Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

658 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Four

15 1 0
By SdarkDeathgod

Somewhere in the city, the female Servant was admiring the view from the roof of a hospital building. Accompanied by her was Jun, who had several bandages wrapped around his forehead and neck.

Female Servant: This certainly is a beautiful city.
Jun: You think so?
Female Servant: Yeah. I've never seen such a sight before. Well, obviously since this is my first time being summoned in this era.
Jun: But you don't looked confused at all. Earlier, I was surprised that you knew how to operate an elevator.
Female Servant: The thing is, once summoned, we Servants automatically adapts to the current era. Even though I know how technology works, its still my first time experiencing it.
Jun: I...I see.

There was a short pause as a gust of wind blows by. Jun gets blinded for a moment but his Servant was enjoying the breeze.

Jun: Ummm, I think it's a good time to talk about...the Holy Grail War. I'm still not sure about some things.

The female Servant turns to Jun however, he notice that even though she was looking at his direction, she was actually looking at someone behind him.

Female Servant: I was thinking the same thing. But I think she'll be doing the explaining. She's more qualified and knows more than me.
Jun: Huh?

Jun turns around to see Erica. She was wearing plain civilian clothes this time. She greets both of them with a smile.

Jun: Y-You....(looks at Erica)
Erica: Yo~! Sorry I'm late.
Female Servant: No. You're timing couldn't be perfect.

Erica comes a little closer to Jun. To his surprise, she takes both of his hands and holds it tightly. He couldn't help but blush a little. But he then notice that Erica had a sad expression on her face.

Jun: What is it...?
Erica: I know I've already said this but let me say it again since I'm partly to blame. I'm really sorry about your father. If my team had come a little early, we could have saved his life. I'm, really, really, really sorry.

Erica was about to kneel down for forgiveness but Jun stops her by holding both of her shoulders. She was kinda surprise by this.

Jun: Please, it's alright. You don't have to kneel.
Erica: Jun...?
Jun: I'm sure you and your Organization did all that you could. I don't blame you for what happened to my dad. I should be thanking you since you came to save my life.

Erica was confuse by Jun's lack of reaction but doesn't press it any further.

Erica: If you say so.
Jun: However, I do need you to tell me everything. These Servants, the Grail War....
All of it.
Erica: I was going to even if you didn't ask me. It's my job after all.
Jun: Job huh? Erica, what...are you really?
Erica: I guess we'll start from there. Listen, I'm from a secret Organization that monitors all kinds of supernatural cases of the world. And the Holy Grail War is one of them. You mentioned that you at least heard of this war, right?
Jun: Yeah. Even though our family isn't practicing magic anymore, I was still lectured about the history of it.
Erica: According to our files, the first Holy Grail War happened 20 years ago. At that time, a mysterious and powerful object appeared in this world. The Organization was already established when this happened to they were prepared for it. My Organization also had Agents that could use magic, so we were able to analyze this object with ease.
Jun: And what did they found out?
Erica: It's quiet complication but to put it simply, what appeared that day was a golden chalice. And it wasn't an object at all, it had a will of its own. It revealed itself as the Holy Grail and it stated that it will grant any wish...under some conditions. And you probably know what that is.
Jun: Yeah. Seven mages must fight each other and the last one standing gets the Grail.
Erica: Exactly. Although the part of summoning these so called Servants was unexpected. The Grail strictly forbids anyone to enter without a Servant. And the rest is history.
Jun: So, who won?

Erica takes a moment before she could answer.

Erica: I'm...not sure.
Jun: What do you mean?
Erica: I couldn't find any records from the first War. I tried to ask my seniors but they wouldn't tell me. They said that it was classified.
Jun: Classified huh? That's kinda suspicious if you ask me.
Erica: Well, I'm sure they have their reasons.If it's classified then there's nothing I can do.
Jun: But aren't you an Agent? You have the rights to know.
Erica: True but you see, I'm still new. I only joined a year ago.
Jun: I see.
Erica: So, do you understand the situation now?
Jun: Hmmm. Yeah, kinda. But....

Jun turns his attention to his Servant.

Jun: I still don't know much about Servants.
Erica: I'm sure you'll know more through experience. And I'm sure that yours will protect you.

The female Servant can tell that Jun was stress out about all this.

Female Servant: Jun, as your Servant, it is my duty to see that we will be the last team standing. I will do everything in my power to make that a reality.
Erica: See? Your Servant is ready to fight for you.
Jun: I'm still not sure. What if she betrays me or something.
Erica: Jeez, you can't say that to a girl like her.
Jun: "Girl"? She's not human, you know.
Female Servant: Erica, it's alright. Me and Jun only met two days ago. It's normal for him not to trust me that easily.
Erica: You don't have to worry about stuff like that Jun.
Jun: Huh? How come? (looks at Erica)
Erica: Remember that mark on your shoulder? The Command Spells.

Jun recalls that night when a tribal-like tattoo branded itself on his shoulder.

Jun: Yeah, what about them? These Command Spells.
Erica: A Master that summons a Servant will get them. They will appear anywhere on your body. As long as you have them, your Servant will only be yours. Servants will also be loyal to you so no need to worry about being stabbed in the back.
Jun: Wait, what do you mean " As long as I have them "? I can lose them?
Erica: They also have another purpose. You can use an Absolute Order on a Servant. These Orders will allow a Servant to obey any order you give them, even if its against their will. However, using them will cost you one Command Spell. You can use them three times and each time you do, part of the tattoo will disappear.
Jun: What happens if I use them all?
Erica: Easy. You bond with your Servant will be broken and you won't be able to control her. You won't be her Master anymore.
Jun: Y-You mean...she'll be allowed to kill me?
Erica: No, that totally depends on the Servant's personality. But since you're not a Master anymore, she can pretty much do whatever she wants. Like teaming up with another Master that has lost his/her Servant.
Jun: They can do that?
Erica: Even if a Master's Servant dies, as long as he/she still has a Command Spell, that Master can team up with a Servant that has no Master.

All these information was a little too much for Jun as he takes a deep breathe and looks up at the sky for a moment.

Jun: Sigh. This is crazy, I tell you.
Erica: That's just how the War is.
Female Servant: Don't worry Jun. If there's a situation where you use up all your Command Spells, I won't hurt you. I'm not that kind of Servant.
Jun: Well, that's good to hear.

Jun turns around and looks at the view of the city. Erica and his Servant joins in as well.

Jun: Man, how I wish I could just run away. Maybe go live with mom overseas or something.
Erica: That's probably the best but unfortunately, you'd be long dead even before you step into the airport. Now that you're a Master, you've become a target. I bet the other Masters already knows your identity.
Jun: They can do that?
Erica: Not all Masters are novice. In fact, I think you're the only one who was accidentally dragged into all this. The other Master are in this to win it.
Jun: Sigh. Great. Just my luck. (scratch head)
Female Servant: Like I said before Jun. I will be there to protect you at all cost. I will not allow my Master to perish.
Jun: Ummm, thanks. (looks at Servant)
Erica: Don't worry. I'll also be giving you a hand. Besides, my new assignment is to watch over until this War is over.
Jun: Huh? Why?
Erica: Even if you don't blame us to what happened to your father, it doesn't change the fact that me and my team caused his death. We weren't trained enough. That's why I volunteered myself to look out for you.
Jun: If that's the case, then there's nothing I can do. Besides, with you around, I might just survive this.
Erica: Then as today, I'll be like an older sister huh?(smiles)

Jun slightly blush from the thought of having a pretty woman like her as an older sister. He looks away and tries not to make eye contact.

Erica: Awwww~ You don't have to be so shy about it.(giggles)
Jun: S-Shut up...(murmurs)
Erica: How cute. Anyway, on to the next topic.
Jun: Eh? There's more?
Erica: Well, it's nothing serious though. I was thinking when were you going to name your Servant.
Jun: My Servant?

Jun looks at his Servant. Although she was trying to show her best poker face, it was clearly written all over her face that she was excited about Jun giving her a name.

Jun: Seriously?

Knowing that Jun has seen through her, she gives in.

Female Servant: W-What's wrong with wanting to have a name? Jeez.
Erica: You heard her. Give her a name already!
Jun: I can't just come up with one on the spot!(looks at Erica)
Erica: Well you have no choice so pick already.(giggles)

Jun thinks for a moment while his Servant couldn't help but feel anxious. After about a minute, Jun finally thinks of one but was embarrass a little about saying.

Jun: Z-Zerra....(murmurs)
Erica: Huh? What was that? Speak up!
Jun: Zerra! I said Zerra! Her name is Zerra!

As Jun expected, Erica burst out laughing. He blushes even more from her laughter.

Erica: What kind of name is that?!
Jun: G-Get off my back! It was the first thing that popped into my mind!
Erica: Where'd you get that anyway? It sounds like a name I'd put when creating my avatar in a RPG-like game!

Jun goes quiet after hearing that. Erica notice his sudden change of behavior and instantly knew why. She continues to laugh but harder this time.

Erica: No way! Was I right? Was I right?! Oh man! How embarrassing!
Jun: S-S-Shut up already! She's my Servant so you can't do anything about it!
Erica: Yeah, yeah. No need to overreact. So "Zerra", what do you think of--?

As she turns to Jun's Servant, she was completely surprised to see tears running down her right eye. But the expression on her face tells Erica that she was actually happy. Jun was speechless as well. His Servant quickly wipes her tear when she realize that she was crying.

Female Servant: S-Sorry....I went overboard there.
Jun: You....You don't hate it?
Female Servant: How could I hate it? That name...sounds beautiful. Thank you, Jun.(smiles)

Her smile was so pretty that it made Jun blush. Meanwhile, Erica pouts in annoyance.

Erica: Jeez. Now I feel stupid for laughing earlier. Well, if she's happy with it then that's that.

Jun extends his hand at his Servant for a handshake.

Jun: Let's do our best, Zerra.

She takes his hand and answers with a confident smile on her face.

Zerra: Yes, Master.

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