Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

658 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Five

13 1 0
By SdarkDeathgod

Back in the present. Jun was still meditating in the backyard of his house. Sitting in front of him was his Servant, Zerra. While she was watching her Master, she notice that his body was starting to emit an aura. As this was happening, she notice that Jun was making an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Zerra: Jun, what's wrong?

Jun doesn't answer immediately and takes him five seconds to do so. He stops meditating and starts breathing heavily. Zerra comes closer and pats him on the back.

Zerra: Are you alright? What happened?
Jun: D-Don't know. I think...I produced more magic that expected. My body couldn't handle it.
Zerra: Jeez, you're so reckless. Erica said not to overdo it. Your body is still isn't used to magic.
Jun: That's to be expected since I have never practiced magic in my life.
Zerra: But it's nice to see that you're improving. You managed to summon more than three Pawns during that convenience store incident.
Jun: Yeah, I know.

Jun takes out a small book from his pocket. Zerra curiously stares at it.

Jun: I'm glad my mom gave this to me. Since I'll be joining the War, she said that this could protect me.
Zerra: You mentioned that this used to belong to your great-great grand father.
Jun: Yeah. During that time, my family was still practicing magic.
Zerra: What do you know about it?
Jun: All my mom told me that its a book that summons familiars that aids the caster in battle. But that's all the she knew. She said that I should read it's contents if I want to learn more.
Zerra: And?
Jun: This book holds 16 demons in it. These demons each represents the pieces of Chess.
Zerra: Chess? Now that you mentioned it, when you summoned those things, you said that it's name was Pawn.
Jun: That's right. Other than the eight Pawns, there are also two Knights, two Rooks, two Bishops, one Queen and one King. However, as of now, I can only manage to summon the Pawns.
Zerra: Why?
Jun: In order to summon the other pieces, I have to train my body more. More specifically, I need to produce more mana so my body doesn't self-destruct.
Zerra: Is that why you're meditating at least once a day?
Jun: Yeah. Mom said that meditating is the easiest way to generate mana.
Zerra: Don't worry. I'm sure in time you'll be able to summon all of them.
Jun: I'm not so sure about that.
Zerra: What do you mean?

Jun flips several pages of the book. He stops at one page where it had a picture of black suit of armor with a sword in both hands. Next to it was also the same suit of armor but had a more feminine shape, indicating that it was for woman. In it's hand where two swords.

Jun: The King and Queen. The two most powerful pieces.
Zerra: What about them?
Jun: Mom said that she had no doubts about me summoning the pieces if I practice hard enough. She was more worried about these two specifically. She said that if possible, I shouldn't summon them.
Zerra: Huh? Why ever not?
Jun: She was afraid that I might not handle it. These two are special. Unlike the rest, these two can't be summoned unless they want to.
Zerra: What? You mean they have a will of their own?
Jun: Yes. If they don't see me fitting as their Master, they won't lend their strength.
Zerra: I see. So training isn't enough.
Jun: The problem is that this book doesn't mention anything about how to win them over. My mom doesn't have a clue either.
Zerra: I guess you'll just have to find out yourself, huh?
Jun: Yeah.

Jun place the book back in his pocket. He then lies his back on the ground as he stares at the sky.

Jun: That's enough meditating for today. Man, am I beat.Sigh.
Zerra: Do you want something to eat?
Jun: Nah. I'll just wait until lunch.
Zerra: In that case, what do you want for lunch?
Jun: What? You cook?
Zerra: That's right. Erica thought me how to.

Jun suspiciously stares at Zerra. She blushes a little.

Zerra: W-What is it?
Jun: I never thought you were the kind to even cook.
Zerra: How rude! What, is it weird for a Servant to learn how to cook?
Jun: Honestly, yes.

Zerra was surprised by that. She gives a depressing sigh.

Zerra: Seriously?
Jun: As far as I know, Servants usually doesn't act like that. They are more like emotionless killing machines.
Zerra: Really?
Jun: Yeah. But I'm not complaining. I'm glad that you're my Servant. It make things easy for me.

Zerra blushes again but this time, she was happy about what Jun said. She couldn't help but giggles a bit.

Jun: Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you.
Zerra: Hmmm?
Jun: What...are you?
Zerra: Eh?

Jun sits back up and looks at Zerra with a serious expression.

Jun: Erica said that Servants are beings from the past that was given physical form by the Holy Grail.
Zerra: That's right.
Jun: So I'm asking you. What are you?

Zerra was hesitating to answer.

Jun: What's wrong?
Zerra: It's...Well....(murmurs)
Jun: What's there to be embarrass? I'm your Master so at least I have the right to know. We can't form a plan properly if I don't know my own Servant's identity.
Zerra: It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's because I can't. I...I don't know what am I.
Jun: What? Are you sure?
Zerra: Y-Yes. I believe it's because of how I was summoned.
Jun: What do you mean?
Zerra: I think it's because I was summoned by a novice mage, no offence. Your lack of mana wasn't enough for me to fully remember what I was.
Jun: I see.
Zerra: I'm...really sorry Jun.
Jun: No,no. It's fine. I'll just have to research myself. But at least I have two clues about your identity.
Zerra: Really? What?
Jun: The feather. It was used as a catalyst for summoning you. And your flames. I believe that these two are the keys to figure out who or what you are.
Zerra: Sorry I couldn't be much help.

Jun place his hand on her head and pats it. Zerra blushes again.

Jun: I told you it's fine. We'll get there eventually.(smiles)
Zerra: R-Right....(nods)

Their conversation was cut when they hear the doorbell rings from the front door.

Zerra: Did Erica forget something?
Jun: Silly. Why would she ring the bell if she lives here?
Zerra: Oh,right.

A female voice calls out from the front door.

Female voice: Hello? Anybody home? Jun? You there Jun?

After hearing that, Jun instantly knew who it was. It was Maya.

Jun: Maya?
Zerra: That's your friend from school, right?
Jun: Sigh. What does she want now? Does she have to bother me even during the weekends?
Zerra: Why? Don't you two get along?
Jun: It's not that. It's just that she's really really annoying sometimes.
Zerra: Really?
Jun: You have no idea. She forces me to study and stuff like that.
Zerra: Is that really annoying? In my opinion, I think she cares for you.
Jun: Sigh. Whatever.
Zerra: Anyway, go and answer the door. I might as well prepare lunch.
Jun: Sure.

Both of them returns to the house. Jun heads to the front door while Zerra goes to the kitchen. He opens the door to see that it was really Maya. She was all fancy with her white summer dress and had her hair tied into a ponytail.

Maya: Hello! (smiles)
Jun: What do you want?
Maya: Well how rude! It almost like I'm bothering you or something!
Jun: It's not "like" because you are bothering me.
Maya: Jeez! (pouts)
Jun: Sigh. Alright, alright. I'm sorry. So, what is it?
Maya: I was nearby so I decided to stop by. Me and Erica saw each other just a little while ago. Your cousin is so nice Jun. I wish she was my older sister...Just kidding! (giggles)

Maya was completely oblivious to what was going through Jun's mind at that moment.

Jun: Since Erica was going to live here, I had to come up with an excuse since Maya always drops by whenever she pleases. At least she took the bait when I said that Erica was my cousin who was visiting. But I can't help but think that I'm forgetting something. (thinks to self)

Just then, Zerra's voice calls out to Jun from the kitchen.

Zerra's Voice: Jun! I think the stove is broken or something. Can you come in here and check it out?

Hearing that, Jun instantly remembers what he forgot.

Jun: Shit! Maya doesn't know about Zerra! ( thinks to self)

Jun turns his attention to his guest but goes speechless when he notice that Maya was forcing herself to smile but it was clearly obvious from her expression that she was angry. She tries to speak calm but the tone of her voice gives her true emotions away.

Maya: Oh? I didn't know you have someone over, JUN. And from what I just heard, it's a girl. Since Erica isn't here, I wonder who that is, huh JUN?
Jun: N-Now wait a minute! Don't get any funny ideas! Hear me out!

Maya couldn't contain her rage anymore as she painfully slaps Jun on the face. The attack was so strong that Jun falls hard on the ground before losing consciousness. Realizing what she just did, Maya snaps back to her senses.

Maya: O-Oh my god! W-W-What did I just do? Hey Jun! Jun! You alright?! JUN!!!

A little later, all three of them were in the dinning room where Maya joined them for lunch. Jun and Zerra was sitting next to each other while Maya was sitting across them. Zerra was happily eating but Maya was being awkward since Jun was silently glaring at her with the slap mark still fresh on his face. It was obvious that he upset at the incident earlier. Zerra finally notice the two's weird reaction to one another.

Zerra: What's wrong? Aren't you going to eat? I know this is my first time cooking but you could at least try it Jun. (looks at Jun)
Jun: I can't since my FACE is still numb.
Maya: I-I said I was sorry! Jeez! How many times do I have to apologize?
Jun: Sigh. Whatever.
Maya: In any case, who is she anyway? (points at Zerra)
Jun: Settle down and I'll tell you. She's a friend of Erica's and she'll be staying here for awhile.

Maya suspiciously looks at Jun.

Jun: What? You can ask Erica herself to see if I'm telling the truth or not.
Maya: Well, if you're saying that then you must be telling the truth.
Jun: Of course I am. I wouldn't lie to you.

Maya turns red a little after hearing that.

Maya: I-I see. As...As long as the misunderstanding has been cleared then w-we're good.

Maya starts eating while Jun gives a sigh of relief.

Zerra: You're Maya right? I'm Zerra by the way.
Maya: Oh, yes. Nice to meet you. I'm Jun's friend, Maya.
Zerra: You know, Jun is always talking about you.
Maya: R-Really...? He does? (blushes)
Zerra: Yeah. He's always saying that you're annoying and doesn't know when to shut up.

Maya's mood goes from sweet to rage as he kicks Jun's shin from under the table. Although in pain, he was able to keep himself from shouting. Zerra was completely oblivious of what just happened.

Maya: So I'm annoying, huh? (looks at Jun)
Jun: Well it's true!
Maya: Hmp! Idiot.

Maya keeps eating with an irritated look on her face. Jun leans closer to Zerra and whispers at her.

Jun: For god sake, don't blurt out the things that I've told you about her.
Zerra: Huh? Why not? It's true, isn't it?
Jun: Just...Just do what I say or my life in school will become hell.
Zerra: I don't really understand but if that is what you want.
Jun: Sigh. Jeez Zerra. Learn to read the mood.

The three continues eating lunch. Later, Maya was by the front door. Jun was with her while Zerra was washing the dishes in the kitchen.

Maya: Sorry showing up out of the blue and then ended up eating lunch here.
Jun: It's fine. Don't worry about it. Anyway, careful on your way back. And pay attention to where you're going. You tend to lose your focus and end up getting lost.
Maya: H-How rude! I don't get lost! (pouts)
Jun: Yeah, yeah.
Maya: And besides, I'll be taking a cab.
Jun: Why? You never ride one since you're always saying that walking is a good form of exercise.
Maya: Well, it can't be help since there was an incident not too far from here.
Jun: An incident? What happened?
Maya: On my way here, there were some police surrounding a house. From what I've heard, someone broke in. There were no casualties but they said that all five family members were extremely weak. The police are convinced that the culprit hasn't gone too far. That's why I'm taking a cab. That's why I'm taking a cab since it's safe.

Maya notice that Jun had a serious expression. He seems so be deep in thought.

Maya: Jun?
Jun: Oh, nothing. Yes. I think that's for the best. Be careful.
Maya: I'm off then. Bye. (smiles)

Jun waves good bye as Maya leaves the house. As he close the door, Zerra was already standing by the corridor with her back leaning against the wall.

Jun: I'm sure you heard that.
Zerra: Yeah. We're probably thinking about the same thing.
Jun: Once you're done with the dishes, we'll go and investigate.
Zerra: Right. (nods)

Some time later. Jun was walking through a residential area. He slowly comes to a stop when he sees that several police were gathered in front of a house. A small crowd of people had formed from the commotion. He and Zerra were talking to each other telepathically.

Jun: This must be it. Zerra, can you sense anything?
Zerra: It's faint but yes. I can tell that a Servant was indeed here.
Jun: Tsk. I knew it. Whoever this Master is, he's trying to increase his Servant's magic by making them consume human souls.
Zerra: Could it be the same person during the convenience store incident?
Jun: That's a possibility.
Zerra: What do we do now?
Jun: There's too many civilians here. We'll just have to wait until it gets dark before we can go inside. There'll be few police by then.
Zerra: Alright.

Jun leaves the area before someone gets suspicious of him. Time flies quickly and in no time, it was already evening. Jun returns to the house and he was right. Only three police were there. Two were inside a police car while the other one was patrolling the front yard. Jun was hiding behind an alley just several feet from the house. He and Zerra continues to talk telepathically.

Jun: Looks like I was right.
Zerra: But there are still some police. Should we go and enter from the back?
Jun: That's not a bad idea.
Zerra: You need to be careful not to be seen. I have no problem since I can go into spirit form.
Jun: Don't worry about it. I used a spell earlier that makes my footsteps sound proof.
Zerra: What? That's really handy. Jun, you can use other spells?
Jun: It's nothing special. Any mage can use it. Anyway, lets go. Be on your guard.
Zerra: Right.

Jun waits for the perfect time where the police that's patrolling the front yard to be out of his line of sight. After a few moments, he sees a chance and takes it. He quickly goes to the back part of the house. Unknown to him, a man wearing a hooded jacket was observing him from the roof of another house. He gives a sinister smile.

Hooded Man: Gotcha.

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