My classmate's a vampire

By darkloving_

284K 12.2K 1.2K

He's different. Really different. She liked him but once she finds out his dirty secret she's not so sure. Sh... More

The Hot New Guy
Lunch and Matt
The Jump
What just happened
answers and more.....
Why me
I like you......
Beach time
Wow what a day
Vampire crap
My happiness
That kiss
Dinner Party
Dads other home
Home again
The truth
breakup part 2
Forgive ?
100k ?!?

My Heart

6.7K 310 28
By darkloving_

Darrens P.O.V:

I was in love with Anna. She was my everything, My heart, My best friend, My queen. I hated how she was all over Asher. I was her mate and I told her that but I feel that she likes Asher more.

Yeah I hated every guy she talked to but I'm scared I will lose her. She's the only person I have in my life that I wouldn't mind being In my life. I just want her to understand that.

When Sam came into the picture I got even more mad. She had so many boyfriends growing up, Sam being one of them and he broke her heart. So I wanted revenge on him.

I came up with the plan for us to date. I think she didn't like that because I scared her. I wanted her to see that I loved her. I was sitting there when she walked off with Asher to dance.

It hurt like hell to have her grinding on that guy, especially since I feel somethings off with him. I was pissed but I also noticed I was hungry. So I tried to calm down before I did something I would regret.

I sat in a chair against the wall and waited for Anna to be done but Anna didn't come. Instead a black haired girl, with a little too much make up, nice body and pale skin came up to me. She was hot but had nothing on Anna.

She sat next to me. "I hope this seat isn't taken." I raised my eyebrow.

"No its not" I could feel what she wanted to do. She wanted to have sex with me. I can't.

I looked at the crowd and tried to spot Anna. I didn't see her. Damn.

The black haired girl hands came in contact with my face and she smashed her lips into mine. I was shocked. I should have saw that coming but I was to busy thinking about Anna.

I didn't know what to do so I kissed her back. I knew Anna wouldn't see, she was probably with Asher. It wouldn't matter in the end since she didn't know the killer
she was kissing.

I smelled the black haired girls blood. It smelled great. I pulled away from the kiss.

"You want to come my house" the girls eyes lit up. I smirked .

"lets go" We both got up and left the house. Time for some bloody murder.

Anna's P.O.V:

Izzy, Asher and I cleaned up after the party was over since Darren left with the black haired girl. Asher wanted to help but I told him its ok ,but he didn't take no for an answer and helped us.

We were all talking and laughing and having fun. The kitchen was a mess so I decided to clean that. Asher vacuumed the floor and Izzy picked up trash.

The doorbell rung and I told Asher to go get it. I knew it was probably someone who left something.

"Aye it's just Darren" Asher yelled but I just rolled my eyes. Izzy yelled hi to him, I didn't say anything.

"What do I need to do" Darren asked walking up to me. I ignored him and walked right past him.

"Asher what does Darren need to do?" Asher looked around and finally said something.

"You can help Izzy pick up the trash so I can vacuum. " Darren nodded and started picking up trash.

My phone started to ring. I picked it up looking at the screen which had an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Hello" I said.

"Just wanted to say the party was cool" The unknown person said.

"Wait who are you?" everyone in the room was looking at me.

"The asshole in your life" The now known person on the phone said.

I laughed "How did you get my number you stalker" I laughed some more.

I think everyone was worried now because they all had their eyes popped out of their heads.

"Uh Isabel gave it to me" I glared at Izzy. I took the phone away from my ear.

"Izzy were you drunk last night?" She started to blush but soon nodded.

"IZZY YOU GAVE SAMUEL MY NUMBER!" I yelled to her and shock covered her face.

"Hi I'm back" I said in an angry tone.

"Ha ok that's nice well bye talk to you later" then he hung up.

I put my phone down and looked at Izzy. "No more drinking for you."

She put on a shy smile. "Ok sorry". I laughed at her then went back into the kitchen.

I was followed in there by Asher. I looked at his ocean blue eyes, I could stare at them for hours.

"You ok, you seem off" I sighed and continued to clean the kitchen But Asher pulled my arm so that I could look at him.

"Come here" he pulled me into a hug and I gladly took it. He kissed my cheek. "You can tell me anything."

"I-I need time." I pulled away from his hug and ran upstairs. I made sure my door was locked.

I texted Sam.

To Samuel:

Hey meet me at sonic.....

From Samuel:

ok be there in 10.

I put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I opened the window to feel a nice cool breeze hit my face. I climbed out and slid down the roof. I fell flat onto the grass next to my house.

I was on my way to see the person I once loved......Sam.

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