His Sight (A Stand-alone)

By AnnaQuill

301K 17.8K 1.6K

"Why can't you just let your guard down for once and trust me?" Karen demanded angrily. His dark eyes blazed... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Last Yo

Chapter Seven

12.2K 768 46
By AnnaQuill


Today was the day. Karen had already planned everything the night before to make sure that the day went perfectly. Now she was standing in her room, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a red sundress that fell just below her ankles with little gold sequins along the hem of the dress. She slipped on a pair of brown sandals, running a hand over her wild hair.

Why was she so nervous? She chided, it wasn't as if this was a date. Today was all about two friends hanging out and getting to know each other - instead of being cooped up in an empty house all weekend.

That was even if she could consider Mr. Foster a friend. With her luck they'd probably end up killing each other before the day had ended. She chuckled softly. Spending the day with Mr. Foster was going to be far from boring.

She sprayed a little perfume on her neck and grabbed her phone. It was a little past two thirty. She had informed Mr. Foster that she would be ready to go at two o'clock. He was probably sitting in his room wondering where she was. She gave herself a quick once over  before heading to Mr. Foster's room.

At the first knock, no one answered, but when she knocked again, the door immediately swung open to reveal a very tall, angry Mr. Foster.

       "You're late." He fumed. His black sunglasses covering his eyes. He was wearing a simple pair of blue jean pants with a long sleeve t shirt that was the same color as her dress. She inwardly smiled. They were matching and he didn't even know. That small fact made her all giddy inside.

Mr. Foster's voice snapped her out of her trance. "Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" He asked.

Karen snapped her head to his face. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to keep you waiting. Are you ready to go?" She asked, moving away from his door so he could get out.

He took a step forward, a long cane reaching out in front of him. Karen frowned. "I hate to say this, but you can't bring that where we're going." She said pointing to his cane.

He stilled. "And exactly why not?"

"Because it'll just get in the way. Plus, we're going to be moving a lot and I don't want you to have to constantly keep up with it."

He frowned, "But I need it to feel what's in front of me. Without it I'd be walking into a war zone," he waved his hand, "or oncoming traffic."

Karen nodded slowly. She could see the problem with him not being able to see and all. He needed his cane but she really didn't want to have to keep up with it all day.

     "How's about this," she said, "You leave the cane here and I'll just hold your hand the entire time so you'll know where you're going."

"Not happening." He said without hesitation.

She folded her arms across her chest. "Oh come on, you act like holding my hand is horrible."

"And who said it wasn't?" He replied.

Karen shook her head. "You can either suck it up and leave the cane so you can hold my hand or you can stay here by yourself while I go and have the best day ever without you."

If the black sunglasses that covered his eyes were gone, she could've sworn he was glaring at her. He shifted from side to side before placing the cane against the door. "Fine," he gave in.

Karen uncrossed her arms, giving herself a tiny high five.

Mr. Foster reached out his hand, waiting for Karen to take it. She watched it warily for a moment.

     "What are you doing?"

Mr. Foster nodded to his hand, "The deal was I have to leave my cane here, so now it's your turn to own up to your end of the deal."


"But nothing. Do you know how hard it is already to get down those stairs without breaking my neck? Now imagine me doing that without my cane."

"Can't you just use the railing?" She tried.

He gave her an annoyed look. "Either you hold my hand or I get to bring my cane."

Karen glared at him, knowing fully well that he couldn't see it. She sighed loudly before giving in, "Fine, you can use your cane to get down the stairs," she watched as he picked up his cane with a smirk dancing on his lips, "but after that, the cane stays here."

He grumbled under his breath before agreeing with the infuriating woman before him, "Fine."

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