Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Se...

By smileforjeon

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Will the love story continues? Or it's more of forget and move on to someone new? This is the sequel to Summ... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Back Amy
Chapter 2- He Kissed My Cheek
Chapter 3- They Keep Taking My Apple
Chapter 4- What Happened?
Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy
Chapter 6- What's With Taking People's Food?
Chapter 7- Please Don't Leave
Chapter 8- Finally
Chapter 9- Meet Emilia
Chapter 10- On The Next Flight
Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously
Chapter 12- 2 Months
Chapter 13- Bye Bye Australia
Chapter 14- Bloody Finger
Chapter 15- Thinking About My Ex Not My Boyfriend
Chapter 16- Remember What We Used To Do?
Chapter 17- Except Sex!
Chapter 18- No Hugging Without My Consent
Chapter 19- He Tried To...
Chapter 20- I'm Done With Your Shit
Chapter 21- Who To Choose?
Chapter 22- This Moments
Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?
Chapter 24- That's What I Thought
Chapter 25- He's Just Being A Friend
Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake
Chapter 27- Fixing The Situation
Chapter 28- You're Sleeping On The Couch
Chapter 29- No More Chances
Chapter 30- Time To Have Fun
Chapter 31- Voicemail
Chapter 32- Make Up Sex
Chapter 33- Are We Back Together Yet?
Chapter 34- Outbursts and Returning Relatives
Chapter 36- Cousin Vs Cousin
Chapter 37- Your Fault
Chapter 38- Drunk Words Sober Thoughts
Chapter 39- Big Reveal
Chapter 40- I Still Hate You
Chapter 41- Maylor Returns
Chapter 42- I Always Get What I Want
Chapter 43- Move On Mate
Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?
Chapter 45- Next Flight To UK
Chapter 47- What Just Happen?
Chapter 48- Unfixable
Chapter 49- You're Lying
Chapter 50- Blocked Everyone Out
Chapter 51- She's Not Going To War
Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?
Chapter 53- Biebs & Sammy
Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places
Chapter 55- He's A Fighter
Chapter 56- Rocking Your World
Chapter 57- Next Stop: South Korea
Chapter 58- Separate Ways
Chapter 59- Letting Go Completely

Chapter 46- Flying To UK Secretly

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By smileforjeon

Third Person POV
The walk back to the car was silent as not one of them knew what to say from what happened back at the airport. Luke was walking slowly with his hands in his pockets acting the way he had planned to, pretending to be upset from breaking up with Amy even though he hadn't at all it was all the plan, which of course, the others didn't know about.

"I'm sorry, I just have to say something. I just can't just walk in silence when I have one thing on my mind" Sammy said breaking the silence that fell between the group of friends. "What's on your mind?" Ashton asked his girlfriend. She looked at him before stopping walking to look at the blonde-haired boy who was walking slowly behind them all. "Why?" She asked him. Luke looked up and stared at her, confused by her question. "Why what?" He asked.

"You know what I'm on about, Luke don't fucking play dumb with me. You broke up with my fucking best friend when you know she loves you so fucking much!" Sammy raised her voice as she spoke to him.

Luke rolled his eyes, " I'm not having this conversation with you Sammy, it was my choice, my decision. I'm doing what I think is fucking best for me and Amy and if that means breaking her heart and being separate then so be it. It was mine and Amy's relationship, not everyone's relationship. That's the trouble when being in a relationship everybody tries to stick their noses into relationships when they shouldn't. I don't need people to tell me what I did was wrong and I don't need you especially trying to change my mind, what happened, happened Sammy and nothing you or anybody else can say will change my mind. I and Amy are over, done and dusted so if you please respect my wishes as I don't want to talk about this anymore" Luke said before walking ahead of everybody else who stopped when he started talking.

"Don't you think you can walk away from me Lucas! We haven't finished talking about this. How can you just say it's over?" Sammy shouted after him, following him. Luke didn't look back carried on walking knowing full well Sammy and the others would follow him.

"Sammy, I know you don't want to hear this but Luke's right," Calum said speaking up, Sammy stopped walking and turned to look at Calum. "What the hell do you mean by that? Don't you care that two of our best friends have split up! Everybody knows that those two are meant to be together and after everything, they've been through together he breaks up with her over Brad. Brad, of all fucking people. He's an idiot, I hope you can hear me, Luke, you're a fucking idiot and maybe, you did do the right thing because maybe my best friend deserves somebody better than somebody who just gives up because he's too scared to fight.

Maybe, Amy is better off with Brad at least he goes after what he wants and doesn't stop till he gets it" Sammy said harshly hoping to get a reaction out of Luke but he didn't respond as he kept on walking leaving everyone behind.

"Don't you think that was harsh on him?" Michael said to Sammy, Sammy shook her head. "Harsh? I don't think so, maybe he needs a few home truths to get through that thick skull of his." Sammy replied. "Yeah, well I don't think you're going to help this time Sammy," Calum said to her. "Oh, I'll help Calum. I'll go to the UK and makes sure my girl gets over that idiot." Sammy said grinning at Calum before walking away swaying her hips.

"I agree with Sammy, our girl deserves so much better than Luke. If he can just say he's fine with letting her go and not having a care in the world then he isn't worth Amy's tears, maybe she's better off with Brad after all at least he cares about her that much to fight for her." Taylor said before walking off with Hailee as they followed after Sammy.

The boys just stood there looking at each other, " I wish sometimes a break up between a couple didn't affect everybody else it sucks. They do have a point though guys if Luke can just give up on something they worked so hard for in the beginning maybe they're better off with different people and better off as friends" Michael said after thinking before speaking first. "I have no idea what's going through Luke's head," Calum said to the boys. " Maybe, he thinks it's the best thing to do about the situation," Ashton said.

Meanwhile on the flight to the UK:
Amy's POV.
Waking up from taking a nap, I checked my phone and clicked onto my music which somehow had stopped playing. I noticed I had a new message from Luke, a smile appeared on my face as I unlocked my phone and clicked onto messages and waited for my messages to load up. Thankfully, we were allowed to use our phones at the moment because it wouldn't affect the plane's system.

Soon enough my messages loaded and I clicked onto Luke's message, from Lukeypoo <3 :

Just had a telling off from your best friend. It's good job I love you x

I giggle thinking about how Sammy would've had a go at him yet again for treating me the way he did. If only she knew the truth she would be shouting at both of us for lying to everybody but it was for the best at the moment, the fewer people who knew the plan the better. If we were going to get Brad to admit the truth then nobody else could know about me and Luke still being together.

To Lukeypoo <3:

Aww, my poor boy, I'm sure I can make it up to you. x

From Lukeypoo <3:

Boy? I'm pretty sure I'm a man baby, I can prove that to you when I see you although it should be you making it up to me. ;) xxx

To Lukeypoo <3:

I'm pretty sure I can do that even though sneaking around will make it a whole lot better. ;) xxx

I clicked off my messages and clicked onto twitter after signing in, deciding to post a tweet, after all, me and Luke were supposed to be over now so I thought I would at least try to do something a broken- hearted girl might do.

I tweeted: 'Torn in two and I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you, wherever you are. *broken heart emoji*

Logging out of twitter, I locked my phone placing it back into my bag as I looked out of the plane window. I knew in a few more hours we would be touching down at Birmingham Airport in the UK. I didn't want to go back but to play along with the whole me and Luke break up plan I had to come and besides I had to get Brad to admit it to me that he made it all up about Luke abusing me so I could prove it to my family.

Brad's POV.
I couldn't help but grin knowing full well I had succeeded in splitting Amy and Luke up. I had a phone call not so long ago from Amy's mother saying she was on a flight over here to live her and she also told me that Amy and Luke weren't together anymore so lying about Luke to her parents actually worked out for me. I had won and Luke was way out of the picture now. There is no way Amy's family would let her get back with him especially as he's 'abusive'. I told Luke time and time again I always get what I want and that was Amy. They might have just broken up but I'll tell you something give me a week or two I'll be dating Amy and Luke will be long forgotten.

I decided to be cruel and send a text message to Luke, I knew I was risking getting a very foul message in response but I just couldn't help myself I just had to rub it in that I had in fact won and Luke would soon be forgotten about and I will be able to make my move on Amy. Her family already like me a lot more than Luke, after all, I was one of the first boys to ever meet her family.

Reaching for my phone off the side, I picked it up and leant back on my bed as I typed my passcode in and clicked onto contacts, scrolling down to Luke's number I clicked create.

To Dumbass:

Not to rub salt into your wounds when your down mate but I did tell you I would win. And guess what? I won * winky face emoji*

Deciding to be nice and caring I decided to send Amy a text whether or not she would reply to me I have no idea but I was going to see if she would reply to me anyway.

To Amy <3 :

Hey, how are you? Sorry to hear about your break up with Luke. He was punching way above his weight anyway x

My phone vibrated indicating I had a new text message, I grinned seeing Luke had replied to me. I clicked on the message.

From Dumbass:

Oh, get stuffed Brad, like you give two shits about rubbing it in my face.

To Dumbass:

You're right Luke, I really don't care I'll happily rub it in your face and I'll be even more smug about winning when I'm dating Amy, I'll happily rub that in your face ;)

From Dumbass:

Like she'd date a liar. Do you really think she would want to date somebody that lied to her parents about me abusing her? I don't think she will mate.

To Dumbass:

I think I'm pretty capable of getting what I want, thought you would know better than to think I wouldn't be able to persuade her. I've known Amy longer than you Hemmings.

From Amy <3 :

How do you expect me to be feeling Brad? I've just been dumped by somebody I'm in love with so I'm feeling like utter shit right now.

To Amy <3:

You know it's for the best that you've split up. You do realise your mother and family think you're better off with me than Luke babe.

Back in Australia:

Luke's POV.
I had left the others and had returned back to mine and Amy's apartment. I was half way through purchasing a flight to the UK when I started receiving text messages from the devil himself, Brad in other words. He had the nerve to text me after everything he's done, lying to Amy's parents saying I was abusing her when I've never laid a finger on her, well not like that anyway.

From Brad:

I think I'm pretty capable of getting what I want, thought you would know better than to think I wouldn't be able to persuade her. I've known Amy longer than you Hemmings.

I rolled my eyes at that message and finished purchasing my ticket online before closing down the internet on the laptop. I picked my phone back up to see a message from my girl. I decide to ignore Brads message for a while.

From Amy <3 x

I'm pretty sure I can do that even though sneaking around will make it a whole lot better. ;) xxx

To Amy <3 x

Yeah, it will be, you sneaking off to my hotel room ;)

From Amy <3 x

What happens in the hotel room, stays in the hotel room ;) xxx

To Amy <3 x

You know it, babe, I fucking miss you so much. xx

From Amy <3 x

I miss you too but you'll see me soon :) xx

To Amy <3 x

Soon isn't soon enough :( ly x

From Amy <3 x

I love you too x

Smiling I locked my phone and walked back into the bedroom only for my phone to start ringing, it was Calum. Okay Luke, pretend to be upset you can do this. I answered the phone, "what do you want Calum?" I asked coldly while trying to find my suitcase so I could pack ready to go to the UK.

Phone Conversation:

L: Luke, C: Calum.

L: What do you want Calum?

C: Where are you? You just left us and didn't tell us where you were going, We were worried.

L: Why were you worried?I'm fine. I just want to be alone.

C: You've just split up with Amy, do you think that's the best thing for you is to be alone right now? Luke, I know you. You're going to say your fine when you're not. I don't want you to do anything stupid.

L: I can't do anything more stupid than dumping someone I'm madly in love with because I think it's the best thing to do even though I'm fucking kicking myself for putting her through that. You saw her face Calum, just picturing it is killing me.

C: Then make it right, Luke. You could easily sort it out.

L: I don't want to sort it out Calum even though I love her, us being apart for good is the best thing for both of us. How was it supposed to work out Calum when her family believed I was abusing her? How could that relationship work out with lies like that in the relationship? I'm not strong enough to fight for a relationship that's going to be too hard when it's easier just to let go despite the pain.

C: You know something Luke, I really didn't think you would be stupid enough to let Brad get in the way of something so great. You two were so great together despite the stupid arguments you both used to have with each other. I can tell you this straight away I have never met two people so perfect for each other than you pair and you just let go of what you had because it was going to be so hard. If you actually loved Amy like you said you did you wouldn't have let go so easily, you would've fought to make it work and most importantly you wouldn't have back down to Brad. Luke, what happened to my best friend that used to fight for what he wanted?

I hung up on the phone after hearing that hoping it would come across to Calum that I was mad at him but the truth was I wasn't mad at him, how could I be when I and Amy were still together? I guess because they all think it's really he was just expressing his thoughts to me but I didn't have time to listen to them as I had to find my suitcase and start packing some of my things because I had a flight to the UK to board in over 48 hours and I had to be ready.

There were a couple things on my mind, 1- was seeing my girl again and spending some time along with her on the down low and 2, was to bring Brad down and let Amy's family find out the truth that Brad had been lying about the whole thing.

I just had to avoid the others for the next 48 hours before I board the plane because I knew if I saw them I would want to tell them all about the plan but I knew I couldn't but if I saw them I would be tempted to tell them the truth and I couldn't risk telling them and the plan failing or Brad finding out what was going on.

AN- Enjoy reading!

Stay tunes for Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings is writing next!

Dream, believe, achieve.

-Amy, @Jet-Black-5SOS.

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