Losing Hope *Leo's Memory Fic...

By MajesticallyMajestic

89.5K 1.8K 3.9K

I changed the story cover. Some of the words got cut off and I feel too lazy to fix it so it's staying like t... More

A Favor From A Goddess
The Posideon Cabin
Tía Callida
The First Grade
Wait...It's My birthday?
The Machine Shop
Shooting Stars
How Awkward

Keep Moving

6.4K 154 514
By MajesticallyMajestic


I'M ALIVE!! dying from homework, BUT ALIVE!!!

I rested my head onto Frank's shoulder feeling the rhythm of his chest rise and fall, instantly calming down my heart. I felt my heart clench each time I saw the state that Leo was in after his mother died. I wanted to so badly reachout my arms into the silver screen and mutter sweet nothings into his ear, hoping that it would make him feel at least semi better. I glanced over at Nico who was just stared blankly at the screen, as if this whole thing wasn't new to him. Like if he knew Leo's mother died or if he knew how much he was hurting. I almost laughed at that thought. Leo knows it wasn't his fault now, so i'm assuming he doesn't blame himself anymore. And Nico hates Leo, it's a known fact.

"Glad to see everything is fine. Anyway, I should be on my way." Lucy sated making her way towards the door. Allison got up to help her while Leo just quietly sat on the couch wanting to see her trip over her heels and face plant on the cold hard floor. Before she could leave out of the door, Lucy twisted her body so she was facing Leo. "And don't do anything stupid young man. Ms. Richard is a lovely lady and you're very lucky to have her as a mother." Leo cringed at the word mother. It's been one week since Allison took him to his mother's grave yard and ever since then, he finally came out of his room for the first time.

When they were at the graveyard, Leo had learned about Allison. Apparently she was a widow and wasn't capable of having any children. Her husband always wanted to be in the foster home system but Allison wanted to adopt. Tragically, he died in a car crash so in memory of her husband, she went in the foster care system taking in broken children and letting them go when the time was right. Leo didn't really tell Allison much about himself. Just some stories about his mother and her mechanic shop.

I gasped at the thought of not being able to have any children of your own. It's incredibly heartbreaking when a woman who wants children of her own, isn't capable of having any. It's something that I don't wish on any.

As soon as Leo heard the door shut he let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know how much longer he could hear Lucy talk about respecting your elders and why young ones should do everything they say. Just the thought of that made Leo sick . . . and strangely hungry. He made his way towards the kitchen and pulled out the leftover meal from yesterday night. As he pulled out the tacos and began to eat it cold, Allison sat across the table from him.

Come on Leo.Talk to her! I know it will mame you feel better! I silently prayed.

Leo decided to pretend she wasn't in the room. Sure, Allison was nice enough to knock him out with a sleeping pill and drive him about an hour to where his dead mother was buried. And yeah sure he was glad to at least be in the presence of his mom. But none of that mattered. Allison was still a stranger that Leo has to live with until she decides that he was a nuisance.

Besides, what's the point in opening up to her? Leo was pretty sure that Allison thinks he was fine and dandy but in reality, each night he cries himself to sleep due to his lost mother. Allison pursed her lips as she tapped on the table. "So . . ." She trailed off not knowing what to say. Leo wanted to so badly bang his head on the table, but unfortunately he didn't want to lose any brain cells.

"Like if you had any," Frank snorted causing me to lightly slap his arm while Nico glared at him intensely which made him cower slightly.

Finally Allsion sighed and leaned over the wooden table. "Look Leo. You need to talk to me. The only words I ever get from you are food  and yes or no." Leo avoided her gaze as he got up and washed his dish. "I only know if your mother. She seemed like a lovely woman--But I want to get to know you." By now Allison sat right next to Leo and with great annoyance, he realized this was inescapable.

After a few minutes of silence, Alliosn realized this was going no where. "Okay how about I start instead?" Leo shrugged his shoulders. "Well then...when I was little all I ever heard was, enjoy life as much as you can because once you get older, it will get rough. You youngsters are so lucky to have such a pure childhood. I also heard: just keep on moving along. Everything will get better." Leo rolled his eyes. Yeah right, he thought in annoyance. He was about to stand up and sulk in his room until Allison continued.

"I thought that was a bunch of baloney." She angrily muttered surprising Leo. Allison laughed bitterly, "I lived in Charonne, France in a poor neighborhood and the only thing I ever enjoyed in that place was the night sky. I loved how the stars twinkled and how the moon gave have such a beautiful warm glow." Leo's eyes began to grow watery as he thought of his mother under the stars.

I frowned sadly at the screen. Maybe we should do something similar with Leo in honor of Esperanza.

"I had no one looking after me in my house. My mother died when my younger sister was born and my good for nothing father left us to rot." She gripped her mug as she was recalling this. "I was thirteen at the time while my sister was ten. I had to quit school and take three jobs which barely got us through two weeks. Each day I'll come home tired and hungry, wanting to leave that place. It wasn't until one fateful day in December 12th." By now, Leo moved forward towards Allison, fully ingrosed into the story.

"It gets really cold at the place we lived. There was no air conditioner so I went to the store and bought twenty blankets. My sister had hyperthermia at the time and I had no clue what to do. I told her it would be just a quick trip but," her voice quivered. "When I came back she layed motionless on the floor." She took a deep breath and placed hand on her lap. "The thing was, she didn't die of hyperthermia. She died by two bullets in her head caused by some lowly thugs who were greedy and needed money. She probably refused to give them her gold necklace, something that was left behind by our mother."

Allison fiddled with her red beat up suspenders that she was wearing. Leo rose an eyebrow at her. When she caught his glance, she smiled. "This was my father's before he left us. I may still hate him, but it's all I have of him." Allison took a deep breath, "Anyway. I took all of my savings and fled the country and headed towards America. From there, I met my lovely husband at age sixteen. He helped me get back to my feet, go back to school, get a different identity, become a legal citizen, and find love for the first time."

Piper and I awed at the fact that her husband was that amazing. Frank and Jason both rolled their eyes at us.

"Of course, my life isn't fullfiled yet until I do one more thing in my lifetime." Leo leaned forward, "What?" Allison smiled sadly. "Travel to Oregon and sit on top of a hill under a tree and watch the sunset. It was something that my sister and I dreamed of doing before I came here." Leo nodded his head and gave her a very faint smile. He couldn't understand her. How? He thought. She lost everything! Her mother, her father, her sister and her husband! How can this woman carry on? Leo's mind went to something he's been thinking recently.

He wasn't suicidal. Not a chance. Even for an eight year old, Leo understood death better than most kids his age and the risk of taking your on life. However, if a car ever came while he was crossing the street . . . He will just stand there. And if someone ever pointed a gun to his head, he wouldn't exactly beg for his life. He'd laugh and tell the person to go for it. Leo wasn't suicidal. Not a chance. But if there was a way to die without taking his own life . . . He'd do it in a heartbeat.

Everyone was gaping at the screen, even Nico who seemed who was originally bored out of his mind. "This . . . Is some sick joke right?" Percy forced out a laugh while I tried to choke back my sobs. "Leo is like the happiest guy I know!" He seemed like if he was trying to convince himself. Piper was breaking down while Jason just stared at Leo along with Annabeth. Frank tried to comfort me.

Percy's voice quivered, "Why? Why didn't he tell us? I've been such a bad friend that I haven't even noticed what was going on--" A loud bang was heard, startling all of us. My eyes travelled toward Nico who slammed his hand against the chair. He looked up at Percy with so much fury in his eyes, "Don't you DARE! Don't you FUCKING dare, Jackson!" We flinched at his choice of language.

"Don't blame this on yourself. This has nothing to do with you right now. It's about Leo and his past not about what we've should've done as better friends." Nico glared at everyone, making me wanting to run away from his fierce gaze. "And besides, it's not like you've been paying any attention to him in the first place." Everyone was silent except for Percy who seemed like he was about to explode. "We haven't been paying any attention to him? Really Nico?" Annabeth looked uneasy, "Percy," she warned him but to no avail. "What about you? All you do is shut people out! WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU'VE PAYED ANY ATTENTION TO HIM?"

I could feel the tension in the air between the two, so much it was suffocating me. "Nico?" I ask, placing my hand on my brother's shoulder. Nico sighed and turned back to the screen, "You'll see." Percy seemed taken about to that response, but didn't say nothing of it.

"I live on," Allison said all of a sudden. Leo looked at her confused. "What?" She smiled brightly up at the ceiling. "I don't live on for myself. I live for them. I live so they will always be remembered and never forgotten. That is what makes them alive. Things like that . . . It's definitely worth living for." Leo felt like he was looking at a whole new world. "Living for . . . Her," he muttered to himself. Leo didn't want his mother to be forgotten and if all it took was to live on, than just maybe . . .

I sighed out of relief and mentally thanked Allison for helping Leo.

"Enough about me! Now hold up your end of the deal!" She ordered and grinned mischievously at him. Instead of seeing Allison's face, Leo saw his mother's grinning face. He flinched and blinked rapidly. Once he reopened his eyes, all he saw was Allison. "Well?" She demanded. For some reason, his gut was telling not to do it. To not let this woman thats similar to his mother into his messed up life.

But of course he ignored that feeling and instead let the words flow out of his mouth.

Annabeth sadly shook her head, "You always do what your gut tells you" she advised.

And so, Leo told her everything about him. His happy childhood experiences, Tia Callida, Aunt Rosa, his work in the machine shop and most of all, his beloved mother. He didnt end up telling her the truth about how she died. Instead he told her the lie that the machine shop collapsed on her. By the end, they were both in tears.

Allison sniffled as she leaned down in front of him so she was at his eye level. She loving stroked his tear stained cheek, "It's okay, Leo. You're going to be fine." However instead of hearing her voice he remembered something similar with his mom. "It's okay, mijo. Look! See! Its just a small scratch. You're going too be okay. I promise." Leo mekily nodded his head, "Okay"

How come Leo keeps on imagining his mother whenever Allsion talk to him?

Weeks had passed and Leo was getting frighted by the day. Instead of seeing Allison grin down at him, he would see his mother in her car grease stained shirt. More and more Allison looked and acted just like her. And each time he realizes it's not his mom, it's just another painful stab to his heart since he has to tell himself that she died and he killed her.

It wasn't until one day, he couldn't handle it anymore. It made Leo sick knowing that Allison wasn't his mother, just a random person that took him in. He had to leave that place and get away from the painful memories. Leo couldn't take it any longer.

"No Leo! Don't do this!" Piper begged as she gripped the armrest.

That night, Leo packed his bag with clothes, water and food. He quickly glanced at the picture of his mother before shoving it inside his pocket. He gently wrapped his mom's army coat around his slender waist. Leo took a deep breath and left his room without a second thought. He knew Allison was upstairs sleeping, so there was no need to worry about her.

Leo quietly maneuvered his way through the house until he made his way into the front door. That was when he began to shake. What am I doing? He thought. I can't roam the streets by myself! I don't have any money and not a place to go live. I should stay with Allison. He shook his head vigorously. No! I can't be here. She's like her she's just like mom! I can't think of that. I don't want to. I have to leave! If I don't then the memories will come back!

With new sudden determination, Leo reached his hand for the knob but before he could twist it, he felt added weight on his shoulders. "I don't want you to get a cold while you're out there." A voice said jokingly. Leo whirled around and came face to face with Allison who had a soft smile on her face. Her eyes traveled to his packed bookbag and the door. "Leaving so soon?"

Leo was at lost for words. Allison wiped a stray tear that fell from her pale cheek. "I had a feeling I couldn't keep you here forever. It's that . . . I don't want you all by yourself out there." Allison walked over to him and gave him a tight hug, "However, I have no right to keep you here. But just please remember," she held Leo so he was looking at her in the eyes. He could tell that she was fighting back some tears. "This will always be your home. No matter what happens, what age you are, or if your a criminal, this is your home. With me. I'll be here when you decide to come back."

We all cried silently at the display of love Allison had for our dearest friend.

Leo couldn't say anything except hug Allison back and sob uncontrollably against her shoulder. At that moment, he wanted to stay with her forever but he knew that wouldn't happen. "I want you to have this." She handed Leo her red suspenders and a wad of cash. He stuffed the cash in his pocket but carefully held the beat-up suspenders in his hands.

"Isn't that . . . " I trailed off as we all looked over at Leo who was sleeping in Percy's bed. Two beat-up red suspenders fell from both of his side's.

"But this was--" she nodded her head, "My father's. Before he left, my father was a good man. He could make anyone laugh no matter what mood they were in. He was also quite popular with the ladies. But under all of that, he was caring and always putted himself second. You remind me so much of him and that's why I want you to have it."

Leo nodded his head and carefully placed it inside his bookbag as well. "Be careful, Leo. And remember that you must live on. For your mom." Leo felt his own eyes beginning to water as he began to walk down the driveway. He stole one last look at Allison, he bland hair flowing in the moonlight as she was waving goodbye at him. Leo promised to himself that he will come back, but he never realized that his promise will never be fullfiled.

Two weeks later, I couldn't take it anymore, Leo's voice said. I stayed around the area wondering where I'm going to go or do. After a while, I ended up going back to Allison's house. Running away wasn't for and eight year old. However, as I arrived I noticed something off putting. Allison's garden was dying. I knew that she loves her garden and always took care of it. When I knocked on the door, no one answered.

So I walked around the town to see if they have any information about Allison. That's when I found the article. Five days after I left, Allison was killed in a car crash due to failure of the brakes. Her funeral was the day before I came back.

The thing was . . . I fixed her brake two days before I left. She told me it doesn't stop immediately after she pressed on it. As I read the article, I realized I killed her. Another dearest person was killed by MY hands. However, I didn't cry. There were no more tears to shed. Instead I turned right around and began my journey, far away from Texas.

Keep Moving, I told myself. Don't dwell on things. Don't stay in one place too long. It's the only way to stay ahead of the sadness. Everywhere I went this was my exact thought. Camp Half-Blood was very difficult. I was going to leave after the war but someone convinced me to stay. That person said, "Instead of running away from everything, why don't you face them head-on?"

That person got me through everything, brought me out of my self-pity and taught me how it was like to love myself. It was pretty funny since they were no different than I was. But, I owe them everything.

It's because of that person . . . I can feel like myself again. I can feel love. I just hope they  feel the same after all we've been through. But honestly,

Who would love a murderer?

"He. . . He was going to leave after the war?" I asked, my voice low from the fear of Leo leaving. Annabeth narrowed her eyes at Leo, "More importantly, who is the person that help him? Leo didn't specify on the gender, so I'm assuming it might be Fetsus but . . . " she groaned in frustration. "I don't know! I thought I knew everything about everone, but the more we watch Leo's memories the more I realize I don't even know his favorite color!"

Percy rubbed Annabeth's back for comfort as he turned towards Nico who was blushing like a mad man. "Hey. Do you know anything?" Nico quickly shook his head and stared at Percy with a blank expression. "No." Nico is very good at lying, so we could never know if he was telling the truth. I turned my attention back to the silver screen, one emotion running through my mind . . .

I was terrified.

A/N: its been a while. Yeah . . . Sorry about that. Anyway, originally Allison was going to stay alive and at the end of the book, I was going to have Leo visit her for the first time since he was eight. But then I was like, "lol...she gonna die."

Next chapter will be his first few weeks on in the streets. So, be ready for that.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this extra long chapter. Thanks for 1,000 reads!! That's crazy!! See ya,

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