Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.

By xxfall3nros3sxx

314K 3.8K 1.5K

A story about a lonely seventeen year old girl, who looses her mother and lives alone taking care of herself... More

-One- * -Alone-
-Two- * -Kidnapped?-
-Three- * -Torn to Shreds-
-Four- * -Saved, By a Thin Line-
-Five- * -Better Think Again-
-Six- * -Fallen-
-Seven- * -These Walls Crumble-
-Eight- * -Your Arms Feel Like Home-
-Nine- * -I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow-
-Ten- * -Unleashed, Untrustworthy-
-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-
-Twelve- * -Allow me to see, Because my heart is broken-
-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-
-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-
-Fifteen- * -You Deny Me-
-Sixteen- * -Would it make you, feel better To watch me while I bleed?-
-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-
-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-
-Nineteen- * -Breaking your promise is easy as breaking your neck.-
-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-
-Twenty One- * -Show Me The Way,-
-Twenty Two- * -Adventuring Eyes, Alluring Spies.-
-Twenty Three- * -Captive, Again?-
-Twenty Four- * -Full To The Brim, Secrets Within.-
-Twenty Five- * -Life and Death-
-Twenty Six- * -Immortal Love, Immortal Fear-
-Twenty Seven- * -The battle will carry on-
-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-
-Twenty Nine- * -The First Night-
-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-
-Thirty Two- * -Seventeen Days-
-Thirty Three- * -Sixteen Days-
-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-
-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-
-Thirty Six- * -Four Days-
-Thirty Seven- * -Three Days-
-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-
-Thirty Nine- * -One Day Left-
-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

-Thirty One- * -Eighteen Days-

3K 41 15
By xxfall3nros3sxx

Denise was slightly curious about her new friend, as she walked to Savannah’s room she had thought of a ton of questions that she planned to ask her. Every human in this castle was a vampire slave, so why was she picked to be a human slave, more like maid but still. What made her different why had she received this job instead of someone else?

“Hello there” Savannah greeted Denise politely, and opened her bedroom door allowing the young girl to enter. “So I don’t really have much for laundry and I already made my bed but I thought that maybe we could talk, I was once in your shoes, only I was a vampire slave… and no, I don’t consider you my slave”

“Talk?” Was the mere reply she got out of Denise. Sighing Savannah took a seat by her large wall sized window, she patted a spot close to her, and Denise walked over cautiously sitting beside her. “Don’t be so afraid of me, I have no intention of harming you..” Savannah was a little offended that this girl thought she was as bad as the vampires.

“Sorry, it’s a habit. I don’t know anyone here, I had a good life at home you know.. I don’t know why they took me” Denise grew sad suddenly and Savannah felt for the extremely young girl. “Well what did they take you from, go on. Tell me about yourself” 

A polite smile made the girl feel more open and she decided it wouldn’t hurt to tell Savannah her story. “Well my mom and dad were always by my side, I have a younger brother he is only six.. I had great best friends and I even did great in school. There really wasn’t anything wrong with my life. My mom would take me to work with her on Saturdays, You see she was a veterinarian and I loved animals so she would allow me to go and she would teach me a few things.”

Savannah felt a pain of jealousy over this young girl, she had more than Savannah had. This girl had an entire family, friends, and a great life. There was no sadness were she came from, but as quickly as the jealousy came it also left as she thought about how this girl was happy and didn’t deserve to be taken away from her happy life.

“When did they take you, I’ve never seen you around here before” Savannah found herself asking curiously.

“Well it was only a week ago, me and my friends got into a senior party, and we were all so excited, at my school you were the luckiest girl or guy if you were a freshmen and got into a senior party. Anyways most of my friends got drunk and stayed, I on the other hand didn’t have so much fun. I didn’t like the alcohol so I didn’t drink it and I felt like an outcast so I decided to walk home.”

“You were kidnapped?” Savannah assumed. Denise nodded sadly. “I miss my family so much, when I got into the castle I met a few different vampires, finally the master, Payne. And he explained to me what this place, world was all about and the creatures that inhabited it. You know, I never believed in vampires..”

The girl laughed to herself, and Savannah lightly chuckled too. “Me either” She grinned at Denise who continued to open up to her.

“Anyways, Payne said I would have an easier time than most since it was the first time that someone like me would have it easy. A first I didn’t understand, until I met you and learned you were a human.”

“Ah I see” Savannah responded. “Loom it is so hard adjusting to this place, sometimes it is the worse feeling in the world, but sometimes it was easier to deal with. You are very fortunate that you got me instead of some sick, abusive vampire. My master was Kent, he was horrible, I won’t go into detail.. But he was so bad that I was able to transfer to a different master..”

“Vincent” Denise interrupted. Savannah was caught off guard. “Yeah, how did you know?”

Denise smiled softly. “A few of the other human girls talked about it at dinner last night when I told them who I worked for. They said you were the one that was beaten and raped, and Payne let you move to Vincent.. Who they say has a thing for you..” Denise was blushing when she spilled out all of this information. She looked at Savannah who looked slightly horrified.

“Jesus, it’s just like high school, you all still gossip about anything you can manage to get your insights on.. It’s very childish. But none the less, they are correct in what they told you. For a while me and Vincent started to have a thing.. He still has feelings but mine are gone.”

“Why?” Denise asked curiously. Savannah smiled nicely, “We’ll get into that some other time, okay, unless of course, you already know?” It came out more of a question than she intended.

Denise shook her head and it made Savannah feel some what relieved, she was not ready to talk about her mother and Vincent’s betrayal, not to mention she wasn’t quite sure how much she trusted this young girl, she was only being nice to her because she felt bad for her, but as soon as she would be leaving this place and going with the werewolves, this girl would be on her own.

She felt slightly guilty about it, but let the guilt wash away as quickly as it had come. “well you can go on and enjoy your day, I don’t need you here” Denise nodded, half smiling and when she opened the door to leave, Vincent stood in the doorway.

Denise ducked her head and left with a curious glance back at Savannah who just ignored it. “What do you want?” She turned back to look out the window ignoring Vincent’s foot falls into the room. “Come with me, now” It was a command but at the same tie his voice was weak and pleading. Savannah cursed under her breathe before reluctantly following him.

They found themselves outside once more, Vincent led her into the forest, Awkward enough it was the same place where she had been attacked by the wolves that first time, She looked down at her knee remembering.

“what’s all of this?” Savannah finally noticed a crimson blanket laid out on the soft grassy area, two black pillows were on the blanket with a black basket that she assumed held a picnic. “I am not doing this..” She seethed in annoyance.

Vincent didn’t give her a choice as he grabbed her wrist hard and forced her to sit on the blanket. “What are you doing, let go” She cried holding onto her wrist that slightly throbbed. Where had this attitude of his come from? She didn’t like the roughness in his voice either.

“I’m not letting you go, I told you that I cared about you. Me and you can have a life here at the castle, you just have to give Payne your blood which you already agreed to. But instead of being alone and miserable you can learn to forgive me and stay here with me.. We could have whatever you want” His words left her feeling suddenly uneasy and as he poured her a glass of champagne she found herself just staring at it rather than drinking it.

“I agreed that I would allow Payne to take small amounts of my blood every now and again, or weekly whatever you guys had said. But I didn’t agree to having a life with you. Vincent I don’t have those feelings for you, When I did they weren’t that big. You’re acting like we are soul mates or something, I know were not” She said the last part thinking about Ben. 

As Vincent was quiet for a moment Savannah took this time to watch into the forest and wonder if Ben was watching from somewhere inside of it. He couldn’t help her right now, but all she wanted was for him to come and rescue her form Vincent. 

“What are you talking about, every thing seemed fine to me before you got captured by those damn wolves, did you get a little crush on one of them?!” Vincent demanding his fangs protruding angrily. Savannah was taken aback and she glared at him.

“No you idiot, if you don’t remember then let me refresh your memory. They told me what you did to my mother. I will not forgive you for that, I will never love you so get over yourself and us already!”

A low growl erupted form Vincent’s lips and Savannah wasn’t sure what to think as he glared menacingly at her. He never acted like this before, he was always so harmless but at this moment in time he didn’t appear to be so harmless, he seemed rather dangerous and Savannah found her hand starting to shake in fear.

“No how about you get over yourself, you mother was just one person, forget about it already. I’m not going to be alone because you can’t get over something so stupid. I refuse to be alone, and I didn’t think I would have to choose this route with you but obviously I have no choice now since you won’t cooperate” His words were like venom, and they started to really scare savannah.

“It wasn’t like it was a stranger on the street, that’s my mother you are talking about, We will never be together, Like I already said, I fucking hate you!” Savannah threw the cup of champagne into Vincent’s face and before she could properly get up and walk away he tackled her down into the grass and pinned her wrist down in one of his hands.

His other hand gripped her chin hard. “Get off!” Savannah screamed, starting to thrash her legs around. Vincent angrily climbed on top of her pinning her whole body down, he bent his head down trying to force himself upon her, She spit in his face and turned her own away from him. A loud growl erupted and he hit her in the face. 

Screaming for help, Savannah’s throat began to throb and burn. Tears cascaded down her face. It was then that Vincent finally let up and pushed himself away from her. He sat on one end while she lay in the grass and cry.

“Don’t make me hurt you. If you just be nice and promise to stay with me I won’t have to be like that” He lightly caressed her cheek before looking up and watching as Kayla was approaching. Vincent nodded at her, knowing well enough that she was Savannah’s only friend here. “You didn’t see a thing” He grinned at her before leaving her and Savannah alone.

Once he was out of sight Kayla scooped up Savannah’s crying figure and felt her eye. “Ow” Savannah cried. “It’s bruised and slightly bleeding, let’s go clean you up sweetheart” Savannah just nodded and allowed Kayla to help her up and back into the castle. Once in Savannah’s room Kayla allowed her to sit on her own bed while she fetched the necessities to clean her wound.

“He cut you pretty badly, right on the brow bone too. The swelling should go down but it will be bruised for a week. Man my brother is going to be so upset” Kayla felt nervous Ben was the type of person to defend those he deeply cared about, it would take a lot of convincing to keep him from ripping Vincent apart.

“He’s never been like that. Vincent was always the nice and careful one. He never laid a hand on me before, I don’t know where this other personality is coming from.. Unless that just shows how much I really didn’t know about him” Savannah began to tear up more when Kayla started rinsing the wound with peroxide. “That hurts, so much” Savannah groaned while gripping the bed.

“I know, I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner, and I agree. You didn’t really know about Vincent, and I should have warned you about him. He has always been like that. He has a mean side and a nice side, but the mean side comes out quite frequently, and you are lucky enough to see it” Kayla frowned feeling sorry for the girl that stood before her.

“Eighteen more days until I’m freed from this god forsaken place” Savannah said sourly.

“Yes it seems to be going by so quickly, get ready, shower it will make you feel better. I will come get you before midnight and we’ll walk together outside okay?” Kayla smiled at Savannah before leaving her to her thoughts.

Savannah rolled into a ball and found herself crying herself to sleep.




A familiar voice woke her form her slumber and she looked up to see Kayla. “Quick get ready its almost time” Savannah groggily got up and slipped into her bathroom.

She dressed in some light wash skinny jeans, back ballet flats, a white v-neck with her gray cardigan. She left her red hair curly and flowing down below her shoulders.

“You’re such a pretty girl, you know?” Savannah smiled at Kayla’s compliment before they both snuck from the room and left the castle.

Once outside the night was calm and quiet only the sound of the trees rustling from the light breeze and the crickets and other various animals that roamed the forests. The moon illuminated the forest beautifully and Savannah realize dhow much it calm her nerves. 

Ben stood patiently against a tree, when both Kayla and Savannah met his gaze he went from happy to sad to anger in less than a minute. He ran up to Savannah and held his hand over her wound she flinched lightly. “It hurts” She said softly.

The anger began to build itself up. “Damn leech, I should walk in there and teach him a lesson.” Savannah wrapped her arms around Ben when he began to storm off toward the castle. “Ben please… I need you here” Savannah’s words sounded so broken that Ben immediately turned to her gripping her arms and puling her into his chest. 

“I’m right here” He kissed the top of Savannahs head softly. Before holding her tightly o him. The warmth of his body against hers made her feel so much more safe and she nuzzled her head into his neck. 

“Only Seventeen more days as of now, since it’s after midnight” Kayla said softly into the night. Savannah felt Ben nod. “I can’t stay long, Mother needs me back she got a few of our old friends to stay and help us fight, we all need to train, so she needs my assistance. I’m sorry that I have to leave already Savannah”

“Please, just a little while longer” She begged feeling tears brim her eyes. 

Kayla began to walk away. Smiling she found herself saying, “I will give you two a few minutes alone, Savannah I will meet you in your room”

Ben nodded at his sister and once she was away and out of ear shot he looked into Savannah’s eyes. “I keep thinking about you, every time I’m away, every time I’m with you, You’re all I think about.. I worry about you when I am away and all I ever want to do is protect you form everything.. I care about you more than I thought I would in a short period of time..”

Ben leaned down and kissed Savannah’s cheek. “I’m only a few miles away, and if you need me, don’t hesitate to call for me. I’d be here in seconds, stay safe beautiful”

And he was gone. 

But Savannah felt him still with her, she smiled as she turned to walk back into the place she hated the most.

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