Life at the House of Night: M...

By RedShadow93

4.8K 156 61

Julia Prince had a peaceful life until she got Marked by the Tracker. Knowing the terms of the Change very we... More

Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 1
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 2
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 3
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 4
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 5
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 6
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 7
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 9
Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 10 (Final)

Life at the House of Night: Marked: Chapter 8

285 12 0
By RedShadow93

When the circle closed and the others gathered the candles and smudge stick, they gushed about how prodigious it was (as said by Damien). Strange though. All of them had felt the power of the elements. Would this mean that they were the new generation of the circle? The thought made me smile. That would be cool. Everyone agreed that we needed sleep after what had happened. That was when I saw that Zoey stood there deep in thought from the corner of my eye and stopped walking. The others did the same thing, looking worried then confused.

"Why don't you guys go ahead and sleep?" Zoey asked. "I'll stay right out here for a bit longer."

"We could stay with you," Damien said. "And..."

He got interrupted by Stevie Rae. That girl was so sweet and proper.

"She needs to do some thinkin' on her own." Stevie Rae said. "Wouldn't you if you found out you were the first fledgling to have the affinity for the five elements."

"I suppose..." Damien said, reluctant.

"It's getting light soon." Erin reminded Zoey.

"I'll be at the dorm soon." Zoey smiled at us, assuring us.

As soon as Stevie Rae promised Zoey with a sandwich and pop, they left. I looked over to Zoey. Once she looked back at me, I smiled at her.

"Good job, Zoey." I said. "Rest easy."

Zoey smiled in thanks and I left at that to my room. My stomach began to growl a little, making me sigh. Now it wanted to growl? Ah, well. I went into my room, closing it behind me. My head began to throb again but this time, it was different. I felt as if my humanity was being drained. Was I going to turn into some sort of bloodthirsty monster?

I looked down at my hands as I got on my knees. My vision began to blur as I felt darkness envelop me. I had to take off the blindfold and face this darkness head on. I told Light that I would and a promise was a promise. Well... Now or never. I struggled to take off the blindfold by raising my hand slowly.

"Darkness that has chosen me to be its carrier, help me fend off the darkness that is trying to do me harm!" I said quietly, taking off my blindfold completely.

The darkness that had laid dormant inside of me began to create a shield around me, destroying the darkness that was suffocating me. After it was gone and my darkness went away, I began to cough violently. I coughed blood into my hands and tried to breath normally again. When I did, I covered my eyes with the blindfold, causing for my body to stop trembling.

So that was the darkness that I have with me. Somehow, I knew it would be like a double-edged sword. That didn't matter now. Where did that evil darkness come from? It made me think for only a while until a light began to shine, blinding me for a second before seeing Nyx standing in front of me.

"My daughter, you have done well." Nyx said, giving me a warm smile. "I never doubted that you could control darkness that is good."

"Why did you give me this affinity though?" I asked, feeling a little frustrated. I looked down as I sigh. "I feel as if I would lose myself and destroy myself... or worse."

"I did so because despite the fact that you were indeed Ailesor, I knew I wouldn't regret my decision." Nyx placed a hand on my shoulder softly. "You are strong, Red, both in mind and body. Yes, you were raised as someone of religion but I have watched you, observing you until the time had come to Mark you. The question is this, however. Would you keep on fighting the side of evil with your own darkness, knowing of what the effects are, or would you let it take over?"

"I'm gonna keep on fighting." I looked up to give her a truthful look. "There's no way that I'm gonna let evil get to me." I suddenly realized something. "But wait. Who did summon the darkness that attacked me?"

"That I do not know for certain but keep your friends close, Red." Nyx gave me an apologetic look with her answer as she made the blood on my hands go away. "They will keep you on the right path. Now sleep for I shall watch over you to make sure nothing else would happen."

"But what about my blindfold?" I asked. "Should I keep it on?"

"For the time being just to be safe." Nyx nodded. "Now sleep, my child."

Both she and the light faded away. I climbed into bed and sighed before closing my eyes, letting comfort take me away to a peaceful and dreamless sleep.


I woke up refreshed and got ready for the next day. My poor stomach was still growling so I made sure my blindfold was tight and petted Sai before leaving to the cafeteria. The others were already there so I snatched my breakfast and sat down by them. It amused me of how much Zoey and Stevie Rae were talking a lot about Erik. I continued eating my breakfast and finished before it was time for class.

Vampyre Sociology was interesting in its own way. We talked about this Greek festival for vampyres called Correia. It was interesting that there were all these sorts of cultures that had things for vampyres and whatnot since I wasn't accustomed to it back in my human high school. Poetry class was really good but difficult since I tried not to think of Loren all that time so I wouldn't raise suspicion. As he talked, he did look around the class but mostly me, keeping me mesmerized about the lesson and his voice. I could not help but to smile a little. Yep. Normal day in the House of Night. However, that was all going to change once I was in Literature class with Zoey, Stevie Rae, and Damien.

Professor Penthesilea was reading the fourth chapter of A Night to Remember when the kid called Elliott started to cough. I let it pass though for I thought that it was just a cough or cold or something. Then it dawned on me. Never in my life have I heard of a sick vampyre much less a fledgling. Before I knew it, I began to smell something that was intoxicating. I looked at him a different way than the scowls of the others. He was coughing out blood. When I got Marked, I felt like complete and utter crap but this was more serious.

"Get Neferet!" Penthesilea ordered to the kid that was closest to the door as she grabbed hold of the towel.

As the kid zoomed out of the classroom to get the High Priestess, Penthesilea rushed to Elliott just in time when he coughed violently into the towel. When he revealed his face, blood came from his eyes as well as his ear. I knew for certain then that his body was rejecting the Change.

"I don't want to die!" Elliott said, sounding afraid.

I would be afraid if that were to happen as well. In fact, I was deathly afraid right now despite of trying to compose myself to stay strong when the others weren't but failed. As Penthesilea did her best to comfort Elliott, Neferet came into the classroom with two male vampyres followed by Dragon. Neferet had some sort of liquid in her hands as the male vampyres carried a flat stretcher with a blanket.

I heard Stevie Rae whispering, "That's his mentor."

Oh, no... If Dragon was Elliott's mentor, then it didn't matter if Elliott was a jerk or not. It would still pain Dragon for losing his fledgling. It made me realize how concerned Loren was when I passed out in his class the very first day. I must have been a jerk back then, too.

I was pulled back into the state of reality as Dragon gave the vial of liquid to Elliott. "Drink this. It will end the pain."

"Will you stay with me?" Elliott weakly asked.

His voice sounded as if he could pass out any second...or die.

"Of course." Dragon answered. "I won't leave you alone."

"Could you call my mom?" Elliott asked.

"I will." Dragon said, giving him his word.

With that comfort, Elliott drank the liquid from the vial. The two vampyres picked him up easily and placed him on the stretcher as if he was as light as a feather. Dragon went with the two as they left the room. Neferet turned to look at all of us.

"I could tell you that he will be alright but that would be lying." Neferet said, sounding truthful yet strong. "Elliott's body rejected the Change and will die. I would tell you all not to worry as it wouldn't happen to any of you but I would also be lying. One out of ten of fledglings will reject the Change. Whether it would be early in the third former year such as Elliott or late in the sixth former year. I am not telling you this to scare you. My two reasons are that I am your High Priestess so I will always tell you the truth and will help you make your passing to the world beyond when it comes that time and that to live every day how you would as if today would be your last day to live fully. If you die, then your spirit could leave to the next world, having no regrets and leaving good memories. If you survive, then the life ahead of you will be worth it having to deal with the Change. May Nyx comfort you but remember that death is a natural part of life because we will join with her someday."

With that, she left the classroom. Penthesilea cleaned up the mess and kept on reading of where she left off at as if nothing happened as soon as we had our moment of silence for Elliott.


From Fencing to Lunch, it was grimly quiet. I wished I could say something to help cheer everyone up or anything, but I couldn't find the strength to do so. I felt helpless. Stevie Rae excused herself and Zoey from the table to go back to the dorm before fifth hour started. I only gave them a nod. I only ate half of my lunch before losing my ability to eat. I got up from the table and excused myself as well before taking my lunch to the garbage and walked slowly to Spanish.

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