Shawn Mendes Imagines

By Brits_girl_101

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Just some sweet imagines of a sweet guy More

Beach Meeting
Meeting His Family
Final Concert
Author's Note
Award Show
Meeting my Parents
Going Public
Harry saves the day?
First Movie
Shaw Mendez
My Hero
Stressful Days
Sick Shawn
Lonely Birthday?
Car Crash Pt.1
Car Crash Pt.2
Drunk (Imagine for Rin❤)

First Date

275 3 0
By Brits_girl_101

Holy crap!I had a date with freaking Shawn Mendes.I couldnt believe it.What was once a dream was now freaking reality.I was excited.Shawn said to be ready for 7 and it was now 6 so I decided to get ready.Shawn said to dress casual yet elegant but at the same time that was no help.I head into the shower and then decided to wear a white strappy v neck top with a high waisted black pants paired off with a pair of black heels and my clutch.I straightened my hair and did my makeup neutral with some foundation,mascara,blush and bronze eyes with a pink gloss.By the time i was finish it was 6:45.I looked at myself in the mirror and was really impressed by myself.I took a few pics before walking downstairs to see my mom and dad in the livingroom."Aww sweety you look so pretty." My mom said smiling at me.I looked down at the ground."Thanks" My dad watched me and cleared his throat,"You look amazing sweetheart.What time is that singer coming over?" I laughed."Dad his name is Shawn and he will be here at 7."
"Are you sure you want to go out with him.I mean yeah he is worth a couple millions but really?" I laughed and then heard a knock."I will get it!" My mom announced excitedly."Yes dad I am sure.Be nice okay.He is really scared to meet you." My dad mumbled something but I didnt recognize what he said.A few moments after I heard Shawn and my mom and they entered the livingroom."Hey hun,you look amazing.These are for you,"Shawn said handing me a bouquet of blood red roses.He looked ever so dashing wearing a floral print long sleeve shirt with skinny jeans.I gave him a quick hug before introducing him to my dad.My mom already knew Shawn since we met him while out for dinner with my aunt but my dad wasnt with us."Dad this is Shawn Mendes. Singer.Songwriter.Musician. Shawn this is my father Thomas.Father.Cricket Fan. Husband."
"Hello Mr.Williams.I am Shawn.Its a pleasure to meet you." Shawn smiled warmly putting out his hand.My dad shook it,"Nice to meet you Shawn.How are you?"
"Well Sir and you?"
"Well surprisingly." I couldnt helo but smile.My dad actually liked him.Atleast I think.I excused myself to get my clutch upstairs.I walked back down to see my parents and Shawn laughing."Well I hate to steal Shawn from you guys but he was here for me." I laughed.
She is right.It was a pleasure to meet you Mr.Williams and good to see you Mrs.Williams.We should head out now.I will bring her back by 10."
"Please call us Thomas and Linda and you could keep her till 11." Well I was shook.My dad liked him.Like actually genuinely liked him.No way.I was screaming inside my head.We said our goodbyes but before we go Shawn stopped."Actually Linda can you take a picture of us real quick?"
"Sure hun." Shawn pulled out his phone and handed it to her.After the pictures we said goodbye and left.Shawn opened the door of hus jeep for me before getting in."Well that went way better than I thought it would.I think your parents like me!" Shawn gleamed with pride."Yeah they do.I had even go far as saying they love you." I smiled back.
"So where are we going?" I asked anxiously."Patience babe.You will see." Shawn laughed while interlocking our hands together.After driving for about 15minutes we pulled up to a beautiful restaurant called Providence.Shawn parked and came and open the door for me.Before holding my hand and walking in.We kept our head down as we tried keeping a low profile.Once in the restaurant we were seated at our table which was a the far back of the restaurant.I looked through the menu,"Shawn the prices here are crazy.I would have taken McDonalds happily you know?" Shawn laughed.God.That laugh."I know but I wanted something special for a special girl like you.Order whatever you want.The price isnt a problem." Shawn and I ordered our food and talked away.Even when we were eating our conversation was going strong.I kept laughing at all the funny stories Shawn would tell me.Every now and then someone would come and ask for a picture but I didnt mind but I knew I would see this on social media the next day."Its not that funny!"Shawn said as he began to eat his dessert.He ordered a chocolate cake while I did ice cream.I continued to laugh."I said its not funny," Shawn grinned back."You were meant to say 'Sing along if you know the words’ and you messed it up.I had say it was pretty funny." I smiled.
"Whatever," Shawn grinned back.Shawn then scooped up some of my ice cream and shoved it in his mouth."Hey!No fair." I said before taking a chunk of cake and stuffing it in my mouth.The night progressed as we stole each other desserts and talking just about anything."You know the guys you dated were really lucky."
"Well there isnt any actually.This is my first date."
"Wow didnt expect that one."
"What can I say Mendes.I am full of surprises." I said with a smile.Shawn smirked at me,"I bet you are." After Shawn payed for the bill it was only 10 so we decided to go to a park to use up the time.Shawn and I sat on the bench and he placed his hand around me.Since it was night,not much people were around but the park was bright with all the lights and we stayed close to his jeep."How much do you love it?" I asked him."What?" I glanced up at the sky."Everything.The fans.The people.Getting to live your dream everyday."Shawn looked at me.
"Its amazing to be able to sing and sharw my passion and what makes everything more amazing is the people you get to meet.I have met some of the best people in my life from doing what I do and I think I have one more addition to the list." I looked down blushing."You cold?"
"No.Why?" I asked.Shawn chuckled lightly before pulling my closer to him.Our sides touching."I could feel you fingers.They are freezing.Give them to me." I put out my handsa and Shawn cups them inbetween his and holds it up to his lips and kiss them gently.I smiled at him.God.This was too much to take.One minute I was at dinner with my aunt now I am on a date with SHAWN MENDES!We got up ready to go but just then we saw a shooting star."Look Shawn!Make a wish." I closed my eyes and made my wish and when I opened it I was met with Shawn's face inches away from mine.My back was against the jeep and Shawn's arms were around me."I dont need to wish.I have everything I need." His face inched closer to mine.What the hell I might as well.Right?I leaned forward and our lips fell in place immediately.The kiss lasted for about 20seconds before he pulled away smiling.Our foreheads still touching."We should get back," he mumbled.I was still lost for words.His soft pink lips were all I was focused on.My first kiss."Yeah-yeah." I mumbled turning for the door and getting in.The ride back was short and sweet.The comfortable silence was present but we didnt mind.Shawn pulled up at my driveway.It was 10:45."Well Shawn thanks for an amazing night.I had a great time really." I smiled.He leaned in closer and gave me a quick kiss."Yeah me too.Let me walk you to your door."
We were walking along the driveway when I heard laughter from the back.We quickly walked to the back instead.There we found my parents and my aunt and uncle."Hey guys," I greeted everyone quickly giving them hugs and kisses."Aunty,Uncle you remember Shawn?"
"Yes of course.How are you Shawn?" They greeted him.He quickly answered and shook their hand."Shawn would you like to stay a bit.You guys are early?" I watched Shawn with a smile."I mean if its okay.I wouldnt want to interrupt anything."
"Nonsense.Stay I insist." My mom said.Shawn agreed and I quickly excused myself.I went upstairs amd changed into a hoodie and sweats leaving my makeup still.I made my way back downstairs where everyone was laughing away."Anyone wants tea,coffee and hot chocolate?" I asked.Everyone agreed on coffee so Shawn came to help me."I prefer this outfit than the other," Shawn joked."Shut up," We quickly made all the orders and gave everyone theirs.Me and Shawn sat together on a couch.I pulled my knee up to my chest and Shawn's hand was around me.I pulled out my phone and looked through social media to find pictures of Shawn and I from early on.I even saw Shawn had tweeted,'Best night ever.'All the an accounts said they were happy he was happy and I smiled.I quickly joined in everyone's conversation."Well I should go," Shawn announced getting up."It was a pleasure to spend time with you guys.I had a great time." Shawn said while saying goodbye."I will walk you out." I said getting up.Everyone said goodbye and we walked to his jeep."Talk to you later?" I asked.
"Of course hun." Shawn gave me a quick kiss before leaving.I walked back to everyone smiling like an idiot."You like dont you?" My aunt asked."Dont worry we all do." My dad said making me smile wider.

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