A Psycho Love Triangle

By roaringasylum

1.4K 95 21

I've been abused all my life but in the worst place I found someone to love me. Will he become the love of... More

The Send-Off
Survival Plan
Devil's Own Luck
Time's Up
If Your Reading This I'm not Okay
The Catastrophe Begins
Suprise, Suprise
Hurts Like Hell
Storyline Takes A Spin
It's Complicated
Is This What A Heartbreak Feels Like?
1, 2,-
I Love You...
Let Go.
She's too good for you
Drunk night...?!
Catering closet
Just-Just Stay
I Did...

What The Hell Just Happened...

27 3 1
By roaringasylum

I look up and the lights blind me.
"Where am I?" I ask hoping someone's there.
A strong voice answers me. "Are you okay?"
"Wh-o's h-ere?" I stutter.
"It's me baby girl, I'm right here." He says I feel a warm kiss upon my forehead. He leans back and its Dean.
He sits back down and holds my hand. In the corner I see Seth. He looks crushed at the sight of me. "What do I look that bad?" I question.
"No." He simply replies and leaves. He tucks his head back in the room.
"Glad your okay." He smirks and leaves once again. That was weird...
The doctor comes in and tells me that i have fainting spells when I get stressed out, it's called Postural Hypotension. He said some other crap about how he couldn't fully treat it but if I'm feeling light headed to just lay down.
Dean takes me to the hotel. Seth and Roman are waiting in the lobby.
Roman grabs ahold of me and hugs me tight.
"I'm so glad your okay."
"Roman, Y-our crushing m-me." He lets go, still holding my arms.
"I'm sorry." He says. I see Paige talking with her friends but she starting to walk this way. Before I can even think she slaps me to the floor. Seth grabs her and Dean and Roman try to keep me away from her.
"How does it feel you slut!" She screams.
My heart rate goes up and I feel everything drift off again.
I walk up to Dean right beside me and Seth and Roman on the other bed. Everyone's asleep. I get up and walk to the bathroom to go pee.
When I come back Seth is just staring at me while I walk by.
"You feeling okay?" He whispers.
"I think so. What happened?" I whisper back at him.
"Long story." He says getting up and sitting on the floor closer so we won't wake the other boys. I lay back on the bed and my stomach growls.
"I'm hungry." I huff.
"Wanna grab a bite to eat. There's this really good place right down the street."
"Yeah." I say. I write down a letter to Dean, Went to eat, don't worry I'm fine. Seth is with me.
Me and Seth go into this little cafe that stays open till one. I order a slice of chocolate cake. Seth orders a coffee and 3 pancakes.
"Dang some is pigging out" I chuckle.
"Hey that's nothing compared to what I usually eat." He laughs.
"Thank you." I say with gratitude.
"For what?" He questions.
"For finding me."
"Anyone could have i was just the lucky one." He smiles and grabs my hand. I let him hold as I feel myself getting dizzy. My heart is beating faster again, my eyes roll back in my head and Seth Screams "AJ!" And everything goes black again.
I'm sitting on the floor with Seth holding my head. Everyone's staring at me and standing around like I'm a Lion in a zoo.
"Why is everyone staring?" I whisper.
"Well your laying in the middle of the floor and your AJ Lee." He chuckles.
"Can you help me up?" I ask him. He takes me by the underarms and pulls me up. Everyone begins to fan out back to there seats.
"Thank you." I smile at him.
"Stop thanking me."
"Because I only do it cause I care."
"Well thank you...oops." I say.
He helps me into my seat and we eat silently for a few minutes. I see the clock at the top of the door.
"Oh my God. We have to go!"
"What why?" He says with a mouthful."
"I don't want Dean to think you murdered me." I chuckle.
"Well lets go." He says standing up, he seems a little sad.
"You okay?" I ask standing up and grabbing my phone off the table.
"Yeah... I'm good." He says as we walk out the cafe and down the street.
We get to the hotel and get in the elevator.
"Seth, are you sure your okay?" I ask him feeling like he's lying every time he says he's fine.
"AJ, it's just-"
Ding. The elevator doors open and Dean runs after me picking me up and hugging me.
"Thank god your okay!" He shouts. Seth walks out of the elevator.
"I left you a note." I say.
"I never saw it. God you scared me so bad.
"I'm sorry." He finally lets go of my before the door close again and we walk back to our room.
"I have to pee." I say.
"Don't take to long baby girl."
"I won't I chuckle." I walk into the bathroom and to my surprise a shirt less Seth is in there I try to leave but he closes the door.
"Seth, what are you doing?" I whisper.
"AJ I don't know what my problem is. Its just when I see you with Dean it makes me jealous. I've always liked you even before Daniel came to WWE." He whispers back.
"Se-" I'm cut off my his lips touching mine. I feel a tingle like the one I feel with Dean. I don't know what to do. I finally open my eyes and realize Seth is halfway out the door. He sneaks out of the hotel.
I caress my lips where his just were.
"What just happened?" I whisper to myself.
"Baby? Are you coming?" Dean yells.
"Umm yeah coming." I say.
What the hell just happened and how'd I get myself into it?

-----hey guys sorry this one was a little short but I jam packed it full of juicy stuff😘❤️

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