Insomnia (A Five Night's at F...

Od nightmare597

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*COMPLETED, UNDER GRAMMATICAL EDITING* Living in the real world as an adult had its challenges. You knew that... Více

Chapter 1 Inauguration
Chapter 2 First Night Terrors
Chapter 3 One More Error
Chapter 4 Golden Boy
Chapter 5 Pieces Of A Bigger Puzzle
Chapter 6 Bitter As Coffee, Sweet As Cake
Chapter 7 A World Within The Mind
Chapter 9 Light and Darkness
Chapter 10 The Purple Piece
Chapter 11 Looming Shadow
Chapter 12 Break My Mind
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Freddy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Bonnie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Goldie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Foxy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Chica)
Chapter 14 The Demon's Trap
Chapter 15 Missing
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Freddy)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Bonnie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Goldie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Foxy)
Chaptet 16 Just A Whisper Away (Chica)
Chapter 17 Final Breath Of Life (Freddy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Bonnie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Goldie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Foxy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Chica)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait For You (Freddy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for you (Bonnie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Goldie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Foxy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Chica)
Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)
The Sequel is Here
Thank you, Thank You All (Behind the Author)

Chapter 8 Rembering Our Past

5.6K 114 140
Od nightmare597

Key: (F/W/D) Favorite Warm Drink/like coffee, tea etc./
(F/E/C) Friend's Eye Color

The world felt quite, and yet so loud. As the sun set thunder rumbled across the sky signaling that a storm was in its way. It's cold, and as the night finally crept closer you were awake sitting on your couch knowing you'd have to work soon.

A sigh escaped your lips causing you to fall farther back into the couch clutching the mug tightly in your hand. So much was on your mind, so much to think about and yet...almost as if there's not enough time for it. Your eyes fluttered down to stare at the warm liquid in your mug.

It rippled with each movement you made and you found no contentment within your (F/W/D) like you normally would feel. So much has happened and yet it feels as though nothing has happened at all. You can't tell anyone, not even (B/F/N). You can't tell (him/her) about freddy, foxy, chica, bonnie, or goldie. Though the more you think of your friends one in particular makes your face heat up only slightly.

Shaking your head you dismissed the thought slowly lifting your gaze to see lightening flash just outside your windows. It wasn't long until the soft pitter of rain followed after its light, and then soon after a crackle of thunder letting you know the hit was a little way away.

"(Y/N)?" (F/N)'s voice startled you, making you jump and turn to look behind you in the process with an anxious heart.

It's only (F/N).

You tried to soothe your nervous thoughts. But it was hard not to be anxious after how this week has gone so far.

"Uh, hey, I thought you'd be asleep." You smiled a touch nervously, unable to keep your anxiety well hidden as you turned your body a bit to face (him/her/them). (F/N) eyed you a bit as if (he/she/they) were suspicious of you.

"What are you doing up still? I thought you were asleep." (F/N) raised an eyebrow at you as you glanced away.

"Yeah well, it's already pretty late and you know i gotta work night shifts so...I figured if just stay up you know?" You laughed a little.

"I've been wanting to talk to you about your new job." (F/N) sighed slowly walking over to sit beside you on the couch. You held your breath scooting to the side so that (he/she/they) could sit beside you.

You clutched you're mug a bit tighter in your hands feeling the blanket partially falling off your shoulders as you moved to the side. Hesitant (E/C) eyes met concerned (F/E/C) eyes.

"I'm worried about you," (F/N) spoke leaning forward slightly, "ever since you started this job you always come back looking so on edge. Is everything okay? You know you can always talk to me about anything that's bothering you right?"

(F/N) looked at you so worriedly and all you found you could do was sit there with a distant gaze now. You can't tell (him/her/them) the truth. You can't say what's on your mind or what's been happening. It's torture. Pure agony. Not being able to say a thing.

"Oh, nah! Nothings bothering me, it's just a lot of late work and I guess I'm more tired from it than I thought i would be." It was an excuse and you full heartedly knew it. You didn't want to lie to a friend but, in this case you knew you had to. None of them wanted you to reveal their secret. And you're afraid if you did, they'd never be free when that's all they want. To move on.

"Is that it?" (F/N) pressed on the subject more eyeing you more as if (he/she/they) knew you weren't telling the truth. You held your breath as you scrambled for an answer.

"Yeah, no big deal! Besides I'm a night owl anyway so it's no trouble." You waved your free hand as a way to dismiss the topic then took a sip of your (F/W/D).

It was quite for a moment. All (F/N) could seemingly do was gaze at you. You hoped you sounded convincing. Then at last (F/N) sighed almost defeated.

"Well, I think working from 12 to 6 is taking a toll on you. I just-" (F/N) hesitated in what (he/she/they) wanted to finish that sentence with.

"I worry about you (Y/N), and when ever you come home from working you always seem so on edge." (F/N) slouched (his/her/their) shoulders.

"You don't have to worry about me you know, I can take care of myself! Besides when we decided to move out together and go half on the rent I told you I'd be taking care of you." You tried to lighten the mood, smiling at (F/N) as (he/she/they) slowly brought their gaze up to meet yours seeming almost sad.

"We promised to take care of each other you dork." (F/N) gently nudged your shoulder with (his/her/their) shoulder with a slight smile. You let out a faint laugh at the action.

"Yeah yeah, but out of the two of us I always take care of you!" You joked a bit laughing along side (F/N) who seemed to be feeling a bit better. The laughter died down and the sound of the heavy rain seemed to grow louder as the two of you sat in silence before (F/N) sucked in a breath.

"I'm only worried about you (Y/N). You're like one of my best friends. I just don't want you to over work yourself okay? And don't do anything dangerous or life threatening." (F/N) seemed so serious as (he/she/they) spoke and all you could do was force a smile.

"I won't, I'll be fine you don't need to worry." You felt like that was a lie. A horrible lie but you had to say it. You had gotten yourself tangled in a web of helping your old friends that you couldn't say no now. Though it's not as if they all would force you to stay. But you wanted to help.

(F/N) seemed to be satisfied enough with your words and pushed (him/her/them)self up off the couch gazing down at you with a light hearted grin.

"Okay well I'm gonna head to bed now, just remember you can always talk to me okay?" (F/N) looked down at you with worry still in (his/her/their) gaze. You felt horrible for lying for being unable to tell the truth. But you knew that it had to be like this. That this was the only way to uncovering the real truth and saving your friends.

"Okay, thanks for the pep talk (F/N). Get some good sleep!" You called after (F/N) as (he/she/they) left the living room to go to their room. You could hear the faint laughter and let out a soft breath gazing down at your (F/W/D) feeling that it was cold now.

May as well get ready for work.

You sighed heavily at the thought, but stood up nevertheless. Making a pit stop to the kitchen to dump the cold contents of your former drink down the drain, you then went to go get dressed in your uniform. Time to go back for another night.

What am I doing?

You frowned deeply at yourself as you drove your car, listening to the faint noises of the outside world from inside. Your tires splashed some puddles as you sped on by and the only real comforting noise was the sound of your AC.

The conversation with (F/N) still was replaying inside your head. Over and over again. Maybe you said the right things to keep (him/her/them) from worrying but you still felt terrible for lying.

It's what they would of wanted me to do.

You sighed deeply feeling your car coming to a pause as the lights over head became red. Did you do everything right? Is this all going to be worth it in the end? What will the gang think of your decision? You felt your grip tighten on the steering wheel at the thought.

The lights turned green and off you went again speeding down the road only to turn into the empty parking lot of the pizzeria. Normally it doesn't feel so empty, at least not since you've met everyone all over again. But tonight it feels that way.

Your car came to a stop and then with a turn of your keys shut off leaving no gentle air from the AC to blow at your face. Leaning back you let out a heavy breath taking your keys with you as you gazed up at the still illuminated sign over the entrance of the pizzeria.

You didn't want to be in a mood, you know what you're doing is ultimately the right thing helping your friends. But...

Shaking your head in a lame attempt to snap yourself out of it you sat a little straighter reaching for your bag in the passenger seat. You don't need to dwell on it, after all you've got some friends in there who are waiting for you. Slinging one of the straps over your shoulder you got out of the car feeling the cool drops of rain hitting your skin.

It was almost refreshing. Almost. Shutting the door and being sure to lock it you began to walk towards the sidewalk feeling your uniform starting to slightly sag from the rain as it speckled across the fabric.

Your keys jingled in your hand as you stopped to find the right one to open up the glass doors for work. Everything's going to be fine. You pierced your lips thoughtfully as you turned the lock after finding the right key and sticking it in the keyhole.

Will everything actually be fine? You can't help but wonder. You shuddered to the feeling of the cold crisp air inside the pizzeria flooding out of the now open glass door to meet you. The added coolness of the rain didn't help your either. Taking a brave deep breath you walked inside making sure the doors locked behind you.

It's quite. You thought maybe they'd already be out and about. You are a little late. (By a little more like 3 minutes.) you guessed you'd just make it to the office and then go from there. You haven't known them very long, but why were you so eager to help them? Maybe it was because they all so quickly confided in you. Maybe it was because there really is something familiar about them. You didn't know but you guessed it didn't matter. You still were going to help.

Clutching the strap to your bag you marched forward passing by the main show stage to round to your office lost in a world of thought. So much was on your mind thinking about just anything and everything that came across it.

Why are you so eager to help? Why did you even take this job? Why did you lie? Well you wanted to help. You only took this job to help (F/N) with the rent on your shared apartment. And, you knew the real reason why you lied but it still bothers you.

"(Y/N) wait." The sudden voice stopped you in your tracks, at first you were afraid your heart beating so fast inside your chest you thought it may run out and leave you standing here. You shook with fear until you remember just what happened last night.

Right. It's just freddy.

You let out the breath that had caught itself in your throat as you turned around expecting to see the familiar bear animatronic, only freddy was in his human state. (You forgot he could do that, but how could you so easily forget?)

Freddy was midway extending his hand to reach for your shoulder, but retreated it back as you turned to face him looking at you with piercing blue eyes.

"You don't have to return to the office, you're free to roam around to your hearts content." Freddy offered you a kind smile looking almost apologetic as if he knew he spooked you. (He did have that effect on people after all, they never hear him approach.)

You couldn't help but stare at him dumbfounded at first. But you found no reason to really think too much about it you guessed you should of known you could wander now that you knew their secret.

"Oh um-" you stumbled a bit with your words feeling a bit sheepish for your autopilot. You looked away feeling the slightest blush cross over your face.

Freddy moved from in front of you to gently take a seat out from one of the party tables offering you to take a seat with a dazzling smile in the process. Quite the gentlemen.

"Please take a seat." Freddy spoke again motioning for you to sit down and you couldn't help but comply with his wishes. Instantly taking a seat and gazing at him curiously as you laid your bag upon the table watching as Freddy rounded to face you once more.

"What's this about?" You couldn't help the nervous smile as you gazed at freddy who seemed to readjust his bow tie trying to clear his throat.

"I was just about to explain." Freddy seemed a little nervous now, there was something about the way he was fixing his clothes that gave him away.

"Okay?" You couldn't help but shift slightly in the chair, glancing around to see where the others all had gone off to. Chica and bonnie weren't on the stage and you half expected foxy to be humming somewhere. You really wondered what was going on. Freddy now sat across from you pulling his chair out before he had taken a seat now facing you with his hands clasped together on the table. He looks so serious.

"The gang and I have decided tonight we would try to jog your memory." Freddy cleared his throat again trying to speak carefully. His blue eyes looked so hesitantly at you and all you could you could do was stare. You wanted to ask what he meant and almost did.

"Let him finish." Goldie's voice filled your mind making you turn to try and find the source of his voice meeting his piercing white pupils from the darkness just to the side of the show stage. You slowly turned away from goldie to gaze at freddy now letting him continue with out interruptions.

Freddy seemed flustered at your stair for a moment clearing his throat yet again now taking his finger and almost trying to loosen his bow tie from where it resided comfortably against his neck. He should calm down, but freddy couldn't help but suddenly get flustered by your stare.

You thought he was acting strange, but you couldn't quite place it however goldie knew what was wrong and immediately scowled from the shadows.

"Since you cant remember much of your past, the gang and I decided to ice breaker of sorts, it's kind of like a get to know us again party." Freddy seemed to get increasingly more flustered as he spoke seeming as if he was second guessing this idea now that he was saying it aloud.

A get to know us again party?

You echoed the idea inside your mind curiously before smiling more relaxed. Everyone wanted to throw you a party to try and break the ice? You couldn't help but find it sweet. They wanted to know you again...and you wanted to know them again. But as you were thinking freddy was still talking in the frail attempt to justify the party.

"Chica thought it would be a good idea to make pizza and since we all already know how to throw a party everyone was on board. Of course I couldn't let chica cook by herself.." Freddy was rambling and he was fully aware of it as the words left his lips unable to be stopped. That was until you seemed to smile a bit more.

"But of course I can understand if you're a bit skeptical or don't want to participate at all." Freddy blushed as he spoke unable to keep eye contact with you as your smiled widened.

"No! I mean, I want to participate! You guys went through all this trouble for me and I think it's really sweet of you all, you know?" You didn't mean to shout but you didn't want the party to be ruined because of you. You shrugged at the end of your words brushing your hair behind your ear as freddy glanced back at you.

Freddy was at a loss for words, his heart was racing and barely paying much attention to anything else that was happening besides you, and goldie knew it.

"Really?" Freddy found he couldn't say anything more than that as he gazed at you softly. You didn't realize just how freddy was staring at you, just lost in the sweetness of your friends as you nodded eagerly barely hearing goldie walking over to the two of you.

"Yeah, really." you hummed a bit only to look behind you as goldie stood there with narrowed eyes.

"Pizza's ready." Goldie sneered towards freddy with crossed arms leaving you to gaze curiously at him. Feeling your gaze goldie looked down loosening his dark look only slightly for you. What was going on with him? He's always been a bit weird but this was out of the ordinary. At least in the time you've known him now.

"Oh um, thanks for letting us know." You didn't want to peace to be ruined so you decided just to ignore it smiling up at goldie who glanced away with a deep frown against his lips as he tightened his crossed arms.

"You're welcome." Goldie leaned back to lean against the table behind him letting you now turn your attention to freddy who was looking at his brother quizzically. With the lingering thought of asking goldie what's wrong later freddy went to speak again only to be interrupted by a loud crash.

It sounded as though a flood of pots and pans fell from a cabinet inside the kitchen, quickly you turned to look back at the metal doors as they swung open with chica crawling out of the room pushing a large pot up from her face. Chica met all three gazes in the party room and smiled sheepishly as she slowly began to stand up taking the pot off her head.

"Oops." She laughed nervously as she shifted on her heels only to turn sharply at bonnie as he laughed loudly behind her leaning against one of the open doors for support as his laughter continued.

"YOUR FACE!" Bonnie wheezed as he spoke leaning forward to try and stop his laughter.

"It was all like!-" bonnie tried to replicate chica's horrified expression when the pots and pans had all fallen from their shelves only to fail midway through laughing even more.

Chica didn't even turn to look at bonnie as she threw the pot that had been on her head at him, getting a perfect shot at his face. Bonnie's laughter stopped and his body grew ridged after the impact as the pot fell off his face to the ground revealing his annoyed expression, this time letting chica laugh at him.

"Your face!" She mocked turning to look at him pointing a finger at him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Bonnie pouted shoving his hands inside his pockets.

"Is everyone okay?" You gasped standing up slightly in the commotion to see if bonnie and chica were fine leaving the two to look at you sheepishly. No one answered you but you figured that meant yes letting you sit down again unable to shake the worried expression.

But despite all that foxy walked out of the kitchen with the pizza safely guarded in one hand ignoring bonnie and chica as he walked towards you and freddy. Unaware of the chaos that had just ensued.

Foxy didn't say anything at first just happy to place the pizza down on the table only to freeze when everyone looked at him as he did so. Uncomfortable with all the attention placed upon him foxy shifted as he stood straighter tail swooshing behind him.

"There be somethin' wrong?" Foxy looked out of place as his ears slightly lowered, he almost appeared like a kicked puppy. Freddy just shook his head with a long sigh seeming as though he was contemplating still if this whole thing was a good idea.

"No foxy, everything's fine." Freddy let out a heavy breath as he ran his hand over his face only to peek one eye out between his fingers as Chica made a B line towards the table ready to shove the entire pizza in her mouth now that it was finished and ready to eat.

"Chica!" Foxy huffed as he marched over towards her stopping her mid sprint towards the pizza to silently scold her for trying to eat before you did. You couldn't help but smile a bit at that finding it almost a funny sight to watch. But it was short lived as Freddy cleared his throat for your attention.

"Please make yourself comfortable, this is your party after all. If you wish to talk to me I'm here if you need me." Freddy smiled softly at you before pushing his chair back and standing up being careful how it was placed back against the table.

All you could do was watch him as he went over to stop foxy from scolding Chica anymore than he already was and to scold her himself leaving you alone with goldie. Or so you thought. But as you turned to look at him where you last saw him behind you he was gone. You frowned a bit looking around for him only to then see him lurking in the shadows as if that made him comfortable.

Another crash came from the kitchen and you couldn't help but turn so quickly to see what happened this time only to see bonnie trying to clean up the mess of pots and pans with a heavy groan as more fell down in the midst of his efforts.

Well, this was your party, you guessed you should figure out what to do. With that thought in mind you stood up from the table looking around the room to figure out what you wanted to do, and then your eyes met the person you knew you wanted to talk to.

You couldn't help but stare at freddy as he walked away from Chica and foxy, maybe you're over thinking it but you felt as though freddy needed someone to talk to. And well you wondered why he seemed so nervous today.

Maybe you shouldn't be this worried, considering you really barely know him, but you said you wanted to help and he did say if you wanted to talk to him you could. So what's stopping you?

Your eyes lingered on freddy as he paced leaving you to chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously. Do you approach him? Sucking in a breath you marched over trying to ignore your worries as you followed after him only to stop when you noticed he was starting to pace.

What's he worried about?

The thought crossed your mind quickly but was dismissed just as fast as freddy stopped mid pace to look at you startled. You guessed he didn't expect you to be standing there.

"Oh (Y/N)," Freddy seemed to hesitate but smiled for you, "how can I help you? I thought you'd be with the others."

Freddy was smiling and yet he seemed so distant somehow. But why? Why did it bother you a bit?

"Um, you just looked like you needed a friend so I decided to come over and talk with you, is that okay?" You peered up at freddy anxiously wondering if you made the right choice. But he really did seem like he needed someone to talk to.

A friend.

The thought crossed your mind leaving you to frown just slightly. Such a basic sentence that's been said countless times to other people somehow feels so familiar to you in this moment. As if, its been said before between the two of you. For some reason it made your heart feel heavy.

"Well that's very thoughtful of you, but I don't want to pull you away from the others this is your party after all." Freddy was avoiding your gaze at first, feeling touched you wanted to comfort him even if he wasn't in any real distress. (He was just worried about this whole idea. And what may come of it.)

Freddy turned his eyes to look back at you only to hesitate in the next thing he wanted to say, pausing after beginning a sentence about with how he thought you were very sweet. You just gazed at him curiously wondering why he stopped what he was saying before feeling freddy place a finger underneath your chin lifting your head up partially.

"(Y/N)..." he sounded so breathless and worried as his blue eyes stared so intensely at you.

"Freddy?" You smiled a bit awkwardly, your heart skipped a beat in your chest from how intimate this felt. (But don't be silly you're only friends! He's just your friend.)

Freddy took his finger away from your chin to cup the side of your face, the feeling of his cold fingers made chills run down your spine. (Why was he so cold to the touch? Maybe it's because technically he's still a ghost of some kind.) Then so softly did his thumb begin to brush across your cheek causing you to blush deeply.

"What's wrong? Why...why are you crying?" Freddy seemed so genuinely worried and all you could do was gaze at him in shock. You're crying?

Hesitantly you lifted your hand up to reach for your other cheek feeling the wet tears that were still falling from your eyes. You are crying? Why are you crying?

"I am?" You couldn't help but sound so unsure of yourself as you felt almost distant in the moment. Your eyes looked down at your hand the tears still against your fingertips. Why were you crying? Closing your eyes a few more tears fell from their place and you felt your shoulders slump as the sound of laughter echoed around. Children's laughter.

It was just nothing but happy laughter as you found yourself chasing after a little boy, you thought nothing of it the brown hair was familiar to you. Both you and the little boy laughed as you chased him, one arm extended and the other clutching your favorite stuffed animal.

"Come on (Y/N)! You've almost got me! Keep trying!" The little boy in front of you laughed as he narrowly avoided your hand as you reached for him causing you to huff. Readjusting the bear in your other arm you pouted playfully.

"I'm trying! Maybe if you stop running I'll catch you!" You had a hard time hiding the giggles in your tones as you sprinted after the boy who laughed giddily at your suggestion.

"You know that's not how tag works!" The little boy laughed at you causing you to whine aloud chasing him with more spirit, both of you laughing.

But one wrong step sent you flying to the ground against the hard pavement, you gasped as you tripped falling on your knees feeling the sting of your skin making you wince as tears began to fall from your eyes.

The little boy who you had been playing with stopped running upon hearing your laughter stop, turning around curiously to see what happened only to see you sitting on the floor with tears in your eyes.

"(Y/N)!" The little boy called out to you jogging over to see what was wrong seeing you holding your stuffed animal closer to your chest. You sniffled trying to hide your tears.

"I-it's okay." You hiccuped, it was a lie you hurt yourself but you didn't want to stop playing.

"You're hurt!" The little boy frowned as he gasped out, gazing at the slight red stain against the pavement underneath your knee. He seemed to think about what to do for a moment, and then extended his hand out to you.

"Come on, my mom can help you feel better! She helps me feel better all the time when I get hurt!" The little boy grinned at you, a grin that made you sniffle and tilt your head curiously to.

Hesitantly you reached for his hand taking it in yours and letting him help you up to your feet the wound on your knee now visible for everyone to see. It wasn't bad, but it didn't feel good either.

Following your friend as he led you through the backyard and into the house he was careful in taking his time until you both reached the living room.

"Wait here I'm gonna go find my mom." The little boy turned to talk to you leaving you to nod with a slight sniffle letting go of your friend's hand to sit on the couch as he ran away to go find his mom.

You're not sure how long you've been sitting here but it wasn't long until you saw your friend again tugging at his mother's hand with the utmost urgency leaving her to smile curiously at what the problem was only for her smile to fade seeing your scrape.

"Oh dear." She muttered a bit before softly patting her son's head. Your friend looked up at her expectantly to which she only looked down at him softly, blonde hair falling from her shoulders.

"Why don't you go get a bandaid for (Y/N), dear." Your friends mom spoke sweetly leaving him to nod with  a sense of responsibility now as he ran off to the kitchen leaving you alone with his mother.

She knelt down to your level picking you up and setting you on the couch to look at your knee. As she was looking your friend ran back in clutching a bandaid in his hand offering it to his mom.

"Here!" He seemed so worried as he gasped out leaving her to take it from him with a soft thank you, but as she turned to look at her son she couldn't help but smile. She knew he was very worried about you getting hurt even in the slightest.

"Why don't you go play with your toys for a bit while I help her okay?" His mom ruffled his hair leaving your friend to gasp at it being messed up straightening it immediately before he hesitantly nodded.

"Okay..." it was clear he didn't want to leave but accepted what his mother wanted of him. It was quite now that it was just the two of you, his mom was really looking at your knee.

"Looks like you took quite a fall," she seemed to think as she spoke, "I'll be right back, I'm going to get something to clean it off. You stay right here okay? It's going to be alright (Y/N)."

Standing up to her full height you watched your friend's mother walk into another room leaving you alone with your teddy bear. You felt like crying again, not from the pain anymore but from the fear of being hurt. You sniffed loudly as you waited. It felt like eternity before someone came over to talk to you again.

"Psst, (Y/N)." The familiar voice of the little boy whispered to your right leaving you to turn quickly to see him trying to sneak over to you.

"What are you doing? I thought your mom said to go play with your toys." You sniffled as you spoke watching your friend sit next to you on the couch with a worried look.

"I know, but I couldn't just leave you here alone!" The little boy gasped as he spoke. Only to then take your hand in his.

"Besides, you looked like you needed a friend, and I'm your friend!"

A friend....

"(Y/N)?" Freddy repeated your name for the third time causing you to open your eyes after having them closed for so long. Or at least it felt like it's been so long. But the truth was you've only had your eyes closed for a moment remembering the past. Even if it was only a little bit.

"I-" your voice caught in your throat as your (E/C) eyes stared deeply into the blue ones belonging to the man before you. You looked down feeling a few stray tears falling from your face as you did so, which quickly got brushed away by Freddy's thumb leaving you to lean into his touch.

You remembered something. Could it be, being around freddy causes you to remember more? Nothing makes sense, and now that reality has hit you, you realize you really have forgotten huge moments in your life. What else have you forgotten? How could you forget something so important?

"Oh (Y/N) please don't cry, did I say something to upset you?" Freddy sounded so concerned and almost upset with himself as his voice reached your ears.

"No, no you didn't, I'm just happy to be here." You smiled up at freddy as he brushed your tears away.

You're unsure of a lot but if you were sure of one thing you knew you and freddy used to be very close. And it seemed being close to him again after so long, was helping you remember.

Your eyes lingered on bonnie as he struggled to put up the pots and pans from the chaos from earlier. Should you go over to him? Your eyes lingered a little longer than they should of as you debated what it was you wanted to do.

Well it is my job to make sure this place is in good shape too right?

An excuse, but your thoughts weren't wrong. You did have a job to do still even if now you're friends weren't going to hurt you. Sucking in a breath you marched your way to the kitchen to help bonnie clean up the mess.

You glanced at the others as you walked passed them seeing foxy still scolding chica for rushing to the pizza before you and freddy pacing to himself. You did wonder where goldie went off to but you guessed that was none of your business.

Bonnie was so focused in trying to clean up the pots and pans he didn't even notice you had walked in, maybe you shouldn't be in here.

No! No I'm going to help.

Shaking your head at your anxious thoughts you bent over to pick up some of the remaining pots and pans as Bonnie was busy fighting some back into the cabinet. You made a face at his efforts and placed the pots and pans you had picked up into the sink carefully, just as Bonnie had turned around after closing the cabinet.

"Hey! Where'd the rest of the pans go?" Bonnie seemed so focused he hadn't even noticed you standing at the sink ready to turn it on. You guessed he really just must be in a world of his own all the time.

Does he still not notice I'm here?

You tilted your head a bit as you looked at him before bonnie's red eyes seemed to meet your gaze causing you to look away a bit. Why does his stare feel different today?

"(Y/N)!" Bonnie gasped before realizing how excited he sounded that you chose to come in here to see him. Clearing his throat into his hand bonnie leaned against the cabinets he just closed trying to seem more relaxed.

"I mean hey." Bonnie continued to clear his throat as he spoke leaning his weight against the doors of the cabinet almost as if he was trying to make himself seem cooler.

"Hey?" You were fighting back a grin. There was something funny about the way bonnie was trying to be so nonchalant about not noticing you, and then getting excited you wanted to help him.

"So uh, what brings you here? Want to spend some time with a manly man?" Bonnie smirked as he spoke, making you raise an eyebrow amused.

Manly man?

You echoed the words back in your head trying not to laugh as Bonnie moved to walk over to you. Unfortunately that had been a mistake. Before you even had gotten a chance to answer the cabinet that Bonnie had been leaning against had broken. Causing all the pots and pans he had tried so hard to put back where they belong to come falling out in yet another crash.

"NOOO!!" Bonnie cried out dramatically. All you could do in the moment was stare wide eyed at the mess, which Bonnie was now on his knees holding one of the pans by their handle close to his chest.

"I feel so betrayed." He gasped rather dramatically making you giggle a little.

"Well they had to be washed anyway. Let's just get them into the sink and try and wash as many as we can, we can worry about the cabinet later." You hummed leaning down to help put some of the pots and pans away leaving Bonnie to look up at you, clearly thinking, before getting up and picking up the pots and pans again.

"Man, all that hard work for nothing." Bonnie groaned as he placed what he had in his hands into the kitchen skin.

"It wasn't for nothing." You rolled your eyes playfully, turning on the sink as you did so, watching bonnie place the last of the pots and pans into it.

"It sure feels like it, how are we supposed to be co pranksters again if we're stuck doing this shit!" Bonnie motioned both hands towards the large amount of cookware in the sink but all you found you could do was gaze at bonnie with wide eyes. (Yes you're an adult, and yes you've cussed before it's not beyond you, but it's just shocking to hear him say it you guessed.)

"Well," you started grabbing the soap, "we earn everyone's trust this way. By seeming responsible and then BAM we attack, they'll never see it coming! We just have to play the long game."

You nudged Bonnie with your elbow slightly causing him to gasp, it seemed your suggestion really blew him out of the water.

"That's genius." With a grin Bonnie elbowed you lightly back

"I knew we were still a team!" Bonnie laughed as he spoke causing you to slightly laugh with him.

"As a team if we work together we can finish this faster, how about you dry the pots and pans and I'll wash them." You squeezed the sponge you had just grabbed as emphasis on what you were wanting causing Bonnie to nod eagerly.

"Hell yeah! As soon as this is finished we can think of a prank to play on chica for making us clean her mess!" Bonnie seemed over enthusiastic now making you laugh with him.

"Then get drying!" You laughed as you spoke scrubbing away at the pans and handing them to Bonnie when you were finished to dry and place to the side.

Both you and Bonnie had gotten into a good rhythm and fell into a comfortable silence in the process, you didn't think this is how you'd be spending your shift today but it was. Your conversation with (F/N) before work still lingered in your head, but you tried your best to push it away as you continued to scrub.

You sighed softly handing yet another pot to bonnie for him to dry, half expecting him to complain about how many the two of you had gotten through but he never did once. You were wondering about it until you noticed from the corner of your eyes that Bonnie was staring at you.

How long as he been doing that? Your heart rate picked up causing your face to flush as you feverishly began to scrub at the poor pan in your hand. You could feel your face turning red but you didn't want to call him out for his staring. You just were embarrassed that he was in the first place, let alone so often now that you've noticed.

"Hey (Y/N) you feeling okay?" Bonnie suddenly spoke causing you to jump completely startled as you turned to face him clutching the pan in your hands tightly meeting his red eyes.

"U-Uh yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" You couldn't stop the nervous laughter and cussed at yourself for how embarrassed you felt. Bonnie how ever was clueless and merely furrowed his eyebrows at you. There was a lot running through that mind of his but you being embarrassed didn't seem to cross it. He wondered if you were sick, what if you were?!

With out thinking, and forgetting about the water that was on his hands from taking the pots and pans from you, Bonnie extended his hand to rest it against your forehead. The coolness of his touch mixed with the now freezing water on his hand made you jump squeaking loudly from the shock in the process.

The pan slipped frim your hands and fell right back into the soapy water with the rest of the pots and pans you had in there causing the water to splash not only you but bonnie too in the face. Both you and Bonnie stood there staring at each other with wide eyes watching the soap run down the others cheek, and then, you both laughed loudly.

Did that really just happen? You couldn't help but laugh unable to contain it as you both just went right into a giggle fit about the whole ordeal. But as you laughed trying to rub away the tears from your eyes with your arm to avoid the soap you couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu.

But why? It's not as if you've had this happen before! Or have you? As you laughed closing your eyes now as more joyful tears ran down your face you could almost hear children's laughter in the distance and it was only getting louder.

You giggled as you began to pick up the plates along side a little boy who was equally as giggly. It seems like you two were cleaning up after dinner.

"It's not that funny." You snickered as you held the plates close to your chest as the little boy beside you held the silverware tightly in his hands.

"Right, throwing spaghetti at my older sis wasn't funny." The little boy gave you a toothy grin trying to hide the fact he was amused.

"Yeah! It wasn't funny at all." You nodded firmly but snickered immediately after as the two of you scurried you the kitchen.

"She kinda deserved it! In my defense!" The little boy gasped suddenly as the two of you set the plates and silverware up on the kitchen counter, of course standing on the tips of your toes to reach.

"It was a little funny, but I don't think she deserved it." You shook your head a bit as you watched your raven haired friend push up the stepping stools for you both to reach the sink.

"Yes she did! You don't live with her! She's the worst! All she cares about is makeup!" Your friend threw his arm over his eyes dramatically leaning back earning a giggle from you in the process.

"We all have something we care about!" You laughed a little as the two of you climbed up the steps to reach the sink.

"Okay yeah my toy cars are pretty cool." The little boy nodded in agreement.

"See?" You leaned into your friend slightly before reaching out to the sink turning on the water.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just different she's a girl!" The little boy argued slightly and you quickly turned to look at him.

"So am I!" You gasped out in fake offense.

"Yeah, well, you're different." With a puff to just cheeks the little boy turned away leaving you to smile as you shook your head beginning to help with the dishes. The two of you fell into silence for a moment before your friend turned to look at you pointing his soap covered finger towards the plate you were trying to scrub.

"You missed a spot." Your friend called out to you, causing you to turn and look at him quizzically only to then look at the plate.

"Where? I don't think I did!" You couldn't help but argue back with him peering at the plate with narrowed eyes.

"Yes you did," the little boy nodded his head, "look right there."

As he pointed again you leaned closer over the sink, and just like that the soapy water was splashed at your face causing you to gasp as your hair slightly stuck to your face from the impact.

"Never mind I got it." Your friend grinned from ear to ear mischievously, but the moment you turned to look at him he couldn't help but laugh.

"Your face!" He wheezed in amusement only to let out a childish screech as you splashed him back.

"Your face!" You mocked him pointing a finger at him before the two of you burst into loud fits of laughter at one another.

"Aw come on! I was just playing! It's no fair you got me back!" The little boy whined but it was clear he was happy about it regardless of what he was saying.

"It's only fair! Come on it was funny." You were still snickering trying to hide your laughter. The little boy just couldn't hide his grin.

"Okay, okay, you're right it was pretty funny." The two of you shared another laugh.

Another laugh.

You moved your arm away from your face as your laughter calmed down, coming back to reality as you gazed at bonnie who was still smiling but it seemed his laughter died out just a moment before you came back from your own thoughts.

You let out a breath only to hiccup from laughing so hard causing you to giggle along side bonnie once more. The memory replayed inside your head again and the deja vu only seemed worse. But something in your heart told you that the little boy you were with in your memories was still right beside you. Older, but still the same.

Maybe remembering wasn't going to be as hard as you thought, not as long as you had bonnie by your side. You can't place it but something about being with him seemed to remind you of the past you seem to of forgotten. But as long as he was here, it seemed he has the key to help unlock them.

Your eyes lingered on the shadows, but it wasn't the shadows you were really looking at. It was who was hiding within them that you were gazing at. You knew you wanted to talk to goldie, even if he gave you quite a scare when you had first met him. Or well saw him again? This whole situation was getting inside your head but you wanted to wrap your head around it even if you couldn't remember.

You guessed you felt more comfortable talking to goldie than anyone else. He's the only one who's been here with you. You looked away a bit from where you had seen him last thinking to yourself. Maybe he doesn't want to be disturbed?

Well it doesn't hurt to ask.

You nodded your head, just to clarify your thoughts and began to march forward towards where you had seen him last ignoring the others around you as they all did their own thing. You peered around the shadows before barely making out goldie amongst them.

At first all you did was stare watching him as he seemed to think, arms crossed and leaning against the wall with his head tilted to the side. He looked as if he was scoffing at everyone. He looks almost lonely. You couldn't help but be drawn to him as you stepped further into the darkness about to speak until he turned to look at you.

Piercing white pupils that seemingly glowed met your (E/C) eyes as you stood there in shock. You didn't expect him to notice you but then again you forgot he could almost hear your thoughts.

"Hello." Goldie gazed intensely at you making you feel almost nervous. But you've talked to him before and alone why do you feel so nervous now? Maybe because it's a conscious decision.

"Oh! Um hey." You wanted to scold yourself for being a bit awkward now. Goldie gazed at you a little longer before he looked away gazing at Freddy with a narrowed gaze. He looked almost as if he was scowling.

"If you want to talk to freddy you can just walk over there. He won't care. I'm sure he'd be thrilled if you talked to him." Goldie scoffed aloud unable to contain it. The loneliness was getting to him. You stared at him almost shocked he had even said that before shaking your head.

"Why would I want to do that?" You couldn't help but ask the question.

"Everyone always wants to talk to Freddy. When ever they come to me it's when they're looking for him. It was a proper assumption." Goldie glanced back at you sounding bitter.

"Well I don't want to talk to Freddy. I want to talk to you." You tried to hold yourself firmly but goldie was still making you nervous. Goldie's gaze was intense as he seemed to think before he gazed at the ground.

"Oh." It was all he could utter in the moment seeming to find the ground more interesting than you. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! You just looked like you needed some company." You tried to defend yourself as you spoke waving a hand a bit in dismissal.

"So you're pitying me?" Goldie looked back up at you with a raised brow causing you to tense panicked.

"No! No! That's not it!" You tried to defend yourself further as you waved your hands earning the slightest smile from goldie.

"It's fine. I knew what you meant." Goldie looked away back to everyone else as they all did their own things out in the main show room.

You couldn't help but feel slightly awkward as you stood there. Do you go? Do you start a new conversation? You-you weren't sure.

"I-um- don't want to force you to talk to me if you don't want to." You spoke at last shifting your weight between your heels. Goldie looked at you quickly, maybe it was just you but he almost seemed panicked that he was hurting your feelings.

"Don't go," Goldie reached out for you suddenly only to then stop midway and return his hands back to their original state, "sorry. I  wasn't pushing you away. I don't mind your company. I'm not used to people wanting to talk to me without wanting something."

You couldn't help but gaze at goldie with a hurt heart. That sounded terrible. Did the others only talk to him for the sake of trying to get freddy?

"Sounds like you need some new friends." You spoke suddenly causing Goldie to look at you curiously.

"I suppose." He glanced away a bit seeming to reflect on what you said.

"I know that we used to be friends, even if I don't remember so how about we start again? I can be your first real friend, we can be friends." You hummed softly causing Goldie to gaze at you with wide eyes. You're not sure why but he seems almost shocked. Thinking about his words carefully Goldie spoke after a moment.

"Okay, we can be friends." Goldie gazed at you intensely, and then unable to help himself suddenly reached out for you pulling you close. Your heart thundered in your chest at the action, and you weren't sure what to do as he held you, but eventually you hugged him back wrapping your arms around his neck closing your eyes tightly. Maybe it was just your imagination but you felt like you heard birds chirping.

As the chirping got louder your eyes opened to feel the gentle summer breeze upon your skin, the wind rustled the trees creating ripples of shadows as you stood there. But you were doing more than just standing there, your eyes were lingering on a little boy who was sitting down leaning against a tree. He looked lonely as he played with a stick poking it into the ground.

You held the stuffed animal in your arms tighter as you looked over towards a group of kids playing together. Was he apart of their friend group and they left him out? You gazed at the four kids as they laughed and tumbled and then brought your attention to the little boy sitting underneath the tree in silence.

Did he not want to play? Or did they not want to play the games he wanted to play? You weren't sure but you felt bad for him. Hesitantly you began to walk over feeling the wind passing you yet again. You stared intently at the blond boy, trying to muster up the courage you needed to approach him but it was all in vain. You had merely just walked up to him and stood by his side only for him to acknowledge you first.

"If you want to play with my brother he's over there." The little boy spoke suddenly not looking up at first, but had towards the end motioning with the stick towards the group of kids you had been watching earlier.

Your eyes followed the stick at first before returning your gaze to the boy. You shook your head promptly holding your teddy bear closer to your chest as you sucked in a breath.

"A-actually," you stuttered at first as you took a seat besides the little boy, "I want to talk to you. You seem lonely."

Your (E/C) eyes stared deeply into his green ones as he in turn stared right back at you thoughtfully. He turned away to gaze at the stick he had in his hand continuing to poke at the ground with it.

"Oh.." the boy muttered softly, almost as if he was unsure what to do with you wanting to play with him over his brother. What ever shred of confidence you had left washed away in that moment. Feeling unwelcome under the tree you stood quickly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you! I can leave." You spoke quickly in a panic feeling embarrassed for interrupting his privacy.

"No wait!" The little boy gasped standing up after you, shouting loudly for your attention before you ran away leaving you to gaze at him shocked.

At first neither of you said anything, the little boy looked down at his shoes unable to muster what he needed to say and you just gazed at him expectantly. Then he looked up quickly.

"I want you to stay! It's brother normally gets everyone to play with him I just thought, you know..." the little boy got quite as his sentence faded. He looked down once more kicking at the dirt.

Your eyes looked over to the group of kids playing again sadly now, even though you were little and didn't quite grasp the concept as well as an adult may of you knew that wasn't a good feeling.

"That sounds bad. I'm sorry." You spoke softly with a deep frown.

Holding the bear tighter you turned your attention back to the little boy. Sucking in a breath you gazed intensely at him.

"But don't worry! I want to be your friend! We can play together! Do you want to be friends?" You leaned forward excitedly towards the little boy who seemed to think on it. He leaned back from your excitement but couldn't his his own giddy grin as he looked away for a moment in his thoughts. At last he looked at you and nodded firmly.

"Okay, lets be friends!" He extended his hand out to you, and you eagerly took it holding onto it tightly.

A new beginning.

You opened your eyes coming back to your senses after getting lost in thought while hugging goldie. Did-did you just remember something? You held goldie tighter for a moment longer hiding your face in his shoulder as a few tears fell down your face. He didn't say a thing only holding you closer as you let yourself cry.

Who was that little boy?

Was it goldie?

Does he know?

So many thoughts raced through your head as the two of you pulled away from the long hug to gaze at one another in silence. So much was running through your mind but by the look on goldie's face you knew he now knew you remembered something.

He didn't say anything about it as he lifted a hand to cup the side of your face gently letting your tears fall as you leaned into his touch. He smiled at you, and you couldn't help but smile right back at him.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)." Goldie spoke softly and you couldn't help but let out a soft laugh nodding unable to say anything. That's right, your friends were home. You remembered something. It may not may total sense now but at least it was the beginning of something.

Letting out a soft breath your eyes gazed deeply into Goldie's as you just replayed the memory that had been long forgotten till now. There was a long road ahead but at least you knew you were remembering things. And goldie seemed to be helping with that.

But you knew no matter what you'd be safe with him, safe with your best friend.

Your eyes lingered watching foxy as he spoke to chica, at first you wanted to intervene but you didn't want to seem like you wanted to take his attention. Which was silly of you to even consider but it was a serious concern.

Maybe I should just stay here at the table.

You frowned at your thought thinking about sitting down and picking at the table cloth. But what good would that do you? You wanted to talk to foxy but you didn't want to impose on anything.

You were over thinking really but it was something that couldn't be helped as you glanced back at foxy. It was then you noticed chica puffing up her cheeks childishly and stopping her foot down in the process, it seems like she lost the argument, and with that she marched away to be someplace else.

Your eyes watched her at first before you looked back at foxy seeing him let out a sigh with a swoosh of his tail before he turned around. Both of you caught the others stare and gazed for a while at one another before you both looked away.

Oh how awkward!

You gasped at yourself as you gazed deeply at the pizza that had been carefully made for you by the others. You felt embarrassment flush against your face as you shifted on your feet.

Don't come over, don't come over.

You repeated the words anxiously unable to keep yourself from feeling flustered he had caught you staring as you heard a pair of boots walking towards you. You felt like some kind of school girl with a crush on a teacher! How ridiculous.

"Ahoy there lass." Foxy spoke besides you suddenly making you jump a bit. How fast was he? Hesitantly you turned to look at him letting out a shaky breath feeling nervous.

It's only foxy.

You reminded yourself to calm down taking a breath you smiled at him. You felt silly for getting so worked up.

"Oh hey foxy." You let out a breath you didn't even know you had been holding in as you gazed at foxy. Foxy seemed to think over what he wanted to say for a moment as his green eyes stared at you.

"I saw ye lookin' towards my direction. Did ye want to talk?" Foxy seemed anxious as he spoke uncomfortable with the attention at first as he seemed to shift nervously.

"Oh! Well...yeah I did want to talk, but I know attention makes you uncomfortable and I didn't want to interrupt you talking to chica so I kinda stood here." You quickly explained yourself feeling embarrassment creeping up on you again as you gazed at foxy who seemed to gazed at you with wide eyes. (Or well wide eye, he hadn't moved his eyepatch out of the way yet.)

"I see." Foxy seemed to think over your words equally as embarrassed. Then lifted the hand with the hook to push up his eyepatch to reveal both his eyes to you.

They both gazed at you happily and soon his tail was swooshing behind him again. He seemed like he wanted to say something but had a lot he wanted to say and was deciding on what should come out first.

"Do ye want a piece of pizza, I made it me self!" Foxy grinned at you as he spoke causing you to turn your attention to the pizza.

Wait he made it? I thought chica did.

You tilted your head to the side with a bit of a grin, only to then grin up at foxy. You guessed he had been in the kitchen with the others it only made sense that he had made the pizza. Bonnie would of been too busy picking on chica and chica would of been too overwhelmed with everything not to eat it.

"Yeah sure! It looks good." You hummed happily watching as foxy took one of the party plates and took a single piece of pizza out of the rest of the pizza to put on your plate setting it down in front of you.

"There ye go lass, tell me what ye think!" Foxy seemed excited as the two of you sat together at the party table now. You took the piece of the plate about to eat it but before you took a bite chica had run out of where ever she had been hiding and grabbed the rest of the pizza. (Of course except the piece you had been eating.) And dashed off. Foxy stood up about to chase after her shouting in her direction but you quickly stopped him.

"It's okay! I got one piece that's all I really need right now." You tried to soothe foxy with a smile and it seemed to work, hesitantly he sat back down. Trying to take a bite again you finally had managed to feeling the cheese pull with your teeth as you tried to tear it from the pizza with out the whole chunk going with it.

Wow, this is amazing.

Your eyes widened at the flavors. This was much better than the pizza the day shift makes for the kids. What is foxy's secret?! You had to know. It tasted so good. You hummed in approval and foxy seemed to grin with pride at that.

It wasn't long until you had eaten the whole pizza leaving a pretty much empty plate on the table. Using a napkin to brush away any left over sauce or grease you sighed happily.

"You should be a cook! That pizza was amazing." You couldn't help but praise foxy for how well he had made the pizza to which made him flush red.

"Ah well," he lifted his hand to rub the nape of his neck now unable to maintain eye contact with you, "I only be sorry Chica took the rest of it."

"It's okay, I'm just happy I got a slice." you laughed a little which caused foxy to look back over to you lowering his hand.

"I be glad then. Here let me take that for ye lass." Foxy offered to take your plate into the kitchen, which was now cleaned and vacant of bonnie, for you.

You were quick to shake your head holding the glass plate in your hand. You felt bad for making foxy feel like he had to clean your dishes for you when you could do it! You didn't want him to feel as though he had to do everything.

"No i couldn't ask that of you. You made the pizza I can wash my plate it's okay!" You tried to discourage him as you spoke. For a moment he seemed to think about it unsure of what to do. Then he nodded hesitantly.

"Alright, but at least let me keep ye company." With that being his only wish you nodded standing up.

"Okay, that seems fine to me." You hummer pushing your chair back into its place as foxy did.

Both you and foxy began to walk towards the kitchen, chatting lively to one another just about cooking not paying much attention to where either of you were walking. But that had been a mistake.

Foxy tripped, on what he's not sure, but he was falling and you had turned around a moment to late unable to get out of the way causing both of you to go down together. The plate fell from your hand and crashed to the floor shattering into pieces along with a thud from you and foxy falling atop of each other.

You gasped just in shock at first processing the whole situation as the two of you laid there, or more like you laid there on the floor he was more on top of you.

The room was silent and you weren't sure what was going on at first as you watched foxy quickly move his hands away from either side of your head trying to stand up from where he had been straddling you. His face so red it matched the fur of his ears and tail.

You took a moment to gather your bearings, still processing what had happened as you sat up with him, but as you gazed at his face you were unable to hold in your laughter. Your face was turning red, from laughing or from the situation you weren't sure but it was one of those as foxy helped you stand up worriedly.

"Why are ye laughing?! Are ye okay?" Foxy bend down partially to get a better look at your face as you tried to wipe away the tears that had fallen down from your laughter which couldn't be stopped.

You were unable to get a single word out even though you were trying so hard as you pointed at him before pointing to the plate. You doubled over from laughing so much just unable to stop.

"Y-y-your face!- t-the plate!-" you gasped out finally only bursting into more laughter, laughter you could hear all around you but you knew it wasn't the others. It sounded like a family at dinner laughing amongst one another. And as the sound got closer you realized that's exactly what it was.

But at the same time you didn't care, you just laughed, laughed and laughed with another person before eventually the laughter turned into snickering. Your eyes wielded with tears and your body was shaking from the exertion of how hard you laughed. But you were happy. It was funny.

You rubbed your eyes free of the tears that bubbles over from all yours giggling to turn and gaze at your friend beside you. The room was different. No Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, or Goldie. Instead a family at dinner smiling fondly at you and the little boy seated next to you. (Who was laughing just as, if not more so, hard as you.)

You were comfortable with the new scenery. A place you've been before and a friend you knew quite well was beside you. The mother and father just seemed to smile and whisper amongst each other as adults do when kids like one another, but you didn't pay much attention to them. Your eyes were more set on the boy beside you.

He was energetic, you could see he wanted to run and jump as much as he could, buzzing with energy and yet some how calm at the same time. You two had just finished playing pirates and officers, much like cops and robbers except well with pirates instead. You both dressed for the occasion, and you could see that clear as day as you gazed at your friend with giggles still leaving your lips.

"I had a lot of fun! We should play that again!" The boy beside you gasped in excitement as he spoke kicking his legs back and forth almost making the chair rock as he took a big bite of pizza.

"You're too fast! I can't out run you!" You snickered at first but nodded quickly wanting to play more regardless if your friend was faster than you. It was far too much fun!

Your attention finally turned away from the boy, more focused on the pizza residing on the plate before you taking another bite of the deliciousness. (It was so good! How could you not eat it? His mom was an amazing cook.)

"I helped mommy make the pizza today for you! Do you like it (Y/N)?" The boy tilted his head to the side his over sized pirate captain hat falling loosely with his head as his green eyes gazed at you eagerly. Of course you loved the pizza! And even more now that you knew your friend helped!

"It's so good! You and your mom are really good at cooking!" Your response seemed to make the boy really happy he almost stood up in his chair as he loudly announced he would make more for you.

".... honey we don't stand on the chairs remember?" The boy's mother spoke, her lips moved first but no sound came out of them. It was like she said the boys name but it went unheard into your ears. How weird, but you didn't seem to mind.

"Sorry mommy." The boy quickly sat down but his excitement was easily still readable as he kicked and swayed his legs.

Dinner lasted a little longer after, you talked to your friend ate not one but two pieces of pizza in the process. (For a little kid that's a lot of food after all.) You were quite happy chatting and waiting to be dismissed from the dinner table.

"Dear, would you put these plates in the sink for mommy? You can help me wash them later after our guest leaves." The boy's mother stood up as she collected everyone's empty but greasy plates from the table. Your friend nodded obediently hopping up and trying his best to help collect the plates.

"Okay mommy, come on (Y/N)! I can race you!" It all happened so fast. As your friend suddenly proposed a race, and ran off with the plates his parents trying to tell him no running with the dishes it was inevitable for what had happened.


Your friend had tripped plates scattered, two breaking, one chipping, and one remaining unscathed from the dangerous tumble. Everyone stood up quickly rushing to the boy in worry as he sat up rubbing his chin like it hurt. Luckily nothing cut him.

"....! We told you not to run with the dishes!" His mother gasped as you ran with her trying to help your friend up. Again that weird lag of not hearing a name but hearing everything else.

"I-I'm sorry mommy..." the boy seemed upset now.

"Are you okay?!" You couldn't help but be worried offering a hand to the boy as he accepted it shakily standing.

"I think so..." he mumbled sniffling a bit. The fall scared him.

"It's okay we can clean up the mess and then we can go play again!" You tried to make the situation better and the boy couldn't help but smile and nod at the thought before turning to look at his mother who gasped and quickly shook her head.

"No no you kids don't need to be picking up these pieces they're very dangerous, you two can go ahead and play we'll talk about the house rules again later." The boys mother seemed so worried as she looked between you two, you both nodded and at first walked to the stairs leading to your friends room on the second floor.

For a moment the two of you glanced at each other, ideas sparking in a little kids mind at the same time, and then you both ran up the stairs chasing after one another.

Running together, side by side.

Always running, together....

Your laughter still rang out in the pizzeria, echoing and still catching everyone's attention. Worried eyes all on you but you didn't care as you calmed down wheezing for breaths desperately as you shook your head.

"Lass? Ye okay? Did Ye get hurt in the fall?" Foxy was worried, naturally, but you couldn't respond to his worried questioning. Instead you were just too busy trying to calm your joyful laughs. You- Cant believe it. You remembered something. Something you didn't know you forgot. It made you so happy now you simply can't stop laughing.

You knew it was only a fraction of what you needed to remember but Foxy helped you remember. Maybe this job wasn't as bad of an idea as you originally thought. Something deep within you told you that if you wanted to remember more, you should spend more time with foxy.

After all....he used to be your best friend.

You found your eyes lingering on Chica as she stuffed her mouth as full as she could get it with pizza. (It was quite funny to watch, cheese was desperately trying to be shoved back into her mouth and the tomato sauce dripped from her chin. Okay maybe it was also kind of gross too but still a funny sight.)

You wanted to talk to her but at the same time you didn't want to interrupt her. So there you stood watching her eat from the middle of the room hogging almost all the pizza. Does she always do this? You wondered with her appetite if she'd even eat trash. Not that you want her too it could make her sick! Actually could it? Either way you just wondered because she was so hungry it seemed.

Then, suddenly, she turned to look at you. Cheeks puffed, cheese still connected to the pizza falling from her lips, tomato sauce running down her chin. It was quite the funny site but instead of being embarrassed for how she was eating she instead lifted one of her greasy hands to wave at you beckoning you to come sit with her eagerly.

How could you say no to that? You smiled a bit and snatched a napkin from another party table as you walked over to her quickly watching as she looked up at you with squinting eyes. She seemed to be smiling but it was hard to tell.

"Hemph (Y/N)! Wamnn Slimnce?" Chica spoke with a full mouth chewing in between words but had moved the piece she was eating back to the plate trying to swallow what ever she had in her mouth now as she waited for your reply. You're not quite sure what she said, but you think it was something like 'hey (Y/N)! Want a slice?'

"Sure! With how you're eating it, it must be really good." You couldn't help but tease her as you sat down at her side causing her to stifle laughter as she swallowed the rest of her food.

"Foxy's recipe is the best! He says he doesn't remember where he learned it but it's so good I wish I knew just how he made it!" Chica giggled her heels clicking against the floor as she kicked her legs a bit in her childish excitement.

"You don't cook?" You raised a brow curiously, you wondered if she did now, but maybe you assumed wrong.

"Oh I do!" Chica turned eagerly to look at you.

"But I make cakes and cupcakes and brownies! Stuff like that, I prefer sweets over savory more often but food is food!" Chica gushed excitedly.

You found you shared in her excitement gazing at her all while nodding. It was hard not to be excited about it when she was so excited about it. But then you remembered the napkin in your hand and the tomato sauce smeared on her face. Your smile grew wider.

"Uhm, as much as I want to talk more about food I don't want any sauce getting on your dress from falling off your chin! Here I brought you this napkin." You handed Chica the unused napkin at last watching as she stared before suddenly turning red seeming embarrassed as she snatched it from you quickly rubbing her face clean.

"I'm so sorry! I must of looked like a mess! I'm so sorry!" Chica gasped talking fast as she quickly scrubbed away any lingering food off her face trying not to look at you as she seemed to steam from embarrassment. You found you couldn't help but giggle at it all.

"No no! It's okay!" You tried to reassure her but you couldn't stop your light giggles.

"I'm so sorryyyy!!!" Chica whined partially as she looked up towards the ceiling closing her eyes before she let her head fall forward into her hands hiding it from your watchful eyes.

Chica sure was cute, she was like a little kid and at the same time you knew she wasn't. It was hard to really describe what she reminded you of but her reactions to having pizza on her was was definitely cute.

You felt more comfortable talking with her in all honesty. Not that the others didn't bring you comfort or made you uncomfortable it's just that something about Chica set your mind at ease. She had so much energy that it could be shared between the both of you. And well frankly you were just happy to be included.

It was a good feeling and one that couldn't stop your giggles from getting slightly louder as you watched the once white napkin become stained in red from the sauce. Chica still seemed so embarrassed, but gradually seemed to loosen up as she giggled with you. (You guessed being with four guys all the time it was hard for her to realize you weren't laughing at the fact she was a messy eater.)

"I guess I did look a little silly." Chica eventually burst out laughing holding her stomach again returning to her normal self.
"I'll eat just about anything, I guess having pizza sauce on my face isn't the worst thing!"

The more you laughed the harder it was the breath, and thinking about how she loves food sparked something deep inside your mind.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Mommy said it was dinner time! I'm so excited her food is the best!" A little girl shouted out towards you. She sounded so far away, but like she was getting closer. You couldn't really tell as your vision blurred from where you were.

Rubbing your eyes sleepily unable to keep up with such an energetic little girl you stumbled a bit.

"Wait for me!" You shouted after her running quickly, as quickly as you could towards the back door.

The grass under your feet kicked up, the smell of just fresh rain still lingering as you met up with the little girl at the door who was giggling.

"Are you okay?" Her question caught you off guard but you guessed, with the sudden rain while the two of you jumped on the trampoline and then racing around in the mud before being called in, she just wanted to make sure you weren't exhausted. (Though you most certainly were.)

"Yeah! I'm ready for dinner!" You brushed off your muddy clothes as she did, listening to her loudly announce she was also ready too.

"Oh my goodness!" As soon as the back door creaked open to reveal the two of you the little girl's mother shrieked at the sight. The mother gasped her daughter's name which fell silent to your ears as she rushed over with a dish towel.

"Look at the state of you two! You're both a mess! Oh my goodness!" The dish towel rubbed against both your faces in turn, wiping away any dirt that may have gotten on to your soft skins.

"I'm sorry mommy we were just having sooo much fun!" The little girl threw her arms up with a wide care free smile, and it was clear that her mother just couldn't bare to argue with her.

"Well, why don't you and (Y/N) go upstairs and have fun playing some dress up. Get into some fresh clothes and I'll tell (Y/N)'s parent(s) what happened to the two of you dirt monsters." The little girls mother had the same grin as her daughter, playfully tapping her index finger on her nose which created a loud giggle from her daughter.

"Okay mommy!" The little girl quickly threw off her shoes, as she was supposed to at the door, and rushed up the stairs you soon following after her.

You were excited to wear your friend's clothes, after all she had such pretty dresses! The two of you happily got into her room, the door shutting behind you as she raced and tore apart her room in search of a dress.

"Here!" The little girl quickly shoved something in your hands. You leaned back out of reflex looking down at what had been handed to you in shock. It was a yellow dress. The little girl grinned at your reaction and pulled another out a similar dress to the one in your hands.
"So we can match!"

"You always have the prettiest dresses!" A gasp fell from your lips as you quickly threw off your clothes to change into the dress with your friend.

"Girls!" The mother shouted, sounding as if she was coming up the stairs, her footsteps making the floor creak from under her.
"Are you two dressed for dinner?"

Though for two little girls who were happy playing pretend together, her shout went unheard through laughter as the two of you messed around in the mountain of pulled out clothes. The door creaked open, only to stop upon seeing the mess the two of you made. The scene felt so far away as the mother got a bit upset this time at her daughter who apologized a lot looking embarrassed.

It was clear that her mother just couldn't stay mad at her and simply told her to pick up all her things. The two of you worked together as she went down stairs, trying to fold clothes and put them back on the hanger.

"I'm so embarrassed! I keep forgetting it's not really lady like to be messy." The little girl frowned as she hung up the last of her dresses as you just closed a dresser drawer.

"It's okay, I think it's funny, plus I don't think it's the worst thing to happen to you." You joked as you stood up coming up to stand beside her. She laughed.

"You're right! Well I don't know about you but I'm starving!" The little girl grabbed your hand tugging you with her.

"Me too!" You nodded following her into the hallway.

"I could eat just about anything! I guess being messy isn't the worst thing!" The little girl laughed and you laughed with her in agreement as the two of you raced down the stairs hand in hand.

"Hellooooo? (Y/N)?" Chica's voice rang in your ears, her hand waving in front of your face expression twisted with worry.

You guessed you must have zoned out for a while. You blinked rapidly as her hand continued to wave making you a bit dizzy, enough to shake your head.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chica seemed strangely more stoic as she asked you that, and you couldn't help but feel a tear burn in your eye. You nodded quickly sniffling it away.

"Yeah, sorry I-I guess I just zoned out there for a second." You shook your head again, trying to come to your senses.

"Are you sure? You seem upset, I didn't upset you did i?" Chica seemed genuinely worried as she gazed at you intensely. You couldn't help but smile, the memory inside your head suddenly making sense. You shook your head quickly telling her everything was fine and chatted with her as if nothing just happened.

But you knew you just remembered something, even if it wasn't as important as the others would have liked, it was important to you. Chica was important to you.

Because she was your best friend, and how could you not find your best friend important?

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