Capture - Newscapepro Crew

By esoteric05

10.4K 685 225

Edited ( Chapters 15-23) Discontinued✖️ Sometimes you may wish you could go back in time, to when it was ea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Everyone is Awesome
Chapter 13
Pfftt whattt new book coming out???
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
I have too many ideas!
Short Christmas Prequel
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Short Valentines Prequel
Chapter 23 (Edited)
New book
Under Editing
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Not a chapter.
I forgot to mention
The Old Chapters
Sorry note

Chapter 3

483 26 19
By esoteric05

I dropped my phone and fell to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest, shaking uncontrollably and cried rethinking that it WAS my fault. Why haven't I killed myself yet? I heard running upstairs and running into my room "Cory!? Oh my god! Are you ok!" Wait... That isn't my moms voice- That's Ashlie?? She helped me up and I lean against the bed on the floor. "A-Ashlie?? What are you doing here?" I said shaky "Nick texted me to see you which was great timing. Now what happened?" I showed her the message and looked away, looking out the window. "Ugh. It's him. He's a jerk" She says "You know this dude?" I ask looking back at her in confusion "Yeah, I knew he was going to say this to you and- you do know him" "I do? Who is it" "Rather not tell you, seeing you in this state right now" Ashlie looks different With her hair dyed Red- Wait... She's that girl I saved in the bathroom this morning. I just saved her life- She's alive! Thank god! I hugged her "Er- Cory? Miss me that bad" She says giggling. I release the hug and cry in relief. "Dude don't cry. It's okay. That kid has some serious issues. Don't listen to him, he's just going through quite a lot of stress right now" "Yeah..." I said quiet holding myself together "Anyways, your coming with me mister. No more in your room time" She gets up and grabs my wrist, pulling me up "But it's dark out" I say as she drags me out my room "That's what makes it better" She said
Once were outside she let go of my wrist and followed her to her car "Ashlie! I have school tomorrow!" "So do I kid" She said back. I sigh and get in. She pulled back in the driveway and left. As we drove I couldn't help but notice my eyes in the mirror. My face is so tired with bags under my eyes. I looked away "What've you been doing lately?" I ask "A bunch of crap to be honest" She says. I bit my lip remembering her dyeing in the restroom. If I hadn't had these powers, she would've have died. "Oh... So um- Where are we going exactly?" I ask her "To my peaceful place" She responds. I know Ashlie to the back of my head, It has to be the beach. I was correct! We are at the beach. Ashlie parks the car and we get out. Sitting on the ground in front of the car. Should I tell her that I saw her in the boys bathroom? She pulled out a gun and gave it to that dude! She should know better. "You okay? I never seen you this quiet before" She asked as her gaze was on me. I turn my head to look at the waves "Yeah... Just thinking" I say with a sigh "Ashlie, I need to tell you something-" I get interrupted by someone from behind us "Oh- look at who it is" Me and Ashlie turn around. Ashlie gets up and looks surprised but in a fight position "What are YOU doing here" She says "Came here to walk. What about you?" He says back "Why would you care?" She shouted. He looks over at me while I get up "Oh- look who it is- The most depressing kid in all of school" He laughed "Leave him alone!" Ashlie yelled putting me behind her. He walks closer and we back up a bit "I still have business with you" He said "What do you want now?" Says Ashlie irritated "The drugs I came for" "To- Er- I gave them to you this morning!" "No-you didn't" He comes closer and shoves Ashlie aside that falls to the ground "Why are you afraid to say my name out loud?" He says curious. Ashlie stays silent "You didn't tell him who I am?" He said "Why don't you back off and leave her alone" I said mad "So the sad kid talks. Why don't you go to hell" He shoves me but I was able to keep myself standing "Fuck off! Who ever you are, why don't you leave!" I shouted gripping my hand. He laughed and said "You do know who I am! You were my friend" "Why Would I be your friend? You were about to murder Ashlie this morning in the boys bathroom! I HEARD EVERYTHING YOU SAID! WHATEVER YOUR DEAL IS, DON'T BLAME IT ON HER!" "You were there? Impressive. I was so busy I didn't check the areas. And your right, it wasn't Ashlie's fault" He comes closer to me pushing me back with his finger saying "It was. your. fault" I fall backwards, tripping over a rock. "What a loser you are. Nobody knows who you are. Why not kill yourself! Like you did to JON!" He kicks me four times while I'm curled up in a ball "TOMMY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Ashlie pushed him aside. Tommy? This guy who's been saying rude things about me is Tommy? But how?! No- This can't be him! He's not like this! "TOMMY LEAVE!" Ashlie says helping me up. My lip starts to bleed and I can barley see out of my other eye, probably bruised. He leaves not saying anything but I swear I saw guilt in his eyes. Ashlie turns to me and starts freaking out "Oh my god!- Cory are you alright?!- Are you hurt!- Who am I kidding!- You are hurt-! I'm so sorry I brought you here! -I knew this was a bad idea!- Should I tell your mom?!- Should I call Nick for help?- I swear that asshole will pay! Come on. Let's take you home" She starts picking me up and puts me in the car. Jeez.. I'm so weak- I can barley move right now. I'm so pathetic. Especially in gym class. I can rewind this but- I can't move. So- tired..

I woke up hearing my alarm. "Ugh- What happened?" I say looking around my room. Right... I got beat up yesterday by- Tommy. I get up from my bed and walk over to my closet and changed out of the ones I wore yesterday. Final clothing- My favorite blue sweater. I grab my backpack and shove everything I need and walk downstairs seeing my mom cooking breakfast. "Hey mom" I say "Cory! Your alright. Are you sure you want to go to school? Ashlie told me everything" My mom says "Yeah. I'm fine" I respond. I don't feel like eating. "Uh Mom? I think I'm going to skip breakfast today" I said "Are you sure your alright? Breakfast is important. Here, at least have an apple or so" she hands me an apple "Seriously, an apple?" I said. She didn't respond. Probably thinking about me. I walk out the door and close it behind me. The bus stops in front of my house and I walk up to it as the doors open, walking in I see everyone throwing paper airplanes across the bus and talking- of course. I seat myself in the front row as everyone else is in the back. "Hey! You did my job for me" I hear. Great... Just when I wanted to be alone. "Leave me alone" I say looking out the window. "Don't ignore me!" He grabs my backpack and unzips it and dumps everything on to the floor "What the hell! What's your problem! I didn't do anything to you" I yelled "Oh shut the fuck up. You have your own little problem" He said. Everyone meet Max- The guy who's been ruining my life since the beginning. He throws my backpack at me and I catch it. "Clean up your mess! It's invading my personal space" Max says kicking my stuff. I grit my teeth with anger. I pick up my stuff one by one and finally finish as we got to school. As I was about to get off the bus, I get shoved down hitting my face on this ground hard "Ah- I swear this day can't get any worse" I slowly get myself up and walk inside. "Cory!" I hear. I turn around and see Dawn "Oh- Hey dawn! It's been awhile" I said waiting for him to come closer to me. "Yeahhhh- sorry about that. It's been a busy week. Anyways, umm are you ok? Did someo-" I interrupt him "I'm fine. Just fell on a rock near the beach" I say lying "Oh. Okay" We walk together to class and soon meet up with Nick "Cory! You alright!? Ashlie told me everything!" Nick said as he examines my bruised up face "Yeah I'm fine" I say again "Ashlie? Haven't seen Ashlie in a month" Dawn said "She- looks different. That's probably why you didn't notice her" I say "Where is she anyways?" "She said she had to go do something before coming to class" Nick replies. Figures. "Let's just head to class" I say and continue walking

To be continued...

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