Insomnia (A Five Night's at F...

By nightmare597

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*COMPLETED, UNDER GRAMMATICAL EDITING* Living in the real world as an adult had its challenges. You knew that... More

Chapter 1 Inauguration
Chapter 2 First Night Terrors
Chapter 3 One More Error
Chapter 4 Golden Boy
Chapter 5 Pieces Of A Bigger Puzzle
Chapter 6 Bitter As Coffee, Sweet As Cake
Chapter 8 Rembering Our Past
Chapter 9 Light and Darkness
Chapter 10 The Purple Piece
Chapter 11 Looming Shadow
Chapter 12 Break My Mind
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Freddy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Bonnie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Goldie)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Foxy)
Chapter 13 Torn From You (Chica)
Chapter 14 The Demon's Trap
Chapter 15 Missing
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Freddy)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Bonnie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Goldie)
Chapter 16 Just A Whisper Away (Foxy)
Chaptet 16 Just A Whisper Away (Chica)
Chapter 17 Final Breath Of Life (Freddy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Bonnie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Goldie)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Foxy)
Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Chica)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait For You (Freddy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for you (Bonnie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Goldie)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Foxy)
Chapter 18 I Will Wait for You (Chica)
Epilogue (Till We Meet Again)
The Sequel is Here
Thank you, Thank You All (Behind the Author)

Chapter 7 A World Within The Mind

5.5K 143 58
By nightmare597

You're so cold, it's so cold. Your body shook from the chills that racked across your body, hands wanting to desperately warm your arms even if it was a seemingly impossible task. Why are you so cold? Why is it so dark? Where are you?

Your breathing was heavy, and it was then you realized tears were streaming down your face for some reason. Why were you crying? So many questions but unfortunately nothing to be answered.

"Where are you?" A voice called out through the darkness, low with a hidden sinister tone. You found yourself covering your mouth to keep your breathing from being too loud, holding your breath even if that was pointless.

He's going to find me!

Your tears fell faster making you feel as if you were suffocating in them, you can't breath and the sound of foot steps was getting closer. The darkness around you didn't seem so dark anymore allowing you to barely make out your surroundings.

Fresh blood was splashed on the floor, coating it in a dark crimson color clashing with the black and white checkered floor, just pouring out from behind a closed door. (It seemed like someone was dragged from out here inside the room with the closed door.)

"Come on! I don't have all day!" The voice growled it's fake friendliness fading with obvious impatience. The footsteps are getting closer and you didn't know what to do, you can't do anything paralyzed without fear curling up further where you were sitting hidden behind a drawer. (At least, to a little kid, it looked like a drawer.)

Do not be afraid.

The words were spoken and yet they weren't heard. Just merely, perceived. Don't be afraid? But you're scared, the scary rabbit is going to get you.

You are safe, if-if-if-

The words were repeating like a broken record caught on a loop. If what? Suddenly this whole reality you seemed to be in was melting away, even if you were still sitting in the same place. Though with what little light was around you could see you had blood on your clothes and arms and hands. It was pretty much all over you.

Where did this come from? Who's is it? Is it mine?

Your thoughts were just running so fast and then at last you stood up looking down at your shaking hands.

"Y-you can't-" the meek voice called out to you causing you to look towards it. You were met with a little boy tears streaming down his face clutching some sort of bear to his chest. (It sort of...reminds you of goldie.) You wanted to approach the boy, finding he was so familiar, someone you feel like you hold very close to your heart. (Like someone would hold a sibling.)

"Don't cry." You tried to soothe taking a step closer your body moving on its own accord. The boy clutched his bear tighter to his chest looking up at you with wide eyes.

"He's going to get you! D-daddy is going to hurt you! Please don't remember!" His words were confusing to you. What are you not supposed to remember? And who is his father?

So many questions yet so little answers is that all this is ever going to be? Your mind was reeling and as you thought to yourself you failed to see the hand reaching for you in the darkness. That was until suddenly it grasped your shoulder causing you to freeze.

"I found you!" The sing song like tone to the words made you jolt with fear. But you never turned around never saw the eyes that belonged to your stalker. Instead you merely woke up.

You groaned unwilling to wake up, even if your phone was screaming at you with a set alarm to do just that. You rolled to your side finding you had been sleeping on your back through majority of sleep.

As your eyes opened slowly looking around the room you just couldn't muster up the strength to sit up. Everything was so foggy but you swear just before you opened your eyes you felt someone softly touching your face.

Your mouth twisted into a frown, all as you sat up at last looking around your room. Nothing was out of the ordinary. What time was it? You turned to look at your nightstand seeing your phone laying against it buzzing while playing a melody in hopes of waking you up.

You wanted to recall that dream. Or was it a nightmare? What ever it was, you wanted to recall just what it was about. It felt so important, so real. You held your face in your hands trying to think.

Why can't you remember it? Didn't it just happen? You could just faintly see, just faintly make out images. But they're so foggy. A little boy? No? Uh, a bear! There was a stuffed bear!

You groaned rubbing your hands down your face in defeat. You can't remember! Why can't you remember? Your heart was beating like it does after a nightmare but there was nothing to be afraid of.

Sucking in a breath you reached for your phone laying back down in bed with the blankets loosely covering your body as you stopped the alarm and looked at the time. 10 pm.

Guess I should get something to eat and try and get ready for work.

You huffed in thought wanting to look through social media. But you knew better even if the thought was tempting. (But what feels like 5 minutes of just browsing through post ends up being 2 hours and well you don't want to be late for work.)

Tossing your phone to the other side of your bed you laid there for a few more moments gazing up at the ceiling with an arm draped over your head, but not quite covering your eyes.

You wished you remembered what ever that dream was. It seemed so important and even though the concept of what you found out last night was still so strange and weird and new to you, if they were who they say they are you wanted to help them. You want them.

But that's silly, you save them? How could you do that? You're just one person. Turning on your side shuddering at the cold you sucked in a breath forcing your self to get up. Well there's no point in trying to prolong getting ready. You might as well get up now.

Sitting up after tossing the blanket off you, you stretched in place before marching towards where you kept your uniform. Though all the while still wondering just what you dreamt about.
(ATTENTION: This is not the end of the chapter! From this point on to the end of the book, you will get the option of which story route you would like to go for either the boys or Chica. Each route will be labeled with the name of your chosen character in bold font so keep an eye out for them in the next chapters! Underneath is a Goldie x reader I strongly recommend you read this one as it's important to the plot. Happy reading!)

It's funny, you'd think unlike the others the ability to move when ever you wanted was a blessing. That he didn't have to stand there and preform in his animatronic form for the girls and boys everyday. But it was anything but a blessing. No one knew, knew the darkness goldie carried within his heart.

He was jealous, so envious of the main three who stood on stage preforming for the children. It's just not fair, it's just not. At least they could be seen no matter what in the day, but he had to stay hidden in the shadows just watching.

Goldie was standing in a far corner away from the stage, hoping no one saw his white pupils illuminating the darkness around him. But even if they did people were always so quick to dismiss the truth that something really was there rather than admit there's more to this world than just on a physical level.

He hated this, hated hiding, hated seeing his brother on stage singing his heart out. Goldie knew that wasn't just the voice recording inside the animatronic but the possessed voice of his brother enjoying his song as he serenaded the children in his sweet song. (Always going above and beyond than what was asked of him.)

It's just not fair. It always felt like freddy got the better end of the deal, always got the spot light. And what did goldie always end up with? Nothing but the left overs. No one knows just how badly Goldie wanted to be on stage with the others. To sing with them and spend time with them. Not be confined to being hidden in plain sight carrying a burden the others really have no clue about.

The only one, Goldie could possibly thing, who could possibly understand would be foxy. Locked away in pirate cove. But then again, maybe foxy likes it in there no one gazing at him but he can't leave like goldie can.

Goldie always felt so alone, even surrounded by people. But even if that was a normal fact, why is it when he's with you, you seemingly make him feel as if he's not alone anymore? That there's a light at the end of the tunnel just waiting for him to reach his happiest day. Just like the puppet promised.

You truly must be the missing key to everything. The very being destined to set them free with the guidance of the puppet. You were almost angelic even though he's briefly gotten to keep an eye on you lately. Always so kind even when you're afraid.

But you'd never fall in love with him. Loves a strong word, but Goldie felt it was right to use. He's not in love yet himself but he can feel that you're very special to him. Someone he could very much love. (Despite what chica and bonnie say about him lacking a heart in a teasing manner, Goldie has one.)

You'd go for freddy before you went for him, again leaving Goldie abandoned in the shadow of his older brother. He could almost hear bonnie teasing him about having a crush on you, mocking him for it. Telling him he shouldn't entertain the thought when clearly you'd choose freddy. (Though thar was just jealousy talking, bonnie would never say that to him.)

Goldie scowled looking at the floor lost inside his own mind. It still bothers him, even though he had trained himself to mature to be ready for this day to anticipate this outcome, that you don't remember him. Remember anything the two of you had done.

He remembers everything, playing in his mother's garden with you, every birthday party you invited him to. The list could go on. And while you all had still been children, just about to leave kindergarten, you all had been friends since preschool. He could almost hear your laughter...

His ears twitched to the sound of his brother talking making Goldie look up quickly to see freddy telling the kids that it was time for a break and that they'd be back soon. The wave of whines that ensued as the curtains swisher closed was loud. The children all wanting the trio to return and preform. But their cries went unheard as background music filled the void of the preforming band.

Goldie narrowed his eyes unhappily. This is how it's always been, he's always just left in Freddy's shadow, always. Just once he wants the opportunity to be his own person, and not just Freddy's brother. (He was glad though that now they don't look nearly as much alike as they did when they were kids. Seeing as he was his twin, but only younger by 15 minutes. He wasn't supposed to be a twin but it just sort of happened.)

Goldie was about to just go else where, and try and forget the bitterness swelling inside him as to not fall victim to anymore darkness, but he stopped.

He's going to find me!

Your voice sounded so terrified as you spoke inside his mind. You're afraid. Something's scaring you. Something was very wrong. With a pop Goldie had vanished from the pizzeria to your home, knowing where it was after his last visit to be sure it really had been you, finding his shoes to meet with the plush of the carpet of your room.

His eyes looked around momentarily as he got his bearings. Traveling so far so quickly temporarily makes him a bit dizzy. But Goldie can only travel to places he's been once before, he can't go anywhere but where he knows. It's quite tedious but he can venture out when he needed unlike the others. Finally Goldie gazed down seeing your sleeping form.

You were slightly tossing and turning unable to keep still as you gasped a bit eyes clenched shut in fear. You're having a nightmare. He can feel it from here. Hesitantly Goldie ventured forward standing beside you to gaze down at your sleeping form. He, greatly dislikes how unhappy you look.

Taking a seat at the side of your bed feeling the mattress dipping to his weight, Goldie brushed your hair from your face. You seemed to relax a bit to the feeling but you still looked so afraid.

"Don't be afraid." Goldie echoed similar words you heard from inside your dream, though who had said those words to you hadn't been him but someone else entirely. His hand rested on your forehead, his warm flesh meeting your warmth as his eyes softened. He guessed the one good thing about not only having free roam regardless of the day and the ability to shift between animatronic and human as he likes, is that he can protect you when the others can't.

Closing his eyes Goldie felt himself being torn from reality and thrusted inside your mind. When he opened his eyes again he could see what you were dreaming about finding himself looking around trying to get a sense of everything.

Things have changed since he's entered that he can tell, but where were you? And what was going on?

"Y-you can't-" the sound of a little boy's voice filled the void making Goldie look towards it seeing your silhouette just faintly. You're covered in blood but that's not what's noticeable to him, you're wearing the same clothes you wore on the day it happened.

"Don't cry." You tried to soothe the little boy wanting to be closer to him, but Goldie wasn't gazing in that direction finding his gaze was locked on the person stalking closer to you. He knows perfectly well who that is, he knows who's hiding in that golden bonnie suit. (Hidden away beneath the spring lock mechanism.)

You have to wake up goldie can't let you continue this dream, he must disrupt it. Just as the golden bonnie caught up with you and grabbed your shoulder speaking to you goldie forced you to wake up as he quickly fled your mind.

He gasped returning to reality feeling as though he hadn't had a chance to breath until this very moment as he panted. Your alarm on your phone was going off and had caused him to catch a glimpse of the time. to think he's been here since 4pm and it was now 10pm.

His attention returned to you as your breathing evened out as you began to wake up. Yes that's it calm down no reason to be afraid as long as he's here to protect you. With out thinking Goldie caressed you're cheek wanting to enjoy the warmth that emitted from your skin. Enjoying the fact you were merely alive still. But just as you opened your eyes to reach for your phone he was gone as if he had never been there in the first place.

He knew that sort of a dream won't linger with you, but at the same time he didn't want it to even if you needed to remember in order for them to reach their happiest day. You had to remember, even if he didn't want you to go through that pain. But it was either the normal pain of remembering or an excruciating one of remembering before death if He finds you.

Times running very short already, and it hasn't been that long since the first he's spoken to you. Goldie found himself back inside the pizzeria only to be met with his brother paving anxiously on stage already in his human form. (He wasn't alone though, chica was having a chat with foxy at some party tables and bonnie was leaning against the base of the stage tuning his guitar.)

Did they all notice he had left? Was freddy worried about him running off? Goldie sighed and decided to just figure out what the reason was rather than ponder over all the different scenarios as to why. The moment he took a step away from the shadows towards the party tables all eyes were on him.

"Goldie!" Freddy looked relieved stopping his pacing in favor to turn and his walk off the stage towards his brother.

"Where have you been? I've been worried about you." Freddy seemed genuinely upset by goldies sudden disappearance making Goldie feel almost guilty for his jealousy towards his brother. He knows freddy cares about him, but jealousy was a horrible thing.

"I...heard (Y/N) was having a nightmare and went to check on her." Goldie felt like a scolded child as he avoided his brothers gaze clasping his hands behind his back.

"Oh no! Is she okay?!" Chica gasped as she turned her attention towards the brothers with bonnie and foxy gazing curiously. Everyone seemed worried.

"She is now," Goldie found his gaze returning to freddy after looking towards chica, "but I doubt she'll remember the nightmare."

"Why is that?" Freddy looked curious bringing a finger up to curl around his chin in thought.

"I didn't see the entire dream, but from what I did see she was wearing her clothes from that day. She even dreamt about that man, but there's something else there. I'm not sure what it is but it took the shape of a little boy. It didn't want her remembering." Goldie heaved out a heavy breath.

Freddy couldn't help but look so thoughtful, pondering over all the new information. This was certainly going to be a challenge. Their work was cut out for them.

"We'll proceed with the original plan. Try and naturally unlock her memories, help her remember. But if things don't work out, then we'll have to make her remember. We can't let Him reach her before we do." Freddy spoke his thoughts aloud leaving everyone with a bit of food for thought.

"I don't think He's realized that she's even here yet, our time is limited." Goldie frowned slightly as he spoke. He certainly didn't want Him to find you.

"Then it's settled, tonight is the night." Freddy readjusted his top hat with closed eyes seeming very serious as all eyes remained on him. Then the other three nodded to his words.

"Tonight." They echoed back instantly.

"Tonight...."Goldie found himself echoing back hesitantly. Tonight was the night you'd start to remember at least something, or at least they hoped.

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