A Psycho Love Triangle

By roaringasylum

1.4K 95 21

I've been abused all my life but in the worst place I found someone to love me. Will he become the love of... More

The Send-Off
Survival Plan
Devil's Own Luck
Time's Up
The Catastrophe Begins
Suprise, Suprise
Hurts Like Hell
Storyline Takes A Spin
What The Hell Just Happened...
It's Complicated
Is This What A Heartbreak Feels Like?
1, 2,-
I Love You...
Let Go.
She's too good for you
Drunk night...?!
Catering closet
Just-Just Stay
I Did...

If Your Reading This I'm not Okay

56 4 1
By roaringasylum

His voice caught a me by the throat and I can hardly breathe. I cant move and I cant speak I feel paralyzed by him. I see his shadow on the wall getting closer and closer and I'm praying it has all been just a bad dream.
As he stands over my bed I panic I throw the shirt in his face and run out the door. I gasp for air but it seems like all the life has been sucked out of me as he touches my arm.
"DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME!" His voice echoes down the empty hallway. I run to Dean's room and shut the door and lock it behind me. I've only been in here once but everything is packed up and a suitcase lies on his bed alone. He's not here though. He's out there with Daniel. I cant let Daniel hurt Dean so I reluctantly unlock the door to let him in yet he's lying on the ground with a syringe poking into his back.
"Night, night buddy boy."
"Doctor Snow! Thank you!"
"AJ run and back your stuff you have an hour before this all wears off."
I begin to run away as she's dragging him away to one of the closets. I turn around.
"Where is Dean?"
"He's still in cafeteria he's been just sitting there for an hour honey." She says in a calm voice like she didn't just stab a needle in a 'innocent man'
I run to the cafeteria. Dean is sitting in pure darkness. The candles were short lived.
"DEAN, GO!" He understands and quickly.
"AN HOUR!" I yell making sure he gets it
I run to my room and pack my stuff while goat man is still passed out in a closet.
I grab everything I need. It takes me only 30 minutes before I meet Dean and the rental he had to leave in. I forgot one thing though. I run back inside to find me and my moms picture still in my top dresser drawer. I grab it and proceed out of the hospital. Then I feel a hand pull on my shoulder I come face to face with him once again.
"Wrestlers burn off medicine quicker." He laughs
He takes my wrist and leads me out the back door "your never going anywhere ever again!"
He pushes me in the car and runs to the other side he burns off in the night.
I have to be quiet, I can't fight back, and I can't cry or I know he'll hurt Ambrose. He knows that I would have loved to leave that place but something was keeping me there and I didn't want him to figure it out that the dude he had meet was the one I was in love with the entire time.
"Honey I got your contract set and you will arrive on Smackdown again so we can kick ass together isn't that exciting!" Daniel says acting we're the happiest couple in the world.
"Tonight there going to announce who is coming back which is you and some other person and then they will announce who the draft to be on Raw or Smackdown."
"Now your gonna let me out of the house, what is it for your stupid money!?" I say
"I GOT THIS FOR YOU AND YOU CANT EVEN ACT HAPPY" He says slapping me across the face.
"YOUR SHOWING UP TONIGHT WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" He throws my ring attire from the coffee table to my face and walks away.
I run to the bathroom just so I won't show weakness in front of him.
I sit on the floor in front of the large body mirror. You can already she his handprint red across my face, which he doesn't care the beauty ladies just cover it up and try not to say anything at all.
I sat on the bathroom floor forever till it was almost time to go. I take my shower and get dressed in my comfortable yoga pants a tee shirt.
My stomach is in knots and I know I can't be that way on Live TV.
Daniel and me show up at the arena in Brooklyn, NY. Everyone stares at we walk past, there all looking at me.
I get to my area for hair and makeup and wait for Nikki Bella and Brie Bella to leave so I can get ready. Brie is the nice one and she says she's so happy I'm back even though before I left we weren't really friends. Nikki just rolls her eyes and walks away with sass. Daniel goes to the boys lock room and gets ready himself. I'm sitting there with one of the beauty artist and she never says a thing about the red handprint on my cheek or the ask about me at all she just quietly does my eyebrows and eyelashes before she lets me go.
They want me to do a promo about being back and going to come after all the cast of Total Diva's and when my reign of terror is done I coming after that I'm gonna end them all with winning my Diva's Championship from Nikki Bella. Blah blah and blah. Shane and Stephanie start off the show by introduce themselves and talking about the Superstar Shakeup. My head skips the bull crap until I hear Shane McMahon say "And our first superstar we will announce, She is the Longest Reigning Diva's Champion, The Black Widow herself, AJ LEE!"
The crowd goes wild as skip out to the ring with Daniel trailing behind me.
Stephanie quiets everyone down and tries to speak over the "AJ, AJ,AJ" chants.
"For our first superstar coming back from a Knee Injury, He is the most polarizing professional wrestler ever, the man himself, JOHN CENA!" John's music comes on and he runs down to the arena a slides in saluting and standing on the turnbuckles around the arena then jumps down to shake me and Daniel's hand. As he is shaking mine he winks and Daniel tries to act big by stepping in front of me.
Ding, Ding
A phone goes off. Its Shane's cause you can see the light off of it illuminate his face as he checks it
"Looks like I have one more returning superstar to introduce," he chuckles "can't believing we're seeing this," he flashes his white teeth once more and begins to announce the name. "He is a one-time WWE World Champion, a Two-time International Champion, and a one-time United States Champion with the third longest US Championship title, DEAN AMBROSE." My eyes light up as his music comes on, Daniel grabs my arm and tries to pull me out the ring but I rip my arm away and run towards Dean. He runs towards me to and we connect in pure space. The crowd gasps as we lock lips on national Television. Shane and Stephanie stand there with their mouths completely open as so does half the Audience, the others awwweeee.
Daniel rips me off of Dean tries to punch him in the face. Dean blocked it and punches Daniel right in the jaw, just like Daniel did to me, he's knocked out and for once in my life I feel relieved.

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