Three's a Crowd...or is it? (...

נכתב על ידי FluffyBunny

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Tyler and Alex have been together for years, just the two of them...that is until they decide to add best fri... עוד

Three's a Crowd...or is it? (BoyxBoy)
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16 pt. 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24---LAST CHAPTER---

54.8K 2K 765
נכתב על ידי FluffyBunny

Guess what.....LAST FREAKING CHAPTER!! That's right people, this is the last F'ing chapter of Three's a Crowd...or is it?....I hope you enjoyed and I REALLY want to hear what you thought about the entire story, even if you didn't really like it then I still want to hear it! hehe. Seriously tho...I'm so damn sad it's over!! =( I loved writing about these three and I hope you loved reading about them! Ok, ok, I'll shut up and let you read...JEEZ! RUDE MUCH! :P

One more thing...this chapter is dedicated to every single person that has commented, voted, read, and loved Alex, Tyler and Ryan! Thanks so much for all of your support through this story! <3

Alex’s POV

For two days, two fucking days, I’ve had to go to school and watch Tyler and Ryan ignore me and act as if I wasn’t even there. I would be offended if they weren’t doing the same thing to each other. It was like we were strangers, like we had never talked to each other, kissed, played around and joked, nothing.

I was going crazy. I made myself give them these two days in hope that they would calm down enough and actually listen to me but this morning when I walked up to Tyler he pretended like I wasn’t standing right next to him and continued talking to someone that I knew for a fact he didn’t even like! He’d rather talk to freaking Brad than to a guy that he loves? And I know he still loves me! Even if I had any doubt then that first day after our breakup let me know he did still care about me from the way he looked over my body before turning away from me. I at first thought he was checking me out but then realized that he was actually checking to see if I had any new bruising. Hell, I didn’t even go home that night and instead chose to sleep in the park. My day was already bad enough, I wasn’t going to make it worse by trying to go home and stay at my house.

Thankfully my mom and sister finally came back this morning. I only had one change of clothes in my bag and I was wearing those. I never felt more relieved than when I got a call from her and she told me that she was home. I just hope my dad isn’t too far gone. I hoped he would just go back to acting like he did before he hit me and start treating me somewhat decently in front of my mom. I could handle that. I was used to that. This new thing he’s doing is just too much to handle.

After searching the halls for the last five minutes, I finally found Ryan sitting at the end of one. It was lunch time and for the past two days, him and Tyler haven’t been anywhere in the cafeteria, causing me to walk the entire school each day to find them. I kinda felt like a stalker.

I made it to Ryan and stood by him, looking down. He of course, as lately, ignored my very presence. “Hey.” I mumbled after clearing my throat. He didn’t respond but I did notice the small movement when he heard my voice. “Look Ryan, can we please talk?” Again, nothing. I sighed loudly and groaned before just walking away with a shake of my head. This is going to be so much harder than what I thought it would be.

I didn’t even feel like going and tracking Tyler down today, instead I walked completely out of school and straight to my house. I’ll just try again tomorrow. I don’t expect anything to change but still I have to keep trying. I don’t want to not be able to laugh with those two, or not be able to have someone to go to when my home starts to get hard.

I heard my sister’s laugh before I even got the door all the way open and I smiled to myself. I missed that sound in this house.

“ALEX!” The little girl yelled and I looked up to see her sitting on my dad’s lap. She cuddled up to him and I forced myself to keep the smile on my face. It’s not her fault the man can’t stand me.

“Hey baby.”

“Did you miss me?” She looked at me in the innocent way all kids have and I gave her a fake shocked look, my mouth opening wide.

“Were you not here?!” I gasped and shook my head. “Then who did I put to bed all week? Did you pay some kid to pretend to be you just so you could confuse me?”

She giggled loudly, “NO!” She screamed, high pitched and giggled again. I shook my head at her and turned from the room when I caught the private look my dad sent me. Yeah, yeah I know. Go away. I can’t interrupt your precious time with the kid that you actually like…

I sighed and walked into the kitchen, smiling again when I saw my mom standing next to the stove. “Mom.” I whispered when I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, laying my head on her back. “I missed you.”

“Awe, I missed you to.” She took a step forward and I reluctantly let her go. “Why are you not in school?” She didn’t ask it in an ‘I’m going to punish you’ kind of way so I shrugged my shoulders and smiled lightly.

“Cause I missed you and wanted to come home and see my mommy?” I made sure to pout a little and I knew the moment she started to cave by the roll of her eyes.

“Whatever.” She laughed, ruffling up my hair. “Are you hungry?”

 I gave her a look, “Do you have to ask?”

“Your right, stupid question.” She mumbled as she started to fix me a sandwich. I watched her the whole time with a smile on my face. It’s always better when she’s home. More and more, especially lately, I’ve been wondering if I should just tell her what my dad is like when she’s not around. How much would our lives change if I told her the truth? Would she have to go back to work? Hell, would she have to work two jobs now just so that we would be able to have food and a place to live? My dad is the only one who works in this house, at least he was. Does she even know that he got fired because he couldn’t stop drinking long enough to go to work?

I bit down on my lip and stared at the countertop. Maybe, the abuse will stop now that she’s back. Maybe I don’t have to say anything at all. I don’t think I could be the reason that this family breaks up anyway.

“Here.” She put a plate in front of me and I smiled in thanks. “Now tell me what went on while I was gone.”

I took a bite of my sandwich, stalling and coming up with a few lies that she would believe. “Nothing much. Same as usual I guess.” I shrugged at her and went back to my sandwich.

“Did you and dad get to spend any time together?”

“Uh, sure. A little.” I avoided her gaze as I answered. If she only knew what kind of time we spent together.

“Well, that’s good, right?”

“Yeah, it was great.” I stopped my eyes from rolling and stood up. “I’m going to go lay down.” I left the rest of my sandwich sitting on my plate and walked away, passing the living room where I could hear my sister telling our dad every detail of her trip. I paused at the corner and watched as he grinned at her and looked at her like she was the most special thing in his world.

“Whatever.” I mumbled to myself and continued on to my room. I opened the door and groaned out loud when I saw that it still looked exactly the same as it did the last time I was here. It still looked like some tornado came in and destroyed almost everything in here.

It took me half an hour to get it cleaned up enough to where I could actually stand being in here. The smell of stale beer was still strong, strong enough to have me throwing open my window and hoping it airs out a bit before my mom decides to come in. What would I say then? Not the truth, for sure.

I laid on my bed after everything was done and grabbed my phone from my pocket, debating on if I should try and text Tyler and Ryan or not. I didn’t expect to get an answer back but at least it will let them know that I’m still trying. Unlike them, who are starting to make me feel like they could care less about fixing anything.

God, if it wasn’t for Alice finding that damn book then none of this would have happened, sure we would have had a lot to talk about but I don’t think we would have broken up. Nope, I was the cause of that because I just had to write all that shit down. I feel stupid now. Maybe I should of tried harder that day before Tyler had a chance to leave, or at least ran after him instead of just letting him go but I couldn’t help it. Everything was running through my head at once and it was all I could do to stand there and not start to take my anger out on everyone and everything around me.

I lifted up my phone and opened the messages under Tyler’s name, sending him a text before I chickened out.

Hey. We really need to talk.

I hit send and waited. He’s not going to text back. I don’t even know why I freaking tried…I waited five minutes and shook my head at my phone when I still didn’t hear the incoming message tone. I texted Ryan the same thing and again, nothing. They can’t say that they couldn’t text me back because they are in school, hell we would text each other all damn day in school!

“Well, fuck you to then!”I yelled out and threw my phone across the room. It hit the wall and bounced to the floor. Even from over here I could see the long crack in the front screen. Perfect, just another thing for my dad to get pissed about when he sees it.

I rolled over and closed my eyes, trying to block out my entire life. I should just give up. Let Tyler and Ryan live whatever life they fucking want to and I live mine.  After these past few days I can clearly see again why I thought leaving would be a good idea. Maybe I should. At least then I can leave knowing that those two probably don’t even care and I won’t be hurting Tyler anymore.

Yeah, it’s so not going to happen. I can’t leave. I haven’t tried hard enough to get them back and what would happen to my mom and sister when I left. Would the abuse go to them when I wasn’t around to take it? I always had this feeling that my dad didn’t hate me because I was gay, that he just used that as an excuse to take his anger out on someone. And I get to be that someone but if I wasn’t here than would my mom become that person or even worse, would my sister?

There are too many unanswered questions for me to just get up and run. Too much stuff that could happen because I chose to stop being the person that everyone needed me to be.

Tyler’s POV

I opened my phone when I heard the text come through and read over it. Another text from Alex. I sighed to myself and read it a second time. We need to talk, yeah I guess we do. I’ve been avoiding him since that day at Alice’s. I just couldn’t stand there and listen to anything else. Sure, I should have stayed and we should have worked everything out but I did the only thing my mind was telling me to do and I ran away.

God, I bet him and Ryan both think I’m some kind of coward. If they don’t then they should. I can’t even explain the feeling I had in me when I made it to my house. I had to force myself to stay in my room and not run back to Alice’s even though that’s exactly what I should have done.

It’s not just Alex I’ve been avoiding; I can’t even look at Ryan right now. I know if I do and see how hurt he probably is then I’m going to break. It’s hard enough keeping my shield up around me without seeing them.

“Tyler.” I looked up when I heard my name called and smiled slightly at Jake. He was standing in front of my desk with a concerned look. “Did you hear the question?”

I shook my head, blushing slightly. I pretty much haven’t heard anything aside from my own thoughts for the last two days. “Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Ok, come with me.” He motioned to the back of the room and I got up and followed him, stopping when he did. “Talk to me.”

I bit down on my lip and looked around, noticing that the class was busy writing in notebooks and then my gaze landed on Ryan who was only a few seats away. I wondered if he could hear us talking. “Nothing to talk about.”

“Did you guys break up?” The question caught me off guard even though it’s most likely obvious that we did but it’s the first time someone had bought it up. Most people have kept all of their questions to themselves.

“Yeah, guess so.” I sighed again, not wanting to talk about this at all.

“Well, it’s probably for the best, right? I mean you didn’t really think you would last forever.” My head whipped back to Jake and I stared at him in disbelief. What the fuck?! How can he say that it’s for the best? OF COURSE IT’S NOT!

“No, it’s not.” I hissed between my gritted teeth.

“Don’t get upset, please Tyler. I’m only trying to make you see that this might have happened for a reason and you might find someone better.” He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. What happened to that supportive guy from the other night? The one that walked me home because I was upset? What? Was it just some kind of fake thing he had going on? I don’t even see him in the same way that I did a few days ago.

“And who is supposed to be better than Alex and Ryan? You?” I laughed in a non funny way. “Sure you’re cute but you’re not better than them and I really don’t know why I ever thought that you might be.” I shook my head at myself. “I’ve thought a lot about what Alice accused me of the other day, about me and you getting together behind Alex and Ryan’s back and I just can’t believe how stupid I was to actually want that to happen. What kind of person does that to two of the guys that he loves?”

“So, you’ve thought about it?” He smirked and I gaped at him. Did he not hear anything I just said?! No wonder Alex wanted to freaking leave me! God! I’m so stupid that I would almost fall for a guy like this?! Yeah, Alex and Ryan both could do a lot better than me!

“NO! Jesus! I’m your student! START ACTING LIKE A TEACHER AND NOT A BOYFRIEND!” My voice rose loud enough to get the attention of the whole class. Jake cleared his throat and demanded that everyone get back to work.  I walked back towards my seat, taking a chance to glance at Ryan. He looked shocked and a little confused before smiling and leaning back over his paper.

That one smile ignited a small feeling of hope inside me and I no longer wanted to ignore them anymore. Who cares if they tell me something that I don’t want to hear. I at least needed to try. After school. Yeah, after school is when I’ll go and talk to Alex first. He’s been trying for two days to get us to talk to him so the least I could do is go to him first and then once our problem is solved we will go and find Ryan and not give him a chance to say no.

Alex’s POV

A knocking on my door brought me out of my thoughts. “Yeah.” I called out.

“Mommy says its dinner time!” She didn’t wait for an answer from me and I heard her running down the hall chanting food, food, food.

Jeez, how long have I been in my room? Dinner time? Really? I walked into the kitchen and raised an eyebrow at my mom who was setting the table. “Kinda early, huh?”

She laughed and nodded her head, “Yes but I have somewhere I need to be later and I wanted to make sure I got to eat dinner with my family on my first night back. Besides it’s not that early, only a few hours.”

“Well, ok then.” I sat down at the table across from my sister and my mom sat down on one end, my dad coming a few minutes later and taking a seat at the other. I avoided him and looked down at my plate. Not that I even needed to worry, he just acted like I wasn’t even here as he talked with my mom and my sister.

“So Alex, I’m surprised I didn’t have to tear you away from Tyler or are you hiding him under your bed again?” She smirked and gave me a knowing look that made me blush and laugh, remembering the day, years ago when I hid Tyler under my bed one night because I didn’t want him to go home but I didn’t want to ask my mom if he could stay the night either. The obvious solution was to have him hide until she went to bed, I didn’t know he would sneeze at the same time my mom came to say good night! It kinda made me sad, thinking about it now.

“Ah, no. We kinda broke up.”

“What? Why? You’ve been together for a long time. What happened?” She looked honestly interested and I knew she always like Tyler. He was like a second son to her.

“Just stuff.” I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal but from the look she was sending me I could tell she didn’t believe it at all.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you two will work it out.” She reached over and patted me on the arm and I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m going to keep trying until I get them back.”


I blushed again, damn. She doesn’t know about Ryan. “Yeah…” I laughed lightly before continuing. “Tyler and I kind of, well, we got a third boyfriend?” I scrunched my eyes together, thinking, “We’re all three together. His name is Ryan and I know you will like him.”

The confusion on her face started to clear as she thought over what I had said and opened her mouth to respond but shut it quickly when we heard the hand that came down on the table, shaking it and everything on it.

I looked over to my dad to see him glaring at me, “First you have one...boyfriend,” He sneered the word, “and now you have two? What are you some kind of gay whore?”

I didn’t say anything, just listened to my mom’s shocked gasp next to me. I’m an idiot. I knew I shouldn’t have been talking about it in front of him. I bet he doesn’t even remember meeting Ryan that night, was too drunk.

“What are you doing?! Don’t talk to him like that!” I still didn’t say anything when they started to argue, all I could hear was pieces of conversation coming my way as I closed my eyes, just wanting everything to stop. This day was always going to come. I should be glad that my mom is finally seeing him for what he is but I can’t help but to feel guilty about it. If I hadn’t of told them I was gay that day then my life might be different now.

“What are they yelling at?” I looked down and saw my sister standing next to me, her small hand held a fistful of my shirt as her head went back and forth between my parents with every word they said.

“Hey, you know what? You should go and play with all of your stuffed animals in your room. I bet they missed you just as much as I did.” I told her as I was pushing her in the direction of her room. She took a minute to look back at me then at my parents before nodding her head and hurrying down the hall and I turned my attention back to the arguing going on in front of me.






I didn’t see the arm coming in my direction and I was jerked up from my seat with an iron grip around my upper arm. “THIS IS THE THING THAT SHOULD GO!” He yelled at my mom as he shook me hard.

“LET HIM GO NOW!” I looked at her in shock for a moment, everything else kind of fading away. Never have I seen this side of her and I felt proud of her. How many years did I just assume that she wouldn’t be able to handle it if she ever found out? A feeling of relief swept through me, I was relieved that I didn’t have to lie for him anymore, that I didn’t have to keep it inside and watch every word out of my mouth anymore.


“YES!” Her answer came fast, like she didn’t have to think twice about it and I smiled over at her, seeing her in a new light. I don’t even know why I was so worried in the first place. God, how stupid I’ve been for years…

My dad growled and his eyes landed on me. I saw the fist coming fast and I didn’t even have enough time to try and yank myself out of his grasp before the pain exploded in my cheek. My body was only stunned for a moment before I realized that the voice screaming in my head was telling me to get away, now!

I struggled in his hold, our eyes locking together as I tried to get away. I could see all of the hate he had for me shinning in his and I’m sure he could see the fear in mine. His free hand rose up and grabbed me by the back of my hair, bringing our faces within a few inches of each others. “Maybe I should show you exactly what a little faggot like you is good for.” He smiled evilly and my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t want to know what it was that he was going to show me and I struggled even harder. When I felt the second blow to my face, my determination got stronger and I yanked my arm back hard enough to have him stumbling into me and we crashed to the floor.

I lay under him, trying to catch my breath and I can hear my mom screaming the directions to our house and my sister crying. Surprisingly the only thought I had at the moment was why didn’t my sister stay in her room?

“I’m going to kill you.” The words whispered in my ear before I felt two large hands go around my throat. On reflex my arms came up and I clawed at the hands that were starting to cut off all of the air coming into my body. Tears ran from the corner of my eyes and I gagged and gasped while kicking my legs out, trying to hit him hard enough to have him loosen his hold long enough for me to suck in a breath of air.

One arm was yanked away and I panted heavily, turning my head and seeing my mom with her arms wrapped around one of my dad’s. She held on tightly, and when he looked over at her in shock I took that moment to bring my knee up as hard as I could, get him in one of his ribs. He hissed, jerking back and I scrambled out from under him.

“Mom! Move!” I screamed out and she let him go, taking a step back at the same time as I let my foot fly forward. I hit him in the side of the head and I bought my foot back a second time, hitting him in the same spot. I knew I should stop. My sister shouldn’t see this but every time I looked at him the rage came again and I had to hit him again.

I didn’t hear my mom yelling at me to stop that he’s not getting back up. I didn’t hear my sister calling my name. All I heard was every time this man called me a faggot, every time he told me I was nothing. Every time he said he would be happy to beat the gay out of me, and every disgusted and hateful look he ever gave me. That’s the only thing I heard and saw as I kicked him over and over. I kicked him until he wasn’t moving anymore. I kicked him until my leg hurt so much that it wasn’t even hitting him hard enough to cause him anymore damage. I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop.

“Alex…” A whispered word was said into my ear and arms were wrapped around my upper body from behind. “You can stop now baby.” I shook my head, not wanting to hear it. I didn’t even know how I could stop now. He was still breathing and I didn’t want that. I wanted to see him lying on the floor below me with his chest not moving. I wanted him to die for thinking he could treat me, his son, like I was nothing.

“No.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice anymore.

“Baby, please stop. Please.” The person put their head on my shoulder and pushed their face into my neck. I could feel the wetness of their tears. “For me. Stop. Please.” I could feel the heaving against my back and I turned my head slightly.

“Tyler.” I mumbled, my leg finally coming to rest on the floor. “What are you doing here?”

He laughed a little against my neck before picking his head up, “You texted me and said we needed to talk.” He smiled sadly and touched the side of my face. “Come on.” He whispered, taking my hand and pulling me away from the unconscious man on the floor.

I took the first step away and that’s when I noticed all of the people standing around. My mom was crying and holding my sister as she stared at me. Cops were surrounding us, all starring at me. Some with pity, some in disbelief and some just smiled sadly as Tyler led me outside, away from it all.

He sat down on the steps and looked up at me. I couldn’t sit next to him, not with the adrenaline still in my system. We stayed silent. There’s so much that I wanted to say but every time I opened my mouth I closed it right after, knowing that whatever comes out wouldn’t be the right thing. I still wanted him back but after tonight everything else just seem so stupid and I didn’t know where to start or how to tell him.

“I love you, Alex.” Tyler ran a hand through his hair, “I really do and I’m such an idiot for walking away that day. I shouldn’t have done that; I should have stayed and heard what you had to say. And then after that I started to think and you know that’s never a good thing with me.” He snickered, looking at me. “I was scared that you didn’t want me anymore so I avoided you. I was afraid you were going to tell me exactly what I was thinking.”

I took a deep breath and sat down next to him, grabbing his hand. “Tyler, Alice got it all wrong that day and-“

“Shhh!” He covered my mouth with his hand. “It doesn’t even matter anymore. I don’t care what you were thinking when you wrote all of that I just want us to go back to the way it was before. Please, can we do that?” He pleaded with me and I shook my head slowly watching the light leave his eyes.

“I don’t want to go back to the way it was with just me and you. As much as I love you Tyler, I kind of am starting to love Ryan just as much. I don’t think we could go back to before that-“

“Idiot! I meant the way we were with me, you and Ryan! I love him to, you know.” He rolled his eyes and shoved me in the arm. I laughed, finally happy and hugged him to me.

“I love you baby.”

“I love you to.” He replied, leaning his head down and giving me a light kiss. “Now when are we going to tell Ryan?”

I looked around at all of the cop cars lining my street, “Probably not right now.”

“Yeah, you’re right…”He trailed off before letting out a loud laugh, “Or right now would be perfect.” I followed his gaze when he looked down the street and I clearly saw Ryan running as fast as he could, his head pointed down.

It took him only a second for him to make it to the end of my driveway and when he looked up his eyes widened and with another burst of speed he was throwing himself on top of me, his arms going around my neck tightly and breathing heavily.”

“Oh my god Alex! Are you ok?! My mom said she saw cops at your house and I knew, I just knew what happened and I had to get here as fast as I could. I just ran straight here. I didn’t even stop when my mom yelled at me and said she would drive me because she’s a freaking woman and they take forever to go anywhere and I knew I would get here faster than her and oh my god! Are you ok?! Are you?! What happened? Was it your dad?! I’m going to fucking kill him if he even touched you! I swear I will! I’m so sorry about what happened! I’ll never let that happen again. Just please don’t hate me! Are you ok?! Really ok?! Tell me you are-“

“Fucking hell, Ryan. Freak out some more why don’t you.” Tyler laughed loudly, covering his mouth with one hand.

“Tyler? When did you get here?” Ryan looked confused as he looked back and forth between us before smiling widely, “Are we all back together again?!” He tried to sit up but I tightened my hold and held him in place against my chest.

“Do you want us all to get back together?” I asked him, already knowing the answer but still needing to hear it.

“Hell yes!” He bounced against me, his head hitting my cheek and I winced slightly. “Oh god, I’m sorry! Did your dad do that? What exactly happened? If the cops don’t take him away then tonight I’m coming over with my knife and-“

“I’ve missed you.” I cut him off and bought my head down to his, giving him a hard kiss. He moaned against my mouth and opened his to let my tongue in. I kissed him for a moment before pulling away. “I love you.”

“And I love you to.” Tyler leaned over and gave Ryan a kiss to match my own.

“Thank god, we’re back together. I don’t think I could have gone through another day.” He grinned at the two of us before snickering, “Did Tyler tell you what happened between him and Mr. Andrews today?”

I shook my head and glanced at Tyler to see him blush and roll his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I was going to get to that.”

“Save it for tonight. Right now I think we should see what’s going on inside.” Tyler and Ryan nodded, standing up and I followed them to my door, stopping at the entrance.

My mom was still talking to the cops; she noticed me and smiled, letting me know that everything was going to be ok. My dad was being put on a stretcher by a few paramedics and I could care less if he made it or not. My eyes landed on Tyler and Ryan, who were sitting on the floor in front of my sister, talking to her and making her laugh.

I smiled, not a forced on that I’ve had to do lately but a real one. The kind of smile you get when you know everything is finally going to work out and you realize that the world isn’t against you and you’re going to live the life you always wanted. That’s the kind of smile I smiled and I couldn’t think of anything that could happen to take that feeling away from me.

I had my family, the ones that I wanted and wanted me. I had my two boyfriends, the boys that I love more than anything else in this world and I had a home that I didn’t need to be afraid of anymore.

Yeah, I think I’m going to be just fine now…

 Remeber to tell me what you thought about the entire story!! Thanks <3

המשך קריאה

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