Excruciatingly Correct Behavi...

De clarady

54.4K 6.2K 2K


Don't be forward when interested
Stay properly attired at all times
Always cover your mouth when you yawn
Still wagging tongues with impeachable decorum
To avoid scandal, have a chaperone at all times
Kneel before the king
Never show your emotions
Elocution is necessary -- especially in a crowd
Better to be a mystery than an open book
One simply cannot discourse without an introduction
Heathen-like, wild behavior is improper
Duelist's challenges are acts of honor
White lies are still deceit
Lorgnettes are for use at a opera only
Be sure to always step around puddles
Never speak in an inappropriate tone
Make sure the safety is on until it isn't
"And so he said unto the world"
No utensil should ever be heaped with food
Florid speech a politician does make
Shady corners promote bad behavior
One does not wear white tie to a brunch
Interruptions bring shame to all
Much can be said with no words
Miss Mary, never Mrs.
For a basic rib knit one, purl one
The thrill is in the chase
One hand should always cover the lid of a teapot
Never give money to panhandlers
Choosers aren't beggars
Money is never up for discussion -- it's strictly personal
Obey the law -- proven or not
Be polite to locals
Bloomers are hung on a line in the shade
The silent treatment indicates social downfall
Cakes are always handed to the eldest lady first
Smile in all wedding photos
A home is never empty
Never say "Goodbye", only "'Til next time"
You should never call after nine in the evening
Mercy is the sign of a great man

"Please" and "Thank you"

1.6K 286 109
De clarady

So most people are silent readers out there. I was one for the longest time too. But that was before I started writing on Wattpad (which was in September). In the months since, I have grown even older (sigh) and hopefully wiser.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to make a Wattpad-wide plea.

Please don't be silent readers. I ask this because, as a writer, I want to know who is reading my story and if they like it.

The easiest way for any writer to know that is for you to push that little star button. It means "I approve", "Loved the ending!", "Can't wait to see what's next!", "Man, your writing was so on form that chapter that if it was a tennis player, it just kicked Federer's ass to next Tuesday." (and no one got that reference did they?), and so much more.

It's just like in pre-school -- remember when you did something well and that glitter-glued project came back to your grubby little hands with a huge star sticker affixed in the corner. Wasn't that just the best feeling ever? Well, that's how I feel when someone votes for one of my stories (It's sad that a little star gets me that excited but it's true. It's even more exciting when someone leaves a comment because it takes so much more work on their part. Literally getting shivers just thinking about it). 

It honestly brightens up my day. It makes me want to go out through the internet and hug you. Because you have taken the time to show me that you like what I'm doing. That all the time and effort I put in in making sure that my work is the best it can be was not lost.

And that's pretty huge in my books.

Because if you take pride in your work, it's nice to know that someone appreciates it.

Or, if you're thinking in purely selfish reasons, when you like someone's work it may convince that person may check out your stories. Wadpadders are a very reciprocal bunch.

So the next time you read something you really like, hit that star and let the writer know that you enjoyed their work. Do a good deed, brighten up someone's day. It only takes a star.

I'll try to limit the cheese on my other posts. Sorry folks.

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