Shawn Mendes Imagines

By Brits_girl_101

9K 73 17

Just some sweet imagines of a sweet guy More

Beach Meeting
First Date
Meeting His Family
Final Concert
Author's Note
Award Show
Going Public
Harry saves the day?
First Movie
Shaw Mendez
My Hero
Stressful Days
Sick Shawn
Lonely Birthday?
Car Crash Pt.1
Car Crash Pt.2
Drunk (Imagine for Rin❤)

Meeting my Parents

214 2 0
By Brits_girl_101

Today Shawn was going to meet my parents.Shawn and I have been dating for 3months but no one knows about us and suspecys anything.My parents were hosting a dinner for Shawn and I since my mom said and I quote,"good way to get to know each other." Although I knew my dad wouldnt want to be very interactive tonight.I was 18years old and Shawn was 22years old and for some strange reason my dad dislike that although he knew him and my mom had an even bigger age gap.I guess dads will be dads.Shawn was picking me up at 5:30 so we could drive to my parents house together.I was currently in the process of getting ready.I wore a black skinny jeans with a grey sweater and I paired it off with my peep toe ankle boots.I threw my hai back in a ponytail and decided to do light makeup.By the time I was finished I heard Shawn's jeep in my driveway.I quickly walked downstairs and locked up before seeing Shawn standing against the passenger door.Thank good my place was a gated driveway or else there would be cameras flashing everywhere.I made sure I made sure my glasses wasnt falling off my nose since I didnt want to wear contacts tonight."Hey hun.You look amazing as always." Shawn said giving me a bouquet of flowers and taking me in his arms and giving me a gentle kiss."Thanks and you dont look bad yourself." I complimented.Shawn wore a grey t shirt exposing his tattoes and some skinny jeans with his hair looking good and effortless as usual.I stayed in Shawn's embrace for quite a while.I always felt safe in thise big strong arns and well his perfume was to die for.I soon let go and went inside to put the flowers."After you my lady," Shawn said as he opened the car door for me and then getting in."What the hell is all of this Shawn?" I asked looking at the back seat where two huge bags were.Shawn looked embarassed."I bought 2bootle of wine,chocolate coated strawberries and a 2layer chocolate fudge cake and flowers."
"Babe you didnt need to buy all that."
"I know its just they would not like me unless I put my A game on."
"Hey my mom will love you but not so sure about my dad but hey be yourself."
"Yeah.Just promise me Iw ont ever lose you." Shawn said kissing my hand."Promise." I smiled back.
"Go in the big grey bag there is something I think you had like."
I went in to see a box of mini powdered donuts which were my favourite."Ahhh Shawn I love you!" Shawn began to laugh as I opened it and popped one or two in my mouth.We soon arrived at my parents place and I took one bag while Shawn took the next.I held his hand as we walked to the door."Relax babe its all going to be alright.My dad wont love you at first meeting but he will grow to like you and then they both will love you.Promise." Shawn smiled and took a deep breath as I rung the door bell.It was opened by my lovely short mother.I took height after my dad.He was 6ft I was 5"11 anf Shawn was 6"2 so I couldnt help but laugh at my poor mother who was 5"5."Sweety come here." My mom say pulling me in fo a hug."Hey mom."
"Mom we saw each other yesterday.Whats all the love about?" I asked making everyone laugh."Mom there is someone I had like you to meet.Mom this is my boyfriend Shawn.Shawn this is my mom Y/M/N." My mom gleamed of excitement.Shawn stretched out his hand,"Its a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Y/L/N.I am Shawn." My mom pulled Shawn in for a hug instead."The pleasure is all mines Shawn and please call me Y/M/N.Now come on in." Shawn and I quickly entered the house.This wasnt my childhood home.I never lived in the U.S. before until a few years ago."Um mom Shawn brought all of this for you guys." I said raising the bag."Shawn thank you thats very sweet of you.Just rest it over here and I will take care of it." Shawn and I rest the bags down and Shawn followed me to the livingroom."Hey dad," I said sitting on the couch and hugging him."Hey hun."
"Dad I would like you to meet my boyfriend Shawn Mendes.Shawn this is my dad Y/D/N." My dad stood up from the couch and came face to face with Shawn."It is a pleasure to meet you Mr.Y/L/N.I am Shawn." Shawn said putting his hand out.There was silence for a few seconds which felt like eternity until my dad decided to talk."Nice to meet you Shawn.Call me Y/D/N." Well tgat was a good start.I think.I heard my mom calling my name."Excuse me guys and dad be nice." I said before going into the kitchen."I love him.He is tall and cute and you two make a great couple.When is the wedding?" My mom asked making me laugh."Well I am glad you like him hopefully dad does too." I said placing food on a plate."I love him and your dad will come around with time." My mom and I placed all the food out on the table."I will go call them." I said.I walked to the livingroom to see Shawn and my dad laughing."Y/N did you know Shawn here is a fan of hockey and football.We should hang out when there is another game." I couldnt help but smile at the scene of my dad bragging about Shawn and Shawn's smile."Well I am glad you two are getting along.Dinner is ready." My dad wasnt a hard guy.He wouldnt judge people right off the bat.He would make friends in a line for crying out loud so I wasnt surprised that  he liked Shawn.I was surprised at how fast he liked him.We all sat at a table.Me and Shawn next to each other and my parents next to each other opposite us.The food was quickly shared and well it was "interactive time."According to my mother."So Shawn sweety Y/N says you have been working on a new album.How is it coming along?" My mom asked sweetly.
"It is actually doing quite well.Your daughter inspires me a lot.She even helps with the lyrics.She is really talented." Shawn stated making me smile."So Shawn if you go on tour what is going to happen to my daughter?" Holy crap.My dad just had to ask that."Actually guys.There is something I have been meaning to tell all of you.I recently auditioned for a movie and well....I got the part so I would be busy filming!" I stated proudly.
"What!Congratulations hunny!" My dad said with a big smile."You did it." My mom cheered.
"Thats incredible.I am so proud of you." Shawn smiled at me.Thw night went on with questions about Shawn and his career and one or two about mine."Thank for having me over Y/M/N and Y/D/N.It was a pleasure to meet you guys." Shawn said as he hugged my mom and shaked my dad's hand.I went to grab my purse when I saw my dad holding Shawn's shoulder and talking very seriously.I said goodbye to my mom and then to my dad after his talk with Shawn.We got into the car and headed home around 10:30."So my parents seem to like you."
"Yeah your mom is very nice."
"And my dad?"
"He is a really good guy who wants the best for you."
"Please tell me he didnt threaten you and give you a whole lecture abou me and how much he cares."
"I had be lying if I said he didnt." I laughed.Shawn reached my house and gave me a quick kiss before dropping me to my door and leaving.Later that night I saw him tweet,'They love me.' Everyone was confused except for me who couldnt stop laughing.I got a text from Aaliyah and a video of Shawn screaming,"THEY LIKE ME!" Making us laugh.

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