Silently Suffering : Book 1 :...

By ladyluckassassin

931 19 2

Every nation sees something others can't, and to them it's more of a curse than a blessing. Whenever some try... More

Chapter 1 : Lost
Chapter 2 : What Do You Want From Me?
Chapter 3 : When Will They Believe?
Chapter 4 : Something Isn't Right
Chapter 6 : Something is Definately Wrong
Chapter 7 :Have a Safe Trip!
Chapter 8 : I Need to Know
Chapter 9 : It's You!?
Chapter 10 : Let's just hope it's that way...
Chapter 11 : Are You Okay?

Chapter 5 : It Can't Be...

54 1 1
By ladyluckassassin

*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 5th chapter of Silently Suffering : Book 1. I hope you all are enjoying this series and if you are wondering this story updates at least once a week. Anyway let's get into this, shall we?*

We continued on with the meeting as required, yet all of us looked really uneasy. During the meeting a few of us would glance at the door expecting the energetic and calm nation to burst through the door, heck I was guilty of it, but it didn't happen. Eventually a phone rang throughout the room.

Germany, stood up and grabbed his phone from his pocket. A look of confusion crossed his face before he answered it. "Hello, this is Germany." He said, putting it on speaker. "Hey um Germany I work at the white house in D.C. is America or Japan there by any  chance?" The voice asked quite shakily.

"No, in afraid not sir? Is something wrong?" He asked. I had a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. There was silence on the other end for a bit before the man spoke again. "He left for the meeting yesterday morning. It shows on the flights that he boarded and arrived on the plane, but his escort... didn't see him at all."

The whole room feel into a deadly silence, waiting for the man to continue. "Then we got a call from Japan saying that the same thing happened to their personification." He finished. "We also checked to see why the two countries were so late, because we know they would have called if their plane was delayed. We asked the hotel if they had left yet, but she said they hadn't even signed in." The German nation said, looking a bit worried.

"Something has to be wrong." They heard the man murmur. "I'm going to notify the president immediately, thanks for the help." He said before the line went dead, and the room was once again filled with silence. "That doesn't sound good." Someone spoke up, and they were right, this didn't sound good at all.

With having the thought that yes, something was terribly wrong for the countries to just go and disappear without a trace, had left most of the nations in a stupor. Since having nothing getting done, Germany decided to change the topic completely.

Germany slammed his hands on the table and stood up, his chair sliding backwards in the process. "You know what?" He said catching every nation's attention. "This meeting is going nowhere. We'll figure out how to stop global warming another time. Now let's move onto a more important topic. What happened to Japan and America and where did they go?"

Everyone of course, was dumbstruck. "If you want no part in this you are free to go, all who wish to help, please stay seated."  Most nations took this as a sign and started to pack up. Everyone except England, Canada, France, China, Russia, Italy, Germany, Romania, Prussia and me started to pack up.

"Norge, aren't you going to pack up?" Denmark asked giving me a confused look. I gave him my usual expression before talking, "You go on ahead I'm going to see what I can do hear to help." The Dane gave a shrug before heading out the door with the other Nordics.

"Okay, when and where was the last time you all interacted with America or Japan?" He asked now standing at the head of the table, pointing at each one of us. The reply was mostly the last meeting, except from Canada, Italy, and England. Italy saying he was over at America's house for pasta a few days ago, and what was his name... c, Cana, Canada! Who had a meeting with him and their bosses a week ago. England said he was visiting Japan for some tea one afternoon, about two days ago?

"Had they been acting a bit off at all?" I heard Romania ask. "Well he-a wasn't around for a while when I was-a making pasta." The Italian inquired. "Now, that you mention it America kept looking around the room, mostly at windows and mirrors." Canada added. "Same with Japan, like something would pop out..." England joined in but trailed off at the end.

Wait... windows, and mirrors. "No it couldn't be..." I mumbled, hoping no one would hear me but luck was not on my side. "What do you mean comrade?" The Russian nation asked, louder than he should have asked and caused all of their eyes to flow to me. I silently cursed under my breath before looking up to meet those eyes.

"Hey, Norway what's he talking about?" I heard Romania ask. I sighed and turned to look at England trying to silently convey the message. "No that's impossible!" He shouted before standing up and heading over to his bag. "What are you to talking about, Angleterre?" A certain Frenchman spoke up.

"Where is it!" He yelled in frustration as he searched through his bag. Romania eyes widened slightly as he finally put the pieces together. "Please, don't tell me you lost it!" He said as I stood up and walked over to the English nation as he started to pull stuff out like a magic hat.

A wand, some files, a binder, a laptop, 5 notebooks, A few pens, hand soap? A vase of flowers? "Wow, England did you pack everything but the kitchen sink, aru~?" China said eyeing the now alarmingly big pile of stuff. At this the Brit just scoffed and then he pulled out a sink and placing it on the pile, before sighing.

Everyone but Romania and I just gawked as England pulled out the sink. "England where is it?" I asked seriously my usual expression still in place. "I don't know. I could've sworn I packed it with me. I must have left it in my hotel room." He said running a hand through his hair.

"What are all of you talking about?" Germany asked sounding slightly annoyed. "If it has anything to do with America and Japan we have the right to know." The America look alike added. We all looked at each other before silently nodding our heads. England facing the group, taking a shaky breath. "The 2p's."

*and there you have it ladies and gents the 5th chapter of Silently Suffering : Book 1. I hope you all are enjoying this book as much as I am and I will see all of you in the next chapter, Bye!*

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