Oikawa's little brother { hai...

By otaku_katsuo

325K 9K 4.9K

imma be straight forward, oikawa has a little brother that has always hung out with Tooru and Iwa-chan. becau... More

{1} match against Yukigaoka part 1
{2} match against yukigaika part 2
{3} Graduation
{4} we meet again
{6} Aoba johsai vs Karasuno part 2
{7} Inter-high
{8} Kageyama and [m/n]
{9} let the game begin
{10} Battle of the setters
#SPECIAL... //Practice//
{11} Mr. Refreshing
{12} Final set! (part 1)
{13} Final set! (part 2) the deuce
{14} Aftermath
#SPECIAL... //prank war//
{15} My setter
{16} Texts
{17} spring tournament
{18} Date Tech
{19} our final game
{20} Mad-Dog chan
{21} A Pinch Server
{22} The Final Battle
{23} Encounters
#SPECIAL... //Valentines Day//
{24} Day of the game
{25} You What....?
{26} EEEEHHH!?

{5} Aoba Johsai vs Karasuno part 1

15.6K 430 297
By otaku_katsuo

Narrator's POV

"Let's play!" both teams yell while taking a bow

"That shrimp is a middle blocker? That's gotta be some kind of mistake." Kindaichi says

"that's Kageyama for real? what's he doing at Karasuno?" Iwaizumi asks

"who knows" Yahaba replies 

"He should have come to Aoba Johsai" [m/n] states

Hinata-chan doesn't look so good, I guess he's super nervous [m/n] thought. PRRRSSSWWWW, the whistle blew signaling the start of the game.

"Matsukawa, nice serve."

Matsukawa served the ball and it successfully went over the net, Daichi called for the ball but Hinata got in the way so it went off, Ennoshita covered and passed it to Tanaka who spiked but, Kindaichi, Kunimi, and [m/n] were able to block it, giving Aoba Johsai the first point.

unfortunately for Karasuno this wasn't the only time Hinata messed up, bumping into Tanaka, falling next to Kageyama, and bumping into the referee's ladder thing causing the referee to fall over

"Hinata!!" Daichi yelled at this point Ennoshita had to hold back Kageyama from beating the crap out of Hinata.

"All right, Lucky! Lucky!" tanaka yells, they were able to get one point because Aoba johsai had a touch net foul, so now Karasuno have 13 points, but the opposing team is already at set point.

"Hey you! That's enough nervousness!" Kageyama yells while grabbing Hinata by the jersey

"No! give me another chance!" Hinata nervously yells.

"They're really no big deal" Kindaichi scoffs

"He sure hasn't changed, at all" Kunimi says

"I'm pretty sure if Hinata-chan wasn't so nervous they would play better, they wouldn't put him in the game if he can't do anything" [m/n] says while looking at the person ready to serve, sadly for Karasuno that person is Hinata. The whistle blew causing Hinata to throw up the ball in panick and hit it. SMACK! the ball hit Kageyama right on his head. Everyone stares at Kageyama in shock, Kageyama slowly raises up his head with the scariest look ever, as for [m/n], he felt so bad for Hinata but he was still having trouble holding back his laughter.

"Oi!" Tanaka laughs

"Nice headshot, man!" Tsukishima teases

"Is your head okay?" Tanaka asks

"Oi Tobio-chan! you good man?" [m/n] laughs joining Tanaka and Tsukishima 

"Urusai {m/n]!" Iwaizumi growls while pulling [m/n], who is still laughing like a maniac, back to the benches to get ready for the next set. When [m/n]'s laughter finally died down, he looked over to the other team and saw that Kageyama was walking over to Hinata who looked like he was about to shit himself. you can literally see and feel the deadly aura surrounding Kageyama.

"W-w-wait! Once we talk about this, you'll understand!" Hinata yells in desperation "Kageyama! stop!" by the time kageyama can to a hault, he was standing about 10cm away from Hinata, it stayed like that until Kageyama spook up

"Just wondering..." Kageyama says

"Yes!?" Hinata screeches 

"why are you so intimidated? Why are you so nervous" Kageyama bends forward cause hinata to bend  backwards "Is  it because the opponents are tall? Is it because this is your first practice match? There's nothing scarier than hitting a serve into the back of my head..." kageyama raises his hands and place it one the back of his head "Is there?"

"I can't think of anything." Hinata replies with the sweat retracting into his face and his face still full of fear

"In that case, you have no reason to be nervous anymore. Because you've already done it... The scariest thing possible. So now... Get back to normal, you jackass!"

"I'm surprised Hinata-chan is still alive..." [m/n] says with sweat dropping

The whistle is blown signaling the start of the second set.

"Oi, teach me later how to serve to the back of the head ." Kindaichi whispers to Hinata

"Teach me later too" Tsukishima adds

Yahaba tosses the ball to Kunimi who spikes it but it is received by Tsukishima, Kageyama gets in position to toss the ball, meanwhile on the other side of the court Kindaichi and [m/n] are in position for blocking. Kageyama tosses the ball to Hinata who quickly jumps to spike it but misses it and the ball falls giving Aoba johsai a point. E-eh?.... what was... where they gonna do a quick, can Hinata-chan hit kageyama's tosses?! [m/n] desparatly thought to himself, he is soon brought back to reality by the teasing tone in Kindaichi's voice

"If you can't spike a ball like that, the king will get mad" Kindaichi mocks

"Hinata" Kageyama calls out, causing said boy to flinch "my bad, the toss was too high"

Kindaich, Kunimi, and [m/n] stood there baffled at what had just happened before them

"Kageyama" -KIndaichi

"apologized?" -Kunimi

"no way" -[m/n]

Once again Kindaichi and [m/n] were in position ready to block. They'll probably try to do another quick, is it even possible? I guess I'm not the only one that can hit Kageyama's tosses, but... why do I feel uneasy? what is this feeling? Jealousy? Anger? Sadness?! well it doesn't matter, I have to focus on the game [m/n] nervously thought to himself. Before [m/n] realized, Kageyama had tossed the ball at an amazing speed and Hinata was there to spike. BAM! the ball suddenly slammed into the ground on the other teams' side. 

"eh...." [m/n] looked at the ground where the ball had landed and them at Kindaichi who also have the 'the fvck just happened' face. Everyone at the gym started cheering, oooh's and aaah's were filling up the gym.

[m/n] watched as there team huddled up, [m/n] started feeling uneasy again but this on wasted so subtle, he bent over while holding his stomach.

"Oi [m/n], are you ok?" Iwaizumi asks with concern in his voice

"Iw..cha... b-ba...om..." [m/n] could barely speak

"What?" iwaizumi ask while the others where gathering around 

"b-bathroom" [m/n] finally answers


"IWA-CHAN! THAT'S TOO FAR!" now they have grabbed the attention of Karasuno, who were curious as to what was going on.

"TOO FAR MY ASS! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!... *sigh* Look, we need you to be here if we're gonna win, you're a wing spiker aren't you?"

"Hai!" [m/n] say enthusiastically 

"Good, now pull yourself together! Dumbass!"

"Hai! wait... DUMBASS, IWA-CHAN SO MEAN!" [m/n] whines

"Urusai shittykawa, were starting" iwaizumi growls

[m/n] sees Yahaba and Kindaichi whispering about something but he couldn't care at the moment all we could do was focus intensely on the game I'm a wing spiker, the team needs me, I can't break down, faster, stronger, higher! [m/n] thought intensely to himself, it was as if he had flames surrounding him, everyone on the court could feel the intense aura he was giving, much like his brother. 

[m/n]'s POV

the score is now 10-9 with Karasuno in the lead crap I thought looks like Hinata-chan will do another quick with Tobio-chan Hinata jumps to spike the ball, Kindaichi and Iwa-chan jump to block but the ball doesn't go to Hinata-chan, I quickly see that the ball is going to the bald guy, so I move as fast as I can to block it or at leave one touch it.

"I've been waiting for this!" the bald guy yells, I wasn't able to move fast enough because the ball only grazed my finger tips before slamming unto the ground making a loud thud. shit I curse in my mind why can't you move faster good damn it! I was shaken out of my thoughts by the bald guy pointing at Kindai-chan

"How do you like me now, turnip-kun?" he mocks "I told you we'd get you in the match" 

"what?" I say a little confused looking at the bald guy "Turnip-kun?" I look back at Kindai-chan and begin to laugh the bald guy joining me.

"That's right! hahahaha he does resemble a turnip" I laugh holding my belly

"OI [M/N]! don't join the enemy!" he yells

"Gomen turnip-kun, I mean kindai-chan!" I say while trying to hold back my laughter

As the game went on, we kept getting tricked by them using Hinata-chan as a decoy damn it! I curse to myself Either they get past our blockers or we can't get past their blockers, Karasuno is really awesome! shit another quick!  we call for a time cause if things keep going like this we're gonna lose this set.

"Oi Kindaichi, Kageyama isn't like you said." Yahaba-san says sounding a bit panicked 

"I wasn't expecting that either, I can't believe there's another spiker beside [m/n] who can sync with his reckless tosses" Kindaichi says, he looks at me for a moment and notices the sad look on my face

"I don't think so" Coach says "#5 isn't looking at the ball at all" this statement brings me back too reality as I look at the coach with a face of disbelief h-his eyes are c-closed! 

"coach what do you mean?" kindai-chan ask

"I think Kageyama pinpoint-tossed the ball directly where he was about to swing" coach replies

"Is that kind of thing possible?" Iwa-chan questions 

"Kageyama? matching someone else?" Kindai-chan says in disbelief

"that can only mean that #5 has the ability to make that self-centered and prideful Kageyama do what he's been doing." coach continues 

"So what's amazing is that he jumps believing in Kageyama 100% he believes that's where the ball will come" I finish knowing this is what coach would say.

"Exactly, so if they get past you block, receive solidly, you're all the best members of our team, show your pride"

"Hai!" we yell in unison.

"Oi [m/n]!" Iwa-chan calls out to me, he comes closer and whispers something to me...

"that's right!" I yell excitedly "Arigato Iwa-chan!" we go to the court and and I see Hinata-chan also entering the court

"I won't lose to you, Hinata-chan!" I say pointing at him with determination in my eyes

"me too!" he replies. The whistle blows signaling the start of the game, the score is 18-17 Karasuno is still in the lead. Tobio-chan passes the ball to the tall blonde with glasses, he spiked the ball scoring Karasuno one more point. Lord help us 

Know Kageyama and the tall blonde are in front of the rotation, the two of them begin to bicker and they even start pushing their arms against each other. Iwa-chan is about to spike the ball but is overwhelmed by Kageyama and the tall blonde who are able to block the spike.

"Don't mind Don't mind~ Iwa-chan~!" I say, I look over the net and see their captain yelling at Kageyama and the tall blonde for bickering at each other scary~ 

I'm definitely gonna score again I see the ball coming over to our side of the net, Kunimi receive it passing it to Yahaba

"Yahaba-san!" I say calling out for the ball, he tosses the ball to me and I quickly move from one side of the court to the other and jump in the air where the ball is coming, I took every emotion I was feeling and put it into that one spike, I saw Hinata-chan already jumping to block me you really are fast I smirked and looked him dead in the eye causing him to flinch, then I spiked the ball as hard as I could, it blew right past Hinata-chan's hands and smashed right unto the floor, giving us 22 points with Karasuno at 23.

"ALL RIGHT!" I yelled, the team came and patted me on the back saying nice and good job and stuff, the gymnasium was cheering for me mostly the screams of girls... I do have a pretty face like my brother hehe. I look over at Tobio-chan and smirk at him, making him blush a bit, his team noticed me smirk at Tobio-chan but not his blush. Sadly for us, Karasuno was able score a point getting them to set point, now the score is 24-22.

"Damn. Now I'm actually getting worried" Iwa-chan curse

"you're not the only" I sigh

As the proceeded the ball was going back and fort, us desperate to score more points shit they're gonna do another quick I cursed. Hinata-chan jumps with his eyes closed, Tobio-chan tosses the ball to him and Hinata-chan spikes it, as the ball is headed towards the ground, I run after it with everything I've good, the ball only touched the my hands a littled bit, causing it to flew off somewhere else, I slid on the floor for a little bit before eventually coming to a halt. The whistle is blown signaling that Karasuno has won this set. I slowly sit up and punch the floor a little hard, I see the rest of the team come up to me, I quickly stand up and bow my head

"Gomenasai!" I apologize "I wasn't able to get the ball, now we lost the set because of m--"

"Urusai [m/n]" I look up to see Iwa-chan look at me "it's not because of you, anyways we still have the next set, we can still win this"

I look at Iwa-chan with a big smile on my face "Hai!"

suddenly the girls starting scream, excuse me, screeching and yelling "Oikawa-san!" oh, Nii-san must be here, cause they don't cause me Oikawa-san

"Oikawa, you're back" coach says

"Nii-san!" I yelled hugging him "what took you so long! we just lost this set!" when I hugged him the girls started screaming louder... weird I thought. The third set will begin soon, we can still win this!

That's it for this chapter, I hope you liked it!

it was longer than my previous chapter, but....yeah. Also sorry if there are any mistakes, when I finished this chapter it was 2:00 a.m. so I'm tired, but i'm I sleeping after I publish this..... NOPE!

Anyways thanks for reading my story! see you in the next chapter


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