
By violet0gold

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"Once, there was a devil and an angel, who fell deeply in love with one another. Something so rare and beauti... More

Authors Note


18 0 0
By violet0gold

" i can feel it deep inside, rumbling around while waiting patiently. it's waiting for its chance to be set free. "

I was back in the forrest, I first awoke shivering while searching around. I was in a sweat suit that was now covered in blood. The grey material no longer in sight.

I look down at my hands while shaking violently, my hands were covered in blood and I'm willing to bet that there's blood on my face as well.

I'm not sure why I keep coming here, why this spot is so important. It kept drawing me in when I was sleeping, when I was most vulnerable.

I never had any recollection of getting here, I never knew why I woke up covered in blood. I'm not sure if it was some type of sign.

"What's happening to me?" I whisper out, bringing hand through my hair.

The night sky was clear and it was a bit chilly outside, my head pounded and all I wanted was one peaceful night of sleep.

I hear branches snap off in the distance and feel my body grow still. I closed my eyes and prayed that the noise would disappear but it kept coming.

I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by wolves, all flashing their canines at me, their eyes glowing bright.

My vision was blurry and I wobbled around before crumpling to the ground, I squeeze my eyes shut as pain surged throughout me.

I hear bones snapping around me before heavy breathing.

"Iliana?" A soft voice asks and my head shot up and my heart nearly dropped in my chest when my eyes connected with Graylens now wide blue ones.

I look around causing silence to grow as I made out their faces. Skeeter and Briar stood there while staring down at me with wide eyes, their jaws gone slack.

And than my eyes landed on his and it felt like everything around me crumbled and I could no longer breathe.

"It's not what it looks like," I whisper, my voice shaky as so many emotions slammed through me at a time.

Pain surged through my chest and I doubled over in pain, screaming out while clutching my chest.

Thunder clapped above us and I could hear them whispering, "Iliana, breathe baby girl," Graylen whispers and I cry out while rolling over onto my back.

I stare up at the night sky and felt tears roll down my face, "It hurts so much," I cried out and they all rushed forward.

Benjamin held my head in his lap while the girls surrounded me, looking for any injuries.

"It hurts," I cried out, reaching up to Bens face, I place my hand on his cheek and the moment our skin made contact it was like a grenade went off between us.

The girls growl, "They have no control when their around each other, it's like her vampire enjoys rattling his werewolf," Skeeter whispers out.

Ben hovered over me, "What happened?" He asks slowly and my head felt dizzy again, my vision blurring.

"Everything hurts," I cry out.

Skeeter walks around me and kneels down on my other side, she grabs my face lightly in her hands and tilts it to face her.

Her eyes were now glowing a vibrant orange and I understood what she was doing, she was using her werewolf sight to see what humans can't.

I smile while choking out, "She has infa virus," Skeeter whispers out and Ben growls out, flashing his canines at her.

"What is that?" He snapped, his voice coming out deep and raspy, sending waves through me.

I lie there while crying out, "It's more of a poison, some vampires can get it from drinking pure demon blood," She states.

I shook my head, "I only drink O+," I whisper out before laughing at how incredibly silly that sounded. This is what my life's come to.

"How do we kill the virus?" I choke out, scratching at my chest.

Graylen and Briar remained silent while Skeeter and Ben kept sharing glances.

"The bite of a werewolf will kill the virus," She says and Ben growls out again.

He shook his head, "No, it'll turn her," He says.

Skeeter shook her head, snickering under her breath, "Im not an idiot Benjamin, the venom from our bite will only go after the virus, not infecting her bloodstream but by infecting the virus, thus killing it," Skeeter says.

I stare up at her in shock for a moment, my jaw dropped and eyes wide, "That was awesome," I whisper, " I love you Skeeter," I add on while feeling my head wobble.

Ben sighs out deeply before placing his hand around my neck, he peels away the sweatshirt enough so my collar bone was exposed.

"This is going to hurt," He whispers and I watched as his canines grew before he sunk them down in my skin.

Pain shot throughout my body and I placed my hands on his shoulders, gripping them tightly while squeezing my eyes shut. The pain disappeared and was replaced by something I couldn't name.

It was like a nice numb or high came over me and that's when he pulled away, I drop my hands from his shoulders and squeeze my eyes shut, I cough out harshly before falling back to the ground.

"I'm alive," I whisper out, "Can I go home please?" I add and the girls laughed out lightly while Ben remained silent next to me.

Ben lifts me up in his arms effortlessly and we all walk out of the woods, "You're dad isn't home and the boys are out doing something," Ben says.

All I could do was nod, right before we hit the street the girls changed back into their wolf forms, giving us a nod before running back into the forrest.

I lean my head against his chest as he began walking towards my fathers house, I'm not sure if it was quick because I was really messed up, or if he was using his werewolf speed.

He pushes open the front door and locks it behind us before running upstairs towards my bedroom. He kicks open the door and places me on the toilet seat before running around my room.

He returns and ignores my presence while starting a hot bath, he adds in bubbles causing a smile to surface on my face.

He places towels on the table by the sink along with some pyjamas for me to put on.

"Thank you Ben," I whisper out.

He sighed out deeply and brought a hand down his face, "What's going on with you Iliana?" He drawls out.

I fiddle with my hands and avoid eye contact with him, "I feel like I'm losing grip on humanity and reality," I whisper out.

I look up at him with tear filled eyes, "During the day it's like I'm not even there and when I go to sleep it's worse, I always end up out there," I cried out, bringing my hands down my face.

I was sleep deprived.

It explains why I'm whiny, whenever I don't get a good amount of sleep I turn into an adult sized baby. I'm crying all the time and my emotions are running high.

It was kind of like a curse

"You need to get in the bath," He whispers and I chew my bottom lip.

His eyes were tired and I could tell he was also sleep deprived at the moment. It made me wonder why he was out in those woods in the first place.

"What were you guys doing out there?" I ask, causing him to stop mid step from leaving the bathroom.

He turns around and sighs, "I swung by earlier and you weren't here, so I called up the girls to help find you," He states, staring into my eyes.

My body was in a frenzy and I felt the place where he bit me, I turn around and look into the mirror, almost gasping out.

It was no longer bleeding, it was all healed up but in its place was a light mark on my collar bone. It resembled the head of a wolf, frowning I look up in the mirror and jump in my spot when I notice Ben now standing behind me.

His eyes locked on the spot of my collar bone.

My body always reacted weird when he was this close, I'm not sure if it was because of my vampire instincts or what.

This was all new to me.

I shook my head, looking at him, "I'll be out in a bit," I whisper out.

He nods silently while leaving, closing the bathroom door shut behind him.

I slip out of the bloody clothes and slide into the hot bath, the bubbles surrounding my body instantly. I smile while lying back and closing my eyes.

The scolding hot water felt nice on my aching bones.

After a half hour passes I washed my hair and jumped out while wrapping my towel around my body.

I towel dry my hair before slipping on the clothes Ben brought in. Pyjama bottoms and a tank top.

I slip them on and brush out my hair before throwing it up into a bun. I shut off the bathroom light before walking out into my bedroom, I throw my towels on an empty chair before looking at my bed.

I smile when I see him sitting at the bottom of my bed in his wolf form. Laughing I shut off the lights before slipping into bed.

He crawls up next to me and I wrap my arms around him, my fingers sinking into his soft fur.

"Goodnight Benjamin," I whisper out into the dark room.

He shifts sightly against me and growls out lightly, I brush my fingers through his fur and close my eyes. Sleep came a lot easier when he was there.

This was going to be absolutely peaceful.

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