Leventis ⚜ Thorin Oakenshield

By HollyMelissaWrites

14K 508 66

⚜ "ι αм ησ єℓƒ!" ⚜ Casadon Erik is a bounty hunter who goes by the name 'Leventis' meaning undisclipined yout... More

⚜Cast | Playlist | Edits⚜
⚜ | Prologue
⚜ | Chapter 1 : Thundering with Rain
Chapter 2 : A Late Arrival
Chapter 3 : At Your Service
Chapter 4 : Misty Mountains Cold
Chapter 5 : Afterglow
Chapter 6 : Unwanted Fear
Chapter 7 : A Storm of Drops
Chapter 8 : Hospitality
Chapter 9 : The Dawn Will Take You
Chapter 10 : Far Beyond My Reach
Chapter 11 : Long Forgotten Names
Chapter 12 : The Leventis Kills
Chapter 13 : I had changed
Chapter 14 : Submerged
Chapter 15 : Mountain Fields of Erebor
Chapter 16 : Harnil
Chapter 17 : Take Flight
Chapter 18 : Dreamless
Chapter 19 : First Light
Chapter 20 : Lady of Light
Chapter 21 : Giants of stone
Chapter 23 : Astride a White Warg
Chapter 24 : Game of Survival
Chapter 25 : Into the fire
Chapter 26 : Wreak Havoc
Chapter 27 : Conquer the Fallen
Chapter 28 : Certain Aid
Chapter 29 : Beautiful Elf
Chapter 30 : Utter Turmoil
Chapter 31 : The Way
Chapter 32 : Dungeons of Mirkwood
Chapter 33 : Brothers of Devouring Entity
Chapter 34 : Under the Current
Vital Author's Note

Chapter 22 : Only Fate Can Decide

249 11 1
By HollyMelissaWrites

Casadon Erik's P.O.V

We wander into a cave, in the Misty Mountains. The floor was glazed in a thick coated of grainy sand.

"It's looks safe enough," Dwalin tells Thorin, as the company steps into this dark cave. No doubt we'd be leaving a first light. Where sun shows is beautiful true form.

"Search to the back; caves in mountains are seldom unoccupied," Thorin commands.

All the more reason for all of us to keep wandering instead of staying here where we could be snatch up and eaten alive by Goblins. Dwalin searches the back of the cave with his dimly lit lantern.

"There's nothing here," Dwalin say back to Thorin.

Possibly indicating safety. Highly doubt that. Gloin drops a handful of wood in a corner of cave, he rubs his hands eagerly in hope we'll all be warm.

"Right then! Let's get a fire started," His eager demeanor gives him false hope.

"No, no fires, not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light," Thorin ordered.

See. I told you we be awakening at first light.

"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joins us. That was the plan," Balin corrects him in an advising manner. Which was true; we consulted it with Gandalf in private.

"Plans change. Bofur, take first watch," Thorin says, with Bofur comprehending his order.

You mean Thorin just consulted with himself to change so we can get to the mountain by Durin's Day, so he can basically be King again. Afterall he kinda owns that mountain. But he put his selfish desire before the people's safety. Sounds familiar. Bofur was a fool. He'd just fall asleep. I love going to sleep against the booming sound of rain and its thunder. But, not tonight. I don't need to sleep. I curl up into a somewhat ball in another corner of the mysterious cave.

Once the dwarves were asleep, except myself. Even the idiot that was suppose to be keeping watch fell asleep. Though, it was considered wise not to argue with Thorin. I glimpse to see Bilbo look around the cave to let curiosity see if we were all awake. I snap my eyes shut. He probably noticed me.

I open the eye closest to wall, so Bilbo is yet unable to see that I am awake. I perceive Harnil and my other sword that I strode upon in the Troll hoard. I prefer Harnil. There, next to them is my bow and a quiver full are arrows and an elven axe. Not mention all the long taloned knifes in attached around my waist. He quietly rolls his blankets and packs up his remaining things, grabbing his walking sticks and he begins to tiptoe through the sleeping dwarves. He proceeds to exit the cave.

Where does he think he's going? I spared his life.

The dwarf who was meant to be standing guard, sees Bilbo leaving and attempts to stop the hobbit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bofur whispers to Bilbo. Preventing anymore beings from waking up. I'm awake.

"Back to Rivendell," Stated the hobbit.

"No, no, you can't turn back now, you're part of the company. You're one of us," Bofur explains to Bilbo. I try not to move from the position I'm currently in

"I'm not though am I? Thorin said I should never have come, he said that Cas should have let me fall, and he was right. I'm not a Took. I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my door."

What the hell is a Took? Baggins is Bilbo's surname, I know that for sure. I see that Thorin is awake; he heard everything yet he stares at me. I glare his famous scold at him. Then he looks at the wall in a thoughtful manner. He deserved to bitched about. Though I can imagine the two males at the entrance of the cave acting like drunken women in the Prancing Pony.

The definition of being bitches.

"You're homesick; I understand," Bofur admits.

"No, no you don't, you don't understand! None of you do - you're dwarves. You're used to - to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place; not belonging anywhere," Bilbo explains in an offensive manner.

I don't belong anywhere. Anymore. Yet I have not lost everything. My home stills stand; my family is still alive; my soul have been destroyed.

I hear Bofur's shortest of breath, taking that he has been offended by the hobbit. Yet I feel like Bilbo repentant and go back on his word. And that's exactly what he did.

"I am sorry, I didn't.."

I proceed to do slight glimpses at Thorin who is continuing to listen on to Bofur and Bilbo's conversation.

"No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do," Bofur smiles and I glimpse to see the dwarf placing his hand on the hobbit's shoulder before he begins to walk away forever. I feel the desire to drift off into the unknown. The feeling of never knowing if your are really going to wake up tomorrow. Only fate can decide.

"What's that?" Bofur asks, causing my eyes to suddenly widen and I stare at Thorin in such concern.

I begin to discretely tie my weapons to a sheath on my back. Bilbo and Bofur didn't notice me. I felt safe with them on. As I am leaned forward I see a glowing light coming from Bilbo sheath. The hobbit pulls his sword part way from his sheath. Its glowing a bright blue. When a sword glows that colour; orcs are nearby. She told me that. Thorin raises his head as I begin to stand. The cave ceiling was slightly cascaded above my head as I stepped closer to the B&B's (Bofur's and Bilbo's) conversation. My elven ears capture machinery noises as does Thorin's is suspect. Yet perceiving a crack going through the sand on the floor of the dimmed cave.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Thorin demands in a quick tone of voice.

I'm already awake bitch.



I'm alive. I think. I mean i'm still breathing so i guess I am alive. Yeah! Kinda a boring chapter but i'm sure that the next are immense. Not really any interactions between really any mainish characters. By mainish I mean Casadon and Thorin. Soooooooo....that's it.

Byeeeeeee Mother-Can't think of a word beginning with 'F'

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