
By ShaylaDavies

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Bloodlust - meaning in this book = the period of when a vampire or any other supernatural being hunts. ~~~~~~... More

The Mist
Sussex Coast College
Ghost Girl
Surgery Date
Normal Couples
Vampire Virginity
Criminal In Disguise
Knock Out
Hot chocolate
Half human / pt. 1
Half human / pt.2
Half human pt. 3
Half human pt.4
Miniature Army
Black is the new Black
Grey Wonderland
Sad but Smart

Stolen Soul

146 3 0
By ShaylaDavies

Chapter 6

"So, what do I get in return for saving you and them humans?" Damien walked into his brothers bedroom.

"What is wrong with you?" Fabien looked at him in disgrace, "Taylor, my human friend, knows what we, no, what you are!" He wasn't really a vampire was he? Had he never hunted unless blackmailed by his brother.

Damien smirked at his brothers thoughts.

"She is going to get murdered!" Fabien carried on.

"And I should care because...?" Damien asked the question no one could answer, why should he care about one human out of all the others he's drank to death? The amount of times he's killed for fun was despicable too, his heart, his feelings for all humans was gone. The only human he ever cared about was his father.

"Look Damien, we have lived here for like 10 years now, we can't move one, it's hard settling in and making friends you know and It took a long time for me to even talk to people at school and now I have some friends and, and I have Madi now and I just can't do it all over again." Fabien said it as emotional as he could to make his brother feel the slightest amount of sympathy for him. Also making lots of 'and' points helped.

"I won't help you, but I'll help you start," Damien had emphasised a bit, "The only way you can stop her from being killed is if you stop her from being taken, once you're in sombre valley for death penalty- you never come out so, you're gonna need to hide her,"

"Ok so I'll find a hiding place for Taylor, but what about Madi? The spirit said she will die saving the vampires," Fabien said grimly like the sentence was going to give him a cold in its self.

"Well maybe she means on Halloween or something but too make sure, we should maybe...actually no-" Damien stopped, thinking his idea was to ludicrous to say.

"No keep going, what is it?" Fabien recoiled.

"Um, we should try and capture this ghost and then you know it could give us some more information..."

Fabien smiled at his brother, he had saved them all and now was helping him with a plan to stop them from dying. How kind.

Damien sighed. Hearing Fabien's thought made him cringe too. And he thought getting them out of the mist was his last good deed of the day. He ignored the fact that that was yesterday.


"Oh my god, so you got the same type of dream in this 'Sombre' valley too," Taylor spoke down the phone to Madi. She decided to skip college today, she just faked a cough.

"Yeah it was so, so weird and bad very bad," Madi replied, she was using a phone in the surgery, as she was now aloud to move from her bed.

"Same- kind of, I was in um, tuer county, where we you? Taylor asked contently.

" oh uh, Monarchie county- Taylor you do know 'tuer' means kill in French..." Madi said it as nice as she could towards her clueless friend. (Taylor took German).

"Oh that's bad but I wasn't going to die anyway, there was this girl called Violet or 2980- she was a servant along with hundreds of others, I was going to become one for her and go to servituer county but I woke up," she said it like it was your most normal thing ever. Even though it was only a dream it's still kind if creepy when your friend has one linked.

"So why do you think I was in Monarchie and you were in tuer?" Madi asked awkwardly, she nodded her head to the phone as Taylor was talking about becoming a servant.

"I have no clue whatsoever but let me tell you everything that happened in mine and your can tell me about yours after," Taylor demanded as she was curious to know about Madis too.


The mist had gotten denser a it was 12:00pm and so the sun was at the peak of its height in the sky but of course you couldn't see it anyway.

"Ok, we're go now as this is the weakest the border can get between normal and paranormal," Fabien told his brother, they were both dressed in bright colours, unusual for them both, and Damien was holding a rope bag.

"Let's go," Fabien walked out the mansion along with Damien.

They walked side by side along the border until Damien, being the strong vampire he was, felt a powerful aura circle him.

"There's more than one spirit trying to cross the border, I can sense them," Damien pointed out.

"Well we're looking for a 12 year old, blonde, skinny, dirty, injured girl with black eyes and fangs,"

"The last part sounds like moi," Damien mocked but complemented himself at the same time...

"Please don't hurt me"

A small voice whispered from behind the two neon brothers. They simultaneously turned around to find a girl who completely matched the description Fabien had made.

"I just want to help you, so your humans can help me" The demon child spoke louder this time.

"Honey we can't help you, you're already dead," Damien said evilly to the living dead girl.

"No, I know a way to come back," she said coldly, obviously annoyed at Damien's welcome.

"Ok whatever but can you just tell us how we an maybe save my friends- as it's your fault one of them knows about the vampires existence," Fabien said. He was getting g restless now- he didn't want to be in this position because Madi's and Taylor's lives were basically in his hands so anything he does could make him drop them. Fabien needed to be pre-cautious, always to make sure the seatbelt was strapped tightly around him just in case he crashes...

"Take me to your home and I'll able to tell you everything I know," she mentioned scornfully. Her voice was husky now like there was a needed coughing fit bound to explode.

"Ok we will," Damien was relieved. This place was so too strong and that made him weak. His powers were useless compared to the hundreds of ghost soldiers who we're passing through.


"Ah, great, books! Old perfect ones too, just what I needed and thought!" The girls dull face brightened like their clothes.

Fabien and Damien had gotten back, the rope bags unused and embarrassing clothes not needed. Damien threw the bag to the ground and took his lime shirt off to trade with a black one, Fabien just left his outfit on whilst he came into the living room in his trademark colour; black.

"Yeah, now tell me all you know," Fabien said in an annoyed voice, purely because this was dragging out and he just wanted to get this over and done with. Why did she have to come back there anyway?

"Oh alright! I'm Adela Levant and you Fabien Godwinson are going to die with your fellow Madi may aha-" She looked up from the book she was flipping wildly through. Fabien caught a glimpse of the title that was more or less suffocated in dust, it read


"You and all the other half breeds are to be executed on the 14th October 2014," she smiled, handing him the book. " now I'm going to need a living human, maybe that brunette will do," and she disappeared, hiding in the air.

Too caught up with the book Fabien ignored what Adela had said.

October 14th

The witches come forth

Degoutant mix of surnateural blood

Battle into war

Tuer county and The Lord

October 14th

Spirit to save

Fille to boil

A rivière into a wave

The Monarchie in soil

October 14th

No witch to survive

Two thousand and fourteen

The year they die


Fabien was more confused than ever, the poem was misleading, he would need to study hard on it to understand completely and utterly accurately.

Damien at this point had walked out, possibly to go hunting but not with his mum who had probably left earlier. It was nearly 2 and so, yeah, he had more or less likely gone to get his lunch...

Fabien read on;

Vampires and humans

Demons and humans

Werewolves and humans

Dragons and humans

Shapeshifters and humans

Hellhounds and humans

Angels and humans

Faeries and humans

Witches and humans

The halfbreeds to be gone

Or the Monarchie to be won

By the vampire race

It was always their case.


Fabien sat down on the couch and started to try to figure things out.


Adela appeared into the toilet of the Jennifer household. Oh the toilet of all places she thought grimly as she flew though the walls.

The house was new to her but old in this time as she realised the theme of wood and stone decorated the house. There were dusty vases on wooden tables in the hallway and paintings on the wall.

She heard a distinct noise of notes come from upstairs and so she floated up the unnecessary stairs and realised it was the music of today. Mikey Synus? Was that the name oh Adela didn't know...she was just a one thousand year old girl who didn't fit in with the modern world.

She merged back into the air and so became invisible as she drifted into the bedroom. It was again brown and stone but quite cool even so, the stone was painted white. Kate was sat on her bed listening to some music on the radio whilst tapping a very unusual device that made Adela excited. She couldn't wait to play with all of this!


Kate felt a flush of coldness sink into her body and unknowingly fainted.


Taylor and Madi had stopped telling each other about their dreams and were on another case linked to the topic.

"You should go see if Kate's had one of these dreams too," Madi said whilst twirling the lead involuntarily and randomly.

"Yeah, see if she had a green eyed, blondie hit on her right," Taylor joked.

"Oh wait I forgot to ask, what's so wrong with people with green eyes? What are they?"

"Um, I'll tell you everything when I'm up there with you on Saturday but uh, the phone isn't really the place to say..." Taylor quickly hung up and set sail for Kate's house knowing she was there because it was Wednesday and they both had a free period at 2pm. Taylor sneaked past her mum and rushed out the door, into that damned mist.

Luckily though she only dealt with a few weird, nauseating echoes of manly voices...

"Kate?" Taylor asked the small women, Kate's mum who she was very known with, standing opposite her in the doorway. She smiled, nodded and let her in. Leaving her the duty to close the door as she walked away.

"Hey! Kate! What's wrong oh my god!" Taylor slightly said and slightly screamed as she found her friend lying on her bed unconscious.

"Uh, um , oh," she suddenly woke up and shot straight up into the most vertical line so her back was completely straight.

"Go," she ordered towards Taylor like a boss.

"I want to listen to mikey cynus and play on my electric device," as if she was a little baby being born into the world, not knowing what anything is but curious to find out.

"Kate, calm down, I'm going to get your mum and some water, I don't know how long you've been here but-"

"Shut up! Go away!" She intercepted Taylor's sentence.

Taylor ran down the stairs to get Kate's mum and some water but as they burst back into the room, she was gone. Her iPhone and portable stereo gone too.

The curtains were fluttering from the little breeze of wind as the window was stranded open. Mist was starting to swarm around the room.

All Taylor knew was that girl was not Kate.

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