Everything Cliché (Lesbian St...

By darksideofme17

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Two strangers meet by chance and all the cliche in the world happens to them but then again, what's a good st... More

Chapter 1: A Romeo & Juliet-esque cliche
Chapter 2: We Meet Again Cliche
Chapter 3: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Pt 1
Chapter 4: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Part 2
Chapter 5: Let's Pretend to be Girlfriends Cliche
Chapter 6: Let's Pretend to be Girlfriends Part 2
Chapter 7: Meet the Family
Chapter 8: The 'I'm In Love with my Best Friend' Cliche
Chapter 9: I'm Stuck In This One-Sided Love Cliche
Chapter 10: I'm in Denial Cliche
Chapter 11: Just A One Time Thing Cliche
Chapter 12: One Night Stand Cliche
Chapter 13: We Need Time Apart to Sort Our Feelings Cliche
Chapter 14: Things Are Complicated Now
Chapter 15: I'm Sorry It Took Long For Me To Realize
Chapter 16: Our Families Hate Each Other
Chapter 18: We Might Be Romeo and Juliet but We're Not Ending in Tragedy
Chapter 19: Us Against the World Cliche
Chapter 20: Hold My Hand, Never Let Me Go
Chapter 21: Be Here With Me
Chapter 22: Silence Is Deafening
Chapter 23: If This Was A Movie
Chapter 24: Unravelling The Web Of Lies
Chapter 25: Betray the Ones You Love
Chapter 26: Kiss Me Goodbye
Chapter 27: Fight For Love
Chapter 28: Reconciliation
Chapter 29: Whatever Happens, We Face It Together
Chapter 30: Our Road to Happy Ever After

Chapter 17: A Family Feud

3.1K 169 8
By darksideofme17

"Amelia please come into my office. Now." Her mom's voice chillingly flows the hallway and all Amelia can do is to do what she's been told to. She walks to her mom's office with the coffee cup and paper bag still in hand, closing the door behind her and sitting in the chair situated in front of her mom's glass table. "Do you know who you're dating exactly Isabelle?" Her mom asks and she can't help but scoff. "I thought you broke up with that girl?"

"Mom you've met Maxie before." She answers her defensive nature coming to the surface. "We got back together last night."

"I've met Maxie the bartender but I'm far more curious about who she truly is." Her mom produces a folder and drops it in front of her. She frowns looking at it then at her mom. "I got her investigated. There's something about her that just doesn't sit well with me."

"Mom!" She exclaims, not entirely happy her girlfriend's privacy was compromised. "Why would do that?" She shakes her head but her eyes glance at the folder still in front of her.

"Just open the folder. She's not who you think she is." Her mom says dismissively and Amelia snatches the folder off the table, wanting to get this over with. What she sees inside makes her freeze. She looks up to her mother's knowing gaze before getting out of the office.

Maxie is in fact undeniably happy as she walks into the bar. Don't get her wrong, she's not a grumpy person per se, just not a bubbly, ray of sunshine like she is today. It's getting her knowing looks from her friends/co-workers in the bar as she takes her place behind the counter.

"I'm guessing someone had a good night last night." Lori immediately voices out as she starts cleaning the glasses.

"Best night." Maxie answers, smiling at the memory.

"Did you score?" Lori teases good-naturedly.

"No. Get your mind out of the gutter." She retorts and sees Lori backing off.

"I mean I would have thought you two had sex last night. I mean you already did have sex before." Lori innocently says getting an eyeroll from her.

"That doesn't mean we're gonna have sex right after the first date." She hisses and hears the bells' chime to see her mom walking towards the bar station.

"Oh my. Despite your age I still don't feel comfortable hearing about you engaging in intercourse." Her mom states as the woman takes a seat on the bar stool.

"Hi mom." She greets giving her mom a kiss on the cheek. "What brings you here? Last time I checked I don't have a party of yours to attend to."

"Can't a mother visit her only child for no reason whatsoever?" Her mom responds ordering a cup of coffee from Lori who's more than happy to provide.

"No but it's unusual for you to come here. You're quite a busy woman." She tells her giving her mom her full attention. Lori brings her mother's coffee and she watches as the woman takes a few sips before meeting her eyes. All her life Maxie has looked up to both her parents for guidance and they have never once let her down. Despite their busy schedules they still find time to attend all of her school activities and graduation. Maxie is nothing but grateful for her parents' support for her and even until now. "Where's dad?"

"He's in a meeting with some potential partners from Brussels." Her mom answers looking around the bar. "Quite an achievement you made here. Your dad and I are very proud of you." It's not rare for her mom to praise her but that doesn't mean every praise is less special. Her mom looks back at her with that proud smile she reserves for her. "We never doubted you. We knew you have it in you."

"Thanks mom." She mutters genuinely. "I have something to tell you." At that her mom tilts her head to the side and nods for her to continue. "I'm dating Amelia." Her mom's eyebrows shoots up in surprise. "It's real this time." She confesses and for a full minute her mom stays silent, sipping her coffee as.

"Have you told her who you truly are?" Her mom asks.

"Is that really important?" She mumbles getting a perfectly raised eyebrow from the woman across from her. "No. I haven't." The only reply she has is a hum.

"You know her mother was a journalist before she became an events manager." The older woman states looking at her in a thoughtful way. "I heard she already had you investigated. Amelia will know sooner rather than later." Her mom informs her and she's not at all surprised the woman knows this. The connections her family has is quite useful at times.

"That's why I didn't tell her. I'm sure if she knew, her parents would tell her to stay away from me. Not get involved with our family." Maxie voices out, sees the worry in her mom's features. "Why aren't you stopping me?"

"I've never stopped you before why would I do so now?" Her mom challenges. "Whatever ancient feud we have with Amelia's family shouldn't affect you or her." The older woman finishes her coffee. "I'm not entirely happy you're dating a Porter but I've seen the way she looks at you and vice versa." She stands up. "I would never wish to stand in the way of your happiness. She makes you happy and you love her. That's all I need to be assured that you know what you're doing." Her mom gives her a smile and she smiles back. "But you better tell her soon. A secret does not make a strong relationship." With that her mom kisses her cheeks and goes out of the bar. Maxie thinks about it and knows she has to come clean. She's taken out of her thoughts when she hears her phone chime.

We need to talk is the simple message from Amelia and she can't stop but start to wonder if the girl had already found out. She quickly replies knowing she would have to face the music soon.

"What's wrong?" She hears Lori asks coming up behind her. "Well you can't keep it forever." Her friend says and she can't help but scoff at it. "Have you thought of what you'll say to her? Why you kept it all this time?"

"I don't know." She sighs dropping the conversation. Maxie is only thinking of one thing; she hopes she hasn't screwed this up.

The folder stays open in front of Amelia as she tries to understand what the folder contains. She can see the the raven haired girl's picture at the top right corner and can't help looking at the last name: Carson-Jensen. She knows she has to talk to her girlfriend about this and straight up get answers from her. She notices her mom entering her office and she internally groaned knowing her mom is not yet finished with her.

"She's using you." Her mom tells her. Amelia keeps her face neutral. "This is probably the reason why she's gotten close to you. She wants to gain information about our family." Her mom concludes coldly, glaring at the picture of the girl. "I want you to stop associating yourself with her. I forbid you to keep seeing this girl." With that her mom stands up and all Amelia can do is stay quiet. "I want you to wake up from this delusion Isabelle." Her mom walks out of her office leaving Amelia alone with her thoughts. She gets her phone and send a text to her girlfriend. After reading the girl's reply she takes the folder again and re-read the contents.

By 5pm, she quickly leaves the office and made sure she wouldn't run into her mom. Amelia's heart is pounding against her chest as she drives to the place she and Maxie had agreed to meet. She doesn't know what to say or how this would affect their relationship but they have to start being honest with one another. Amelia arrives too soon for her liking but she walks into the place, eyes scanning until she finds Maxie. She makes her way with hands tightening around the folder and heart about to beat out of her chest. When she does stand in front of the table she locks eyes with worried amber eyes and a smile that didn't reach said eyes. She watches the other girl stand but doesn't move to hug her like she usually does.

"Hi." Maxie greets her and she says it back before they both sit across one another. "How was your day?" She can't help but smile at that, Maxie has never failed to ask her about how her day went.

"It was okay." She answers. "Busy but not too much." She smiles, hands twitching over the folder she's still holding. She sees Maxie's eyes move to the folder before a frown takes over her face. "Mom gave me this. I want to get answers straight from you."

"Amelia." Maxie starts but Amelia shakes her head no and gives the other girl the folder. She looks on as the raven haired girl opens it and eyes scanning the written words in it.

"Why didn't you tell me who you really are right from the beginning?" Amelia asks the question that has been running through her mind ever since she opened that folder. She waits for her answer with bated breath.

"I'm sorry." Is Maxie's answer as the girl closes the folder. "I wanted to tell you but given our family's history, I was afraid you wouldn't give me the time of day." The other girl adds sadly. "I'd understand if you want to end this. I'm sure your mom already told you to stay away from me." Amelia doesn't know what to say or what to think.

"Maxie." She calls out to meet somber eyes. "I don't know. You lied to me about who you are while you already know who I am."

"I know. But I didn't lie to you about me being a bartender." Maxie tells her.

"No but you failed to to mention you actually owned the bar since the age of 21." She says and the hurt in those amber eyes made her want to take back those words. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I lied to you about who I am. But I have no excuse why I did it." She hears the sincerity in Maxie's words.

"Mom said you just want to gain information about my family and that's the reason why you've gotten close to me." She tells her and immediately gets a head shake and a quiet chuckle.

"I got close to you because I like you." The smile she gets is a shy one. Something she's never seen before.

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