.. talk to me

- Why did you tell me to come? So I could play with Frankie? Was that the intention? Or was it to watch you and Maya play stupid videogames together?

Nick leaned against the counter that was separating us and sighed - you're right.. I'm sorry

Once again, the room went silent.. I picked up a water bottle and turned to look at him to see if he was going to say anything

I chugged the entire bottle waiting for him to speak

- I should get going.. - I told him

- What? Now?

- Yes Nick.. you can't even make small talk with me! - I groaned out of frustration - Is it still because of what happened?

- What? No!! - he answered as I walked up the stairs again to call my sister.. Nick tried to explain but he was not even saying rational sentences.. I told Maddie to get her stuff

- Nick.. whatever, if our friendship is now going to be all awkward then maybe we shouldn't hang out anymore - I said biting my tongue at the end of the sentence

He opened his mouth to talk but Maddie came out making me follow her

- Can we talk? On the way to your house..

I sighed - Whatever you want Nick.. - I said Frankie came running downstairs yelling that he wanted to take Maddie home

I picked up my bag and off we went towards my house.. Nick was quiet for a while.. Maddie and Frankie were in front of us so they couldn't hear our conversation

Nick once again wasn't saying anything so I took the decision to say something

- Are you going to just walk me home and not say a word?

Nick grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him hugging me tightly

- I'm sorry.. I just.. I have a lot on my mind..

- Like what?

- Miley.. you.. Maya.. everything.. - he told me - I'm sorry I was so rude

I sighed - Are we going to always be awkward now? I don't want it to be like this Nick

- I know, I'm sorry.. It's totally my fault..

I took a deep breath and pulled him away and we kept walking to catch up with our siblings since they didn't noticed we stopped

Maddie and Frankie started running and of course, me and Nick instantly freaked out, scared they would hurt themselves so we started shouting their names

I grabbed Madison by the hand and lectured her about not running away from me

- If you do it again I will not bring you to their house again Madison! - I shouted pointing at her

We kept walking and Nick grabbed Frankie's hand too telling him to not run away from him as well

A few minutes later Nick grabbed my hand and gave me a tiny smile - I'm sorry - he mouthed

I gave him a small smile as we finally made a turn to enter my street.. we walked a little longer and then Maddie let go of my hand to walk up to our porch

Frankie soon followed her leaving me and Nick alone to talk a little

- Demi, listen.. - he started turning towards me - I am really sorry for how I treated you today.. you're my best friend and that happened completely out of impulse.. it shouldn't come between our friendship.. you are right.. it's just..

When he stopped, I felt like I couldn't breathe.. we were still holding hands and his approach sounded like he was going to declare to me.. I felt my breathing increase as he looked away trying to find his words..

Are you gonna make a move?

I wish you'd make a move..

Please don't stay quiet..

Speak to me

Nick cleared his throat and then looked down at me - Nevermind.. Goodnight Demi..

- What were you gonna say? Tell me Jonas! - I giggled lightly

We kept staring at each other until he started to lean towards me.. my heart was pounding.. unfortunately he then let go off my hand and gave me a hug - Goodnight Demi..

I cursed myself inside my brain.. I bet I was overreacting again.. I snuggled up to his chest and tightened the hug - Goodnight Jonas

With that, I entered my house and told Frankie he had to go.. I said goodbye to Nick and then closed the door..

I had so much going through my brain.. I had to write a song...

Don't stop don't stop
Telling me goodnight
Just promise you'll kiss me goodbye
What's taking so long
Don't tell me you're not goin' try
The tensions building in my mind
I want to scream and I know why

And if you haven't figured out already, that song was Quiet 😉

Everything is linked to reality and to the songs they made at that time!

Hope you are enjoying the story!!! 😂😂

Alma •

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